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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-Imran (3)- Lesson (24)- Verses [81-91]
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 O brother believers, we continue with the lesson twenty four of the interpretation of "Surat Al-Imran" and with the verse number eighty one Almighty Allah says:
{And (remember) when Allah took the Covenant of the Prophets, saying: "Take whatever I gave you from the Book and Hikmah (understanding of the Laws of Allah, etc.), and afterwards there will come to you a Messenger (Muhammad) confirming what is with you; you must, then, believe in him and help him." Allah said: "Do you agree (to it) and will you take up My Covenant (which I conclude with you)?" They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness; and I am with you among the witnesses (for this)."} ‘Al-Imran Verse: 81’
And (remember) when Allah took the Covenant of the Prophets, saying: "Take whatever I gave you from the Book and Hikmah (understanding of the Laws of Allah,

The covenant of the prophets:

1-Prophets believe in one another:

 Almighty Allah in this verse manifests the fact that every prophet was sent by Almighty Allah and was supported by miracles and Allah granted him wisdom, should believe in the prophets that Allah sent because the origin and the source of the mission of all prophets is one and the same,they were all sent from Almighty Allah, the One and only God, the prophets learn from one niche (one source of light which is Almighty Allah) all prophets had been inspired to them by Almighty Allah, it is meaningless for us to believe that a prophet or a messenger of Allah may refuse to believe and prevent us from believing in a prophet or messenger who comes after him because the prophets and messengers of Allah are the tops of humanity, they obey Allah, they submit and yield to His majesty completely in small details.

2-This verse means following prophets:

 In fact this verse means following prophets, how can a prophet follow and believe in a prophet who may come after him in nine hundred years, Prophet Moses was asked to believe in the mission of Prophet Mohammad may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, impossible, but some scholars said: this verse means following prophets because the followers of the prophets follow their prophets and obey their orders and commands, Almighty Allah took the Covenant of the Prophets.

"Take whatever I gave you from the Book and Hikmah (understanding of the Laws of Allah, etc.), and afterwards there will come to you a Messenger (Muhammad) confirming what is with you; you must, then, believe in him and help him."

3-We must believe in all prophets:

 To have faith in the prophet is to believe him,to support and help him is to obey his orders and commands, and to be at the service of this new mission, I will clarify this for you by simple example from our everyday life, An institution has a general manager, this institution is related to the minister, the ruler of this kingdom is the king. If the king changed the minister, perhaps he transferred him to another place or perhaps he appointed him as ambassador or perhaps he formed a new ministry, can the general manager say I don’t receive any orders except from the former minister? This means that his loyalty to the king is not sincere, since the king changed the ministry and appointed a new minister; the sign of his loyalty to the king is to obey the new minister and to follow his instructions.
 This meaning is very accurate because if we are real Muslims we should believe in all former prophets and the followers of the former prophets should believe in the last prophets the Seal (the last) of the Prophets our prophet Mohammad

And (remember) when Allah took the Covenant of the Prophets

4-Allah took the covenant of people to believe in Mohammad:

 The covenant is a pledge and obligation; He took the covenant to inform their followers of the fact that if a prophet came, they should believe in him and follow his instructions.
As you know, dear brother, in the book of Jews, there are very clear words about a prophet who would be sent and whose name shall be Ahmed, Abi Omama said:

“Messenger of Allah, how did you start? He said: the mission of my father Ibrahim, the glad tidings of Jesus and my mother saw a light which was coming from her and that light illuminated the palaces of Al sham”


 Almighty Allah says:

{129- “Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own (and indeed Allah answered their invocation by sending Mohammad Peace be upon him), who shall reauthor unto them Your Verses and instruct them in the Book (this Qur'an) and Al-Hikmah (full knowledge of the Islamic laws and jurisprudence or wisdom or Prophethood, etc.), and sanctify them. Verily! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."}

(Al-Bakara verse: 129)

 And the glad tidings of my brother Isa (Jesus) Almighty Allah says:

{ And (remember) when 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), said: "O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah unto you confirming the Taurat [(Torah) which camebefore me, and giving glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed. But when he (Ahmed i.e. Muhammad) came to them with clear proofs, they said: "This is plain magic."}

(As-saff Verse: 6)

 Therefore we say, that the messengers are initiators and they are been instructed that on behalf of their people, to follow and believe in any mesenger who came after them, carrying a message that confirms the message which they have brought they should believe in him, help him and be at his service and at the service of the truth he has brought.

