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Prophetic Hadith- Hadith Explanation- Ahmadi Mosque- Lesson (110-119): Fulfilling Muslims' needs- He who relieves a believer from a difficulty of this worldi
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Who is the successful person?!

 Dear brother, Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that The Messenger of Allah, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

((He who rrelieves a believer from a difficulty of this world, Allah will relieve him from one his troubles on the Day of Resurrection;))

 In Qudsi Hadith, it is said:

((O My servants, the good is in My Hand and the evil is also in My Hand; so blessed be he whom I decreed the good unto his hand and woe to he whom I decreed the evil unto his hand.))

 If you want to know your status, look how Allah the Almighty uses you ; do you seek giving sh3er or taking from them? Do you seek securing people or depriving them of their security? Do you seek giving people money or extorting their money? And do you seek dealing with people kindly or doing harm to them?
 Woe, woe and woe to those whom Allah decreed the evil unto their hands.

A story that is narrated in some books:

 It is narrated in some books that while a man was circumambulating around Al-Ka'bah saying: "O my Lord, forgive me my sin, but I do not think You will do", a man behind him heard him, so he asked him: "O man, How desperate you are of Allah's Mercy!!" He replied: "Because my sin is great". The man asked him: "What is your sin?",to which he replied: "I was a soldier in a campaign to suppress a sedition in a city, and after it was suppressed, the city became ours. I got into a house where there were a man with his wife and their two sons. First, I killed the man, then I ordered the woman to give me everything she had, and she did. After that, I killed her first son, and when she noticed that I was serious about killing her second son, she gave me a golden armor. I liked it so much, but when I pondered over it, I noticed that there were two lines of poetry written on it. Verily, I fainted after I read them. The lines were as follows:

If the commander and his two commissionaires oppresses people,
And the judge of earth dissipated in judiciary,
Woe, then woe, then woe to the earth's judge
from the Heaven's Judge (Allah the Almighty)

 Dear brother, let me repeat what I have just said:

((So, blessed be he whom I decreed the good unto his hand, and woe to he whom I decreed the evil unto his hand.))

The fate of whoever extorts people’s money unlawfully:

 Blessed be he who gives, and woe to he who takes (ravishes), blessed be he who secures people, and woe to he who terrifies them, blessed be he who supports people, and woe to he who extorts their money. Keep in mind that Almighty Allah is the Most Great.
 I know a powerful rich man who collected large sums of money and established his business by offending people and extorting their money unlawfully. He got a farm in west Damascus. It was sold for fifty-eight million liras. Imagine how many valuable things it contains!!
 One night, while he was driving towards that farm, a track which carried iron rods was in front of his car. He tried to use the car's brake, in order to stop, but it was in vain as there was oil spilt on the road. Therefore, his car crashed with the track allowing the rods to penetrate his car, cut his head off and throw it to the back seat. Because of that accident, his wife got mad and both his daughter and his son died. The farm was sold. He was put under the covenant (of protecting) from Allah for ten years, then Allah put an end to his life.

Get the lesson from these words:

 Dear brother, blessed be he who relieves a believer from distress, and woe to he who causes him distress.
 Methods of offending people are too many; one of them could be by cheating on people, such as misusing their trust in you. For example, when a doctor tells his patient that he should undergo a surgery, which is not necessary for him, no one knows the truth. The whole matter is kept between the doctor and his Creator. Also, a trusted lawyer may tell you that you will win the lawsuit in order to extort you money. Sometimes he takes more than fifty thousand liras during eight years, but at the end he loses it. Thus, there are so many ways by which people are offended; by fraud, by force, by cunning…etc. The lesson which can be extracted from all this is: Don't establish your own status on the ruins of sh3er, don't accumulate your wealth by impoverishing sh3er, don't maintain your security by scaring sh3er and don't build your life on the death of sh3er.

