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Biography- Prophetic Biography- Understanding the Prophet's Biography- (Lesson 17-57) : Migration to Ethiopia
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Meaning of oppressed (Mustad’af) in the ayah:

 Dear brother we will start today a new lesson of the prophetic biography; we have reached in our last lesson the migration to Ethiopia, but before we start, a clarification need to be made, please pay attention to the following verses, Allah The- All Mighty says:

“Verily! As for those whom the angles take (in death) while wronging themselves (as they stayed among the disbelievers even though emigration was obligatory for them), they (angles) say (to them): "in what (condition) were you?" They reply: "We were weak and oppressed on the earth"
They (angles) say: "Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?" Such men will find their abode in Hell-What an evil destination!”

[Surat An-Nisa' verse: 97]

  Would you believe that a weak person on the earth will be under the threatening of the Lord of the worlds unless s/he migrates? But how? Suppose you travelled for a country for one goal; to have your PHD at a university; but you were rejected form being enrolled, would you stay in this country?
 There is no point to stay there, you went there for one goal which isn't to be achieved,in that case you must go to another country, -so it's like the following example; more crucial:
You exist in this world to worship Allah, and the evidence is:

“And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (alone).”

[Surat Addhariyat verse: 56]

 So if something hampered you from worshiping Allah in any country-any country at all- and your main task in this life is to worship Allah, [in such case] you must leave this country, but before leaving this place, if you were able to rectify the situation and you did manage to rectify then don't leave. I.e. if you are capable to change the atmosphere where its convenient to worship Allah, then don’t leave, if you are able to persuade people to change [for the better] then don’t leave.
 However; if it is impossible to worship Allah which is the reason of your existence, then leaving is a must. Thus we can understand the honorable verse clearly:

“Verily! As for those whom the angles take (in death) while wronging themselves (as they stayed among the disbelievers even though emigration was obligatory for them), they (angles) say (to them): "in what (condition) were you?" They reply: "We were weak and oppressed on the earth"
They (angles) say: "Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?" Such men will find their abode in Hell-What an evil destination!”

  What is the meaning of being weak?
 Being weak is either lacking potency in a way you were prevented from worshiping Allah, or prevented to make your women or daughters to put on their Hijab [a veil to cover the hair of a female to hide her beauty], or you were prevented from practicing rituals of your religion, that of Allah-exalted He is- has ordered you, in those cases you are weak, you could not rectify nor change, then you must leave.
 The other meaning: If you're living at a free country, but you are weak regarging temptations of life and lusts; [in this case] you could not comply with the order of Allah not due to suppression, but because of your weakness, it’s a different kind.
 Therefore, whenever you are in a certain country, in which you are prevented to worship Allah, then you must find a place where you are able to worship Allah in, and to fulfill the reason and the objective of your existence, and why you were created in this world, (worshiping).

Why did the prophet send his companions to Ethiopia?

 Dear bsh3er, the prophet (PBUH) was weak, he suffered a lot, but his uncle was protecting him, but those weak individual Muslims were subjected to torture, confinement, beating, and pain.
 The prophet (PBUH) as Allah described him:

“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad [PBUH]) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much”.

[Surat Al-Ahzab verse: 21]

“Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muhammad [PBUH]) from amongst yourselves (I.e. whom you know well). It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He (Muhammad [PBUH]) is anxious over you (to be rightly guided, to repent to Allah, and beg Him to pardon and forgive your sins in order that you may enter paradise and be saved from the punishment of the Hell-fire); for the believers (he [PBUH ] is) full of pity, kind, and merciful.”

[Surat At-Taubah verse: 128]

 The mercy of the prophet (PBUH) for his oppressed companions, who were being tortured and beaten and whose money had been impounded, leaded to his call for migration to Ethiopia ( Habashah) believing that the king of Ethiopia is just.

