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Islamic Creed- Creed and Quran Inimitability- Lesson (31-36): The Constituents of the Divine Assignment – Time-1- The Importance of Time in Islam, The Pituitary Gland.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Dear brother, this is lesson number 31 of the series "Creed and the Inimitability of Quran"
Among the constituents of the Divine Assignment is the following:



  We talked about the constituents of the Divine Assignment in this series of lectures. We started with the universe, then reasoning, then Al-Fitrah, then the lust and then the free will. Now, let us move to a new topic which is time as one of the constituents of the Divine Assignment.


 Allah the Almighty has given mankind time when he can achieve the purpose he was created for, but what is time? According to some opinions, time is the fourth dimension. In order to draw a (one dimensional) line we move from a specific point straight up to another point, and in order to have a (two dimensional) plane-surface we move from a specific line to another line, and in order to have a three dimensional shape we move the surface, and in order to have time we move the three dimensional shape. Thus, time has been defined as the fourth dimension of things. In order to be more specific, everything created by Allah will be affected by time. For instance, if you put something under the sun for a long time, its colors will fade out, and this means that time changes it and makes it lose the brightness of its colors, and we call this effect of time "the fourth dimension".

1- Time is the fourth dimension of things:

  Einstein, the famous physicist, who put the theory of relativity that has totally changed all the concepts of physics, energy, power and motion in the world, discovered the absolute speed in the universe which is the speed of light. This physicist confirmed the following fact: whatever catches up with light's speed turns into light, and if something travels faster than light, time will go backward, so if man supposedly managed to build a spaceship that travels faster than light's speed, we would be able to see with our own eyes the battles of Badr, Uhod, Al-Khandaq, Al-Qadisyah, and Al-Yarmook. The reason is that those battles happened under the sunlight, and the bodies of the worriers reflected this light as waves to the outer space at the speed of light (300.000 kilometers per second). Therefore, hypothetically if we travel using a vehicle which moves faster than the speed of light, we will be able to reach these waves and we will be able to see those battles with our eyes.


 This is the principle of broadcasting and how we are able to watch TV, for the scene is taken. Let us take the face of the anchor which receives focused light; the features of his face will reflect the light of the lamp (waves of light) to the lens of the camera, and from the lens the light goes to a plate. The plate is coated with a very rare substance which ejects an electron whenever a trace of light reaches it. The electron gun ejects electrons that are accelerated and focused into a fast-moving beam to rebuild the picture, and the alternating current, which does that to the plate that loses some of its electrons because of the traces of the light of the picture, is actually the photo which will be transmitted through the air and which will be received by machines that work the opposite way of the camera in order to allow you to see that person on your screen.

 The human eye works the same way. There are 130 millions cones and rod cells in 1 millimeter and a quarter (in the retina), and they all have pigments which lose their colors upon receiving light. Because they lose their colors, an electric current occurs, and it is sent to the brain to be decoded in the seeing section in it. It is a very complicated process. What I want to say is that time is the fourth dimension of things.

2- Man is but time:

  Dear brother, the all-inclusive precise definition of man which resembles lightening is that "man is nothing but a number of days; whenever each day passes then part of you has gone." We should keep this fact in our mind. You, as a human being, are time and few days only. Each one of us is created with a fixed term of his life which can extend to 83 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 7 hours, 5 minutes and 8 seconds (for example). This lifetime is nothing but days, thus each day passes will take away part of your life. "Not a day comes from the days of this world but says: O son of Adam, I am a new day, and I am a witness for the deeds performed during my stay, so make benefit from me. If my sun sets I will not return until the Day of Resurrection!"I repeat again that man is few days, and each day passes, part of him has gone.

Time is more valuable than money:

  Think about it; if someone, Allah forbid, is afflicted with an intractable disease, but he can be cured abroad where medicine is much advanced, and he is told that the operation is very expensive, so he has to sell his house in order to afford it, will he hesitate even for one second to sell his house and heading there to be treated? Of course, he will not, but do you know why? Because it is installed deep inside him that time is more precious than money, and he will sacrifice his money for having more years to live thusly. This fact extends to every living soul, and whoever is in the same situation will not hesitate to sell his house to save his life and live longer as this incurable disease deprives him from enjoying life.