((He who removes from a believer one of his difficulties of this world, Allah will remove one of his troubles on the Day of Resurrection;))

A precise standard:

 Dear brother, there is a very precise standard indicated by answering the following question: Which makes you delighted, giving people or taking from them? If taking from people makes you delighted, then you are one the people of the worldly life, and if giving sh3er makes delighted, then you are one of the people of the Hereafter. The same standard goes for answering the following questions: What makes you delighted, pleasing people or displeasing them? Are you delighted when you relieve people or when you disturb them?
 There are people who cannot sleep nor can they feel at ease unless they do harm to other people. If they do not do harm to the sh3er, they do not relax. Verily, those people will have a pernicious fate.
 If Allah the Almighty allows you to relieve a believer from his distress, to help him, to lend him money, to visit him, to condole with him or to guide him to His right path, you will be the happiest person.
 If you want to know your status, look at your assignments
 Dear brother, let me repeat what I have said earlier: If you want to know your position in Allah's Sight, think of how He uses you.
 I'll never forget what happened once while I was attending a religious activity. I was invited to the opening of a Masjid in As-Sabborah (a city in Damascus Countryside), and the man who built that Masjid invited all the scholars of Damascus. They had lunch and delivered speeches. By Allah the face of that man was as radiant as the sun. He bought a land in order to build a Masjid. As the feast was over, I went out of the Masjid, and I saw a nightclub that was opposite it. One week later, the man who built the Masjid died. When I knew that, I made a comparison between that man who built the Masjid and the one who built the nightclub; the first man died, whereas the second is still alive, but what does really remain (after dearth)?!
 Compare between a singer and a Quran reader after their death; the songs of the singer which are sensual and immoral are broadcasted on the radio stations all over the Arab world, while the recitation of the Qur'an reader is broadcasted on the radio stations all over the world.
 Once, I attended the opening of a Masjid, and the Minister of Al- Awqaf (the Endowments) was sitting next to me. I turned to him and said, "Congratulation! You are opening a Masjid and appointing a preacher, while elsewhere there is a man who is opening a nightclub and appointing a dancer. There is a big difference between the two deeds.

Don't Forget !!!

 Always remember these words: If you want to know your position in Allah's Sight, think of how He uses you.
 What is your real identity? There is a man whose job is based on scaring people, and there is another one whose job is based on extorting their money.
 Keep in mind that in this world there are the Prophets, may Allah have peace upon them, and the powerful (the tyrants). The Prophets won people's hearts, whereas the powerful grasped other's necks with their strong-arms. How about you? Whom you belong to? You either follow the example of a Prophet, may Allah have peace upon him, make perfection your weapon and win the hearts of people, or follow the steps of a powerful man (a tyrant) and grasp people's necks with your strong arms.

It is a matter of easiness:

 Now (the following is the continuation of the first Hadith in this lesson):  

((…and he who finds relief for a hard-pressed person, Allah will make things easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter;))

((Allah Most High loves a servant of His who is lenient when he sells, lenient when he buys, lenient when he pays his debt and lenient when he demands the payment of a debt due to him.)) ((The believer is easy and lenient.))

((The believer is loving and lovable, and there is no good in the one who is not loving nor lovable.))

 So, the believer is moderate, he is reconciled, he forgives and he is tolerant towards sh3er.

The story of a merchant of fabrics:

 I remember that I told you last week that I visited a merchant of fabrics. He said to me: "I always cry whenever I remember a person I know". I asked him: "Why, what did he do?!". He answered: "He lent me a large amount of money, and when he asked me to give him beck his money, I told him that I did not have enough money _ he was a very poor man". He said that he lived in Lattakia and the merchant was coming from Damascus, so he invited him to have lunch with him. He said, "I was embarrassed when I told him that the lunch would be in my house, not in a restaurant because I could not afford it." He said that the man was a merchant who worked in Al-Hariqah (a famous trade centre in Old Damascus), and when he got in his house, he noticed that it was very modest. The house of the man who was telling the story made it clear that he wasn't deceitful man who traded with people's money. Otherwise, he would have a magnificent large house. He went on saying, "By Allah, once that merchant got into my house, he asked me about the bills. When I brought them to him, he tore them apart and he turned to me saying, ''Come to Damascus and I will give you goods for trading, and If you need certain standards which I have, I'll keep them for you."
 Verily, the poor man was very trustful in dealing with the merchant. He took the goods from that merchant and sold them. When he got profits, he discharged his prior and his posterior debts, and he lived in prosperity. He said to me: "That man was the reason behind my happiness and success, because he was very patient with me." Notice how the merchant made things easy for a hard-pressed person. The man told me, "He lent me a huge amount of money. Yet, he sold me goods once again."

((and he who finds relief for a hard-pressed person, Allah will make things easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter;))

This is the Hero:

 Now (the following also is the continuation of the first Hadith in this lesson):

((…and he who covers up (the faults and sins of ) a Muslim, Allah will cover up (his faults and sins) in this world and in the Hereafter.))

