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Biography- Prophetic Biography- Understanding the Prophet's Biography- (Lesson 30-57): Migration- Story of Migration
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

The power (ability) of cognition:

 O dear brother, there's no doubt that all of you comprehend that Allah-The All-Mighty – has bestowed human with a power of understanding, this power requires that you should look for truth, just doing that-looking for truth- makes you among human beings; has been honored by Allah-The All-Mighty, Allah said:

"And indeed We have honored the Children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with ( At-Tayyibat) ( lawful good things), and have preferred them above many of those whom We have created with a marked preferment."


 Since Allah has honored you with this understanding power; it's then your supreme need; but if a human doesn't fulfill this need, he loses the high rank Allah has provided him with, talking about a relative aspect; when you attend lessons at mosques to be well –acquainted with the Honorable Human person; whom Allah has put on the top level of humanity; the Noble Prophet-(PBUH ) says:

" Supplicate for Allah to honor me by Waseelah, which is the highest rank in the Paradise which will be allowed only to one human, I hope to be that one."

[ Al- Nasa'ei, reported byAbd-Allah bin Umr]

 And we, Muslims, after listening to Athan ( Muslim's call for obliged prayers) say:
 O Allah, Lord of this complete Mission, and the carried out prayer, O Grant our master Mohammed –PBUH Al-Waseelah (the highest rank), and Al-Fadhilah ( the Merit). As the noble Prophet is the top of human beings, and Allah has set him as our example to follow in our lives. Thus; it's a definite duty of every Muslim to learn the Prophet's Sirah ( biography), but Why?
As; Allah the All-Mighty says:

" Indeed in the Messenger of Allah( Mohammed-PBUH-)you have a good example to follow."


 So, How would the noble Prophet be a good example for us, when we don't know his biography?
 And this is just what I've mentioned before, any thing is necessary in order to complete the performance of an duty, is considered itself as a duty. And, any thing is necessary in order to complete the performance of a duty, is considered itself as a duty. And any thing is necessary in order to complete the performance of a Sunnah, is considered itself as Sunnah. Besides, as we know that any order from the Noble Qura'n requires necessity; Allah has said:

"And whatsoever the Messenger (Mohammed-PBUH-) gives you, take it; and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it)."


 Thus, learning the Prophet's verbal Sunnah is an obligation for every individual Muslim. And, since Allah-the All-Mighty says:

"And verily, there has come unto you a Messenger( Mohammed-PBUH-) from amongst yourselves( i.e. whom you know well). It grieves him that you should receive an injury or difficulty. He ( Mohammed-PBUH-) is anxious over you( to be rightly guided, to repent to Allah, and beg Him to pardon and forgive your sins in order that you may enter Paradise and be saved from the punishment of the Hell-fire); for the believers ( he –PBUH- is ) full of pity, kind, and merciful."


"Indeed in the Messenger of Allah( Mohammed-PBUH-)you have a good example to follow."

The Prophet is our example so we need to know his biography:

 The question is: How would the noble Prophet –PBUH – be our good example if we don't we know his biography?
 That's the reason we begin this lesson.
 Believe me, O brother, if there were no Qura'n neither Sunnah; the Prophet's biography along with its dimensions and indications would be a Book and Sunnah, except that the practical biography has the privilege of being definite in conclusion; to illustrate, a person may say a word, and it may be interpreted in more than one way; whereas if he behaves in some way; his behavior is completely definite. For example, if a person preached you about Hijab( Islamic veil for Muslim females) does he consider face as a private part or not? What did he say? But, when you see him walking with his wife, who has covered her face; you realize his situation, so the practical situation is definite, whereas the verbal one accepts interpretation.,

The practical biography is the best application of Quran:

 Thus, some scholars said:
 The practical biography of the noble Prophet-PBUH- – is more true in his understanding for Allah's Book-The Noble Qura'n- than his verbal sayings, as his sayings is probable to be interpreted ( it can bear more than one sense):
 For example: Allah- the All-Mighty said:

"By Nafs ( Adam, or a person or a soul), and Him Who perfected him in proportion; Then He showed him what is wrong for him and what is right for him."


