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Islamic Ideology - Names of Allâh 2008 : Ash_Shâker 1 (the All_Appreciative)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

A Beautiful Name of Allâh, ‘Ash-Shâker’ (The All_Appreciative):

1-The occurance of the name Ash_Shaker in the noble Qur’an:

Honorable brother, the name Ash_Shaker was mentioned twice in the noble Qur’an, the first one, Allâh the Almighty’s saying:

“Verily! As_Safâ and Al_Marwah (two mountains in Makkah) are of the Symbols of Allâh. So, it is not a sin on him who performs Hajj or ‘Umrah (pilgrimage) of the House (the Ka’bah at Makkah) to perform the going(Tawaf) between them (As_Safâ and Al_Marwa). And whoever does good voluntarily, then verily, Allâh is All_ Recognizer, All_ Knower.”

[Sûrat Al-Baqarah (The cow), aya 158]

And the second position:

“ Why should Allâh punish you if you have thanked (Him) and have believed in Him. And Allâh is Ever All_Appreciative (of good), All_Knowing.”

[Sûrat An_Nisâ’, aya 147]

And that name was never mentioned in the purified sunnah.

2- The name ( Ash_Shâker ) is a proper name that contains the qualities of perfection:

And that name implies compliment and praise, intended for proper naming, implying the perfection of description.

Facts before the name ( Ash_Shaker):

The first fact: being patient to creatures is rewarded in the worldly life and in the afterlife:

Honorable brother, the first fact in this topic:
Any good deed presented to any creature no matter what; whether animate or inanimate, Allâh the Almighty will reward whoever makes it in this life and in the afterlife. And any slave, whether a Muslim or a polytheist, makes good deed Allâh will grant him/her in this life and in the afterlife. It is a thousand times impossible to do good deed to any party on earth, to whoever creature on earth and not get rewarded by Allâh; either in this life or in the afterlife.
Honorable brother, that is the first fact, because if you receive a favor from a human being, and because you are a believer, and because you have got some of perfection, you have nothing but to thank him/her, smile to him/her, be grateful to him/her, praise him/her. Then how is it with the owner of the absolute perfection? The creator of the heavens and the earth? The owner of the beautiful names and the best attributes? Honorable brother, that is the first fact; if you do good deed to a creature; human or animal or plant, this good deed is stored with Allâh, and you are rewarded for it in this life or in the afterlife, or in both, and nothing is lost with Allâh the Almighty. That was the first fact for this great name.

The Second Fact: How does Allâh the Almighty appreciate you?

The second fact, when you are granted a favor, you appreciate the person with your tongue, you say: “thank you”, “may Allâh grant you goodness”. And the great God thanks you if you do a favor to any of His slaves, whether you know or not, whether he/she knows or not.
Once our master Omar had a visitor from the battle of ‘Nahawand’ who told him about the battle, then he said: “Commander of the Faithful, a lot of people died”, he said: “who are they?” he said: “ you don’t know them”, so Omar cried, and said: “what harm would it do to them that I don’t know them when Allâh knows them?”
Nothing can be lost with Allâh, no matter how little or small you picture the deed, no matter how trivial it is, with Allâh it is preserved, and if you are granted a favor, you thank with your tongue, or be grateful and appreciative in your heart, or you may present them a reward, a present, a deed, or a favor. That Great God, the owner of the beautiful names and the best qualities, how does He thank you? This verse clarifies the mechanism of appreciation in the contemporary expression, Allâh the Almighty said:

“If you give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allâh), I will give you more (of My Blessings)”

[Sûrat Ibrâhîm (Abraham), aya 7]

The meaning of giving more in Allâh the Almighty’s saying: “If you give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allâh), I will give you more (of My Blessings)”:

The first meaning:

The increase is either from the same type that you offered; you offered money, Allâh the Almighty’s appreciation to you is in increasing your money, you offered time, Allâh the Almighty’s appreciation to you is by blessing your time, if you offer your effort, His appreciation to you is by providing you with someone who offers his/her effort. It is impossible to do a favor and not be rewarded.
Honorable brother, if we take the money example, if you offer money, Allâh the Almighty thanks you by increasing your money, the verse that matches all the cases of appreciation:

“If you give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allâh), I will give you more (of My Blessings)”

[Sûrat Ibrâhîm (Abraham), aya 7]

Therefore, Allâh the Almighty said:

“The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allâh, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allâh gives manifold increase to whom He wills. And Allâh is All_Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All_Knower.”

