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Lesson 29 – Zakat Al Fitr is an obligation on the one who possesses food in excess of his needs.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  
Usually, Az-Zakat is an obligation on rich people, only Allah imposed Zakat Al-Fitr in Ramadan, but on whom?

Allah imposed Zakat Al-Fitr on the one who possesses food in excess of his needs. In other words, the one who owns one meal has to pay Zakat Al-Fitr. Allah meant for the poor person to experience the taste of spending on others. Also, Allah meant for the rich person to experience the taste of hunger. Thus, Allah wants the poor person to experience the taste of spending on others one time per year (namely in Ramadan). Accordingly, he has to pay Zakat Al-Fitr, lest his fasting will not be accepted by Allah. 

Let me repeat, Zakat Al-Fitr is an obligation on every person who possesses food in excess of his needs for the purpose of experiencing the taste of spending on others.

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