{And We did not send any Messenger before you (O Muhammad) but We inspired him (saying): La ilaha illa Ana [none has the right to be worshipped but I (Allah)], so worship Me (Alone and none else)."}

(Al-Anbiyah Verse:25)

 The mission of all prophets is one and the same, I mentioned to you in previous lesson the fact that all prophets were mentioned in the holy Quran and they were described as Muslims and Islam in its broad meaning is to surrender to the will of Allah, you are a servant of Allah, He created you in a complicated way which indicates His greatness, you have a great Creator, the expert, you are asked to follow His orders, but if you want to worship Allah the way you like, it is impossible to be a worshiper of Allah in this way and if you want to specify that you receive orders from one prophet only and you don’t acknowledge another prophet so you aren’t a worshiper of Allah in this mentality.

{81. And (remember) when Allah took the Covenant of the Prophets,}

 His Majesty took the covenant of the prophets to inform their followers because it is possible to be a follower of a prophet in a period of time in which a new prophet came

{81. And (remember) when Allah took the Covenant of the Prophets, saying: "Take whatever I gave you from the Book and Hikmah (understanding of the Laws of Allah, etc.), and afterwards there will come to you a Messenger (Muhammad) confirming what is with you ;}

 The mission is one; the God is one and only, the paradise, the hell, the straightness, don’t commit adultery, don’t kill, the doctrine is one.
 By the way, it is not reasonable to have a different doctrine for each prophet, there are different doctrines according to the development of nations but it is not reasonable to have the same matter forbidden in one doctrine and allowable in another, the God is one, if a certain matter is harmful matter, why is it allowable in this religion? And if it is useful, why it is forbidden in another religion? One deity, therefore if you find a certain matter, forbidden in a religion and allowable in another this means that there is a falsification and modification in hese t religions, Almighty Allah says:

{183. O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)}

(Al-bakara 183)

 Therefore Allah took the covenant of the prophets to inform their followers that if a Prophet comes at the end of time, who confirms their teachings and calls to worship one God, and to be steadfast on His religion, and be kind to His creatures, then the followers of the prophets have to believe in this new Prophet and to help him, and to put their complete powers at his disposal.

Allah asked the prophets: Do you agree?

 Allah said: "Do you agree (to it) and will you take up My Covenant (which I conclude with you)?
“They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness”.

 The covenant is the promise

“They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness”.

 Inform your followers of this doctrine to depend on it in each religion, to follow each religion you should believe in its prophet and if a new prophet came you should believe in him because Allah is the commander and loyalty is to him.
 There is a very simple example, I will repeat it again; an institution has a general manager, who reportsto the minister, the ruler of this kingdom is a king, if the king changed the minister, perhaps he transferred him to another place or perhaps he appointed him as ambassador or perhaps he formed a new ministry, can the general manager say: I don’t receive any orders except from the former minister? This means that he refuses to obey the king, as this is a royal command,, since the king changed the ministry and appointed a new minister; it is as if he doubts his wisdom, his knowledge, and he does not follow him, so it is very clear the sign of your loyalty to the king is to obey the new minister and to follow his instructions.

{"Take whatever I gave you from the Book and Hikmah (understanding of the Laws of Allah, etc.), and afterwards there will come to you a Messenger (Muhammad) confirming what is with you; you must, then, believe in him and help him." Allah said: "Do you agree (to it) and will you take up My Covenant (which I conclude with you)?" They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness; and I am with you among the witnesses (for this)."}

 He said: Then bear witness.

" He said: "Then bear witness; and I am with you among the witnesses"

 I mentioned in previous lessons the fact that when Allah is a witness this means that His actions affirm His words

"Then bear witness; and I am with you among the witnesses"

 The proof is that Allah makes His prophet victorious, the prophet whom He made the Seal (the last) of the Prophets and supports him with clear obvious miracles, and then Allah said:

{83. Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism worshipping none but Allah Alone),

 Do they seek other than the religion of Allah

1. We should follow the religion which Allah chose:

{This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.}


 Allah has chosen Islam for us, for His worshipers and for all people, if we didn’t believe in it, this means that we refused this religion and the refusal of the religion of Allah is a big matter in the world of faith.

