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Biography- Prophetic Biography- Understanding the Prophet's Biography- (Lesson 47-57): The Treaty that the Prophet made for Al-Madina Inhabitants
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Oh, dear brother, in the previous lesson we talked about the brotherliness that the prophet PBUH made between Al-Muhajereen ( the Immigrants) and Al-Ansar ( the Helpers).Today we will move to the second stage of the administrative arrangements that the Prophet made to be as the strong base for the Islamic State.

The Social Structure of Al-Madinah at the Prophet’s Arrival

 At the arrival of the prophet PBUH, Al-Madinah was forming a various human mixture in terms of religion and faith, in terms of tribal belonging, and in terms of life style. There had been the Immigrants, Al-Aus and Al-Khazraj tribes, the pagans of Al-Aus and Al- Khazraj, the Jews of Al-Aus and Al-khazraj, the three Jewish tribes; Banu Qaynoqa’a, Banu Nazeer, Banu Quraiza, the Bedouins who were living with the people of Yathrib, non-Arab Muslims, the slaves and allies.
 They were earning their living by trade, agriculture, industry, shepherding, fishing and woodcutting. Their housing distribution was based either on villages, fortified houses or forts surrounded by fields and lands in which they enter after the falling of darkness, protecting their houses against invasions and raids.
 Their housing communities reached up to 59. Each tribe had a leadership that cared about its affairs and guaranteed its living and security. Wounds of Al-Aus and Al-Khazraj caused by Bu’ath war were not healed up yet.
 We can describe the general situation in Al- Madina by saying that it depended on the tribal system and on the tribes’ common traditions. In addition, illiteracy and ignorance were common among most Yathribans while the People of the Scripture were people of knowledge and religion. Never the less, they were practicing Riba (usury), exploiting trade and provoking disputes between Al-Aus and Al-Khazraj so that they could guarantee their superiority, interests and safety.

Administrative and Social Model of Islamic Madina

1. Islamic Constitution for Both Muslims and Non-Muslims

 It’s certain that the Prophetic model applied by the Prophet in Al-Madina is divided into two harmonious directions; the first one is related to the Muslims who believed in Allah and His Prophet and who followed and adhered to Allah’s Shara’ (laws). The second one is related to the harmony and peaceful coexistence between Muslims ad non-Muslims whether they were pagans or the People of the Scripture.
 The greatest mission carried out by the Prophet PBUH was founding a general system and a comprehensive constitution that governed all al-Madinah Inhabitants, Muslims and non-Muslims

 O brother, here is a detailed presentation of Al-madinah’s reality before the Prophet PBUH began organizing this society in order to transfer it to be a nation and a cohesive structure for establishing a state

2. Muslims Enjoy Administrative political social Civilization.

 Non-Muslims believe that Muslims are naïve and backward, but you'll see an unbelievable thing manifested in how the Prophet PBUH could organise this society in accordance with the highest degree of citizenship, rights and duties.

 Thus, organising is civilization, religion and progress.
Allah, Most Glorified, created this universe in accordance with a marvelous system and Man is the viceroy of Allah in the earth and, thus, he should found this marvelous system, which's the evidence of success in life, in his society.

3. Islam has Assigned Individual Responsibility for the Muslim.

 Backwardness means chaos and neglect in Islam. For example: The Porphet PBUH says:”If someone worked as a doctor and wasn’t known as a good doctor curing people, and if he caused harm or death for somebody, he would be responsible (pay blood money for death)”By Abu-Dawud, Nasay, Ibn Majah and Alhakim

 So, he is responsible and will be held answerable. The Prophet PBUH was asserting that everyone is responsible for every task assigned to him.

 Allah, Most Glorified, says:

"Then, by thy lord, we shall question, everyone (92) of what they used to do (93)”

[Al-Hijr Surah]

 Any society that doesn’t call its individuals to account for their mistakes is a society moving towards destruction.
 There should be a precise calling to account and integrated concepts.

Islam is a religion of Coexistence 4.