He who knows the value of time will wisely spend every second of it:

  If someone holds 500.000 Liras and burn them although people try their best to prevent him, how will you judge this person? You will accuse him of insanity, and to be more specific using religious terms, he is "Safeeh" (foolish):


﴾ And give not unto the foolish your property﴿

[An-Nisa', 5]

 Accordingly, if whoever wastes money is considered foolish (or insane), then how about the one who wastes time, given time is more precious than money? Therefore, the prudent man is the one who can manage his/her time. I had been once to France where I took the fast train which travels at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour (close to the plane's speed), but what caught my attention was that all passengers were either reading or doing something on his/her laptop while taking the train without any exception. The train company provides every seat with a table and an outlet for the laptop. Hence, when you realize the value of time, you will spend it wisely.

The prudent is the one who manages his time:

  Dear brother, I would like to mention a point which I repeat frequently; when the believer chooses unlimited goals in life, he will realize that time is the most precious thing he owns, because it defines man who is but few days. This is why Allah swears by time while addressing the foremost creature (man), because man's reality is time, and thus he is considered a loser when he wastes his time on enjoying the worldly pleasures, such as spending most of his time in entertaining himself, decorating his house, managing his life and enjoying every minute of it, but suddenly he will be taken aback by the angle of death who will take everything from him in one second. Hence, managing your time indicates your intelligence, success, triumph, heroism and superiority. If once I have to wait for an hour, I usually plan to spend it wisely. Sometimes you have to wait for an hour in a transit area at the airport while you change planes to get to your destination, so plan to do something useful in this hour like writing or reading.

Hasting and racing:

  Success lies in spending your time wisely. Time is one of the concepts of civilization, and it is a major issue in Islam:

﴾ And march forth﴿

[Aal-'Imran, 133]

 "March forth" indicates that time is passing:

﴾ Race one with another in hastening﴿

[Al-Hadid, 21]

 "Race" indicates that time is passing:

((Be prompt in doing seven deeds: are you waiting for such poverty which will make you unmindful out of poverty?))

[At-Tirmizi by Abi Hurairah]

 When the prices raised all over the world unexpectedly, different activities become less, some crops stop their production and the high price of fuel becomes more than the profits of a project (that depends on the fuel), this is called "Faqr Mansee" (poverty that makes people unmindful because it takes them by sudden). Few days ago, all prices increased tenfold to such an extent that makes you believe beyond doubt that it is something done purposely, because rationally the prices will never increase tenfold but in two cases: if the number of the customers increases ten times, or if the commodities are down to one tenth, but since neither of the two cases exists, this will raise the question: Why the prices became ten times higher?

((Be prompt in doing seven deeds: are you waiting for such poverty which will make you unmindful out of poverty? or prosperity which will make you corrupt, or disease as will disable you, or such senility as will make you mentally unstable, or sudden death, or Ad-Dajjal who is the worst expected absent, or the Hour, and the Hour will be most grievous and most bitter))

[At-Tirmizi by Abi Hurairah]

Man is but a number of days; whenever each day passes then part of him has gone:

  Allah has created the universe and made it one of the constituents of the Divine Assignment to mankind. The universe reflects the existence of Allah, His Oneness, and His Perfection. Allah also has given man reasoning as means to get acquainted with Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, and this reasoning is based on three principles: causality, meaningful purpose and harmony. Allah also has given man Al-Fitrah which is a detector that denotes man's flaws, He has given man lusts as motives, and then He blessed man with the free will as a value through which man's deeds will be evaluated. Furthermore, Allah has given man time to be the frame of his deeds.


 Dear brother, keep in mind that man is nothing but a number of days; whenever each day passes then part of him has gone. Managing your time wisely will reflect your cleverness, prosper, success and superiority. Surat Al-Asr is originally the Surat of time (it tackles time).

