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Ramadan Lectures- Objectives of Shari'ah 1428h- Lesson (27-27): The Community (Al-Jama'ah)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Being in a community is mercy, and separating from it is torment:

Today's topic is about Al-Jama'ah (community).

((Being in a community is mercy, and separating from it is torment))[By Abdullah and Al-qada'y from An-Nu'man bin Basheer]

((Adhere to the Jama'ah, beware of separation, for indeed Shaitan is with one, and he is further away from two))

[By Ahmad in Musnad and At-Tirmithi and Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak from 'Umar]

((…for the wolf only eats the sheep that wanders away on its own))

[Narrated by Abi Dawood from Abi Ad-Dardaa']

In the Noble Quran, Allah the Almighty says:

(O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah, and be with those who are true (in words and deeds))

(Surah At-Taubah: 119)

It is as if Allah wants to tell us that we will not be able to be truly afraid of Him unless we are within a community and a congregation. In other words, unless we are surrounded with those who have faith, who are pure, heroic and pious, who have love for Allah and who are honest, truthful and chaste. Truly, man is the son of the environment in which he lives (he is influenced by the environment he lives in).

Whoever seeks walking vigorously on Allah's Path should adhere to Jama'ah:

If you converse with merchants, listen to their conversations and know their incomes, assets, and travels, you would more or less desire to be one of them. Also, if you spend time with immoral and depraved people, Allah forbid, and you notice how much they are engrossed in their pleasures, you will certainly desire to be with them. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the fact that you will not be able to walk vigorously toward Allah unless you stick to Jama'ah.

(And keep yourself (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) patiently with those who call on their Lord (i.e. your companions who remember their Lord with glorification, praising in prayers, etc., and other righteous deeds, etc.) morning and afternoon)

(Surah Al-Kahf: 28)

Discern the meaning of the following Ayah, please:

(And keep yourself (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) patiently)

Keep yourself patient if you are seated on the ground listening to a long lecture where you cannot be offered anything to drink or eat, while in a visit to a friend, you can watch a movie, watch something else in a satellite channel, you can check a website in the internet, you can have a cozy seat with him and you are offered something to drink or eat:

(And keep yourself (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) patiently with those who call on their Lord (i.e. your companions who remember their Lord with glorification, praising in prayers, etc., and other righteous deeds, etc.) morning and afternoon, seeking His Face, and let not your eyes overlook them, desiring the pomp and glitter of the life of the world; and obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our Remembrance, one who follows his own lusts and whose affair (deeds) has been lost.)

(Surah Al-Kahf: 28)

an is not responsible for work relations:

Dear noble brother, many people complained to me about a common phenomenon; they say that sometimes they feel their connection with Allah is strong, but then they relapse. I asked one of them, "Is the relapse accompanied with a sin?" He replied, "Yes". Then I enquired, "Where is this sin committed" He said, "I commit it when I sit with impious and irreligious people who hold no promise or word." This must be the reason then. Thus, one must be on a faith diet.

((Do not befriend anyone but a believer and do not let anyone eat your food but one who is pious))

[Narrated by Abi Dawood, At-Tirmithi, Ibn Habban and Al-Hakim from Abi Sa'eed]

You are not going to be accountable for the work relations. If you are a teacher at a school where people from different life spectra work, you will meet the religious, the irreligious, the sincere, the insincere, those who are close to Allah and those who are distant. Your relationship at your work will be then limited to going into the class and giving a lesson to your students. In the staffroom, you only greet your colleagues and maybe respond to a casual question about the weather and our general health condition. This is limited information, related to your relations at work, and you are not accountable for it.

The same applies to your relationship with your employers or boss, whether you work at a university, at an institution or in a ministry. There is a relationship of politeness and respect. It is none of your concern should your boss be of a solid and true faith or not, but your business is to respect the head of this institution and greet him. Beware; I am not saying that if you deal with a crooked person, you must attack him, not at all.