 You will see later on how coexistence between different parties, sections and belongingnesses is part of Islam.
What's the matter with those who refuse the other while the other is accepted in the Islamic society under a very precise treaty that included the Immigrants, Al Aus and Al Khazraj, the pagans of Al Aus and Al Khazraj, the Jews of Al Aus and Al Khazraj and the Jewish tribes.
 How could this Document gather all these dissimilar parties?!
 The concept of citizenshipin Islam. Coexistenceis principal in Islam. Accepting the other is principal between different groups is a constituent of Islam. The claim we hear from the enemies of Islam from time to time saying that Muslims don't accept the other is a false accusation.
 The Prophet PBUH made an agreement that included Qureish, bne A'of, Al Harith from Al Khazraj, bne Sa'eda, bne Jashim, bne Annajjar, bne Amr bin A'of, bne Nabeet and Al Aus. Eventhough these people are of different parties, sections, groups and ranks, they're included by an agreement that defines very clearly their rights and duties.

Analysis of the Prophet's Treaty: Study and Summary.

First Analysis: Concept of One Nation

 The articles of the Treaty are very long. Before tackling some of these articles, I would like to present a study about it.
 Article 1 in this study states that all inhabitants of Yathrib whether Immigrants or Yathribans and all those who follow them and fight with them are one nation. This concept of one nation has a present dimension for whosoever lives in Yathrib and a future dimension for the whole nation where this Treaty secures all these inhabitants and those who follow them and fight with them.
 The concept of nation appeared firstly in Al Madinah while in Mecca Allah- Most Glorified- says:

" Hast thou not seen those unto whom it was said: Withhold your hands" (77)

[Al-Nissaa Surah]

 The Prophet was prevented to repel any irritation, any provocation, and even any crime because he wanted to establish conviction there. Also because there was a Muslim and a disbeliever in every house and if he resisted, a civil war, which the Prophet has always avoided, could have been waged.
 So Allah - Most Glorified- says:

"Say: He is able to send punishment upon you from above you" (65)

[Al-Anaam Surah]

 which is thunderbolts, nowadays the missiles,

"or from beneath your feet" (65)

[Al-Anaam Surah]

 which is earthquakes, nowadays mines,

"or to bewilder you with dissension and make you taste the tyranny one of another"(65)

[Al-Anaam Surah]

 which is the civil war:

" make you taste the tyranny one of another".

[Al-Anaam Surah]

 In Mecca the Prophet PBUH was the most determined to turn away from civil war due to the Quranic instruction:

" Hast thou not seen those unto whom it was said: Withhold your hands and establish worship" (77)

[Al-Nissaa Surah]

 There must be a preparatory phase where the believer is prepared for strong conviction, or where the believer should prepare himself for strong conviction. But after a while there should be an Islamic entity, an Islamic character, an Islamic stand, an Islamic attitude, an Islamic response, an Islamic analysis and an Islamic movement. This exactly what happened in Al Madina, where the Prophet PBUH established an Islamic State. He accepted, perceived and embraced the reality. He recognized special traits and variables. He and his Companions constitute one article while the other groups, tribes, Jews, pagans and Muslims constitute the other many articles.
 In summary, the first characteristic of this Treaty is that it made all Yathrib inhabitants: Immigrants, Yathribans and who follows and fights with them- as one nation. This concept of one nation has a present dimension for whosoever lives in Yathrib and a future dimension for the whole nation where this Treaty secures all these inhabitants and whoever follow them and fight with them.

Second Analysis: RecongnizingRecognizing Special Traits of Tribes, Clans and Sects

 This Treaty recognized the special status of every group of inhabitants because every group has its traits and its structure. Recongnizing the special traits of every society is considered an act of wit, wisdom and sophistication.

One Problem of Modern Age: Not-RecongnizingRecognizing the Other Side

 Our problem with the other side is that they don't recognize the poeples' special traits. They advocate globalization. They want to apply their system, values, pornography and moral looseness on all nations by force. All the wars you're watching are just one form of this oppression and coercion.
 The other side wants to publicise his culture on all nations while ignoring their values, principles, cultures and religions.
 One characteristic of the latter time of the world is the appearance of Addajal (the one-eyed fraud). There is a modern model for this one-eyed fraud. He's one –eyed because he realises his own culture without accepting the sh3er' cultures, concerns for his interests without recongnizing sh3er' interests, realizes his dignity while hurting sh3er' dignity, razes one country to the ground for the sake of two captives and arrests ten thousand captives including very prominent people such as ministers and representatives of the Legislative Council for the sake of two captives. Isn't this what you are watching?! Who is the one-eyed? Who realizes his dignity without realizing sh3er' dignity, realizes and glorifies his culture without accepting the sh3er' cultures, and realizes his interests while ignoring sh3er' interests.