 A person may think while reading this ayah that Allah has put committing wrong deeds into the soul, We seek Allah's refugee to save us from thinking in this way- but the ayah means that Allah –the All-Mighty has supplied the human beings with a supreme nature, so that if a person makes a mistake he will know his mistake without being told by any one, the soul automatically recognizes its mistake, so Allah inspired the human soul that it has committed a mistake when it committed mistakes, and He inspired it that it acted piously when it did; this is the meaning.
So, the text always needs interpretation.

" Nay, they have belied the knowledge whereof they could not comprehend and what has not yet been fulfilled(i.e. their punishment)"


 For instance, when you read the noble ayah:

"And if We had willed, surely We would have given every person his guidance, but."


 Lao (If) –in Arabic-is the letter ( tool) of prevention the prevention, for example, if you call on me, I'll be hospitable with you, this means my hospitality for you is prevented, because of the prevention of your calling on me.

"And if We had willed, surely We would have given every person his guidance, but the Word from Me took effect ( about evil-doers), that I will fill Hell with jinn and mankind together."


 You should ask the people of Thekr ( i.e. people of Qura'n; the scholars) about this ayah:

"So ask ( you, O pagans of Makkah) of those who know the Scripture [learned men of Taurat(Torah) and the Injeel ( Gospel)], if you know not."


 What's the meaning of this ayah?
 The man always tries to erase his mistakes towards the sh3er, when asking about negative things, he replies: it's a matter of fate, this was the well of Allah, this is a truth word, but used in falsity.
 The meaning is that: O My slaves, if you claimed that I forced you to commit guilt and sins, and they ( guilt & sins) are destiny; then you are mistaken, if I ever were to force you to do something, then it'll only be into the righteous path ( guidance).
 And if I ( Your Lord) wanted to cancel your choice, your being charged,,to deprive you of your free-well, and to force you on any thing; this thing Must only be righteous path "And if We had willed, surely We would have given every person his guidance", that's the correct meaning, but claiming that your sins are related to destiny, and you're forced by your Lord to commit such sins is an illusion, " but the Word from Me took effect ( about evil-doers), that I will fill Hell with jinn and mankind together."; i.e. I'll account you toughly for the sins you commit, then charge your Lord of compelling you.
 Thus, a text needs an interpretation, whereas action doesn't need interpretation; it's just definite, that's the reason of our choice for Prophet's –PBUH biography.
 O brother; Imam Ahmad narrated, reported Ibn Abbas that:

 The Noble Prophet –PBUH- was in Makkah, then he was ordered to migrate, then the noble ayah was revealed upon him:

" And say ( o Mohammed-PBUH--: My Lord ! Let my entry ( to the city of Al-Madinah) be good, and (likewise) my exit (from the city of Makkah)be good. And grant me from You an authority to help me ( or a firm sign or a proof."


My lord, Let my entry be good:

 Don't you happen to imagine; O brother, that Allah's talking is miraculous, its miracle locates in its precision and briefness? Why Has Allah said: " Let my entry ( to the city of Al-Madinah) be good, and (likewise) my exit (from the city of Makkah)be good" It means that O my Lord make me truthful, just one word, countless deeds you begin truthfully, but you finish them untruthfully; the heroism is not in the beginning it's rather the ending.
 Thus, once Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufian met Umr bin Al-A's; one of the sliest Arabs and asked him: O Amr, what is the limitation of your slyness? He replied: by Allah, I swear, that I've never made any entry, still I can craftily get out of, Mu'awiyah replied: You're not a sly then, for me, by Allah (I swear)I never make any entry (to do thing) that I need to get out of; a higher level.
So: "My Lord ! Let my entry", for example you say: when I get married, I'll apply Islam in my home, I'll make my wife wear the Islamic Hijab ( veil), I'll well-raise my children according to Allah's obedience; but when you entered the world of the woman, and your wife pushed you to commit a sin you say: I've no choice but to compel to what she wants; hence you began truthfully but you didn't undertake your commitment to the end.
 You say, for example: I want to establish a hospital for the poor in your society; but after feeling the value of your incomes; patients may suffer from heart attack due to the bill, here you began truthfully,but you didn't undertake your commitment to the end.
 O brother; believe me that ascending to the top is very hard, but descending to the bottom is very easy, if the way to the top is full of rocks, bushes, dust, hot weather, and tremendous effort, but the way from the top to the bottom is slippery; it's the path of conceit, so the heroism is not to reach the top it's just to stay there; it's not to reach the platform, it's to stay there continuously.
 Thus, the noble Prophet-PBUH-- on the conquest of Mekka; he entered bowing his head –a sign of humbleness for Allah- The All-Mighty- that the tip of his turban was touching his she-camel's neck,

"My Lord ! Let my entry ( to the city of Al-Madinah) be good, and (likewise) my exit (from the city of Makkah)be good."