{83. Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism worshipping none but Allah Alone), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly.}

2- The universe submitted to Him unwillingly:

 The meaning of this verse is very inclusive, the universe is expressed in the holy Quran by the heavens and earth, and the accurate definition of the universe is everything except Almighty Allah, the existence of Allah is inevitable and the existence of everything else is possible, to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, unwillingly; this is obvious because every one of us whether believer or disbeliever, straight or deviant, Arabian or foreign submitted unwillingly to Almighty Allah, who is among us can live an hour without a heart? If his heart stopped, his obituary would be written, you are subdued by the function of the heart, by the work of the lungs, by the growth of the cells, subdued by the movement, by breathing, any flaw in your body makes life unbearable, kings died and the whole science is between their hands and the money of the world is also between their hands, they can gather the physicians of the world to treat and cure them, the king is subdued, the poor and the rich are subdued, you find very rich man who own millions and he can spend it on staying alive but he couldn’t reach that the angel of death came to him.

{Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism worshipping none but Allah Alone), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth,}

3 - The believer submitted to Allah willingly

 The believer knew Allah willingly so he submitted to Him willingly in his life but the disbeliever knew Him when he died, he was subdued by death, glory to Allah who subdued His creatures by death, the believer knew Allah willingly in his life then he worshiped Him willingly and this is the ultimate worship, to obey Him willingly, to worship Him because you love Him, to obey Him with your own free will and not under pressure from anyone, to obey Him when you are rich, poor, strong or weak at the beginning of your life and in all the conditions of your life, to obey Him when you are healthy, but you may find someone who goes back to Allah and worships Him when he faces certain distress., In any case, even that is fine because ultimately he did submit to Allah Almighty, but we must submit to Allah willingly and unwillingly.
 There is a story in one of the countries of Muslims, a very loose dissolute woman who hates to see a modest girl, she used to offend any modest girl she may see and she used to take off anything she might see on the girl’s head, she was seen after some time wearing a a Hijab (head scarf) when she was asked why she answered: I was infected with a disease in my head and the doctor advised me to put something made of fabric on my head when I asked him if it is possible to wear a wig he refused and said: the wig causes allergy, so you must put something made of fabric on your head, this is how Allah subdues anyone at any time.
 You may kneel down in front of the lowest person ever, you may look for things in the garbage containers, you may see the death as the biggest blessing, when someone is infected with all diseases he will see death as the biggest blessing, glory be to Allah Who submitted His creatures by death and sickness.
 Do they seek other than the religion of Allah?

4 - Why do you submit to other than Allah?

 Do you submit to other than Allah? Do you obey anyone other than Allah? Do you refuse to be a worshiper of Allah? Are you too grand to be a servant to Allah? Are you concerned about worldly transitory evanescent life and disobey Allah? { Do they seek other than the religion of Allah?} Do you wish to satisfy a weak creature who could die before you? Do you seek to be a follower of an earthly authority and you are honored by Allah? Do you want to be guided and supported by other than Almighty Allah

{Do they seek other than the religion of Allah?}

 What do you want? What do you seek? What is your aim? Do you want money? What would you do with the money if it exceeds the limit? It could turn against you. What is it that you want? Suppose you gained the ultimate wealth, then what? Those people who have large amounts of, one of them has eighty seven billion dollars (Bell Gates) what would he do with this wealth after death? Then what is after money? Suppose you reached the highest place in knowledge then what? Suppose you reached the highest position on earth then what after that? Glory be to Allah who submitted His creatures by death.
 Do they seek other than the religion of Allah?
 Do you turn to anyone other than Allah? Do you seek other than the mercy of Allah? Is there a resort other than Allah?
 It is possible in worldly life to resort to a country which is enemy to your country so you take the right of asylum but can you resort to other than Allah? There is no resort from Him but to Him.

{83. Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism worshipping none but Allah Alone), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him shall they all be returned.}

The choice of faith is only a choice of time;

 Did Pharaoh not embrace Islam? He did die as a Muslim, he embraced Islam forcibly Almighty Allah said:

{He said: "I believe that La ilaha illa (Huwa): (none has the right to be worshipped but He," in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am one of the Muslims (those who submit to Allah's Will)."}

( Yunus verse:20)

 He embraced Islam but when? When he was drowning he was then certain that the mission and the message of Prophet Moses was right and true and he was sure that Allah drowned him and subjugated him. Is it fit for a man to be vanquished by Allah Almighty if he were obstinate to Allah’s Will?

