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Radio seminars- Damascus Radio- A guidance to people- (17)- Creation of man in the best stature
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  


Ustaz Jamal:
In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful, praise be to Allah, The Lord (The One and Only) of the worlds. Blessings and peace be upon our master, Prophet Muhammad, the Truthful and the Faithful. 
Dear brothers and sisters, Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmato Allah Wa Barakatoh, and may Allah bestow happiest times upon all of you.
Here we meet again in a new episode of our weekly program "The Quran is guidance for mankind".
Dear brothers, Allah Almighty says:

 ﴾Verily, We created man of the best stature (mould), ﴿

[ At-Tin, 4 ]

How wonderful man's creation is, and the Creator is Allah Almighty.
When we tackle the inimitability of the noble Quran and the prophetic Sunnah, we usually host Dr. Mohammad Rateb Al Nabulsi.
Assalam Alaikum Dr.
Dr. Rateb:  
Wa Alaikum As Salam Ustaz Jamal, May Allah reward you.

Ustaz Jamal:
Dr. Where should we start from?
Last episode we tackled the wonder of man's body. There are evidences  and proofs that Allah created man of the best stature especially from within.
There are so many important issues that should be known by the listeners so please go ahead.

Knowing Allah then knowing His command will make man obedient to Him:

Dr. Rateb:
 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of Creations, and Peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad, the faithful and the honest.
O Allah our Lord, lead us out from the depths of darkness and illusion, unto the lights of erudition and knowledge, and from the muddy shallows of lusts unto the heavens of Your Vicinity.
Ustaz Jamal, your question is very delicate as we have two issues: The first one is to know the Law-giver (i.e. Allah) and the second one is to know the Divine Order.
So, if you know the commander and get the command, you will devote yourself in obedience. But if you know the command but not the commander, you will diversify in disobedience.
I am denoting the foremost problem of Muslims.
They have all the Divine commands in their hands, they studied them in schools and listened to them in Masjids, however they didn't get to know Allah, may His majesty be glorified, as they should  and they didn't make a just estimate of Allah such as is due to Him.
Thus, upon looking for signs denoting Allah's Greatness in the creation of man, we will be seeking the acquaintance of the Law-giver (Allah). Be aware that every sin man commits is a result of not knowing The Law-giver (Allah).

The Signs Allah left in the universe and in mankind are uncountable:

Hence, all the signs Allah left for us in the universe and in mankind are uncountable.
And in everything there is a sign
Denotes the Oneness of Allah

Some of these signs are   obvious, while others need reflecting.
If man turns away from these signs, there will be no path for him towards Allah, the proof is in the following Ayah:

﴾ Then in which speech after Allah and His Ayat will they believe? ﴿

[ Al-Jathiyah, 6 ]

The first word with which Allah addressed mankind in the first Ayah to be revealed is:

﴾ Read! ﴿

[ Al-Alaq, 1 ]

This is an invitation to seek knowledge.
Allah bestowed man with perceptive power with which man ranks over other creatures.
Had this power not been served, had man not sought knowledge and had man not pursued the reason behind his existence and the purpose of his existence, he would never have been able to reach Allah and thus he will descend himself from his humane level to another improper level.
Unless man seeks the truth and unless he searches for the purpose, the reason, and the perfection of his existence, he will  have a downfall from his humane level. Allah says:

﴾ Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists) ﴿

[ Al-Alaq, 1 ]

The types of signs' reading:

The closest sign to reflect on is our own bodies.
Allah says: 

﴾ Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)], Has taught man that which he knew not. ﴿

[ Al-Alaq, 1-5 ]

"Read" here means to search with faith.
You should read the  signs in the universe and in your body with belief.
There is also another kind of reading Ustaz Jamal, it is the reading of being grateful and thankful.