 Thus, the noble Prophet-PBUH-- along with his honest Companions has been victorious at Bader Battle, and the noble ayah:

"And Allah has already made you victorious at Badr, when you were a weak little force."


 Which means: when you were in desperate need to Allah, the noble Prophet –PBUH – the master of mankind along with his honorable companions –The best of mankind ever- hadn't gained victory at Hunain; but Why? Because they said:

"A twelve thousand worriers shall not be beaten due to being few."

[ Narrated Abu Dawood, Termethy & Hakem; reported Ibn Abbas]

"And at the Day of Hunain (battle) when you rejoiced at your great number, but it availed you naught and the earth, vast as it is, was straitened for you, then you turned back in flight."


A great lesson:

 O dear brother, a great lesson we need daily, rather hourly, if you said: O Allah (my Lord), Allah would protect you, and if you said: I, Allah would abandon you, and, to Allah; you're not more honest than the Prophet's Companions who's sold their lives in the Cause of Allah; yet they hadn't been victorious, so when you boast of your strength, wealth, descent ancestry, or your position Allah will abandon you, and when you seek the support and help of Allah; He will then protect and support you. Thus, before doing anything or any project, before meeting any authorized person, before being in a difficult situation, say: O My Lord I disowned my power and mightiness, and sought shelter in Your Power and Mightiness, O You my Lord of the Strongest Power, I disowned my power,mightiness and knowledge, and sought shelter in Your Power,Mightiness and knowledge O You my Lord of the Strongest Power; this is the meaning of the noble ayah:

"My Lord ! Let my entry ( to the city of Al-Madinah) be good, and (likewise) my exit (from the city of Makkah)be good. And grant me from You an authority to help me ( or a firm sign or a proof."

The Prophet's starting-off to the Thour Cave:

 The noble Prophet-PBUH- had left his home and started off to the Cave of Thour; polytheists were besieging his home to kill him, Ali bin Abi Taleb wore his gown and lay at his bed, the noble Prophet-PBUH- broke the polytheists blockage without being seen –by them- after he ordered Ali to tell Abu Baker to follow him, so Abu Baker came to the Prophet's house while Ali was laying on his bed – thought that Ali is the noble Prophet, Abu Baker said: O Allah's Prophet, Ali replied then: verily, Allah's Prophet has gone to Maymoon's well; so you should follow him, thus Abu Baker left quickly and entered the Cave with the noble Prophet. Polytheists were throwing stones on Ali- just as they used to do with the noble Prophet, Ali raised his voice while he was suffering the pain of the stones; but he was fully covering his head till the morning came, when he uncover his head they said: O you wicked one- they expected the Prophet to be at his bed- we used to throw stones at your friend, he never made any such painful moan but you did, we found this strange, so the Prophet –PBUH had left his house to the Cave of Thour.
 Another time, to remind you: the noble Prophet who had moved to Jerusalem from Makkah in a wink; Why hadn't he moved to Medina in a wink? Because he is our great example, which reminds us with the way Omar bin Al-Khattab- may Allah be pleased with him- had moved to Medinah by; he left in the day light challenging polytheists saying: Whoever amongst you wishes for his mother to mourn him, or for his son to be an orphan, so let himself come after me to that valley, a person may inquire: could Omar be more courageous than the noble Prophet himself? The definite answer is: No, No way, but Omar is not a legislator; but the noble Prophet-PBUH- is a legislator, you must consider reasons as if they were everything, then seek the protection and support from Allah as if your consideration for reasons was nothing – beside your depending upon Allah.
 Abu Baker As-Siddiq -may Allah be pleased with him-ordered his servant 'Amer bin Faherah to accompany them during their migration to serve them, Abu Baker also took his fortune with him in order to give it to the noble Prophet-PBUH- to be at his disposal.

