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Islamic Ideology - Names of Allâh 2008 : Al_Muhsin 2
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

A Beautiful Name of Allâh: Al_Muhsin (The Good Doer):

1. Allâh the Almighty demanded ihsân (good doing) on everything:

Honorable brother, we are still discussing Allâh’s name (Al_Muhsin), it was mentioned in Sahîh Muslim from Shaddâd Bin Aous that the prophet (PBUH) said:

“ Allâh the Almighty demanded ihsân on everything; if you kill, be merciful with the killing, if you slaughter, slaughter well, and sharpen your blade so that the slaughtered is put to rest”

Even if you kill a snake or a scorpion.

“Allâh the Almighty demanded ihsân on everything”

2. Al_Husna is Paradise, because it has absolute perfection:

Man was created for paradise.

“As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allâh and fears Him (4), and believes in Al_Husna,(5), We will make smooth for him the path of ease (goodness).(6)”

[Sûrat Al_Lail (The Night) aya 4-6]

Who believes that he is created for paradise, and this world is a house of preparation, of assignment. Allâh the Almighty named paradise


because it has the absolute perfection.

“There they will have all that they desire.”

[Sûrat Qaf, aya 35]

As for the world, its nature is hardship.

“O man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord with your deeds and actions (good or bad), a sure returning, and you will meet (the results of your deeds which you did)”

[Sûrat Al_Inshiqæq (The Splitting Asunder), aya 6]

The system of the world is something and that of the afterlife is another. The system of the world is that it is a house of assignments, as for that of the afterlife, it is a house of honoring, the system of the world is that it is a house of deeds, that of the afterlife, is a house of reward, Al_Husna is built on Allâh the Almighty’s saying:

“There they will have all that they desire”

[Sûrat Qaf, aya 35]

“..and we have more (for them, i.e. a glance at the All-Mighty, All Majestic)”

[Sûrat Qaf, aya 35]

Anything you ask for in paradise is granted to you.

“There they will have all that they desire__ and we have more (for them, i.e. a glance at the All-Mighty, All Majestic)”

[Sûrat Qaf, aya 35]

Because man paid the price of paradise in the world, Allâh the Almighty created the desires in him, gave him freedom of choice, subjected all that in the heavens and the earth to him. In the world, he has a grasp from the earth and blow from the spirit of Allâh the Almighty, therefore when you succeed in the world, you deserve paradise.

“For those who have done good is the best (reward, i.e. Paradise) and even more (i.e. having the honor of glancing at the Countenance of Allâh the Almighty”

[Sûrat Yûnus (Jonah), aya 26]

Whoever believes that he is created for paradise avoids disobeying Allâh and builds his life on giving.

Those who belie Al_Husna believe in the world only:

If you ask about a considerable difference between the believer and the non believer, the answer will be that the believer’s life is built on giving, his ultimate happiness lies in giving not taking, and the non-believer’s happiness lies in taking. Therefore the prophets gave and never took, and the powerful ones took and never gave:

“For those who have done good is the best (reward, i.e. Paradise) and even more (i.e. having the honor of glancing at the Countenance of Allâh the Almighty”

[Sûrat Yûnus (Jonah), aya 26]

“But he who is greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient, and belies Al_Husna”

[Sûrat Al_Lail (The Night) aya 8]

Those who belie that they are created for paradise, and think that they are created for the world, think themselves self sufficient, do not need to obey Allâh the Almighty, build their lives on just taking. You can simply discover whether you are from the people of the world or from those of the afterlife; if you are happy to take, and think that you are very clever when you take what does not belong to you, then you are from the worldly people, and people call you clever, but if you are happy with giving, then you are from the people of the afterlife.
Therefore, Al_Husna is paradise, the price of paradise:

“For those who have done good is the best (reward, i.e. Paradise)”

[Sûrat Yûnus (Jonah), aya 26]

3. A believer should have the quality of Ihsân:

Since Allâh is Muhsin, you as a believer should have this perfection, that means that your work includes ihsan, if you give, give without grudge, if you punish, punish without grudge, if you work, work well, if you visit, be modest, do not underestimate the world of any person in his/her eyes, transfer him/her to the afterlife.

4. Ihsan includes everything:

The matter of ihsan is so wide, you can be good while you are punishing, be good while you are preventing, be good while you are giving, be good while you are fighting:

“Allâh the Almighty demanded ihsan on everything”.