﴾ Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)] ﴿

The third kind of reading is the reading of being submissive to Allah.
Thus there are three types of readings: The reading out of belief, the reading out of being grateful and thankful and the reading out of submissiveness, and I seek refuge with Allah from the fourth kind of reading, that is: The reading of tyranny and oppression:

﴾ Nay! Verily, man does transgress all bounds (in disbelief and evil deed, etc.). Because he considers himself self-sufficient.   ﴿

[ Al-Alaq, 6-7 ]

If man uses science to make biological, chemical and destructive weapons, then this science is devoted to annihilate mankind. Again, there are four types of reading: The reading  with belief, the reading out of being grateful and thankful, the reading out of submissiveness, and the reading of tyranny and oppression.
The believer should be strong because the truth - the Divine revelation - entails power.
In the Islamic world, we have the Divine revelation which in turn entails power to be supported, however in the west, they adapted the motto: "The power is the truth". According to this motto, if you are powerful then you are right even if you destroyed all other nations or you spoke falsehood.
The difference between the Islamic world and the others is that the former has the truth that came through the Divine revelation; only this truth needs power to be imposed, whereas the west adapted the motto that says: the powerful party owns the truth even if they transgress, exploit and bomb other countries.
Man should read the signs of Allah in his body by   way of search and belief in order to become a believer:
In the body, bestowed upon us by Allah, there are signs that denote His Greatness.
For example, in the human head there are three hundred thousand hairs; and each hair has a separate root, vein, artery, muscle, nerve, fat-gland, and color-gland.
If we look at man's eyes, Allah says: 

﴾ Have We not made for him a pair of eyes? And a tongue and a pair of lips? And shown him the two ways (good and evil)?  ﴿

[ Al-Balad, 8-10 ]

 Do you believe that if someone goes to the Arctic, where the temperature is minus 70 degrees Celsius in winter, he can wear whatever heavy clothes to protect himself from the excessively cold weather, but he cannot cover his eyes, because if he does, he will not be able to see?! That is why Allah, All-Mighty, Most Gracious, has equipped our eyes with a special kind of anti-freeze liquid, which protects the human eye from  freezing  due tothe cold. Without such a marvelous liquid, man would soon go blind because of the cold. Whose Hand is this? Whose Knowledge is this? Whose Mercy is this? Whose wisdom is this?

You disobey Allah pretending that you love Him 

How awful such a claim 

If you truly love Him, you will obey Him

 As the lover obey his beloved

Take for example the human eye; your vision is very clear simply because Allah provided the cornea with a very distinguished way of nutrition, for it is nourished through osmosis and not through capillaries (like any other human tissue), and by this system (i.e. osmosis) it gets all the nutrients by passing it from cell to the next cell throughout the cellular tissue so that the cornea will stay transparent in order to give man clear vision. Who made the cornea nourished through osmosis, not through capillaries? Whose Wisdom is this? Whose Omnipotence is this?

Reflecting on the creation of the heavens and the earth is the shortest path to Allah:

Allah Almighty says in the noble Quran:

﴾ No vision can grasp Him  ﴿

[ Al-An’am, 103 ]

Minds perceive the concept of Allah through this universe, as everything in it indicates the Existence, The Oneness and the Perfection of Allah. Accordingly, reflecting on the creation of the heavens and the earth is considered the shortest way to reach Allah and the widest doorway to get to Him.
This is based on the following Ayah which the prophet PBUH encouraged us to ponder over and warned us from not doing so, Allah says: 

﴾ Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding. Those who remember Allah (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire.  ﴿

[ Aal-'Imran, 190-191 ]

Thus, the human body in itself is the closest and most obvious miracle, and you have already mentioned the Ayah:

﴾ Verily, We created man of the best stature (mould), Then We reduced him to the lowest of the low, ﴿

[ At-Tin, 4-5 ]

In case man didn't get to know Allah.