Calling to Islam should be in a logical and civilized manner:

Believe me, dear brother, I have never used an article to be a means of calling people to Allah, but the one I would like to refer to. This article was published in a supply magazine. You may wonder at the relationship between supply and Da'wah (calling people to Allah)! There is nothing common between supply and Da'wah to Allah. In the article an economist was asked, "If fraudulence spreads in a country, so the sellers lie, cheat, raise prices and sell corrupt merchandise at a high price, taking advantage of the buyer's inexperience, what should the Minister of Supply do?" He answered, "There are two methods; the first of which is suppression of fraud. He will send a group of employees to surprise shop owners, take the goods, scrutinize them, check their prices and ask for bills. If there is any wrongdoing discovered, they will document it, close down the shops and send their owners to prison. This is the first method." Have you paid attention to the first method? It is suppression.

He was asked about the second method which is more descent than the first one, but I have no idea whether it has been applied or not. According to the second method, the Minister of Supply will initiate a Consumer Institution where the best goods are sold at the cheapest prices, and where the employees treat the customers with good manners. As a result, all people will race to buy their needs from this institution and avoid buying anything from cheating vendors. In this case, if the cheating vendors do not lower their prices, they will die out of hunger. This topic is entirely related to supply, but I have made it a means of Da'wah to Allah.

Do not accuse anyone, do not criticize anyone, and do not claim that someone is infidel. Let people be, and present Islam to them in a very clear manner that is based on evidence, and all you are required to do is implementing it. Upon doing these things, people, instinctively and naturally, would gather around you and desert those who have taken a trade out of religion. If you avoid criticizing other people, accusing them of doing something bad and exchanging accusations with your competitors, people will see how supreme your manner in while dealing with sh3er. This method is named positive intervention in the market. It is positive intervention in the realm of calling to Islam. It is about presenting Islam in a logical, civilized, clear and evidence-based manner and putting it into practice, and that is it. Accordingly, you are not obliged to intervene in people's argumentative altercations, to initiate conflicts, or to antagonize people. People are not stupid.

He who adheres to Jama'ah lives in an ambience of faith:

Dear brother, he who believes that people are stupid is the stupidest of them all. People know the facts; they can differentiate between the honest and the dishonest, the straightforward and the debauched and they the trustworthy and the traitor. Everything is crystal clear. Thus, when you stick to Jama'ah, you live in an ambience of faith, you live along with the truth and act upon the sound texts. In other words, if there are a great number of authentic As7adeth as well as unauthentic ones, who would then teach you to differentiate between the fabricated Hadith and the authentic one? Only scholars could guide you in that realm.

If you are left to yourself, you could well be misguided by any falsehood and fabrications you happen to read in books or magazine articles. Had it been possible to do without teachers, the government could have been able to spare the billions spent in the Ministry of Education. If it had been only a matter of books, we could have just distributed books and conducted examinations. In fact, knowledge can only be acquired through teachers and instructors. Likewise, religion can only be learnt from a devout, erudite and pious scholar. Erudition and knowledge have to do with the mental characteristics, while piety and devoutness are behavioral traits. Man should be careful while acquiring knowledge since there are suspicions, delusions, and contradictions.

Acquire knowledge from scholars, lest you will never know the truth:

A brother may be baffled upon reading the following Hadith:

((When you see those who praise people (in their presence), throw dust in their faces.))

[Narrated by Muslim from Al-Maqdad bin Al-Aswad]

The Hadith is clear; avoid praising people. In another Hadith the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

((If a believer is praised to his face, belief grows in his heart.))

[Narrated by At-Tabarani and Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak fromUsama bin Zayd]

It is easy to understand them both in the following context: If you praise a man, who is weak in faith, he becomes haughty and conceited. On the other hand, if you praise a faithful believer, he becomes more devout. Who can help you understand such a context?

((If you do not commit sins, Allah would replace you…))

[Narrated by Muslim from Abi Hurayrah]

Does the Hadith mean that sins should be committed?

((If you do not commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah will certainly forgive them.))

You need a scholar who can clarify to you the different meanings and dimensions of Hadith.

(And if We had willed, surely! We would have given every person his guidance)

(Surah As-Sajdah: 13)

A simple and shallow reading of this Ayah could make you mistakenly think that Allah does not want to guide people.