Man is in loss:

  When Allah swears by something, this manifests the importance of that thing, and since time is the most valuable thing we own and without time we own nothing, Allah swears by it:

﴾ By Al-'Asr (the time).﴿

[Al-Asr, 1]


 Allah swears by time as a concept, but who is the addressee by this oath? Man is the addressee, and who is man? He is time. Allah says:

﴾ By Al-'Asr (the time).﴿

[Al-Asr, 1]

 The subject of this oath is:

﴾ Verily! Man is in loss,﴿

[Al-Asr, 2]

 Man is in loss:

﴾ How many of gardens and springs do they [Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people] left.﴿

[Ad-Dukhan, 25]

Death is the most effective preacher for man:

  Man strives, pays efforts, stays late at night, works during the day, argues with people, flatters other people, cringes, resists and begs other till he can afford buying a house, then a car, and then a farm, but when the angel of death comes to him unexpectedly, he panics as he moves from owning everything to owning nothing, and from living in a 400 square meter house with views and two cars parked in the drive way, from sitting at an exquisite office, from eating tasty food, from occupying high social standing, from having parties, from going for picnics, from having meetings and from travelling to laying down in a narrow grave.


 I am telling you the reality of life, and if you enter a cemetery in Damascus at noon, you will see how man is brought to his grave in a casket, but few hours ago, he was a living soul who used to sleep in a bedroom, who had a wife, who had sons and daughters, who loved certain dishes, who had social relations, whose taste is classy and who had rich experience. Suddenly the deceased is put in a coffin and brought to the grave. Death teaches people lessons, better yet death is the greatest lesson at all.

Pondering over death makes man rush to Allah and avoid sinning:

  I attended once a funeral of one of our brother, and upon putting him into the grave, I thought to myself, "By Allah the most prudent man is the one who prepares himself to this inevitable end. I was told by a notable scholar in Damascus that one of his relatives bought a grave five years ago in Dhdah cemetery, and he used to visit this grave every Thursday. This is not pessimism, but rather it is wisdom. One of the pious people dug a grave in his backyard, and he used to lie down in it every Thursday and reauthor the following Ayah:

﴾ Send me back* So that I may do good in that which I have left behind!﴿

[Al-Mu'minun, 99-100]

 Then he used to address his own self by saying, "Go back to life." By Allah, I hope that each one of you prepare himself to death whether you are a student in school, a university student, an employee or a father who has children since thinking about death does not interrupt you. At one of the airports of the United States, I walked once on the moving walkway which has rails on the right and left, and it usually accelerates the speed of passengers while moving inside the airport. I liked it, but while I was on it, I tried to walk too, thus my speed doubled. Upon doing so, it crossed my mind that the two rails with that moving walkway are like preparing for death, for this preparation will push you close to Allah faster, it will prevent you from sinning and it will double your speed in obeying Allah. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

((Abundantly remember the destroyer of pleasures, the separator between lovers and the disperser of groups.))

[Ad-Dialami by Anas]

 Death is the destroyer of pleasures and the separator between lovers.

((Jibril came to me and said, "O Muhammad, peace be upon him, settle as you may want to settle down that you shall die, love whom you want to love that you will part with him and do as you want that you will be rewarded accordingly."))

[Ash-Shirazi and Al-Baihaqi, by Sahl bin Sa'd Al-Baihaqi by Jabir]


 The deceased's spirit floats over the coffin; calling his folks – as it was narrated in the relic- "O My folks, and my children, never let the worldly life plays with you just as it did with me; I gathered money from permitted and non-permitted sources, and I spent it legally and illegally, so you will enjoy the inheritances, but I will be brought to account."

Pondering over death makes man's goals noble:

  There are so many tragic stories of the same nature. A brother of ours once showed me a house in one of the most famous resorts of Damascus suburb, and it was a huge mansion rather than a house, so to speak. It was full of exquisite guest rooms, balconies with outstanding views, lots of bedrooms and big kitchen which was as big as a small house. I was told that the owner of that house had a classy taste and he had chosen the accommodations from the best qualities, and after that house was finished. The owner told my friend that he wanted to move all the furniture to it on Thursday, but he asked him for an electric regulator, so my friend bought that regulator and waited for him to come on Thursday but he did not show up, then he skipped Friday and called him on Saturday, but over the phone he heard loud voices, then a woman answered the phone, and upon asking her about moving the furniture she said, "The owner of the house died." He died on the same day he was about to dwell in the house. I know tens of similar stories, so where are you heading?