 O dear brother, money is itself a power, the same is said about position, & knowledge, and the strong believer is much better and much lovable to Allah than the weak believer, as a strong believer helps you, but the weak believer needs your help, and there's a great difference between those two situations, but the weak believer is honored, though a comment of urge necessity must be made here; listen carefully:
 If the strength path was easy to follow according to the Cause of Allah, you must be strong then, as available chances of righteous deeds for a strong person is not available for a weak one, a strong person may as well use his pen to impose a truth and to refuse a falsehood, to adopt a truth and to remove a great sin, while a weak person may easily be dismissed; great differences between these situations, If the strength path was easy to follow according to the Cause of Allah, you must be strong then, but if the strength path was to be obtained against the concepts of your religion and your principles, then weakness is a medal of honor.
 Thus, noble goals couldn't by no means be achieved unless by using noble means of achievement.
 A means is of the kind of the goal itself, but regarding our enemies, their goals just justify any means, according to Muslims a noble goal must be attained through noble means, If the wealth path was easy to follow according to the Cause of Allah, you must be wealthy then, as if you were wealthy you could establish an orphanage, a hospital, a religious institution, to support youth in their marriage, to raise orphans and to have great righteous deeds as lofty as mountains.

" How excellent is the money through which I protect my honor, and approach(endear myself to) my Lord."

 A scholar says:
 " People of this worldly life are indeed poor, they came to this world and left it without experimenting its ultimate good thing; the righteous deeds."
 " O my Lord, the night is not pleasant unless I confide You ( i.e make supplication), and the day is not pleasant unless I serve Your slaves.
 O dear brother, I swear by Allah that those people whom has been allowed by Allah to do righteous deeds; soldiers of truth are living in the top of happiness, If the wealth path was easy to follow according to the Cause of Allah, you must be wealthy then, but if the wealth path is achieved through lies, cheating, and abandoning your religion and concepts for a slight reward of this temporary world; being a poor person of no wealth is then an honor medal, so noble goals need noble means to be achieved through.
 Thus, the Prophet's-PBUH-- son-in-law wasn't a Muslim yet, when he was captivated along with his merchandise, his wife guarded him, she was living in Medina, thus the noble Prophet-PBUH-- accepted her guard and he himself provided him by his guard, they informed him ( the Prophet's son-in-law) according to the then system: if you embraced Islam, this merchandise will be Muslims' property, based on the laws of war and peace in Islam, a worrier's property is a booty. He replied with this magnificent word: By Allah I should never like to start embracing Islam by this behavior. So he returned to Makkah, and gave them back their money & property, after that he headed to Madenah and declared his Islam; thus, noble goals need noble means to be achieved through. Asma' bint Abi Baker mentioned that the merchandise was worth about five to six thousand Dirham.

 O dear brother, by Allah if only the wealthy people know the exalted position at Paradise they could reach by means of spending their money, they wouldn't hesitate for a minute.

 As the died person's spirit floats over the coffin; calling his folks – as was narrated in the Sunnah- O My folks, my children, do never let the worldly life plays with you just as it did with me, I gathered money from permitted and non-permitted sources, and I spent it legally and illegally, so you will enjoy the inheritances and I will be brought to account."
 It has also been narrated that:" Allah would stop a wealthy person for account – in the Resurrection Day-saying: O My slave, I gave you money, How did you spend it? He replied: O my Lord, I didn't spend it for fear that my children may become poor, Allah tells him then: Hadn't you known that I am the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong.? What you'd been afraid to happen to your children ( poverty and need) I made them suffer from. And Allah will ask another slave; who was bestowed wealth by Allah: O My slave, I gave you money, How did you spend it? He replied: O my Lord: I spend it on charitable ways for poor and people of need, for my trust that You're the Best to guard, and the Most Merciful. Allah tells him then: O My slave, I was the Protector and guard to your children after your death.

 A man may worship Allah for 60 years, then if doesn't implement a will, he deserves to enter Hell-fire, if he intends to deprive his daughters from their religious right in legacy,imagining by Devil's revelation that if you give your daughters their rights, money will move to strange families; Are you wiser than Allah? The noble Prophet-PBUH- wasn't allowed to distribute money, Allah – Himself – was the Guardian. So, where can we find the rules of obligations? In the Noble Qura'n.