(But the Word from Me took effect (about evil-doers), that I will fill Hell with jinn and mankind together)

(Surah As-Sajdah: 13)

You, and I, are in dire need of a pious and knowledgeable scholar. He who does not acquire knowledge from scholars will understand nothing. Let alone, he will not be able to deal with misconceptions and so-called contradiction.

Everyman needs an Islamic reference:

Today I received a question; someone asked me, "You said that women and men are equal in honoring, in performing the Divine Assignment, and responsibility, while Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He, says, "And the male is not like the female".(Surah Aal-'Imran: 36)."

The Ayah denotes a different meaning in its context. Women are like men in performing the Divine Assignments; they are ordered to believe in the pillars of faith, apply the pillars of Islam and worship Al-Wahid (the One and Only Deity) Ad-Dayyan (the Judge). Also, women are honored by Allah and among people, they are responsible for their deeds and dealings with people before Allah the Almighty (on the Day of Resurrection). However, they are different from men in their biological structure and physical characteristics. Women have a mental, psychological, social, and physical makeup that is different from men's. Thus, man and woman complement one another, they are not alike in this respect.

Believe me, there are thousands of misconceptions, intercessions and contradictions, so who would reveal to you such issues? Only the pious and knowledgeable scholar would. Thus, you need an Islamic reference and you need to see a straight colleague in the Masjid who lowers his gaze and holds his tongue. You should wish to be like him and to imitate and love him. Let me repeat the Hadith I mentioned previously:

((Adhere to the Jama'ah, beware of separation, for indeed Shiatan is with one, and he is further away from two, for the wolf only eats the sheep that wanders away on its own))

[By Ahmad in Musnad and At-Tirmithi and Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak from 'Umar]

((Being in a community is mercy, and separating from it is torment.))

[By Abdullah and Al-Qada'y from An-Nu'man bin Basheer]

((The Hand of Allah is over the Jama'ah, and whoever dissents from them departs to Hell))

[Narrated by Al-Hakim and Ibn Jareer from Ibn Umar]

He, who lives alone, issues his own fatwas:

Believe me, dear brother, if someone refuses to live with the Jama'ah and prefers to read and interpret the Quran by his own, he will claim that drinking alcohol is not prohibited which is nonsense. Also, he will ask you to give him the evidence concerning its prohibition. He mistakenly thinks that the following Ayah is an instruction not a prohibition:

((So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful)

(Surah Al-Ma'idah': 90)

Furthermore, upon reading the Ayah in which the prohibition of Riba (usury) is mentioned, he will claim that only high interest rates are forbidden, whereas the low ones are not. He will refer to the following Ayah to support his claim:

(Eat not Riba (usury) doubled and multiplied, but fear Allah that you may be successful)

(Surah Aal 'Imran: 130)

The man will go on saying that only high interests are forbidden, while the low ones are acceptable, which is absolutely incorrect. Ultimately, if you have no religious reference, you will find no one to offer you the precise meaning of the Quranic Ayat and Prophetic As7adeth. You should have a religious reference, who can clarify the contradictions you have in mind. He, who lives alone, issues his own fatwas.

A brother once told me that he worked in a place where an unveiled woman worked. He said that she wore extremely revealing clothes and follow the latest fashion trends, may Allah guide her. She asked him once what she had to do with a paper that included the word Allah, and she suggested burning it, but he asked her to throw it in the shredder. Then, she said that the letter would still their but separated. What piety is this? She was worried about the dispersed letters suggesting burning them, but she was not concerned about what kind of attire she was wearing. There are sharp paradoxes and contradictions in our society.

Every man needs the company of devout believers who comfort and advise him:

Dear brother, you need devout believers with whom you could live; you need honest, pious, trustworthy and chaste people, you need someone who would not cheat on you or deceive you, and you need a brother in Allah whom you could confide in, who would assist and advise you and who would check upon you and support you in times of need.

((Adhere to the Jama'ah, beware of separation))

[By Ahmad in Musnad and At-Tirmithi and Al-Hakim from 'Umar]

I remember that I once participated in a sport program with some brother. After some time, they did not continue; each for a different reason. "It does not matter", I said to myself, believing that I would be able to walk each day alone, but I never did. We humans need company even in sport activities since man cannot do that alone. We need company even in sports. Without company, there would be no encouragement to proceed.