 Do what you have to do in life, get your PHD or establish a factory, but do not forget death, do not forget the Hereafter and do not forget that you will be reckoned and you will be asked: How did you earn your wealth? How did you dispose of it? How did you consume your life? How did you consume your youth? Preparing for death does not prevent you from working, so do not get me wrong or think that I am inviting you to stop living. The noble companions, may Allah be pleased with them, had great deeds but all their deeds fell within the Right Path. Preparing for your own death will prevent you from sinning and make your goals more exalted. Man is nothing but a number of days;s whenever each day passes then part of him has gone." "O son of Adam, I am a new day, and I am a witness for the deeds performed during my stay, so make benefit from me. If my sun sets I will not return until the Day of Resurrection!"

Time is the capital of man in life and man owns nothing more precious than time:

  The time you have now is your capital in life, and it is the most precious thing you own, for it is the container of your deeds, so how are you going to spend it? I feel sorry when I pass by some people who spend the day sitting on rocks in front of their houses watching people, and two or three hours might pass while they are doing nothing. By Allah dear brother, we are making grave mistakes in the way we waste our time:

((Allah dislikes you engaging in chitchat, asking a lot of questions and squandering wealth))

[Muslim by Al-Mugheerah]

 The Hadith refers to the long gatherings during which people do nothing:

((There are no people who rise from a gathering in which Allah was not mentioned but that it is as if they are rising from the carcass of a donkey, and it will be a cause of regret for them.))

[Abu Dawod by Abi Hurairah]

 If you listen to what such people say, you will find out that they are talking about nonsense:

((Allah, the Exalted, loves the noble and honorable matters and hates the trivial ones.))

[Al-Jame' As-Shagheer by Sahl bin Sa'd]

﴾ Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest﴿

[Ar-Ra'd, 28]

((If a group of people sit together remembering Allah, the angels will surround them, the mercy will shroud them, the peace will descend unto them and Allah will remember them among those with Him.))

[Abu Dawod by Abi Hurairah]

Th prudent is the one who invests his time instead of wasting it:

  Your definition is time, so do not consume your time in trivial matters like eating, drinking, sleeping, staying late at night, entertaining, laughing then sleeping at 2 AM. The next day you head to work to make money, and you do the same thing all over again. Do you guarantee that you will be in the same condition (or health) every morning? This is impossible, for no one can guarantee that. Hence, dear brother, time as a constituent of the Divine Assignment is very serious, because it defines who you are, and thus you can waste it (like the majority of people do) or you can invest it (for the Hereafter) and apply what Allah says:

﴾ By Al-'Asr (the time)* Verily! Man is in loss* Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds (Al-Ma'ruf)which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Munkar)which Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allah's Cause during preaching His religion of Islamic Monotheism or Jihad, etc.). ﴿

[Al-Asr, 1-3]

Comprehending the Quran and sunna is the way of winning:

 There are four requirements which in case you fulfill, you will not be considered a loser. the first one is: Seek the truth:


﴾ Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism)﴿

 The second one is: Look for the reason behind your existence, the third one is: Search for the purpose of your existence and the fourth one is: Know the right and the wrong, and Halal and Haram by comprehending Allah's Words and by fully understanding the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Therefore, read the Prophetic biography and read about the biographies of the companions and learn how they achieved their goals by flying colors. Seeking the truth includes attending a religious session or the Friday sermon, reading a book and seeking knowledge by asking knowledgeable person, and this is enough to fulfill this requirement.

 Keep asking knowledgeable people and look for sources to enrich your knowledge. Do not settle for less, and be aware that the minute you relinquish seeking knowledge in your life, you will fall to a level that is lower than your humane level. Man has mundane needs like eating, drinking and mating, and he also has exalted needs like seeking knowledge. Unless man seeks knowledge, he will take thereby the wrong course, for fulfilling the purpose, he was created for, is the only thing that makes a human out of him.