Even if you kill a harmful animal Allâh has ordered you to kill, you should not torture it, that is the way of believers.
Can believers tolerate to take the fish at its highest mobility, remove its inside and clean it before it stops moving completely.
Allâh the Almighty said:

“Then, when they are down on their sides (after slaughter)”

[Sûrat Al_Haj (The Pilgrimage), aya 36]

You can clean it after its soul is out completely, and it settles down and stops moving.

“Allâh the Almighty demanded ihsan on everything”

5. And who can be better in religion than one who submits his face (himself) to Allâh and he is a Muhsin:

Honorable brother, now to the noble verse:

“..and who can be better in religion than one who submits his face (himself)to Allâh (i.e. follows Allâh’s religion of Islamic Monotheism); and he is a Muhsin (a good-doer)”

[Sûrat An_Nisâ’ (The Women), aya 125]

The meaning is very accurate, you cannot approach Allâh unless you are Muhsin. Someone might say: “I do not feel submission in prayer”, if you are muhsin, you will submit in prayer.

“And truly it is extremely heavy and hard except for Al_Khâshi’ûn [i.e. the true believers in Allâh__ those who obey Allâh with full submission, fear much from His Punishment, and believe in His Promise (Paradise) and in His Warnings (Hell)”

[Sûrat Al_ Baqarah (The Cow), aya 45]

Those who follow Allâ’s orders, submit to Him in prayer will feel that connection, that connection has a price:

“..and who can be better in religion than one who submits his face (himself)to Allâh (i.e. follows Allâh’s religion of Islamic Monotheism); and he is a Muhsin (a good-doer)”

[Sûrat An_Nisâ’ (The Women), aya 125]

Full submission is easy to believers, procrastination is easy to them as well, because they are good in all their deeds.
From Omar Bin Al_Khattab, may Allâh be pleased with him, the prophet(PBUH) said:

6. Ihsan means that you worship Allâh as if you can see Him:

“Ihsan means that you worship Allâh as if you can see Him”

[Muslim from Abu Hurarirah]

Note yourself if a high person visits you, a very respected person who is knowledgeable, educated, highly cultured, powerful, top in everything, and ethical, is it reasonable that you sit with that person in untidy clothes crossing your legs? You cannot, is it possible that you would sit in his presence playing with the beads? Is it possible that you would speak improperly in his presence? You cannot.
You are before a high class person, you watch your tongue, the way you sit down, your clothes, your movements. If a person who enters a house and you meet him, you will notice that he keeps his eyes in one direction, because it is not polite to wander with your eyes.

“The sight (of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) turned not aside (right and left), nor it transgressed beyond the limit (ordained for it)”

[Sûrat An_Najm (The Star), aya 17]

Therefore, Ihsan is to worship Allâh as if you can see Him.
And I tell you that the best state of believers is to feel that Allâh is with you, therefore, from Abdullah Bin Mas’oud, he said, the prophet (PBUH) said:

“Be bashful from Allâh the right bashfulness, he said: we said: messenger of Allâh, we are bashful Alhamdulillah, he said: not that, but the right bashfulness from Allâh is to keep the head and what it comprehends, the belly and what it contains, and remember death and sorrow, and whosoever wants the afterlife will leave the adornment of life, whosoever does this is bashful from Allâh the right way”


Ihsân is to worship Allâh as if you can see Him, if you cannot see Him, He sees you. That is the case of surveillance. There are verses in quran that are enough:

“Surely, Allâh is Ever an All_Watcher over you”

[Sûrat An_Nisâ’ (The Women), aya 1]

You do this with a person like you, how about the Lord of the Worlds?!!

If you hear that you are being watched by another man, you will watch your steps, if you walk on the sidewalk of an embassy, you will move to the other side because you are being watched, that is the way of the watched one. When you feel that Allâh is with you, watching you, that is a very high level of faith, a level that calls for discipline, and when you feel that you are under the umbrella of Allâh’s knowledge and ability, you cannot disobey Him, but you will be good (Muhsin) then.
Let me give this example: when a person from the public or the second class stops at the red light, the traffic warden is standing, another one sitting on a motorcycle, the first one detects him, if he dissents, the second one will follow him, and the third one so that the policeman will not connive with him, knowing that he is second degree, is it possible that he will dissent? No way. It is impossible to dissent with a man who put the law of traffic because you are aware that he is watching you through the three wardens, and you are under his power, he can withdraw your license, seize the car. You are with a man like you, and you cannot disobey him. But according to reality, there is someone who would cross the red light at three in the morning because he is aware that the traffic wardens cannot reach him, and he may dissent at daylight if he is not under the sight of the traffic wardens. If his knowledge and power reaches you, you cannot disobey him, but if you assume that his knowledge and power do not reach you, you can disobey him, so how is the case with the creator of the heavens and the earth? Nothing is unknown to Him.