{83. Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism worshipping none but Allah Alone), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him shall they all be returned.}

 Of course Allah Almighty says:

{The day that some of the Signs of your Lord do come, no good will it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned good (by performing deeds of righteousness) through his Faith.}

(Al-an’am verse: 158)

 The repentance is not accepted in the death struggle or in the final breath
 Allah Almighty says:

{ And of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil deeds until death faces one of them and he says: "Now I repent;" nor of those who die while they are disbelievers. For them We have prepared a painful torment.}

(Al-Nis’a Verse: 18)

 Another meaning to these words: you have free choice in many matters in your life, you may refuse to buy a house for example for its narrowness or you may refuse to marry a woman for her old age and you may refuse a trade because you would be at loss in it, you may refuse a trip because the return on its investment is very little, therefore in many matters of life you have the freedom of choice. However, in faith you have free choice only in terms of time, if you didn’t believe in the right time you will believe some other time which will not be the right time, it will be too late, and it is like when Pharaoh believed.

The earthly religions have no Assignments;

 Every servant of Allah on the face of the earth without exception, would believe in all the heavenly missions if the angel of death came to him, because they are all right and they are the truth, but in life he refuses to believe and he says; I am proud of being Buddhist, for example, every one of them is proud of his religion but the problem is that these worldly religions are extended over a wide area because they do not have any orders in them, the matter it is just to declare a loyalty to one of them which does not help nor harm
 Someone told me; why do they love Buddhism? Because it is a kind religion with no orders in it and with simple rituals, one can do whatever he likes, eat what he likes, commit whatever sin he likes without being held accountable, and in spite of all the previous, he would still be considered a Buddhist or a Sikh, or any other religion
 The earthly religions do not have any orders, it is sufficient be loyal to the religion, when the heavenly religions deviated, we find no orders in them and the corrupted doctrines appeared, if you commit a big sin in these religions, they say the prophet will intercede for you.
 When the following Verse was revealed:

{And warn your tribe (O Muhammad) of near kindred.}


 He called the people from Quraish each tribe by its name, he said: OBani cab abn Loay save yourself from Hell-Fire, O mora bn kab save yourself from Hell-Fire, O bani Abd shams save yourself from Hell-Fire, O bani abd-Manaf save yourself from Hell-Fire, O bani Hashem save yourself from Hell-Fire, O bani abd al-Motaleb save yourself from Hell-Fire and O Fatema save yourself from Hell-Fire, I can’t do anything for you.
 When people who believe in any religion or faith deviate from the right path, when the religion is changed, and although some text does not change, but they misunderstand it in anticipation that they decrease the commands and obligations. They say that Almighty Allah said:

{49. Declare (O Muhammad) unto My slaves, that truly, I am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful.}

 Go on reading;

{50. And that My Torment is indeed the most painful torment.}


 Someone tells you, that Allah Almighty says:

{53. Say: "O 'Ibadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.}

 Complete the verse;

{54. "And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith (Islamic Monotheism) to your Lord and submit to Him, (in Islam), before the torment comes upon you, then you will not be helped.}


 It is like someone will tell you:

{4. So woe unto those performers of Salat (prayers) (hypocrites),}

 Continue reading:

{5. Who delay their Salat (prayer) from their stated fixed times,}


 And so we have moved to different issue, any deviation in the religions causes fewer orders, then they depend on the worldly texts, they deify some people and they start to have hostile tendency.

Man is either a servant of submission or a servant of gratefulness;