Some indications of Allah's Knowledge in creating man are manifested in the following examples:

1- The ear:

The precise point here is that Allah Almighty has given man very delicate systems in his body. 
For example, if you are walking down the street and a man riding a  car approaches you from your back, and honks the horn..   Your brain possesses a very sophisticated systemthat   calculates the time the sound takes to reach each ear and the lag between them, which is about 1/1620 second. This system then determines that the sound comes from the right for instance, and thus lets you know that you should move to the left. Does anyone of you know that he owns this system that tells him the direction of sounds?
I was driving back to Damascus from Homs, when suddenly a flock of sheep passed the street.I   honked the horn and the sheep started moving to the left to give my car    room to pass. This means that this sophisticated system  exists  in the rest of creatures (not only man) to protect them from danger.
This is the meaning of Allah's Name "Al Musallem" (safety provider), for He protects us from every danger.
Pondering over the creation of the heavens and the earth is considered the shortest path to Allah and the widest doorway to draw closer to Allah.

2- The eye:

Man is able to see due to the one and a third square millimeter retina that is placed in the fundus of the eye.
Before I carry on, you  must know that the most advanced, complicated, digital, expensive camera whose price is not less than 5 million and that is used in TV shows has only 10.000 light receptors per 1 square millimeter, whereas the human eye has 100 million light receptors per 1 square millimeter.
This is why the accuracy of the human eye is amazing to such an extent that it can differentiate between about 8 million colors and 800 shades of each color.
Allah says:

﴾ Have We not made for him a pair of eyes? And a tongue and a pair of lips? And shown him the two ways (good and evil)?  ﴿

[ Al-Balad, 8-10 ]

When you use the camera to take a picture, its size is very small but when you look at a mountain using your eyes, you see it in its real size. This phenomenon is still a mystery.
Thus pondering is the closest way to Allah and the widest doorway to draw near Him.  

3- The liver:

Do you believe that the human liver performs more than 5,000 functions in the human body and that without a liver man can survive for only   three hours, whereas man can live with a bad heart for 20 years and can cope with it? 
Given the liver performs 5000 functions, every cell of the liver is capable alone of performing all those   functions, namely, if a surgeon removes four fifth of the liver, the liver will reconstruct itself in 16 weeks.
What a sophisticated creation? 

4- The muscles:

When man speaks,every letter he pronounces, requires the use of  17 muscles  , thus if man speaks a word of five letters, he needs 17 times 5, 35 muscles to say it, and if the sentence contains five words, or man speaks for an hour, imagine how many muscles he would use. 

﴾ The Most Beneficent (Allah)! Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'an (by His Mercy).  He created man. He taught him eloquent speech.  ﴿

[ Ar-Rahman, 1-4 ]

Living without guidance to follow, is meaningless for man's existence:
One might ask: how is it possible that  we learn the Quran before we are created?

﴾ The Most Beneficent (Allah)! Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'an (by His Mercy).  He created man.  ﴿

Interpreters said: "The order here is not chronicle but rather it is a rank correlation", namely, man's existence is meaningless without a method to follow.
  Buying a very expensive, useful, and profitable machine, you need its manual to operate it, so if the company doesn't send the manual, the machine will be useless,and we might damage it by the misuse, and if we don't use it, we will throw away the money we paid for it. Thusthe manual is as important as the machine. Much in the same line, Allah's instructions are very important to man; the proof is in the following Ayah:


﴾ The Most Beneficent (Allah)! Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'an (by His Mercy).  He created man. He taught him eloquent speech.  ﴿

5- The saliva:

Ustaz Jamal, when man is asleep, the saliva gathers in his mouth, so an alert is sent to the brain: "too much saliva". The brain is awake. It sends orders to the epiglottis, to open the way to the esophagus and block the way to the lungs. All this happens while man is asleep and has no idea what is going on. Who created this delicate system?
When you are at the dentist and fixing your teeth might take long time, he uses a dental saliva ejector tube to remove the excessive saliva, while normally as Allah created us, your brain orders the epiglottis to open the way to the esophagus and block the way to the lungs while you are sleeping so that you may swallow the excessive saliva.