“Allâh knows the fraud of the eyes”

[Sûrat Ghâfir (The Forgiver or The Believer), aya 19]

To illustrate this verse: a doctor examines a sick woman, the law permits him to look at the place of illness, if he peeks somewhere else she does not complain from, there is no party on earth that can detect this treason except Allâh, He is:

“Allâh knows the fraud of the eyes”

[Sûrat Ghâfir (The Forgiver or The Believer), aya 19]

“..and that the chests conceal”

[Sûrat Ghâfir (The Forgiver or The Believer), aya 19]

He is aware of you, He hears you as you speak, sees you as you move, knows what you are up to. Nothing is beyond His reach. That is the state of Ihsan, when you feel that Allâh is with you, but in a kind way, All Hearing, All Seeing, All Knowledgeable; All Hearing as you speak, All Seeibg as you move, All Knowledgeable as you intend to do something. Ihsan is to worship Allâh as if you can see Him, if you do not see Him, he can see you, He is good (Muhsin) in everything, the evidence:

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

Pictures of Allâh’s goodness (ihsan) in His creatures:

How does that flapper inside the egg get out? a sharp protrusion grows is its beak that the flapper breaks the egg with. When it is out, the protrusion shrinks and disappears, is there a better ihsan than this?
In the infant’s spleen, there is enough iron for two years because milk does not contain iron:

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

The cornea of the eye is transparent, it has a special nutritional system, it does not get nutrition through the small hairs, but through the solutions.

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

Water stretches at 4 Degrees Centigrade, has it not stretched, this lesson would not be, this town would not exist, and there would not be a human being on the face of the earth.

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

The hawk sees eight folds more than man does, it sees its prey in the water while it is high in the sky, man sees but the hawk will jeopardize and fall from up high in order to eat. If its sight wasn’t sharp enough to see its food on the surface of the earth from the high sky, its creation wouldn’t be good.
The talk about the ayat that certifies that Allah is ‘Muhsin’ is endless:
In the ear, that auricle, those surfaces and cavities in order to cover all directions. Any sound falls vertically on a surface of the auricle, if the hole of the ear was a little wider, the baby would rupture his/her eardrum, but the hole is narrower than the smallest finger.
Sometimes someone might hold his child, the tendons are well studied in a way that holds the child’s body even if he is held fiercely. Sometimes you might fill your purse with things and hold it, then it breaks, you say: ‘unprofessional make’, but look how man is made and how his/her weight suits the consistency of the tendons in the arm.

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

7. Allâh enjoins Al_Adl and Al_Ihsan:

“Verily, Allâh enjoins Al_ ‘Adl (i.e. justice and worshipping none but Allâh Alone _Islamic Monotheism) and Al_Ihsân [i.e. to be patient in performing your duties to Allâh, totally for Allâh’s sake and in accordance with Sunnah (legal ways) of the Prophet PBUH in a perfect manner]”

[Sûrat An_Nahl (The Bees), aya 90]

We are ordered with Adl, and ordered with Adl with Ihsan. Sometimes the problem is solved with ihsan not adl (justice). You owe that person nothing, but he needs your help. When you understand that verse, thousands of problems can be solved. The matter that is not solved with justice makes you want to send him away, destroy him, expose him, but with ihsân you should help him against satan. The right guidance is to help your brother against satan, not the opposite, with ihsan.
Sometimes you may have a bad neighbor whom you can cut his tongue with ihsan, not with scissors; ihsan shuts mouths. And I advise anyone who has a bad neighbor to bring a present for him, then things will get to order. Who will cut his tongue? Who is good to him in order to shut him down? With ihsân the free is enslaved.
Ihsan involves everything in man’s life.
Once a judge ordered to imprison a man. The attorney asked the release of that man, the judge did not respond, the attorney filed second time, third, fourth and fifth time and the judge did not respond. The defendants fired the attorney and assigned another one. Then the judge seemed convinced to release the man; if he had released him, the first attorney would fall and the second one would be famous, so he said: ‘get me the former attorney in order to file for the release. That is the absolute ihsan (goodness).
Ihsan is to think. A smile in the wrong time might be abusive, sitting in an arrogant way, or asking personal questions as: ‘what has your husband brought you at the feast?’ they love each other, but he is poor. The question shook her and hurt her, and she also was hurt because her husband did not bring her anything, a very embarrassing question.
Wherever you go, you should motivate people to love Allâh the Almighty, not to make them hate their lives.
Once I visited a very small house, the guest room was so small that there was no place to sit, the man was embarrassed, I said: on the contrary, the master of all creatures lived in a very small room that was not large enough for him to pray while his wife was asleep, and he is the top of mankind.’, then the man was soothed.
If you visit your sister, you should empower her relationship with her husband by complementing him, his behavior, not his income, do not ask about his salary and criticize it, that is not ihsan. Ihsan is to watch yourself with the idea, the look, the word, the smile: which might sometimes be abusive.