[Sûrat Al_Baqarah (The Cow) aya 261]

“My slave: “spend and I will spend on you”

[Ibn Majah from Abu Hurairah]

“Spend Bilal and never fear decrease from the owner of the throne”

[The Tabarani in the Big Dictionary and the Medium one with reference of Hasan from Abu Hurairah]

Allâh knows the beneficent and replaces his money:

But notice that when someone visits a patient, unconsciously he places a card inside the present to make sure that when the patient opens it, he/she knows who had sent it. You are not satisfied with giving it to his son, nor with putting the card on it in case it may fall, you put it inside to ascertain that he knows where it comes from. Allâh the Almighty says:

“And whatever you spend for spending (e.g., in Sadaqah_ charity for Allâh’s Cause) or whatever vow you make, be sure Allâh knows it all.”

[Sûrat Al-Baqarah (The Cow) aya 270]

Allâh the Almighty assured you that any good deed you do to any creature no matter what, is in Allâh’s knowledge, and with Allâh you don’t need a card that shows who did the favor.

“And whatever you spend for spending (e.g., in Sadaqah_ charity for Allâh’s Cause) or whatever vow you make, be sure Allâh knows it all.”

[Sûrat Al-Baqarah (The Cow) aya 270]

That was the first case, now you need to make sure that the deed you made is in Allâh’s knowledge, man as Allâh the Almighty said loves money:

“Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilted land.”

[Sûrat Al_Imrân (Imrân Family), aya 14]

By nature, you were born to love money. All mankind with no exception love money, but some of them admit with that fact and some don’t. But the one who doesn’t admit it loves money the same way as the one who admits it, that is our nature, and because we love money, spending money is a precious deed because you spend something you love.
As you know man was created on a nature and he has orders, his nature is to take the money, the order is to spend it, his nature is to sleep, the order is to wake up, his nature is to look thoroughly to women’s beauty the order is to look away, his nature is to talk about people’s scandals, the order is to keep silent. For that reason Allâh the Almighty says to you:

“..and whatsoever you spend of anything (in Allâh’s Cause), He will replace it..”

[Sûrat Saba’ (Sheba), aya 39]

Aren’t those who spend their money for the sake of Allâh satisfied with those two verses, Allâh knows and He replaces, and no money is decreased with good spending/ charity (sadaqah):

“My slave: “spend and I will spend on you””

[At_Targhîb and At_Tarhîb with Sahîh source]

“Spend Bilal and never fear decrease from the owner of the throne”

[The Tabarani in the Big Dictionary and the Medium one with reference of Hasan from Abu Hurairah]

“The secretive charity ( sadaqah) extinguishes the anger of the Lord”

[produced by Ibn ‘Asâker from Ibn ‘Abbas]

“The charity (sadaqah) falls in Allâh’s hand before the poor’s one”

[At_Tabarâni from Abu Umâmah with weak reference]

“Be initiative with charity (sadaqah), for infliction does not go past it”

[Al_Jami’ As_Saghîr from Ali with weak reference]

The stories that are told about this topic cannot be counted, even the believer is ashamed from Allâh.
Our master Abdullah Bin ‘Auf, one of the great companions, had a lot of money. Once he was told that he was going to paradise crawling, he said: “By Allâh, I am entering it jogging, what can I do if I spend a hundred in the morning so Allâh rewards me with a thousand in the evening?