﴾ Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism)﴿

[Al-Asr, 3]

 You may ask someone (who claims to be a believer), "Since when you believe?" he will answer, "I am a better believer than you are", but again you ask surprisingly, "When did you believe?" Faith is like PHD which cannot be acquired by sleeping and by wasting time in picnics, banquets and parties. PHD needs 30 years of hardworking and studying starting with the elementary school (6 years), the intermediate school (3 years), the high school (3 years), four years in the university, two years of diploma, three years of Master's Degree and finally four years to acquire the PHD. Only then you can put Dr. Before your name.

﴾ Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism)﴿

[Al-Asr, 3]

Knowing the truth is one's salvation from Allah's Torment:

  You should pursue the truth in order to know why you have been created in this life, to know what you should do, to know Halal (permissible matters) and Haram (impermissible matters), good and evil, beauty and ugliness and to know the Method of Allah. Of you do not strive, you will not be able to know the Method of Allah. Consider the example of a doctor (who studies hard to be a doctor), have you ever heard of a doctor who wasted his time enjoying himself and going to night clubs? Have you ever heard of a doctor who claims that he has a clinic although he has never joined the school? Can such a man claim saying, "I am a doctor."? This man is crazy. If he claims to be a doctor, then where is his M.A degree, his Bachelor's degree, his high school degree and his intermediate degree?

﴾ Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism)﴿

[Al-Asr, 3]

 Knowing the truth is one of the cornerstones of salvation. There are exalted needs installed in you as a human being, and these needs are pursued by your mind, and thus you should fulfill them.

Your rank in the Sight of Allah is based on your good deeds:

  Now, pay attention to this:

﴾and do righteous good deeds,﴿

[Al-Asr, 3]

 What do you do in life? Do you just eat and drink, but what have you prepared for your Hereafter so far? Have you helped anyone? Have you fed a hungry person? Have you offered clothes to a needy man? Have you given a piece of advice to anyone? Have you served anyone? Have you fed a wretched man? Have you distributed to a non-profit organization? Are you a part of anything important? So, how do you spend your life?

 It breaks the heart to see how few the ones who offer good deeds are though there is a lot to do. There are invalids, and some people are helping them for the sake of Allah. Also, there are orphans who need someone to look after them. I was informed that some youth visit the orphanages, and they offer their help to the orphans by giving them a piece of advice, a book, a cassette or a CD of a religious lecture. Offer something to the sh3er, for your value in the Sight of Allah is based on your good deeds. Frankly, it is good to attend a religious lecture like this one, but this is not enough, so each one of you should reach out to sh3er and remember that the paths to Allah are as many as the number of people on earth.

﴾ Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds,﴿

[Al-Asr, 3]

Da'wah is Fard Ayn (individual obligation):

  It is not enough:

﴾ and recommend one another to the truth and recommend one another to patience ﴿

[Al-Asr, 3]

 This is the kind of Daw'ah (calling to Allah) which is Fard Ayn (legal obligations that must be performed by each individual Muslim), and every Muslim accordingly should offer his advice or convey a sermon he heard to his wife, child, brother, neighbor or friend.

((Convey from me even an Ayah of the Qur'an))

[Al-Bukhari and At-Tirmizi by Ibn Amr]

 You should seek the truth, follow it and call sh3er to it.

﴾ and recommend one another to the truth and recommend one another to patience ﴿

[Al-Asr, 3]

 Looking for the truth entails patience, so are applying it and calling to it. The fourth requirement embraces the other three:

﴾ Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds (Al-Ma'ruf)which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Munkar)which Allah has forbidden),﴿

[Al-Asr, 3]

 The fourth one is:

﴾and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allah's Cause during preaching His religion of Islamic Monotheism or Jihad, etc.). ﴿

[Al-Asr, 3]

 This means that in seeking the truth, applying it and calling to it you should be patient.