“Allâh the Almighty demanded ihsân on everything”

“For those who have done good is the best (reward, i.e. Paradise) and even more (i.e. having the honor of glancing at the Countenance of Allâh the Almighty”

[Sûrat Yûnus (Jonah), aya 26]

“He has created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He shaped you and made good your shapes. And to Him is the final Return”

[Surat At_Taghâbun (Mutual Loss and Gain), aya 3]

The prophet (PBUH) taught us that if we stand in front of the mirror and see the soundness of our creation, we should say:

“Allâhumma ahsanta khalqi fa’ahsin khuluwi”

“Oh Allâh, As You have made me good, make my behavior good”

[Ahmad from Ibn Mas’ood]

There are many deformities, ugliness, a problem, amputated organ, etc.

“Oh Allâh, You have made me good, so make my behavior good”

8. So Blessed is Allâh, the Best of creators:

Allâh the Almighty said:

“ So Blessed is Allâh, the Best of creators.”

[Sûrat Al_Mu’minûn (The Believers), aya 14]

Blood wash needs about six hours with industrial equipment, three times a week, every time a shot is given to the patient in a specific place, but Allâh the Almighty made us a kidney with the size of an egg, it works without a sound, without fatigue, without hardship, without pay, and it refines perfectly well.
I heard from one doctor that the kidney has ten folds your need, and the two kidneys twenty folds, that is a reservoir, therefore man can do without one of his kidneys.

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

This verse goes with man, his creation, his needs, his food, and his drink.

“So let man see from what he is created! he is created from a water gushing forth”

[Surat At-Tariq, aya 5,6]

The marital encounter needs one sperm, and sometimes the man produces between 300 and 500 million sperms.

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

“ So Blessed is Allâh, the Best of creators.”

[Sûrat Al_Mu’minûn (The Believers), aya 14]

How many creators? Only one creator, but the manufacturer is called a creator metaphorically.
Compare between the artificial kidney wash and the normal one, between the camera which has ten thousand light receptives and your eye which has a hundred million light receptives in a millimeter. The retina has 130 million rods and cones in a square millimeter for the colors; therefore you can distinguish 8 million colors.

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

“He said: “I seek refuge in Allâh (or Allâh forbid)! Truly, he (your husband) is my master! He made my living in a great comfort! (So I will never betray him).”

[Sûrat Yûsuf (Prophet Joseph), aya 23]

He made you from a father, and that is a bliss, you have a known father, an honest dignified mother who has children, your home is stable, and those are gifts from Allâh the Almighty.

9. And do as good as Allâh has been good to you:

The noble verse:

“But seek, with that (wealth) which Allâh has bestowed on you, the home of the Hereafter, and forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world”

[Sûrat Al_Qasas (The Narration), aya 77]

Anything Allâh the Almighty gave you must be devoted for the sake of the afterlife, how is that? He said:

“ and forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world”

[Sûrat Al_Qasas (The Narration), aya 77]

Do not forget the mission you are created for:

“and do good as Allâh has been good to you”

[Sûrat Al_Qasas (The Narration), aya 77]

That is another thing

“and do good as Allâh has been good to you”

[Sûrat Al_Qasas (The Narration), aya 77]

Allâh the Almighty has been patient with you until you are guided. If you have a wife who does not follow the path of Allâh, be patient with her, do not treat her fiercely; Allâh has been patient with you, so be patient with her, see how Allâh has reminded you, remind sh3er.

“and do good as Allâh has been good to you”

[Sûrat Al_Qasas (The Narration), aya 77]

“and seek not mischief in the land”

[Sûrat Al_Qasas (The Narration), aya 77]

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