Think at how hard it is for you to fast one day before or after Ramadan, while the case is different in Ramadan when everyone is fasting, and so you find it easy. Moreover, if you pray the Fajr prayer at home, you may reauthor a short Surah. However, if you go to the Masjid, you will probably reauthor a whole page perfectly, and you will perform your Salah submissively. If you perform your Wudu at home, and then you walk towards the Masjid, you will be refreshed before entering into a sacred house (Masjid) to perform Salah. At your home, on the other hand, you will be distracted, when your son wakes up and messes around, and your wife would scream at him. Hence, performing Salah is more perfected in Masjid.

((Adhere to the Jama'ah, beware of separation, for indeed Shaitan is with one, and he is further away from two, for the wolf only eats the sheep that wanders away on its own))

[By Ahmad in Musnad and At-Tirmithi and Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak from 'Umar]

Allah urges man to be among a faithful and devoted Jama'ah:

Allah the Almighty says:

(And keep yourself (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) patiently with those who call on their Lord (i.e. your companions who remember their Lord with glorification, praising in prayers, etc., and other righteous deeds, etc.) morning and afternoon)

It is a Divine Order according to which the Prophet, peace be upon him, should keep himself with those who seek Allah's Face:

(And let not your eyes overlook them, desiring the pomp and glitter of the life of the world; and obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our Remembrance, one who follows his own lusts and whose affair (deeds) has been lost.

You are strong because of the support of your brother, and here is the evidence:

(Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers)

(Surah Al-Fath: 29)

Why were they severe? It is because they were with him. Why was he strong? Because he was with them. They were merciful among themselves.

(And merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of (their) prostration (during prayers))

(Surah Al-Fath: 29)

This is such an amazing Ayah. If you read the Noble Quran and the sound Prophetic Sunnah, you will find that Allah Almighty urges us to be among a faithful, devoted and uncorrupted Jama'ah.

Let me tell you this fact: No one is infallible. I deal with all people, and a believer may make a mistake or err in a number of things, but the believer never lies nor betrays:

((The believer may acquire all sorts of characteristics except treachery lying.))

[Narrated by Ahmad from Abi Amamah]

The believer never ever lies:

((O King, we were a people in a state of ignorance and immorality, worshipping idols and eating the flesh of dead animals, committing all sorts of abomination and shameful deeds, breaking the ties of kinship, treating guests badly and the strong among us exploited the weak. We remained in this state until Allah sent us a Prophet, one of our own people whose lineage, truthfulness, trustworthiness and integrity were well-known to us. He called us to worship Allah alone and to renounce the stones and the idols which we and our ancestors used to worship besides Allah. He commanded us to speak the truth, to honor our promises, to be kind to our relations, to be helpful to our neighbors, to cease all forbidden acts, to abstain from bloodshed…))

[By Um Salamah, the daughter of Abi Umayah]

Man's success lies in actingaccording to the Divine Standards:

Dear brother, I am not exaggerating when I say that a believer must be moral and educated.

((Fearing Allah, is enough proof of man's knowledge‬))

[Al-Bayhaqy from Masrouq]

I swear by Allah, dear brother, that an illiterate straight man is educated in the Sight of Allah, while an educated non-disciplined man is ignorant in Allah's Sight. Suppose that a scholar, who occupies a religious status, which is considered the highest ever, welcomes a female journalist and set his eyes on her beauty for a long time, but his illiterate usher lowers his gaze. In such a case, who is the closest to Allah? The usher is. Your success lies in knowing the Divine Standard and acting according to it.

A Bedouin once said to the Prophet, peace be upon him, "Advise me concisely", so the Prophet, peace be upon him, narrated the Ayah, "So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant), shall see it. And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant), shall see it"(Surah Al-Zalzalah: 7- 8)" The Bedouin said, "This suffices me." He did not own a library which contained thousands of books, he did not write any book, he did not own a computer nor did he have access to the internet; he owned nothing at all. However, he said that he was sufficed. The man discovered the Divine Standard.