 Dear brother, countless stories occur every day, someone had studied in prestigious universities in Europe and he is in the common expression very civilized and he was assigned in a high position, he lost his sight, after months he retired from his job, his friend visited him and he told him: I wish if I could sit on a pavement in the street and beg in return for Allah to give me my sight back, where is the PHD? Where is the wife? Where is your beautiful house in the best districts of Damascus? Where are your cars and your big income??? Now he says: “: I wish if I could sit on a pavement in the street and beg in return for Allah to give me my sight back “. You are subdued by your vision, by your movements by the work of your heart, your lungs, your eyes, your ears, tongue, and your memory.
 Someone called his son and asked him saying: ‘Son! where is my house son? I was looking for my house for an hour and I could not remember where my house is.’, he lost his memory, a part-loss memory, who guarantees you that you will come back to your house after work? Almighty Allah does.
 I have some relatives who lost their memory a few years before they died. When you visited them they would say: who are you!? They couldn’t remember the members of their family. Your memory, your move, your heart, the valve of the heart, your coronary, your nerves, muscles, hearing, your sight and tongue, the work of your digestive system, suprarenal, all are in His hand.the pituitary body is the major gland, it is big, half gram, it gives twelve orders for hormone, one of these orders is for the hormone of the growth and without this hormone the human being will live like a dwarf, and also from these orders there is the antidiuretic hormone (Vasopressin), if there is a problem in this hormone you will spend your time sitting next to the water tap and next to the bathroom, you drink and waste, any problem in this important gland, the life of the human will be intolerable and unbearable. Glory be to Allah who subjugated His creatures by sickness and death, you are a servant of Allah so be a servant of gratefulness.
 Allah Almighty says:

{63. And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness,}


{42. "Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves,}


{45-And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.}


 Any human being is submitted to Allah, there are lots of people died by an accident and they were in their top of glory and top of their health, power and wealth.
 I have a relative who was a student in the faculty of medicine, he was a very brilliant student, sSuddenly he got sick, he visited many doctors and they said: it is Anemia (a medical condition in which there are too few red cells in the blood) although he was healthy and he ate normally, then he travelled to Europe and the doctors there found out that the spleen in his body was overactive, the spleen is the grave yard of the red cells in the body and Reserve of monocytes and it is a alternate factory as well as a Storage of red blood cells, Its function is to remove dead red blood cells, transform it to hemogolobin which is sent to the liver, and iron which is sent to the factory of the red blood cells in the bone marrow,, the problem was that this spleen started to take the live red cells and destroy them, a simple disorder in the spleen caused death to this human. The whole world was unable to do anything to save the life of this man. How many disorders in the functions of any of the body parts are the cause of death of many a man? There are a million causes of death, and there is death of a healthy person with no clear cause
Thirty years ago, there was a first- rate sports man, everything he speaks about is sport, walking, running, health, bran bread, vegetables, salads, movement, activity, and vitamins, his only concern was his health and he was young not old, someone told me that he suddenly died without reason in the swimming pool.
 Someone at a social gathering used to say: I still have plenty of time to die, it is very early for me to die, another asked him, why it is early for you to die? He answered: I eat little food, I take care of my health, I don’t smoke, that is scientific discourse, he following Saturday he was buried under the ground
 We are all subdued, no one knows when he will die, no one knows what his body contains, you find someone in the highest degree of health care, suddenly he gets infected with overgrowth of cells in his body without a reason, glory be to Allah, the chronic diseases have neither reason nor remedy or cure. A woman asked a heart doctor: ‘what is the percentage of success of this surgery? He said: eighty percent, she said: what does this percentage means? He said: A hundred persons underwent the operation,twenty of them have died, she said. I don’t want to do it., he said: how will we die then if all of the surgeries succeeded, there will not be any death

{30. Verily, you (O Muhammad) will die and verily, they (too) will die.}

(al-Zummar )

 Your heroism is to work for your afterlife, for thegrave which ; we are all subdued by death.

{83. Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism worshipping none but Allah Alone), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him shall they all be returned.}

{84. Say (O Muhammad ): "We believe in Allah and in what has been sent down to us, and what was sent down to Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Ishaque (Isaac), Ya'qub (Jacob) and Al-Asbat [the twelve sons of Ya'qub (Jacob)] and what was given to Musa (Moses), 'Iesa (Jesus) and the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between one another among them and to Him (Allah) we have submitted (in Islam)."}


{25. And We did not send any Messenger before you (O Muhammad) but We inspired him (saying): La ilaha illa Ana [none has the right to be worshipped but I (Allah)], so worship Me (Alone and none else)."}

(Al-Anbiya verse: 25)

