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Ramadan stations- Marvels (12): Ramadan Creates Sympathy between the Rich and the Poor
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Dear noble brothers, the rich does not feel hungry at all, and away from fasting, there is abundance in food and drinks, and everything is perfect for him; however, in Ramadan he tastes hunger. When the rich man fasts, he tastes hunger by choice.

On the other hand, the poor man tastes hunger against his will.

Both the poor and the rich share hunger in Ramadan which creates sympathy towards the poor. Hence, the rich person tastes hunger while fasting in Ramadan, given he has no problem in months other than Ramadan, because he is able to eat all sorts of food, drinks, juices and fruits, whereas the poor person is hungry in other months of the year not only in Ramadan. 

As if Allah wants us to have the same situation of the poor person when he is hungry. Allah wants the rich man to feel how poverty is. T

o clarify this point, there is big difference between the one who says, "So and so person is being whipped" and the one who receives these whips. Saying that is easy, while suffering the pain is really hard. Accordingly, it seems that Allah the Almighty wants every rich person in Ramadan to taste the poor's pain, primarily hunger.

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