“spend Bilal and never fear decrease from the owner of the throne”

I hope that you would ask a beneficent about what happened to him after spending money. Knowledge is better than money, because knowledge protects you, and you protect money. Allâh protects man with knowledge, but if you spend the money on the calculators, it will decrease, but with Allâh’s mercy it increases. Therefore, we might neglect the calculations of blessings. If man spends his money, Allâh will bless him in his money, and the reasonable limit is that He will reward him the negative livelihood/sustenance, what is the negative livelihood/sustenance?
The least limit is that Allâh protects him against fatal diseases, from the tyranny of a tyrant, from requisition, misdemeanors, from the tyranny of the powerful, from destruction, from fire, devastation, these are the negative livelihood. Sometimes, Allâh the Almighty blesses him in his money, with a reasonable amount of money, he can achieve big goals. That is a reward from Allâh the Almighty to the beneficent, He keeps him, protects him and blesses him in his money.
Honorable brother, those are two motivators for spending money, Allâh knows, Allâh replaces the beneficent the money he spent, that means, Allâh doubles him his money many folds, you can deal with Allâh in qu’anic verses, and you can deal with Him in a scientific way, if you get closer to Him with spending, He will reward you with a big reward.
Once a brother told me that a relative of his died, so he visited his children and said to them: “your father’s debt is on me”, but he didn’t know how much it was, and that was a mistake, he expected it to be tens of thousands, but in fact it was hundreds of thousands, he swore to me that he paid about four hundred thousand liras (about $4300), he told me his story in the masjid’s hall and he cried, he said: I swear to Allâh a few days later I received a sum of money as my share from a deal of depressed goods, the same amount I paid.
Sometimes you deal with Allâh in the daily sense:

“And whatever you spend for spending (e.g., in Sadaqah_ charity for Allâh’s Cause) or whatever vow you make, be sure Allâh knows it all.”

[Sûrat Al-Baqarah (The Cow) aya 270]

“..and whatsoever you spend of anything (in Allâh’s Cause), He will replace it..”

[Sûrat Saba’ (Sheba), aya 39]

That is the first fact, Allâh’s appreciation to you, Allâh is All_ Appreciative, if you spend from your money, Allâh will increase your money, and no money is decreased by (charity) sadaqah.

“Spend Bilal and never fear decrease from the owner of the throne”

“My slave: “spend and I will spend on you”

The Second Meaning:

The second meaning: any good deed towards any creature, no matter what it is or who he is, is a good loan to Allâh, and there is a qur’anic verse that makes the believer shiver when he reads:

“Who is he that will lend to Allâh a goodly loan so that He may multiply it to him many times?”

[Sûrat Al_Baqarah (The Cow), aya 245]

Allâh the Almighty considered any good deed, even if it was towards an animal, a plant, if you water plants, that deed is multiplied in reward. Every day you are encountered with lending Allâh a good loan, that is a very accurate meaning, the Great God says to you: My slave, lend me, take care of that creature, feed that hungry, dress that naked, treat that patient, there are believers with crafts who serve part of their experiences for the sake of Allâh.

The Doors of Good Deeds are uncountable:

A dentist told me that a patient visited him, she needed braces for her teeth, and she was a teacher with very limited income, and the cost was unaffordable to her and above her limit. After she had apologized for not continuing the treatment, he called her saying: “would you accept that as a present from me?” he swears to Allâh that he spent six months as if he was in paradise. Sometimes the reward is from another type, Allâh rewards you with happiness, security other than the financial reward, you are born to love your existence, the perfection of your existence, and to love the continuity of your existence.
Pay attention here, the safety of your existence comes with Allâh’s obedience, and obedience is integrity, integrity is passive, integrity is preceded by “Didn’t” (Negatives), “I didn’t eat haram money, I didn’t lie, I didn’t cheat, I didn’t.. . integrity achieves safety but the perfection of existence needs not only integrity, but spending, spending your time and money, your experience, the perfection of existence needs spending, giving of your time, your money, and your experience, therefore:

“So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord”

[Sûrat Al_Kahf (The Cave), aya 110]

An example that I may mention a lot: a naïve soldier joined a military part, which was part of a large brigade, or from a large troupe headed by a Major General. That naïve soldier was not able to be with the major general because of the military hierarchy, there were seven people before him; there was a seven, two sevens, first corporal, eight, two eights, a star and two, but that naïve soldier who joined the army when he volunteered can go directly to the major general without permission if he found his son getting drowned while he was swimming, so he threw himself in the water and saved him, your understanding is enough.
If you serve someone, feed a hungry person, dress a naked one, fulfilled someone’s need. If you are an employee, and a customer came from a distance, accommodation is very expensive, you freeze all your work and serve him. It is impossible that this will be lost with Allâh, therefore good deeds protects against ill doings.
Any favor you do to any creature is considered as a good loan to Allâh the Almighty:

“Who is he that will lend to Allâh a goodly loan so that He may multiply it to him many times?”

[Sûrat Al_Baqarah (The Cow), aya 245]

You are exposed to answering people’s needs every day, someone asks you, a patient asks your help, a lost person in the street asks you about someone’s house, and he is a stranger, and you help him get to the house, and many uncountable stories.
Those who dealt with Allâh tasted the reward from Him, the spiritual reward and the material one by giving, so when a person is beneficent, and he receives welfare from everywhere, that is because of his good deeds, and your mission in life is to worship Allâh, then thank Him, because if you worship Him, rewards will come from everywhere.

“Nay! But worship Allâh (Alone and none else), and be among the grateful”

[Sûrat Az_Zumar (The Groups), aya 66]

Your mission is to worship Him the right and truthful way. The good deed and the accurate talk are parts of the right worship: your size to Allâh is the size of your good deed. Ask yourself: “what have I offered to my country?” If you offer it the good manufacture, your work will become worship, therefore they said: the work that you live by, if it is originally legal, and you take the legal ways, and seek your own sufficiency and your family’s, serve the people in general, and the Muslims in particular, and if that craft does not keep you form Allâh’s obedience, nor prayer, nor seeking knowledge, it will turn into worship. Therefore, Muslims habits are worships, his habits and welfare beings, he brings food to his family, he takes his family for a picnic_ all these are considered worship to Allâh because his goal is to please Allâh the Almighty through serving His slaves. Whereas, the hypocrite’s habits are bad deeds.


Therefore honorable brother, any good deed that you provide to any creature no matter what, is considered a good loan to Allâh. If the richest king of the world said to a poor citizen: “lend me a hundred liras (about two dollars), what would you understand from it? He wanted to give him a perfect house, he wanted that favor to be for a reason, is a hundred liras a real loan? Or did he want to test his love from that loan and reward him with a beautiful house as a gift?

“Who is he that will lend to Allâh a goodly loan so that He may multiply it to him many times?”

[Sûrat Al_Baqarah (The Cow), aya 245]

Sometimes the deed in front of you is trivial, you smile in your employee’s face, just a smile, you ask him about his well being: How are you, son?
There is a frowning employee who goes into his office with pride and arrogance, and there is a general manager who is modest, if you smile in the face of people who work with you, if you smile in the face of a servant who works for you, if you ask him how he/she is, your smile in your brother’s face is a charity (sadaqah) no matter how small you suspect the deed is, it is big to Allâh the Almighty.
An Arabian came to the prophet PBUH and said: Messenger of Allâh, preach me and be brief, the prophet PBUH read a paragraph from sûrat:

“So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant) shall see it (7) And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant)shall see it(8)”

[Sûrat Al-Adiyât (Those that run), aya 7,8]

The Arabian said: “That is enough”, then the prophet PBUH said: the man has comprehended.

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