{We have submitted (in Islam)."}

{85. And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.}

We need one to commit to Islam from the inside

 Islam in essence is to surrender to Allah; the religion in the perspective of Allah is not folklore; a white gown, tooth cleanser and musk perfume which one brought with him from Mecca and countless sins, this kind of religion is a folklore and culture, it is a religion about parties and speeches, it is not a religion.
 Islam in the perspective of Allah is to surrender to Him in each and every single order, to surrender to Him in every detail of your daily life not to choose from the religion what you like Many people like to perform Omrah (the minor hajj), they like to travel by plane, stay in a hotel, visit places but there is no commitment to religion at all.
 A lot of people choose from the religion what they like; this order is easy, this worship includes a trip, this one includes activity but when you tell him to leave this party where men and women are gathered, he refuses, or you say spend your money for the sake of Allah to help poor people, control yourself. Anything that contradicts with his desires and interest he refuses it, and instead he choses from the religion what he likes but his religion has no value in the Eye of Allah.

{And that He will grant them the authority to practise their religion, that which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam).}

(Al-nur -55)

{62- Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.}

 This means that if you have a true faith and you do good deeds according to the rules of Allah, give people in charity, means he has believed in Allah, and the Last Day (the Day of Judgment) and did good deeds, then he is the one who is delivered, and he won’t fear or grieve

(Al-bakara Verse: 62)

{80. Nor would he order you to take angels and Prophets for lords (gods). Would he order you to disbelieve after you have submitted to Allah's Will? }
{86. How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief?}

 How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief?
 Thus the Jews disbelieve in the prophet Mohammad peace and blessing of Allah be upon him:
 The Jews said that there is a prophet will come at the end of time and we will believe in him before anyone else but when the prophet came they disbelieved in him, some scholars said: this verse is meant to be to them.

{86. How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief?}

2-All the evidence proves the precedence, priority and preference of this religion;

 two days ago I was browsing some informational sites on the Internet, I found some photos of a mosque and Islamic institute in Izmir and this story is very old, everything was damaged there except for the mosque and the institute. Is it not a message from Almighty Allah? There are a thousand messages from Allah, but who besides the disbelievers are doomed? We do not punish anyone except he who disbelieves. You find that each time the people deviate from the right path, they are faced with the Divine cure

3-We must be firm and stable in this religion;

 Dear brother, by the way; it is a thousand times better to start your life and you are away from Allah then you go back to Him and not vice versabecause apostasy is very dangerous, it causes imbalance and very severe psychological disease. Therefore, if you have made reconciliation with Allah to stay firm on that path, Allah Almighty says:

{23. Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah [i.e. they have gone out for Jihad (holy fighting), and showed not their backs to the disbelievers], of them some have fulfilled their obligations (i.e. have been martyred), and some of them are still waiting, but they have never changed [i.e. they never proved treacherous to their covenant which they concluded with Allah] in the least.}

(Al-Ahzab Verse: 23)

 In the battle of Alkhandak when the polytheists were about to win victory; someone said: does your companion really promise us that the country of Caesar and Kesra would be opened to us while none of us is able to answer natures call? It is as if he apostatized, he renounced. nowadays someone may say; where is Allah?
 I swear by Allah, yesterday someone asked me; unbelievers are very powerful, they do what they want, this is very difficult test, this unjust powerful unbeliever destroys and ruins and no one can hold him accountable yet if something happened to his cat, it is a very big issue to him, and this is unbearable.
 We are in a very difficult test dear brother, Almighty Allah has different tests, one of them is when He strengthens the unbeliever to the extent that the one who has weak faith would say where is Allah ? then Allah manifests His Signs till the unbeliever would say there is no god but Allah. We should be patient.

{ 139. So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers.}

(Al-Imran )

{86. How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and after they bore witness that the Messenger (Muhammad) is true and after clear proofs had come unto them? And Allah guides not the people who are Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers).}

4-These are the polytheists and wrong-doing people;

 These are the polytheists and wrong-doing people; they turned away from the guide of Allah.

{87. They are those whose recompense is that on them (rests) the Curse of Allah, of the angels, and of all mankind.}

 They are those, whose recompense is that on them (rests) the Curse of Allah, of the angels, and of all mankind.
 Look who curse those people
 Allah curses them, the angels and the all mankind curse them as well; there is very big difference between being cursed by Allah and between being in the mercy of Allah, the disbeliever is cursed by Allah so he lives in misery for the rest of his life.

