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Ramadan Lectures- Analogies in the Noble Quran 1431- Lesson (31-34): True Happiness is Gained by Knowing Allah and Staying Connected with Him
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Using analogies is an effective technique in expressing ideas:

 Dear dignified brother, we are still discussing the analogies used in the Quran and Sunnah. You know well that using analogies is an excellent technique in expressing ideas. For example, if we want to say how exalted Muhammad, peace be upon him, is we can refer to the following verses:

You may look like other human beings, but you are not
Nor is the deer's blood (compared to other animals' blood)
from which the Musk is extracted exclusively

  Let me give two other examples of using analogies to makes the ideas clearer:

Whoever is used to be insulted
Would never react whenever he is humiliated
just like the dead man, who never
feels the pain of the wound

 The second example is the following:

If Allah wills that a neglected virtue would prevail
the envious person will accomplish this mission unintentionally
Like the fire which spreads the sweet scent of the aloeswood (unintentionally too)

 The abstract intellectual fact can be clarified by using an example of something tangible. Once I wanted to explain the difference between the major sins and the minor ones. As you know, there are major sins, such as adultery, killing someone unlawfully and drinking intoxicants. Unlike these sins, a malicious smile is considered a minor sin. Do you understand the difference between the two types of sins? To make the difference clear, I gave the following example: If you drive a car on a fancy road that is 60 meters wide, and it is surrounded by abyssal valleys on both sides, the minor sin looks like turning the steering wheel a centimeter to the right or the left of the road, whereas the major sin is like turning it 90 degrees. However, keeping the steering wheel turned a centimeter, will end you up in the valley after 2 kilometers of driving. On the other hand, you can simply get the steering wheel back to its place after turning it 90 degrees (saving yourself from ending up in the valley). Ibn Abbas said:

 ((…No sin is major if it is accompanied with repentance and no sin is minor if it is continuous.))

 When you ask Allah for forgiveness and repent after committing a grave sin, you will save yourself from its bad consequences, whereas insisting on committing a minor sin without repentance would make it a grave one, and you would end up in the valley (Hell):

 ((…No sin is major if it is accompanied with repentance and no sin is minor if it is continuous.))

The worldly life is nothing compared to the Hereafter:

 Using analogies makes the abstract ideas very clear, and it is the most eloquent technique. There are many figures of speech, such as simile, which has four types: full simile (it has for pillars: vehicle (a), tenor (b), simile particle (c) and ground (d), (for example, X (a) is like (c) a lion (b) in bravery (d).), the confirmative simile, detailed and intensive simile (as two pillars (a) and (b). Moreover, there are conceptual metaphor, grammatical metaphor and metonymy as well. As for analogies, they are material things that are used to explain abstract concepts. For instance, when you say that this life perishes, we mean it, because it is indeed evanescent. Verily, this life is a cadaver sought by its dogs, and it is the abode of those who have no abode. Moreover, whoever seeks it is insane, but how can we express the difference between the worldly life and the Hereafter?

 Some people in the North of the cold countries live for 130 years. I was told that Al-Azhar Sheikh Hussein Makhloof lived for 130 years. There are long-lived people, but no matter how many years people live, their life is short compared to the life in the Hereafter. When you put the biggest figure math on the top of a fraction, and on the bottom of this fraction we put infinity, the result will be zero. If we put number 1 where we are and fill the distance between the earth and the sun (156 million kilometers) with zeros, between the place where I sit till the end of this Masjid or between where we are right now and Aleppo, Moscow, the South or the North Pole, or the distance the earth takes when it rotates round its own axis (40.000 kilometers), how big the number will be? No matter how big it is, it is zero when it is put on the top of a fraction, and on the bottom of this fraction we put infinity. Likewise, no matter how many years man lives (let us say he lives for 130 years), no matter how much money he has (let us say he has 1000 billion Liras), no matter how good his health is, no matter how prestigious his house is, no matter how beautiful his wife is, no matter how many cars and private planes he has, one day death will put an end to everything and makes all his properties nothing. You see, the worldly life is zero.

The smart and the prudent man is whoever chooses Allah's Bestowal:

 The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

((This world (its pleasures and duration) in comparison with the Hereafter is (similar to the amount of water) one gets when he puts his finger in the sea. Let him then see what it returns with.))

(Ahmed and AtTermizi, from Al-Mistawarid bin Shaddad)

 Let me clarify this image by this example: If you travel to Tartus by the say, and you go to Arwad Island by a boat, how much water will wet your finger if you dip it in the sea and pull it back? One drop of water only wet it. The worldly life resembles this drop of water and the Hereafter resembles the sea or the ocean, whether it is the Mediterranean Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean or the Atlantic Ocean:

((This world (its pleasures and duration) in comparison with the Hereafter is (similar to the amount of water) one gets when he puts his finger in the sea. Let him then see what it returns with.))

 By Allah, do you not think that whoever works for this life only and forgets about the Hereafter is stupid? Is he not a fool? It was reported in the Hadith:

((The wisest among you is he who loves Allah most.))