((Every single son of Adam continually errs (sins), while the best of those who continually err are those who continually repent)):

A waliy (he who believes in the Oneness of Allah and fears Him) is not someone who walks on water or flies in the air, but he is the one who abides to Halal (permissible matters) and Haram (forbidden matters). Look for the pure, the honest and the truthful people; search for a faithful human being who loves Allah, and who never sells his religion if he is given the whole world.

I swear by Allah, Who is the only Deity worthy of worship, you will not be a believer unless you see gold as worthless as dust and soil. A tourist forgot his wallet, which contained 500,000 Euros, in a Turkish's car. After extensive searching for the tourist, the Turkish man informed the police and the broadcast was announced. The tourist, who was able to retrieve his money, wanted to give 500 Euros to the Turkish man as a token of his gratitude, but the man refused and said that he did nothing but his duty. A global sensation then occurred exclaiming what a man he was! He was just a man who acted upon the orders of his religion; he fulfilled the minimum level of truthfulness. A believer has a unique and brilliant personality.

In Syria, a man once forgot 20 million Liras in a car whose owner was a true believer. The driver searched four days for the man, roaming around the place where he picked him up and circulating ads until he finally found him and gave him back his money. In return to his favor, the man gratefully took the driver to the car market and bought him a car whose cost was 2 million Liras.

This is how believers deal with other people. In fact you live with believers in a heavenly abode where there is honesty, truthfulness, affection, humbleness, cooperation and support. In another society, people deal with one another like wolves. A wolf does not sleep with his two eyes closed, but he sleeps with one eye closed and the other opened, as he fears betrayal. In such a society, where deviation prevails, whatever man does, such as selling and buying, he is involved in quarrels and arguments with other people..

There was a man who owned a considerable sum of money and he converted them to dollars. However, they were counterfeit and because of this deadly mistake, he lost his fortune. Thus, believers can face innumerable bumps and obstacles. I am not claiming that a believer is infallible; a believer commits mistakes, but he never betrays, lies, deceives, conspires against people or treats them with double faces. People commit mistakes and they have drawbacks, and as the Prophet, peace be upon him said:

((Every single son of Adam continually errs (sins), while the best of those who continually err are those who continually repent.))

He who lives alone lives far from the ambience of Islam:

I sometime observe that a person may have ridiculous thoughts and speculations, only because he lives alone; there was no one to correct or guide him. Such a man has his own thoughts without trying to let anyone to correct them for him.

There is an amusing story; when Saudi Arabia faced a major problem in traffic during Hajj (Pilgrimage), a committee was hired from the United States of America to develop an efficient transportation and traffic system in Makkah, Madinah, Arafat, Muzdalifah and Mina. Sometimes the pilgrims had to spend 10 hours to walk 5 kilometers. The delegation stayed in Saudi Arabia for a whole month, studying roads and the density of the traffic stream. After being paid an astronomical sum of money, a report was made in which they proposed that Hajj would take place in five sessions. This solution is far off from Islamic ambience.

When you are surrounded with believers, you live in an ambience of faith where all things are crystal clear; the Ayat are clear, the permissible and forbidden matters are evident. Someone may mistakenly think that Riba (usury) is forbidden only when there are high profit rates, claiming that he has the evidence, but do you know what evidence is he talking about?

(Eat not Riba (usury) doubled and multiplied, but fear Allah that you may be successful)

(Surah Aal-'Imran: 130)

Dear brother, we need you and you need a guiding reference. There is mercy in Jama'ah. Ask, pay attention, investigate and live with your brother for they will motivate you, and the collective spirit will encourage you. In sports, for example, it is quite difficult to exercise alone, except in rare cases and circumstances. However, you will be inclined to practice every day if you are doing that with a group of people. Sometimes, people would congregate to read the Quran, as it is quite difficult to do this on your own. This session of reciting the Quran can be done once a week, and every time it is done in someone's house wherein every person reads one page in the Quran. As a result, this group will improve and develop.