Types of travel in Islam:

 Speaking of which, what does Islam think of traveling?
 The top of which without any exception is:
 1- Traveling for the [Islamic] call
 2- Traveling to preserve your own religion
 3- Traveling to seek knowledge
 4- Traveling to earn ones livelihood
 The other type of traveling is for tourism; it is permitted as long as s/he performs the five prayers and cast down her/his eyes [to refrain from looking at whatever displeases the Lord such as an indecent exposure of women or men], and [not having the intention] to disobey God.
 However if traveling is a reason for committing sins then it is not permitted [in Islam].

Muslim’s migration to Ethiopia:

 So; the first: traveling is for the Jihad (Islamic fighting in the Cause of Allah) second: traveling for spreading Islam (Islamic Missionary), thirdly: traveling to preserve one's religion, fourthly: seeking knowledge fifthly: traveling to make one's livelihood.
 Some scholars considered that there is a kind of traveling [tourism] is permitted provided that sins are not committed during it.
 The first migration was to Ethiopia five years after the prophet (PBUH) received revelation. Those who migrated were eleven men and four women, they deserted secretly till they got to a place called Shu'aibiah, some were riding sh3er were walking. [by the way] these mosques, lessons, security that Muslims enjoy nowadays, and Islam that you are blessed with, is the price the companions (may Allah be pleased with them) of the prophet (PBUH) had paid handsomely [for the sake of Islam]. A man traveling from Mecca to Ethiopia walking is too difficult, the heat is unbearable.
 Yet; Allah had helped them when they got to shore two merchants' ships to carry them all for half a dinar to Ethiopia.
 It has been proven that what Um Salamah (the prophet's wife- Allah be pleased with her), who was one of those who migrated to Ethiopia at first time, she said: when the people of Mekka besieged us and the prophet's companions were badly hurt and distressed, and saw the harm done against their religion; meanwhile the prophet (PBUH) can do nothing to defend them because he himself was weak. I mentioned The wisdom [of Allah] behind ( the prophet's weakness) twice earlier: is to appreciate what he is entrusted with; he has nothing to offer nor has he a power to protect his followers, he can do them no good or harm, thus; believing him then was a pure belief.
However if a powerful man claimed prophecy and called people to believe hin- I swear Allah- that millions and millions of people would have believed in him fearing him, then this believe is worthless.
 Allah The Al-Mighty wanted people to have a rea faith in the prophet (PBUH) not [being pushed by] a desire or fear or greed
 The prophet (PBUH) was under the protection of his uncle and his clan, no one can do him any harm unlike his companions, he (PBUH) told his companions:

(There is a just king in the land of Ethiopia where no one is wronged, so go there until Allah makes a way out of the calamity that you are in.)

 We migrated- as Um Salama said- in groups till we gathered in it [Ethiopia], it was the best place; of a best neighbor where nothing would do our religion any harm, nor do we fear oppression of its king.
 Many narrations tell us that our master Uthman Bin Affan was the first to migrate with his wife Ruquiah the daughter of the prophet (PBUH).
 The prophet's daughters were as any of the companions' daughters.
 Once, Mrs. Fatimah (the prophet's youngest daughter) asked the prophet (PBUH) for a maid. He replied: No I will not as long as there are Muslims who are hungry and poor. Which means that he –PBUH was his companions' father, and was one amongst them; and he (PBUH) did not accept to be distinguished from them in anything.
 They were traveling once, and one of them wanted to get a goat ( slaughter it ) for his friends to eat, the other said: I will slaughter it, the third said: I will take the skin off, the forth said: I will cook it, the prophet (PBUH) said: I will gather the firewood, his companions said: let us do it for you O Allah's Messenger.
 The prophet (PBUH) said: I know that you can do it for me, but Allah hates to see his salve being distinguished from his fellows.
 [As I said] Uthman was the first to migrate with his wife Ruquaiah the prophet's daughter, Imam Boukahri narrated a s7adeth reported by Anas saying:
 The prophet (PBUH) did not hear anything from Uthman and his wife that they arrived safely to Ethiopia, later a woman came telling the prophet that she had seen Uthman letting his wife on a mule, then the prophet (PBUH) said:

(May Allah be their company, Uuthman is the first to migrate to Allah [for the sake of Allah] with his family after Lut [the prophet])

Some meanings of migration to Allah and His prophet:

1- If the traveler wants to serve his nation:

 Sometimes you might migrate to preserve your religion, this migration is a medal of honor to you, if you were weak in way that you can not practice your rituals, or mentally weak that you could not withstand temptations.
 But there is something else in that respect, someone may go to a western country to study. Life style there seems appealing to him, beautiful country, all needs are available, the income is huge, and everything is at his disposal.
 He forgets his homeland, his nation, and that he should be indebted to his country, he is striving to become wealthier. If this man took a heroic decision to go back to his Islamic country, even though it's not developed, rather under development; in order to offer those Muslims His skin brother- his knowledge and science; I consider such person an emigrant for the sake of Allah, for he chooses to live with difficulties of his own country in order to offer his services to his Islamic country and to Muslims.

2- Worshipping Allah when people go after their desires:

 Migration has another meaning, worshiping in time when [everyone's main concern is pleasure of life], in time when a charm of woman or any kind of temptation is influencing one's faith, in time of libertinism, in time when religion becomes vulnerable, in time when the person who strives to preserve his religion becomes like holding a blazing coal in the palm of his hand, in time when women are half naked [in street and public places], in time when the traitor in entrusted and the trustworthy is distrusted, in time when those who call for moralities to be implemented and obscenities to be prohibited are wronged, in time when a believer's heart is broken due to what s/he is witnessing and can do nothing about it, for s/he will be killed if s/he says anything, and if s/he kept silent her/his reputation is defamed, in time when killing takes place as any normal act, the killer does not know the reason behind his action, and the one who was killed does not know the reason for being victimized. In such difficult time;
 He who worships [Allah] at the end of time when confusion, lust and falsehood prevails, and everything becomes completely different from what is commonly known, in time when a virtue becomes an abominable act and vice versa; this migration is purely for the sake of Allah as well [metaphorically speaking].
 If we elaborate more on the concept of migration, as the prophet (PBUH) said:

“An emigrant is he who deserted what Allah had prohibited [people] from”. [ Narrated by Al Bukhari and Abi Dawoud and Nasa'I reported Ibn Amr]

Some of the immegrant women to Ethiopia:

 Dear brother, the door of migration was closed after the Victory (conquering of) at Mekka, the prophet (PBUH) said:

“There is no migration after the conquest of Makkeh.”

Narrated by Al- Boukhari reported Mujashe'a Bin Masoud

 [This means that companions, who migrated along and after the prophet (PBUH) migrated to Al-Madineh till the conquest of Makkeh are the only ones who earned the privilege and the honor to be titled as emigrants]
 However; at the end of time, every two cities maybe just like Makkeh and Al-Madineh, in a sense that you could migrate from a city that is like Makkeh [where you are being oppressed or prohibited from practicing your rituals freely or you are being subjected to many temptations that distract you from following the path of the righteous] to a city that is just like Al-Madinah [where you can do all the above].
 The first of The honorable companions who migrated were: Uthman Bin Affan, Abed Al-Rahman Bin Awf, Zubair Bin Al-Awam, Abu-Huthaifah Bin Utbah, Mus'ab Bin Omair, Abu-Salama Bin Abed Al-Assad. Uthman Bin Math'uoun and sh3er, of women: Rouqaih the Prophet's (PBUH) daughter, Sahlah Bent Sahl the wife of Abi Huthaifa, Um Salama Bent Abi-Umaiah the wife of Abi-Salama, Laila Bent Abi Huthmah; the wife of Amer Bin Abi Rabia.
 This was known as the first migration of Ethiopia.
 Have you noticed, dear brother, the feminine element? How the solemn female companions were sharing their husbands for better or for worse, in settlement or traveling, roaming or dwelling.