 The other characteristic is being fraud and liar. He enters to an Iraqi house with his colleagues. They rape the girl, kill her with her father, mother and brother and then burn the house just for the sake of freedom and democracy!! Have you ever seen such fraud and deception?
 Countries are razed to the ground, wealths are robbed, human beings are oppressed and sectarian disorders are provoked all in the name of freedom and democracy.
The "one-eyed fraud" is a precise description for the strong man of the latter time of the world.

 O brother, I have previously mentioned to you how Allah-Most Glorified- descried the tribe of A'ad as they were rebellious to Allah in these lands.
He did not say they were rebellious to Allah in their land but in these lands, in all lands.

"And made therein much mischief" (12)

[Al-Fajr Surah]

 Their fatal weapons are firing and their films are demoralizing people.

 Tyranny, corruption and unbearable haughtiness:

"Who's mightier than us in power?" (51)

[Fussilat Surah]

 Accompanied with amazing superiority in construction:

"Build ye on every high place a monument for vain delight, And seek ye out strongholds that haply ye may last forever" (128,129)

[Assuaraa Surah]

 Military superiority:

"And if ye seize by force, seize ye as tyrants?" (130)

[Assuaraa Surah]

 And scientific superiority:

"they were keen observers" (38)

[Al-Ankabout Surah]

 What else did they do?

"They were rebellious to Allah in these lands, And made therein much mischief " (11, 12)

[Al-Fajr Surah]

 Whenever Allah destroys a tribe, He mentions that He had destroyed a mightier tribe before except for the case of A'ad.When He destroyed them, He says:

"Allah Who created them, He was mightier than them in power" (51)

[Fussilat Surah]

 What is their destiny? The destiny of this tyrant tribe was that Allah destroyed them by:

" a fierce roaring wind, Which He imposed on them for seven long nights and eight long days so that thou mightest have seen lying overthrown, as they were hollow trunks of palm trees" (6,7)

[Al-Haqqa Surah]

 This description has a Quranic indication that the tyrant tribe of A'ad is just a model and they have counterparts at every time and the evidence is what Allah-Most Glorified- says:

"And that He destroyed the former (tribe of) A'ad"(50)

[AnNajm Surah]

 This means that there is a latter A'ad.

"And (the tribe) of Thamud He spared not" (51)

[AnNajm Surah]

 The important thing is that the Treaty between the Muslims and the other sides recognises the special traits of each group, their leadership, their problems, their traditions, their conventions and their religious beliefs. This is a civilized concept. You are a Muslim and you have your conviction, worship, method, values and aims. But if you are in a country whose people aren't Muslims, you should live peacefully with them, share with them, recognise their traits and realize their feelings. That is exactly what the prophet PBUH did.

Third Analysis: General Cooperation between Muslims

 The Believers should cooperate in helping those in need such as the poor or those with many children especially in the case of ransom. This is similar to a solidarity fund. The poor are like time bombs contributing to the collapse of society unless we concern for their needs and their miseries and care about their poverty.
Ali; our master said:" Poverty is almost blasphemy"
 The Prophet PBUH says:

“ You gain victory for the sake of the weak among you”.

[Related by Muslim, Ahmad, Ibn- Habban, and Al-Hakem thru Abu-AlDardaa]

 If we stand by the weak, the society classes will become more coherent. If this
weak person is poor, you should feed him, you should treat him if he is ill, you should find him a shelter if he's homeless, you should teach him if he's ignorant and you should treat him fairly if he's oppressed.
 If you stand by the weak, the society will become coherent, fortified and impenetrable.

Fourth Analysis: Forbidding Excessive Connections of Loyalty

 Excessive Loyalty Connections should be forbidden in order to maintain trust and cooperation in society. Hence, everybody shouldn't go too far or exceed the the limits and there are laws that govern all groups.