If all the brother, according to their place of residence and their different professions, agree to meet on a weekly basis, to study and contemplate on the Noble Quran, they would all have something good to say. They would hear beneficial stories from one another; each person would benefit from the experience of sh3er. Furthermore, they would hear touching stories and interesting facts, or they would come across new scientific discoveries. Consequently, their faith will be stronger as each and every member of the group strengthens the faith of his brother.

Brotherhood is a sign of Jama'ah:

Brotherhood is manifests Jama'ah. Every man can choose a true brother in the Masjid on the basis of age, residence, profession or kinship. Since he becomes a true brother of yours, you should call him if he does not attend a religious session. Your call will boost his morale and will make him feel that he is endeared to someone, and that someone cares for him and notices his absence. Thus, every Muslim who has a brother in Allah should check upon his brother, visit him and ask about him. If he does not show up for two weeks, then he probably has a problem or maybe he has fallen ill, so you should then knock on his door.

I remember that a brother of ours, who was humble and poor, fell sick and, so after the lecture ended, the brother went to visit him. He told me afterwards that he earned stature among his family, and his position among them was strengthened, for they found that a hundred people came to check upon his health.

((The Hand of Allah is with the group [Jama'ah]))

[Narrated by Al-Hakim and Ibn Jarir from Ibn Umar]

((The Hand of Allah is over the Jama'ah…))

[By At-Tirmithi from Ibn 'Abbas]

((…and whoever dissents from them departs to Hell.))

[In Ad-Durrar Al-Manthour from Ibn Umar]

((Adhere to the Jama'ah, beware of separation, for indeed Shaitan is with one, and he is further away from two, for the wolf only eats the sheep that wanders away on its own.))

[By Ahmad in Musnad and AtTirmithi and Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak from 'Umar]

One of the purposes o Shari'ah concerning Jama'ah is praying in the Masjid:

You are required to pray in the Masjid; this is one of the purposes of Shari'ah in prayer in congregation (Jama'ah).

((Whoever offers the dawn (Fajr) in congregational Prayer will be under the Protection of Allah till the night, and Whoever offers night Salah (Isha') in congregational Prayer will be under the Protection of Allah till the dawn.))


You can notice that during Ramadan, praying Fajr in the Masjid is very easy; all people pray in the Masjid, so is the case in 'Isha' and Taraweeh prayer. If someone wants to pray Taraweeh alone at home, he finds it difficult to pray 20 Rak'ah saying to himself that it is enough to pray 2 Raka'at, and that Allah does not require of man beyond his capacity. Hence, he just uses pretexts in order to finish as soon as possible, and so he reauthors short Suwar. In the Masjid, however, the reading is lengthy with a beautiful recitation amidst a collective atmosphere and a pure, virtuous ambience.

Competition needs Jama'ah:

Dear brother, I wanted the topic of this lesson to be the virtues of Jama'ah supporting that with many related Ayat and As7adeth. Have you ever heard of someone who raceds alone? Running competitions cannot be held with only one participant. Competition requires a congregation. Allah the Almighty says:

(Race one with another in hastening towards Forgiveness from your Lord (Allah), and towards Paradise)

(Surah Al-Hadid: 21)

What does "Race one with another in hastening" mean? It means to be with a congregation, race together towards Paradise that is as wide as the heavens and the earth. What is the point of competition if it is done by one person?

(And for this let (all) those strive who want to strive (i.e. hasten earnestly to the obedience of Allah)

(Surah Al-Mutaffifin: 26)

It is pointless without a congregation.

Dear brother, if a brother makes a mistake, do not break away from him immediately, but rather you should advise him and help him keep away from Shaitan instead of letting Shaitan lure him further. I do not mean to say that we are infallible at all, but I just want to make my words clear: A faithful brother does not lie nor betray nor deceive, he is not arrogant, he does not have a double face and his behavior in private is the same in public. Therefore, he has everything clear in his life. These are noble traits.
When a faithful brother fixes your vehicle, he uses a spare part for which he takes higher fees, and he never uses an old worn part claiming that it is new. This is one of the good manners of faithful people. The patient is exploited when a doctor asks him to have 12 medical tests. Can the patient even discuss the matter? No, he cannot. A faithful doctor demands only what is needed. Faith disciplines people's manners.

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