The Persistence of the Prophet in the Cave, with all precautions:

 The noble Prophet-PBUH-- along with his friend Abu Bakr – may Allah be pleased with him- stayed in the cave for three nights, during this time; the polytheists could trace them to the cave, I mentioned several times that the wisdom or lesson of the reach of the noble Prophet's persuers to the cave is to clarify to the world that the noble Prophet-PBUH- while following all the precautions, he didn't rely on them, but he depend on Allah. And this indeed, is a very accurate situation, you must follow reasons as if they were every thing, and you must put your trust in Allah as if your reasons' following was nothing.
 The western world followed reasons and totally depend on them, they idolized it; became polytheists; whereas the Eastern world didn't follow reasons claiming that they put their trust in Allah, which is not related to putting trust in Allah, rather it's (mutual)dependence, so they committed sins by this action.

Following reasons is the completion of putting trust in Allah:

 When you have an total check for your vehicle, then you believe that an accident is far from happening because you've just repaired the brakes and checked over every single item tires, oil,…etc, you did follow reasons, and you depended on them; while a believer strongly believes that along with his following of reasons, if Allah wants to discipline him, reasons then will be canceled, so the wisdom here is to follow reasons as if they were every thing, then supplicate to Allah, to protect you, and support you, it's –of course – very easy to follow reasons, and to depend on them, and it's also very easy to leave following reasons and to depend on Allah,but the heroism is to accurately follow the reasons, then to depend on Allah as if you didn't follow reasons.
 The third case is a hard one, it requires deep knowledge and accurate belief.
 O brother, this is the most dangerous thing the Islamic world is suffering from, they 're awaiting a miracle to happen, a miracle would never occur, as Muslims didn't follow reasons, and didn't prepare in facing their enemies the available empowerment Allah has ordered them to prepare, it's preferable to follow reasons, when we do so,Allah will support and protect us.
A person said once: I'll rehabilitate (reform) all the world within ten years, the five continents, the ten years passed, and he couldn't achieve a slight improvement. Then he said: I'll improve my country within five years, the five years passed and he couldn't achieve a slight improvement. He said then: I'll improve my city within two years, the two years passed and he couldn't achieve a slight improvement, he said: I'll improve my house in a year. After a year nothing has changed. Then he made the deduction that: I should first improve Myself; and he read the noble ayah- quoted from the Noble Qura'n:

"Verily! Allah will not change the (good ) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state ( of goodness) themselves( by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allah."


Heading towards available righteous deeds:

 O dear brother, by the way, I've mentioned a very important issue, there're millions of things you can do in these bad circumstances, in the time of pressure and obstacles, in this third world war declared against Muslims wherever they are, you can participate in a million of things without being asked, without being brought to account, can't you be honest? Trustful? can't you be sincere at your job? Can't you take care of your family? Can't you take care of your health? Can't you raise your children? All these activities are entitled to every one without being brought to account, but the Devil would put you into scruple in order to abandon all what you can do, and he may push you to do what you couldn't do, it's such a great scruple, and here's the problem.
Thus, scholars had said: Perform Allah's Orders in your possessions, then He will suffice you for what you don't possess. But what are the things you possess? You possess your self, your family, your job, so, if every Muslim apply Islam's regulations to his own life, at his home and at his work, and that's all.

" Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope."


 What you aspire for, the entire Islamic countries can't do together, consequently, you abandon what you can do, and move to what you can't do, it's such a great scruple by Satan, also among scruples by Satan is to put yourself in the position of being a guardian over Muslims, to evaluate them, accuse whomever you want –of them- of infidelity, this is a scruple by Satan, no, you should raise,move and act,I'm heartily telling you:

" O Khadijah:Sleeping time is over."

(mentioned in the tradition)

Sleeping time along is over:

 Um Al-Mu'minin (the mother of the Faithful)-Khadejah- the Prophet's-PBUH- wife- begged him once to have some rest, so he replied:" O Khadejah, sleeping time is over", and nowadays we should say the same thing: sleeping time is over, and also we should say: speaking time is over, we want the time of actions, as the other part wants to impoverish us, force us to go astray, corrupt us, humiliate us and demolish us.

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