Why didn’t Abu Bakr migrate to Ethiopia?

 Dear brother, Abu Baker Al-Sedik has a story, he wanted to follow the emigrants to Ethiopia in the first migration, after Quraish's harm had become harsher on him, despite being of a high rank in amongst his people, but oppression does not tell men of high esteem or who is righteous or who is not.
 Abu-Baker took another course, the destination appeared to be to Al Yamen.
 He reached a place called Barek Al-Gamad- a five nights' walk from Makkeh- where he met a man called Bin Dagneh, who is the master of al-Qarah tribes the allies of Bani Al-Zuhra Al-Qurashiah- now please pay attention.
 He said: where are you heading o Aba Baker?
 Abu Baker said: my own people made me desert my home, therefore am wandering about worshiping Allah- You should thank the Lord for you can worship Him at home, and you can enter the house of Allah [mosques]-with no need to get permission- to pray and attend lessons of knowledge, and be able to make your women wear the Hijab [veil that women wear on their to cover it]. Such graces are not appreciated unless you are deprived from.
 Bin Dagna said: Men such as your self are not to be expelled nor desert.
 Therefore the prophet (PBUH) said:

“Grace for meritorious people could only be acknowledged by meritorious people.”

 Bin Dagna said: Men such as you are not to be expelled nor desert, for you pay charity for those of the lowest income, keep in touch with your kinship, and support those of heavy burden, and honor your guest, and help in times of calamities.
 Abu Baker Al-Sedik (may Allah be pleased with him) was the most resembling [in character] among the companions to the prophet (PBUH).
The sun has never laid its light on a man-other than a prophet-better than Abu Baker, and the faith of Abu Baker outweighs weighs down the faith of mankind.
Therefore he (Bin Dagna) protected him; it was a custom during the ignorance era [the time before Islam, it's called in such a way because people of that time made their living on looting and killing one another] that if an honorable person took some one under his protection, no one can do him any harm.
 Dear brother, the truth is as clear as sunshine, I remember that I had a friend whom I consider a pious man, he was known at his job for his trustworthiness, straightness, piety, politeness, commitment and good reputation. He traveled once with someone of higher rank in the department with him; the superior positioned one has nothing to do with religion; thus nothing is forbidden for him; the pious man went with his boss for food but the boss ordered the food to be served without any alcohol, so when they where done the boss asked him: didn't you notice that there was no alcohol on the table? The man said: I did.
 The boss said: I did that for you, because you are truly committed to your religion.
 Even this kind of people (his boss) appreciates and respects truthful, devoted, pious, trustworthy, and chaste believer when they meet her/him.
 This man (Bin Dagna) protected Abu Baker (may Allah be pleased with him), Quraish agreed upon that provided that he practices his worship in his house but not openly. History repeats itself.
 After a while Abu Baker started reciting [Qur'an] in the yard of his house, he was a type of men who could not hold himself from crying when reciting Qura'an, which made the wives and the children of the disbelievers gather [around his house] watching and listening attentively and admirably to his recitation, this thing made Quraish's worries arose so Quraishi people called for Bin Dagna to ask him to quit doing that.
 Bin Dagna offered Abu Baker to choose between worshiping secretly or he is no longer under his protection, but he said I choose the protection of Allah.
 Thus Abu Baker remained with the prophet (PBUH) seeking rescue and protection from Allah exalted He is, enduring with the harm of the disbelievers; after the prophet (PBUH) had allowed him to migrate.
 Pay attention to this text: Allah has said in the Holy Authentic Hadeeth "If any creature being seeking refuge in anything of My creatures other than I (Allah)- I know that form his intention- I will make the ground a sink under his feet, and I will cut the ropes to the ceiling( i.e. will abandon him).
 On the other hand; If any creature being seeking refuge in I other than My creatures -knowing that through his intention, and then is been plotted against by inhabitants of heavens and earth, Verily I will support him, and I will make a way out for him from their plotting".