 If there are no strict rules followed by everybody and every group, the society will not rise.

Usama bin Zaid approached the Prophet on behalf of a woman who had committed theft. The Prophet got very angry saying: "The people before you were destroyed because they used to inflict the legal punishments on the poor and forgive the rich. By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! If Fatima (daughter of the Prophet) stole, I would cut off her hand"

[Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

 A prominent man from Qureish addressed unintendly Bilal with a harsh word saying: son of the black. The Prophet felt indescribable anger saying:

“O Thar, You are a man who still have Jahilyia (ignorance).”

 As a result, Abu Thar put his head on the ground begging Bilal to stamp on his head.
 When our master Assedeeq saw Safwan torturing his slave Bilal, he bought him in liberty. Then, Safwan said: if you paid just one dirham, I would have sold him.Assedeeq replied: if you asked for ten thousand, I would have given you. This is my brother in Islam.

 Jabir bin Abdullah- may Allah be pleased with both of them-said: Omer used to say" Abu Bakir is our master and he liberated our master i.e. Bilal"
Omer used to go to Al-Madinah to receive Bilal. This is Islam.

 In summary: this treaty forbade excessive loyal connections to maintain trust and cooperation in society.

Fifth Analysis: Cooperation in Resisting any Aggressor, Oppressor and Spoiler

 The Treaty emphasizes that everybody should cooperate in resisting any aggressor, oppressor or spoiler even if this aggressor, oppressor or spoiler is the son of any of the contracted parties.
 This implies the supremacy of law which ensures justice and equality which in turn ensure security and safety in society.
All citizens are ruled by the same laws. All Treaty-initiators are equal. The position of the inferior is equal to the position of the superior in rights and duties. They are all one hand against their enemies. All people are equal in rights and duties in this society.The Jews have the same rights as the other parties' rights in this treaty. The Jews have their religion and Muslims have their religion. This implies coexistence and citizenship and indicates the deep understanding of the life of the world. You are a Muslim. You should obey Allah and accept the sh3er without sacrificing your religion. You should obey Allah leaving the sh3er live their life with their progress, principles and values.

Sixth Analysis: Treaty of Mutual Defence

 Muslims and non-Muslims defend each other in wars. It's a Mutual defense treaty in the modern term. Anybody who breaches this treaty will be cursed by Allah and will be deprived by his general rights.
 This is legislation and obligation but at the same time every society has one reference and one influential decision.
Allah- Most Glorified- ordered the Prophet PBUH to consult his Companions saying

"And consult them upon the conduct of affairs",


"And when thou art resolved, then put thy trust in Allah" (159)

[Al-Imran Surah]

Seventh Analysis: Whosoever Breaches the Treaty Has Neither Pact Nor Honor

 One article of this Treaty is: if any Jewish breaches this Treaty, he shall wrong himself and his family and he shall not have any pact or honor with the contracted parties.
Every contracted party in this Treaty shall have his share in war, peace and spending, shall cooperate and participate and shall advise without transgression.
 The most beautiful thing in this Treaty is tat nobody bears another's load as Allah- Most Glorified- says:

"and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. "(164)

[Al-Anaam Surah]

 The most abominable act in society is retaliation; if somebody is killed, then all members of the killer's tribe will be vulnerable to killing without a reason.
Retaliation is a crying shame on our Nation and its remedy is

"and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. "

 Two or three months ago a brother from the southern governorates called me saying that somebody of some tribes was killed. As a result, the killer's tribe ran away and disappeared out of fear. The victim's family, being religious, called me asking my opinion. I said in reply:" The head of your tribe should go to the killer's tribe ensuring that you won't kill anybody because the killer will be judged by Allah and retaliation is a behaviour that doesn't please Allah.

 This treaty does not cancel any obligations on the contracted parties and does not relieve any oppressor from his punishment. In addition, this Treaty is for peace just as it's for war.
This Treaty has rendered Al- Madinah a forbidden country.

 Finally, these were some articles of the Treaty made by the Prophet PBUH and it's considered- without exaggeration- one of the most elevated civilized agreements.




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