6- The skeleton:

When you are asleep, the bones press on the muscles, and both the muscles and the bones press on the nerves and arteries. Thismakes the  arteries  become narrow, and as a result the blood flow is decreased in that area which causes numbness, but in such cases, the nerves ends which sense this pressure, send a signal to the brain which in turn orders the body to change your position and accordingly you turn your body to the other side  
Allah says:

﴾ And We turned them on their right and on their left sides ﴿

[ Al-Kahf, 18 ]

Without repositioning during sleep, our muscles and skin would have rotted.
This is the reason why the person in a coma should be repositioned every now and then so that he won’t get skin sores and in order to prevent his body from rotting. Nowadays there are some very expensive beds which reposition the coma patients automatically    
Man repositions his body nearly 40 times every night. Allah says:

﴾ And We turned them on their right and on their left sides ﴿

[ Al-Kahf, 18 ]

Had Allah said "on their right and on their right", one would have fallen off the bed. 

﴾ And We turned them on their right and on their left sides ﴿

[ Al-Kahf, 18 ]

Ustaz Jamal! talking about this topic is very interesting and it draws us closer to Allah Almighty.

Ustaz Jamal:
Dr. Rateb, indeed talking about this topic brings us closer to Allah whether in our acts or worship or in obeying Him.
Allah is Great and by reflecting on His Greatness in His creation and His Miracles, we seek His pleasure (as you always say), His Mercy and His Bestowal.
We are still talking about man and his creation in this weekly meeting "Quran is Guidance for Mankind" and we will talk about man's skin which is   miraculous in man's creation, so please go ahead.

7- The skin:

Dr. Rateb:

Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty. If you look at a person without skin, his bones and muscles' appearance is  scary. Even the symbol of horror is a skull and two crossed bones. Thus, man as a skeleton and muscles is scary, but the skin gives beauty to man's body, thus it has a esthetic  purpose.
In addition, the skin has amazing features and speaking about them is very interesting.
Skin takes the first shocks, and within the skin there are sensory nerves that are spread wisely. You have to wash your hands three times a day at least, and your hand's skin can bear cold and hot water unlike the skin on   your back . Also these nerves make man feel cold in cold weather in order to put on heavy clothes and protect the body from being harmed.
Thus, every part of the body has different kind of sensory nerves for the sake of man's safety and the spread of these nerves all over the skin is very important.  Had these sensory nerves not existed, what would have happened?  

The difference between the believer and the non-believer  in quality is substantial:
It is said that we have a path of pain, and this path starts from the skin where the sensory nerves converge to form bigger nerves until they reach the spinal cord that is connected to the brain. There is what is called "pain doorways".
I know a man, who  I assume is pious (and Allah is the judge over him), was inflicted with colon cancer.  . Whenever a visitor came, he would say: "Be my witness that I am pleased with Allah, O Allah praise be to You" after one week, his room was visited by all the physicians and employees in the hospital, for this room brought peace to anyone who visited it.
A week later he died. Another person was admitted in this hospital  with the same cancer and suffered the same pain as the first patient, only this patient was swearing and cursing and using harsh words.
Scientists discovered that through the path of pain, there are doorways, and if they were closed, the pain will be decreased to one tenth of its severity, whereas if they were kept open the pain will increase tenfold. The author of this essay is not Muslim, and he commented at the end of the essay: "Those doorways are controlled by man's psychological status".
The believer is pleased with Allah, and in this hospital two persons were admitted with the same cancer and the same pain, however one of them made his room a paradise for every visitor, whereas the other  drove people away from him. 
There is wisdom in pain.
It has been discovered that there are  valves  for the pain that can be controlled by the believer. The believer is pleased with Allah and he proves it through his actions.
The delicate point Ustaz Jamal: Salah is an obligation but we should remember that there are great purposes behind Salah.
Allah says:  

﴾ And perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) for My Remembrance.  ﴿

[ Ta-Ha, 14 ]

You mention Allah in your Salah. It is said that if you want to talk to Allah, supplicate to Him, and if you want Allah to talk to you, read the Quran.
The believer is treated differently regarding  pain. The proof is those doorways  that exist on the path of pain to the brain.
The believer by definition is not only the one who offers Salah, as there is a huge difference between the believer and the non-believer. The believer is the one, who knows the secret and the purpose of his existence, and he follows the path that leads to pleasing His Lord, thus he is included in Allah's Mercy and Vacancy.