What were Muslims in Ethiopia told about people in Mecca?

 Dear brother, shortly after the first migration to Ethiopia; the prophet (PBUH) was praying in the House of Allah [in Mecca] reciting Suraat Al-Najm [a chapter in Qur'an called the Stars], so when he was in a prostration position all the people who were with him Muslims and non Muslims did the same.
 What do you conclude from such incident?
 A believer has light that glows [from his face], and has tranquility and solemnity [in his character], he is respectful and of good company even among those who do not know him.
 Among the prophet's (PBUH) characteristics that people venerate him when they firstly meet him, and love him once they deal with him.
 So the prophet (PBUH) prayed in the House of Allah and read Surat Al-Najm, he prostrated with Muslims and non Muslims.
 The news spread in Mecca that Quraish had converted to Islam, the Muslims in the land of Ethiopia heard about that, so some of them went back to Mecca, like Uthman Bin Maz’oun but what they heard was not true so they went back with a bunch of people and its considered to be the second migration to Ethiopia.
 It has been mentioned in some authentic narration that they where 82 men along with their wives and children, in other narration showed that women in the second migration where 18 women.

The letter of Quraish to Al-Najashi:

 Dear brother; Quraish felt pain when Muslims migrated in the first and the second migration to run away from its exemplary punishment, confinement and harm, to live in the land of Ethiopia securely under the rule of the Ethiopian King Al-Najashi, so they (Quraish) plotted against them (Muslims).
 Dear brother, a disbeliever's intention is worse than her/his action, s/he wishes to do even worse than what's been done.
 On the other hand; the intention of a believer is better than her/his action;
 They escaped to preserve their own religion and lived as strangers in Ethiopia.
 Quraish wanted to bring them back by force, therefore they intended after the second migration-after failing to prevent Muslims from migrating, and as a result of their fear from the spread of the Islam - through Ethiopia, they send a delegation formed by Amr Bin Al-A'ass and Abed Allah Bin Rabi'ah.
 Amr Bin A'ass was known as the most cunning man amongst Arabs.
 "It has been narrated that Mua'wiah Bin Abi Sufian asked him once:
 O Amr, I know how cunning you are, but how far have you reached by your cunning?
 Amr said: I swear Allah that whenever I get myself into a trouble or a bad situation; I succeed to get myself out of it.
 Moua'wiah said: "O Amr, you are not [what you claim to be], but as for me by God, I have never put myself in a situation where I need to get myself out of".
 So; who is more cunning: the one who mistakenly puts himself in a bad situation then gets out of it, or the one who does not get involved in it at the first place?
 The second one is wiser
 Precious gifts were sent to the Al-Njashi [the king of Ethiopia] and his patriarchs with the delegation in order to get those who migrated back to Mecca to torture them.
 The [members] of the delegation tried to persuade the patriarchs by means of gifts-sometimes a man is convinced with a certain matter, not because he agrees with it, but because the good pay off is rather persuasive-those men were aware of the weakness of a human being, therefore they implored to make the patriarchs exert pressure on Al-Najashi so that he would send them [Muslims] back with the delegation, so they tempted them with gifts.
 They tried another thing, they claimed that those Muslims are nothing but shallow thinking lads who gave up the religion of their own people, and would never convert to the religion of Al-Najashi, but they came up with an originated unknown religion to us ( Quraish tribe) nor to you (patriarchs).
 They had a deal with the patriarchs to counsel to Al-Najashi to hand over the Muslims to them, and to never talk to them-O Allah-
 A verse form Qura'n was said by our master Sulaiman:

[Sulaiman (Soloman) said: "We shall see whether you speak the truth or you are (one) of the liars.