The prudent and the successful man is whoever invests his time in offering good deeds:

  This Surat (Al-Asr) includes the cornerstones of salvation, without which man is in loss, and this is a crystal clear fact:

﴾ By Al-'Asr (the time)* Verily! Man is in loss,﴿

[Al-Asr, 1-2]

 Allah says to you that you are in loss, even if you are someone who owns 90 billion dollars at an early age (like forty):

﴾ Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds (Al-Ma'ruf)which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Munkar)which Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allah's Cause during preaching His religion of Islamic Monotheism or Jihad, etc.). ﴿

[Al-Asr, 3]

 These are the fields in which you can invest your time, for you can invest it in offering good deeds, in seeking knowledge, in calling to Allah and in being patience in applying your knowledge and calling other to acquire it. This pretty much reflects your success, prosperity, prudence and cleverness. On the other side, being a follower of the mob will make you just like anyone who is good if people are good and who is bad if people are bad which reflects limitless foolishness.

The prudent is the one who expects death at any second:

  Dear brother, time is so precious, and what had happened had gone, while Future is unknown, and you have the hour you are living. As for the past, it had gone, so it is foolishness to dig in it whether it is good or bad, and we are not guaranteed to live in the future. I like to mention the following story, which I mention a lot, but it fits our topic. I was once a teacher in a high school, and one day I had a free hour which was not enough for me to go back home and come again to school, so I chose to spend it with the principal who happened to be my friend. While I was sitting with him at his office, he started complaining about the conditions in the country, and that he wanted to travel to Algeria as a teacher after he had got the approval, and he said, "I will go there, where the salary is double, and I will stay 5 years without coming back to spend summer in here. Instead, I will spend summer as follows: the first summer in Paris, the second one in Spain, the third one in Italy and the fourth one in England, so that I will be able to visit these countries and see their museums, suburb and civilization. After I spend these 5 years, I will resign and take my pensions in addition to what is left from the money of this travel, and I will open an antique store". He told me his plan, in addition to how he would make his living and a lot more things, while I was listening to him, and during that chat we drank a cup of tea. The hour passed, and I went back to my class, and then I went home. By Allah the only Diety, I read his obituary the same day. He offered Fajr Salah then he prayed Zuher as Imam, but in the afternoon he was under the ground.


 There are endless stories like this, such as the death of someone who spent the night writing a book but in the morning he was dead. We used to meet at the house of a noble brother in Zabadani (Suburb outside Damascus) every other week. We met him one day, and on the second he wanted to hold a banquette for all his relatives, given he had good heath, but on the eve of that day he went to sleep and never woke up.

Every creature shall die, and only the Almighty remains.
No matter how long the night lasts, the dawn shall certainly come.
No matter how long man lives, he must die and be buried.
Every man, no matter how long he has been safe,
shall be carried to his grave.
So if you carry a deceased man to his tomb
know that one day you will be carried

The most valuable thing you own is time so you should manage it wisely:

  This is death which should be in front of your eyes all the time. Keeping it in mind will never prevent you from working, on the contrary, thinking about death all the time makes you more disciplined, and you will haste towards Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He. The student who was the first among all high school students in Syria was asked by a reporter about the secret of his success, to which he answered, "The minute of the exams never left my mind all year long".


  I ask you to think of the minute of your death and ask, "Am I going to die in my house? Is it possible that I die in the street? That might happen. Once I was heading to my office when I found a dead man in front of the courthouse covered with a blanket, and after I finished my work I went back at 4 in the afternoon to find him where exactly he was in the morning, because the judge could not make it. Where one of us will die? Will you die in the street? Will you die while traveling? Will you die at night? Will you die during the day? Will you die while your children are around you? Will you die while you are alone at home? In which room are they going to bath me after I die? Where am I going to be buried? What will my children do after my death? Will they disagree with one another? Will they become as one? Will they sell the house and what will they do? Think about the future, and as long as you think about the future, you prove your prudence, so do not ever think about the past or the present.

 Dear brother, the topic of time is very crucial, because man by definition is time, and time is one's capital and the most precious thing one owns. By managing it wisely, man proves that he is prudent, clever and successful.