 It is so easy to uncover up the faults or the sins of other people, but it is a great heroic act to cover up (the faults or sins of) them. Also, it is so easy for you while you are in a soiree to tell the attendants about a funny peculiar story and attract their attention, but by doing so you uncover up someone and even destroy him. You find it very hard to keep silent if you have thousands of stories about people; all of them are suitable to lighten your meetings.
Allah the Almighty, is As-Sattar (the Veiler of sin) 'He covers up (the faults and sins of) people', and the perfect believer derives from Allah's Perfection, so he covers up (the faults and sins of) people.
 To be honest with you, Muslims are uncovering up sh3er' faults, sins, behavior... etc. You may notice how the problems of the family spread among people, and secrets are not kept inside the house (they are disclosed). Even the wife reveals the secret of her household although some of the qualities of the devout believer wife are that she covers up sh3er' faults or sins, she never refrains from her husband if he calls her to fulfill his need, she is chaste and she is fertile.

Who are the happiest people?

((…Allah supports His slave as long as the slave is supportive of his brother…))

 These words are very precise; you either support people or will be afflicted with distress and pain.
 It is noticed that whoever is used to support and serve the sh3er is the happiest one. Thus, if you want to be the happiest person, please people, and if you want to be delighted, make people delighted. Get out of your own self by serving other people. Consider other Muslims' worries yours and take care of sh3er. When you do this, Allah the Almighty helps you to bear your worldly affairs.
 Allah loves the servant who cares about people's and Muslims' worries. Allah fulfills the needs of people who adopt this attitude towards sh3er while they are worshipping Him in Masajid.

A model story:

 I heard about a merchant in Al-Assroniyah (a well-known trade center in Old Damascus) who died at the Night of Al-Qadr while he was reading Quran. He lived for about eighty years, may Allah have mercy on his soul.
That merchant had got two poor brother, so he distributed his own wealth between himself and his two brother when he was alive and at the top of success in his business. He used to help his relatives to get married, have houses and get jobs. He lived just like a king; people used to do whatever he asked them to do out of respect for him. In short, he lived for the sake of helping many people of his family; supporting young men and women, fulfilling their needs (helping singles to get married, get them houses, business… etc).
 Can you imagine how happy he was? by Allah I was told so many incredible stories about that merchant.. Here is one of them:
 Some of the workers who used to work with him asked him intelligently, "Will you get upset if I stop working in your shop and hired a shop to work in?" The merchant answered: "God forbid! No, my son I won't." The worker continued asking: "There is a shop which is offered for delivery, and it is located after two shops of yours, so is it possible to hire it?" The merchant answered: "Absolutely my son, you can hire it". Then the worker said "I've just got ten thousand liras, whereas the owners of the shop want ninety thousand liras in order to deliver the shop. Can you pay the rest of the amount?"The merchant replied, "You're welcome. I will pay the amount, and the shop will be yours." He bought that shop by his own money and supplied it with goods from his own warehouse. Then he delivered that shop to the worker giving rise to him to become the shop owner. Later on, he became his own competitor.
Verily, there is a big difference between a mean materialist person and a generous honorable one!!.
 I told you he was the king of his family; no one dared to disobey his orders even his relatives of the fourth degree. I do not mean not his own children, but I mean his brother, his sisters, his nephews and his nieces. He lived for the sake of fulfilling sh3er' needs.
 Also, I was told that when he used to invite his staff and workers to eat, he didn't eat with them, so they didn't get embarrassed. He ate after they finished eating. He was a very modest man who lived for eighty years and died at the Night of Al-Qadr while he was reading Quran.

((…Allah supports His slave as long as the slave is supportive of his brother…))

 Allah loves us as long as we love each other, but when we envy, compete and dislike each other Allah stops loving us.

Go along this path:

 Now (the same Hadith goes as follows):

((…and he who treads the path in search of knowledge,)

 It means that whoever goes to the Masjid where there are no tea nor rug, can listen to the lesson there and seek religious knowledge.