Allah provided man with a miraculous mechanism:

A friend of mine lives in an Arab country, and he works for a certain ministry. He was sent to China to buy some meat, but when he asked them to slaughter the animals according to the instruction of the Prophet, peace be upon him, they raised the price of the meat, saying, "The animal will lose all its blood." But when the animal is slaughtered according to the common way in the west, it will be hanged from its feet and its head will be cut off completely, and the body will keep most of its blood, why is that?
Ustaz Jamal this needs a little patience to be understood, so I ask the listeners to have patience.
If someone sees a snake while he is walking in a garden, what will happen? The image of the snake is printed on the retina, and the latter sends this image to the brain in the area responsible for the vision. In this area there is a file about snakes, containing the information man gathers through studies, meetings and stories heard about snakes. The brain reads in this file that this is a snake and it is dangerous.
The brain is the king of the nervous system, and this king gives orders to the most critical gland that is considered the queen of hormone glands (the pituitary gland). The signal it receives tells it that there is a dangerous animal whose bite could be fatal, so what does the pituitary gland do in this case? 
It sends a hormonal signal to the adrenal gland, which is located above the kidney, asking it to face this danger. In fact, the adrenal gland sends five messages: an exceptional order to the heart to raise its rate from 80 beats to 180 beats per minute. The reason is that a frightened person needs to move and moving requires blood. Thus, the heartbeat is accelerated to 160 or even to 180 beats per minute. 
There is a connection between the accelerated heartbeat and the lungs; the lungs expand, so the terrified man breathes quickly. Also, the vessels which give man's face the rosy color, stop  working as normal as they receive an order to narrow their lumen. As a result, man turns pale. Furthermore, in such a situation the person needs sugar, so the adrenal gland gives an order to the liver to release extra sugar.
Naturally the sugar in blood is 90 mg/dl, but if we run a sugar test on the blood of a frightened person, it will be 350 mg/dl due to extra sugar released by the liver to be an extra fuel to the muscles, and the liver produces coagulating hormone, so the blood of the scared person becomes thick.
What catches the attention, and this is my advice to the listeners, is that the Nicotine in cigarettes does all the previous symptoms, for it causes the heart to increase its beats, the lungs to expand  , the skin’s blood vessels to narrow their lumen, the liver to toss extra sugar and   to produce coagulating hormone, and thus the smokers are prone to clots 18 times more than non-smokers.
What a creation?

Ustaz Jamal:
Allah, The Most Glorified, the Most High, says

﴾ And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?  ﴿

[ Adh-Dhariyat, 21 ]

Dr. Rateb has talked at length about the following Ayah:

﴾ Verily, We created man of the best stature (mould),  ﴿

[ At-Tin, 4 ]

Dr. the nerves in man have  a special importance and they wrap the entire body of man like an endless net, will you please tell the listeners about the function of the nerves and their importance in our life.

The function of nerves and its importance in man's life:

Dr. Rateb:

They have a preventive function and a therapeutic one.
If you push a pin in any part of your skin even as small as one square millimeter, you will feel pain due to the sensory nerves which are spread significantly all over the skin.
Man's nerves are sensory or mobile,  or they transmit sense.
Had man's hair been provided with sensory nerves, having a hair cut would have needed a surgery in the hospital under anesthesia, however every hair has its own vein, artery, motor nerve and muscle. One might say: "my hair stands on end" when he is cold.
This means that a muscle is given an order through a nerve thus it stands.
What is the wisdom behind the absence of sensory nerves  in the hair?
Having a hair cut is easy because of the absence of sensory nerves in hair.
What is the wisdom behind the absence of sensory nerves in nails?
Had man had sensory nerves in his nails, he would have turned into a monster; this is the wisdom, for man trims his nails because of the absence of sensory nerves.
Why is the existence of sensory nerves  very important in bone marrow?
Ustaz Jamal, the importance of having sensory nerves in the marrow is that when man has a fracture in a bone, Allah forbids, the severe pain keeps the bone still which makes 4 fifth of the curing process.
There are also sensory nerves in the teeth because if there weren't any, man might lose all his teeth without even feeling it.
Having a tooth decayed without feeling it makes man lose it.
Contrary to that, the minute the decay reaches the tooth pulp you can't sleep at night, thus the sensory nerves in teeth work as an early  warning system.