{124. "But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this Qur'an nor acts on its orders, etc.) verily, for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection."}
{125. He will say:"O my Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, while I had sight (before)."}
{126. (Allah) will say: "Like this, Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) came unto you, but you disregarded them (i.e. you left them, did not think deeply in them, and you turned away from them), and so this Day, you will be neglected (in the Hell-fire, away from Allah's Mercy)."}


{88. They will abide therein (Hell). Neither will their torment be lightened, nor will it be delayed or postponed (for a while).}

 They will abide therein (Hell). Neither will their torment be lightened, nor will it be delayed or postponed (for a while)
 Where is the one who includes the hereafter into his consideration?
 How many a Muslim includes the hereafter in his consideration? He doesn’t accept an amount of money saying; God forbids, this is prohibited, illegal money, he feared Allah, how many Muslims really fear Allah, and they are few in number. The majority of are those who do not fear Allah, and it is as if they will not be resurrected, and as if they say: we will not be resurrected

{87. They are those whose recompense is that on them (rests) the Curse of Allah, of the angels, and of all mankind. They will abide therein (Hell). Neither will their torment be lightened, nor will it be delayed or postponed (for a while)}

 Humiliation and disgrace from Allah to the disbeliever in the hereafter;
 They don’t deserve a look from Almighty Allah
 He is too meager to even deserve a look from Amighty Allah. In his life time he did not know Him, and he never had mercy on any of His servants, Allah says: if you want My mercy to be upon you, then you should have mercy on all My creatures.

{5. Except those who repent thereafter and do righteous deeds, (for such) verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.}


 Except those who repent thereafter and do righteous deeds, (for such) verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
 Glory be to Allah. Each time a violent verse is revealed, another of mercy follws it.

{1. By Al-'Asr (the time).}
{2. Verily! Man is in loss,}
{3. Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds (Al-Ma'ruf)which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Munkar)which Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allah's Cause during preaching His religion of Islamic Monotheism or Jihad, etc.).}

 The forgiveness of Allah comes after the repentance of the servant of Allah and after doing righteous deeds
 Except those who repent thereafter and do righteous deeds, (for such) verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
 Allah is forgiving, he erases the evil doing that happened in the past, He is Merciful and His giving is unconditional.
 The repentance and doing good deeds means to stop committing sins immediately and to determine not to return to the sins at all and to mend what happened in the past because there is an issue related to the past and another one related to the future and another related to the present.The issue of present is desistance, the issue of future is determination and the issue of past is reform, Except those who repent thereafter and do righteous deeds, (for such) verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

The intellectual attitude is a very dangerous behavior;

 Some intellectuals narrated that the Jews believed in the prophet before he was sent and when he was sent they disbelieved in him, sometimes you may find a peaceful unbeliever but there is an unbeliever who interferes in the issues of Muslims, he hurts them and weakens them;, that is what our enemies do, they opt to weaken Muslims, make them poor and usurp their lands.

{90. Verily, those who disbelieved after their Belief and then went on increasing in their disbelief (i.e. disbelief in the Qur'an and in Prophet Muhammad) - never will their repentance be accepted [because they repent only by their tongues and not from their hearts]. And they are those who are astray.}

 Sometimes the mental attitude alone is a big mistake, but sometimes with the mental attitude there is very dangerous behavior, someone who is peaceful but sensual is closer to repentance than the one who corrupts.

{91. Verily, those who disbelieved, and died while they were disbelievers, the (whole) earth full of gold will not be accepted from anyone of them even if they offered it as a ransom. For them is a painful torment and they will have no helpers.}

 The (whole) earth full of gold will not be accepted from anyone of them even if they offered it as a ransom. For them is a painful torment and they will have no helpers
 If someone has a kilo of gold, its price is five hundred thousand, and if we weigh the earth; how many kilos is it?
 We have very big number; if you have gold which equals the weight of the earth and you provide it to escape the torment of Allah on the judgment day, your gold will not be accepted. Now you are required to pay much less price, to be on the straight path, to pray, to supplicate, to lower your gaze, you are required to do things which are not beyond your ability, you are able and capable to do them but in the hereafter if you have gold as much as the weight of the earth, it will not be accepted from you.

{286. Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope.}


 The (whole) earth full of gold will not be accepted from anyone of them even if they offered it as a ransom. For them is a painful torment and they will have no helpers
 We seek refuge with God (from) being one of them.

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