((Allah makes that path easy, leading to Jannah for him;))

 Whenever you dress up your cloth, go out of your house, and ride your car heading towards the Masjid ; this path is considered a path to Paradise.
 The meaning of “Mercy” & “As-Sakinah (calmness and tranquility)”:

((…the people who assemble in one of the houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah, learning it and teaching, there descends upon them the tranquility, and mercy covers them, the angels flock around them, and Allah mentions them in the presence of those near Him;))

  These are nice words:
 As-Sakinah (calmness and tranquility) is the happiness:

((Then Allah sent down His Sakinah (calmness, tranquillity, peace, etc.) upon him, and strengthened him with forces (angels) which you saw not,))

[At-Taubah: 40]

 Besides the sustaining mercy, the psychological relief, the preserving angels and the good which is in your hands, Allah will mention you among His angels in His Heaven and raises high your fame.
 Perhaps none in the earth is more honored by Allah than the Messenger of Allah, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him. Whoever gets himself acquainted with Allah the Almighty, Allah raises high his fame:

((Have We not opened your breast for you (O Muhammad PBUH )?* And removed from you your burden* Which weighed down your back?* And raised high your fame?* So verily, with the hardship, there is relief, *Verily, with the hardship, there is relief (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs).))

[Ash-Sharh: 1-6 ]

What is the admitted kinship in Allah's religion:

((…and he who lags behind in doing good deeds, his noble lineage will not make him go ahead.))

[Narrated by Muslim in his Sahih, and documented by Al-Termithi and Abu Dawood in their Sunan]

 In our worldly life, we are proud of our kinship if they work on making faith a crown with which we are crowned. If you are an upright believer, and boast your kinship who are just like you, then there is no problem about that. However, you should not be proud of your kinship if they are not believers or upright. In this case your kinship look like Abu Lahab (the Prophet's uncle). Almighty Allah says:

(( Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab (an uncle of the Prophet), and perish he!))

[Al-Masad: 1]

 We boast our kinship if they work on making faith a crown on our heads, but if the kinship lack faith, then being proud of them is worthless. The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

((Salman is a member of my family.))

 whereas Allah says about Abu Lahab (the Prophet's uncle):

((Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab (an uncle of the Prophet), and perish he!))

[ Al-Masad: 1]

 Allah says about the uncle of the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him:

((He will be burnt in a Fire of blazing flames! ))

[Al-Masad: 3]

 Whenever Sayyidina Bilal Al-Habashi (he is from Al-Habashah) was mentioned by the Companions of the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, he was referred to as Sayyidina, just like when they mentioned Abu Bakr. Once they said: "He (Abu Bakr) is Sayyidina who disenthralled Sayyidina (Bilal)".
 Sayyidina Umar who is the Giant of Islam and who is one of a Rightly Guided Khulafa' headed towards the outskirts of Al-Madinah only to welcome Bilal. What do you think of such a deed?! When Sayyiduna As-Seddiq, bought Bilal from his oppressive master, he put his hand under Bilal's armpit and said: "This is really my brother".

This is the Prophetic Sunnah (rule or way, etc):

 Dear brother, by Allah this Hadith is one of the most precise As7adeth:

((He who removes from a believer one of his difficulties of this world, Allah will remove one of his troubles on the Day of Resurrection; and he who finds relief for a hard-pressed person, Allah will make things easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter; he who covers up (the faults and sins) of a Muslim, Allah will cover up (his faults and sins) in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah supports His slave as long as the slave is supportive of his brother; and he who treads the path in search of knowledge, Allah makes that path easy, leading to Jannah for him; the people who assemble in one of the houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah, learning it and teaching, there descends upon them the tranquility, and mercy covers them, the angels flock around them, and Allah mentions them in the presence of those near Him; and he who lags behind in doing good deeds, his noble lineage will not make him go ahead.))

[Narrated by Muslim in his Sahih, and documented by Al-Termithi and Abu Dawood in their Sunan ]

 This is the Prophetic Sunnah and every believer is assigned to learn about it, because Allah the Almighty says:

((And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad PBUH) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it).))

[Al-Hashr: 7]

  How could we take from the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, and how could we abstain from what he forbade if we know nothing about the things he ordered us to do and the ones he forbade us from doing!?
 The Sunnah which we have tackled in our lesson is: Relieving a believer from his distress, making things easy for a hard-pressed person (someone who's in difficulty), covering up (the faults and sins of) the Muslim, supporting the Muslim, seeking knowledge, scrutinizing Allah's Book (the Noble Quran) and depending on uprightness and good deeds, rather than the noble kinship.


 In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

 Praise be to Allah, Lord (the One and Only) of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our Master, Prophet Muhammad, the truthful and the faithful.
 O Allah, give us and don't deprive us, dignify us and don't humiliate us, choose us and don't turn away from us to sh3er and please us and be pleased with us. O Allah, grant peace and blessings to Sayyidina Muhammad, his Family and his Companions.

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