The scientific topic:

  Dear brother, let us move to the scientific topic:


The pituitary gland is the queen of the hormone system, and it controls all other glands:


     As man has a brain and a nervous system, he also has the queen of the hormone system which is the pituitary gland. It is a queen because it orders and controls all the other endocrine glands like the suprarenal gland, the thyroid gland, the pancreas and all other glands.



1- Growth hormone (GH):

  The pituitary gland is connected to the optic thalamus which is connected to 150.000 nerves. It weighs half a gram and is located behind the center of our forehead, between our eyes. This gland excretes the growth hormone which consists of 190 amino acids, and its concentration should be 10 micrograms per liter of blood. When this amount increases, man becomes a giant and the disease in this case is called "gigantism". On the other hand, when its amount decreases, man becomes a midget and the disease in this case is called "midgetism", given the right amounts of this hormone will make man's height reasonable. I would like to repeat, its concentration should be 10 micrograms per liter of blood, this gland is connected to the optic thalamus which is connected to 150.000 nerves and its weight is half a gram.


2- Prolactin (the hormone responsible for stimulating the production of milk):

  This gland also excretes prolactin few hours before delivery, and this hormone circulates in the blood stream and makes the breast of the mother produce milk. Therefore, the pituitary gland is responsible for excreting the growth hormone and the prolactin in addition to another hormone which controls the thyroid gland.


 The function of the thyroid gland is to regulate metabolism, but what is metabolism? It is the process through which the food is transformed into energy. Thus, when someone is skinny, this means that he has a high level of metabolism and almost everything he eats is transformed into energy, whereas being obese means that this person has a slow metabolism, and no matter how little he eats, he stores part of the food as fat in his body.

3- The hormone of thyroid gland:

  The third hormone is the hormone of the thyroid gland.


4- The hormone of suprarenal gland (adrenal gland):

  The fourth hormone is the hormone of the suprarenal gland. Whenever man faces danger, a hormone goes from the pituitary gland to the suprarenal gland which orders it to face this danger. Accordingly, this gland increases the heart rate by excreting a hormone, it expands the lungs, it increases the sugar levels in order to produce energy, it raises the levels of the clotting factors and it narrows the lumen of blood vessels. The pituitary gland also excretes the sex hormones.


5- Sex hormones (estradiol and progesterone):

  A friend of mine went to Germany, and he was surprised when he saw the selling manger, for she had hair on her face, her voice was manly and she had big muscles. Upon asking her, she said that she lacked the sex hormones in the pituitary gland, and that she paid half of her salary on medications which she had to take the rest of her life. Hence, this half a gram gland is responsible for the physiological changes to both sexes (man and woman)


6- Hormone of color (Melanocyte-stimulating hormone):

  The pituitary gland is also responsible for producing the hormone of color which gives the skin its color, so itis fair, corny or dark.



7- ADH (anti-diuretic hormone):

  There has to be a balance between the amount of water gained (from your diet though drinks and food and the water produced by cellular respiration) and the amount of water lost by the body (in sweating, evaporation and urine). This balance is achieved by the action of this hormone (ADH), and if this hormone decreases, man will stay beside the tap water drinking all day, and next to the bathroom evacuating this water.



8- Hormones of labor:

  The pituitary gland produces the hormone of labor which widens the pelvic and another hormone which contracts the womb. This hormone causes contractions to the womb which are 50 minutes apart, then 40 minutes then 30 minutes till the childbirth.



9- Hormone of contracting the womb that restricts blood flow:

 This hormone contracts the womb making it like a rock. Thus, we have nine hormones excreted by the pituitary gland, and they are: The growth hormone, the sex hormone, breast milk hormone, the thyroid hormone, the suprarenal hormone, the ADH, the hormone of color and the hormone of womb contractions.



Everything in the universe indicates the Oneness of Allah:

  Dear brother, in everything there is a sign which indicates that Allah is the Only Deity.


﴾ And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?﴿

[Adh-Dhariyat, 21]

 By Allah, if a hormonal imbalance of the pituitary gland, which is not more than half a gram of weight, occurs, man's life will turn into a living Hell.

You think you are an insignificant creature
While the entire universe lies within you


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