Wisdom behind the permanence of the cells in the heart and brain:

In fact nerves' function is very useful.
This leads us to the fact that man's body changes, in other words your body changes completely after 5 years; your skin, hair, cornea and every cell without exception.
The shortest age for a cell is the skin's cell which is 3 days, and the longest age for a cell is the bone cell which is 5 years.
Thus man's body is changed completely, and in 5 years nothing in him is the same as 5 years ago.
However, the brain and  the heart  are the  exceptions so they don’t change.   The wisdom behind that is very significant.
Had the cells of the brain changed, man would have forgotten his specialty, his knowledge, and his  degree.
Had the cells of the brain changed, when a man is asked  "what do you do for a living?" he would answer, "I used to be a physician but when my brain cells changed I forgot medicine entirely."
What is the wisdom for  having the brain and heart cells unchanged?
I spent 30 years in calling to Allah, and as I see it, the wisdom from having the brain cells unchanged is very clear. On the other hand, the wisdom of having the heart's cells unchanged is not as clear.
After transplanting 300 hearts around the world,    it was discovered that  the feelings, tastes and tendencies of reciepients of hearts from other people  changed. I have more than 300 stories about people who   used to hate a kind of food and after receiving the heart transplant   they liked that food.
Some didn’t  like a kind of music and after receiving the transplant they   changed and love it.
In another case, a little girl who received a heart from another girl who was murdered,   was afraid all the time to such an extent that she was able to describe the features of the murderer’s  face, after which the Murderer was taken into custody.
We used to believe that  memory is in the brain, but the amazing discovery is that every cell has a memory.
The more we know the more ignorant we become.

You think you are a very small creature 

Whereas the whole world is unfolded within you


﴾ Verily, We created man of the best stature (mould), Then We reduced him to the lowest of the low,  ﴿

[ At-Tin, 4-5 ]

There are neuron cells in the heart. 

Advancemed science reveals the greatness of the Quran:

Ustaz Jamal, upon reading the following Ayah:

﴾ And have they hearts wherewith to understand  ﴿

[ Al-Hajj, 46 ]

 thirty years ago I   believed that the heart is the heart of the self, but now, no.
This heart has a pine shape and it is placed in the left side of the chest, this heart has reason.
The power of the neuron cells in the heart is 5000 times more than the brain neuron cells, better yet the heart cells give orders to the brain  cells.
Allah says:

﴾ And have they hearts wherewith to understand  ﴿

This means that the more advanced science becomes, the more layers of greatness are discovered in this Quran.
By Allah Ustaz Jamal, after I read this research, I had another perspective of the Ayat in Quran that mention the heart, and the clearest of which is the following Ayah:

﴾ And have they hearts wherewith to understand  ﴿

This means that the neuron cells in the heart are more powerful than those in the brain, and they even give orders to the brain.
The other thing is that the neuron cell has a memory unlike what  we used to  believe that it is the man who has memory, and the proof is in the following Ayah:

﴾ On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their legs or feet will bear witness against them ﴿

[ An-Nur, 24 ]

This means that cells have memory.


Ustaz Jamal:

It is the truth when Allah says:

﴾ Verily, We created man of the best stature (mould),  ﴿

[ At-Tin, 4 ]

Allah Almighty has spoken the truth, He is Great and Creative, and it is He  whom we want to be with.
I hope that we are with Allah so that He will be with us. We are with Him in worshiping, obeying and drawing closer to Him. He deserves to be worshiped.
Welcome again Dr. Rateb, the lecturer of Inimitability of Quran and Sunnah, Thank you so much.

Dr. Rateb:
May Allah bless you Ustaz Jamal and May Allah reward you with goodness.
Ustaz Jamal:
Dear listeners, we will be with you next week with a new episode of the program "Quran is Guidance for Mankind".

Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmato Allah Wa Barakato.

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