 Once I visited one of the rarest museums in the world, and I saw the biggest diamond in the world. I was informed that it was worth 150 million Dollars. It was as big as a nut. If this diamond is put at the table next to a crystal cup (whose cost is 1000 Liras) a blue glass jar (whose cost is 20 Liras) and you are asked to choose which one to take, you will absolutely choose the diamond. However, if you choose the jar, you will be an idiot. By Allah, this example of choosing the best among the a nut-size diamond that is worth 150 million Dollars, a crystal cup that is worth 1000 Liras and a blue glass jar that is worth 20 Liras, is as the same as choosing the best if you are asked whether to choose the worldly life or the Hereafter. Hence, the intelligent, wise and successful man is whoever chooses to work for the Hereafter and be granted Allah's Bounties.

This life is the abode of those who have no abode:

 Allah the Exalted has assured you in the following Ayah saying:

((And indeed the Hereafter is better for you than the present (life of this world).))

(Ad-Duha: 4)

  There is no deprivation in this life; you can eat whatever like, drink whatever you wishe, have sexual intercourse with your wife and earn money legally. However, there are prohibited things that you are not allowed to do, such as drinking intoxicants, eating pork, committing adultery and stealing are prohibited. There is no deprivation in the worldly life.

 One of the Quran old scholars once invited me to his home. I think he was over 100 years old. He told me that he has 38 grandchildren. After I left, I thought about his big family. It started with the marriage of a man and a woman who after a while had sons and daughters. These children got married and so the family had sons and daughters in law who gave birth to the grandchildren. There is a pyramid; on top of which is the grandfather and the grandmother, then the sons and their wives, the daughters and their husbands, and finally the grandchildren. How did this sacred familial pyramid start (biologically speaking)? It started with a sexual relation (lawful one), didn't it? There is a sexual relation in a whorehouse too (this one is unlawful). Hence, lust is neutral; by fulfilling it you will either be elevated (when it I fulfilled lawfully) or be the lowest of the low (when it is fulfilled unlawfully).

 This life is worthless compared to the Hereafter. It is the abode of those who have no abode, and it is sought by the insane. Most people get married, the poorest, the strongest, the smartest and the richest. All of them fulfill their desire lawfully. The same goes for women who get married. Moreover, the strongest, the richest and the poorest man satisfy their hanger by eating. There are certain kinds of food that are available for everyone. Once I asked someone who worked in a Royal Palace in an Arab country, "What does the king eat at breakfast?" He said, Foul Mudamas (a popular dish in the Middle East made of slow-cooked fava beans) and sometimes fried eggs." He eats the food other men eat.  Accordingly, people of different social classes get married and eat the same food, but some people mistakenly think that the rich man is different from the poor one.

The real happiness is gained by knowing Allah:

 Allah the Almighty gives good health, intelligence, money and beauty to many of His creations, but He only gives tranquility to His chosen believers. You might be given good health, strength and handsomeness, yet they may be the reason of your misery. On the other hand, you might be deprived of good health, money or handsomeness, but you can be the happiest on earth.

 Dear brother, we should take into consideration that the true happiness is gained by knowing Allah, staying connected with Him and feeling that He loves you. When you are on the Right Path, when your earning is Halal (your money is made through legitimate ways), when you fulfill your desires with your wife only, when you treat your female Maharem (the female relatives to whom man cannot get married) according to Shari'ah and when you commit no moral deviation or sins, you act upon Allah's Order, and so you will be incredibly happy and satisfied.

 It was narrated that while a man was circumambulating Al-Ka'bah, he was saying, " O Allah, forgive me my sin, but I don't think you would?" A man who was behind him heard him, so he askes him, "O you, why are you so desperate of Allah's Mercy?" The man answered, "I committed a great sin." He asked him, "What is it?" He said, "When I was a soldier, I was ordered to suppress sedition in a city. After accomplishing the mission, we were allowed to do whatever we wanted in that city. I went into a house and found a man, his wife and two kids. I killed the man and told his wife to give me all they had and she did. Yet, I killed her first child, and when she noticed that I was serious about killing the other child, she gave me a shield of pure gold that I liked. When I looked at it, I could see two verses that were written on it. Once I read them, I fainted. The verses were:

If the prince, his assistants and the judge of the worldly life
Were unfair in their Judgment
Owe, owe then owe to them
When they are judged by the Divine Judge

The smart and sensible man is the one who fears Allah:

 Allah the Almighty says:

((Verily, (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) the Grip (Punishment) of your Lord is severe.))

(Al-Burooj: 12)

  There are a lot of lessons, but unfortunately people who learn these lessons are few. In hours, a man who occupies a very prominent position may be exiled from his country and no other country would accept to grant him political asylum:

((Verily, (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) the Grip (Punishment) of your Lord is severe.))

(Al-Burooj: 12)

 I would like to repeat the above two verses:

If the prince, his assistants and the judge of the worldly life
Were unfair in their Judgment
Owe, owe then owe to them
When they are judged by the Divine Judge

 Who is the smart one? Who is the sensible? Who is the prudent? He is the one who fears Allah.

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