[Surat Al-Naml verse: 27]

Al-Najashi investigates the matter:

 Al-Najashi thought to investigate that matter himself. He called upon Muslims and asked them to clarify the truth.
Ja'affar Bin Abi Taleb (may Allah be pleased with him)[he is Ali Bin Abi Teleb's brother the Cousin of the prophet (PBUH)] undertook to speak for his emigrant brother' behalf as we previous mentioned, saying:
 "Your majesty, we were people of creed that is based on association with Allah worshiping idols( we were polytheists), and we used to eat the meat of dead animal, our dialogues were offensive, and we [brutally] allow ourselves to violate the privacy of each other, such as bloodshed and the like, we never determined anything as prohibited or permitted. Until, Allah had sent us a prophet form amongst us, of whom we have experienced loyalty, honesty and trustworthiness; he called for us to solely worship Allah and to disown what our fathers [ancestors] used to worship of idols and stones, and he ordered us to be honest in our speech and to give back what we have been entrusted with [of money or consignment etc…], and to keep bond with our kinship, and to be good neighbors, and to refrain from violating sh3er privacy and bloodshed"

[Narrated By Ahmad, reported Um Salama]

 By Allah, it is a wonderful speech, then Al-Najashi asked Ja'affar to read of what had been revealed on Muhammad (PBUH), so he read the beginning of chapter Mayiam (Marry).
Al-Najashi cried with cried his patriarchs.
 He said these wonderful words: these words ( the reauthord holy Qura'n) is coming from the same lantern which Moses came with [it is coming from the same origin]
Go ahead and live securely and rightly guided in my country, and I swear that no one will do you any harm, feel safe.
 Honorable brother, if you take a leading position, even in one's own house, for instance your daughter came to you complaining about her husband, you must not accept what she is saying even though she is wrong, you must ask your son in- law through the phone: what did my daughter did to upset you? How come you were unfair with her? Do not take your daughter's words as if they were revealed by Allah [flawless], as mentioned earlier:

"We shall see whether you speak the truth or you are (one) of the liars.”

  We picture that judges are only in courts, this not true, a father is a judge among his children or daughters or son in laws or brother.
 In fact most people are assigned to judge between two parties.

"We shall see whether you speak the truth or you are (one) of the liars.”

What did Amr Bin Al-Aass do?

 However this attempt had failed, so Amr Bin Al-A'ass came the next day to the king saying-he was terrifying-: "They say something terribly bad about Jesus, he meant that:you ( Christian people) consider him the son of God"
 Al-Najashi sent for them asking about the matter.
 Ja'affar said: we say he is the slave of Allah and His Messenger, he is His word ({be} that made Jesus (PBUH) come to existence) [the ability of Allah to create anything in this universe; thus He can create a fatherless child such as Jesus (PBUH) and change the natural laws that He created Him self exalted He is] and his holy spirit brought down on Merry the virgin.
 Al-Najashi: That's the very real truth ever about Jesus?
 In other words this is the truth about Isa (Jesus PBUH) the son of Merry, he is the slave of Allah and His messenger, and His word, His holy spirit brought down on Merry the virgin.
Al-Najashi decided to let Muslims live peacefully, so they stayed on the best land with the best neighbor. But as for the priests and the monks who listened to Ja'affar saying and his recital of Qura'an, they burst into tears after they had discovered and known the truth, so Allah revealed his honorable saying:

“Verily, you will find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers (Muslims) the Jews and those who are Al-Mushrikin [the ones who associate sh3er in their worship to Allah], and you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: "We are Christians." That is because amongst them priest and monks, and they are not proud.
And when they (who call themselves Christians) listen to what has been sent down to the Messenger (Muhammad PBUH) you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of the truth they have recognized. They say: "Our Lord! We believe; so write us down amongst the witnesses.”

[Surat Al-Ma'idah verses: 82, 83]

Period that Muslims stayed in Ethiopia:

 Dear brother, the companions of the prophet (PBUH) stayed in Ethiopia according to Allah's will. Obaid Allah Bin Juhsh the husband of Um Hbibah the daughter of Abi Sufian, died there, so in order to honor her while she was away from home and had nobody to lean on, the prophet (PBUH) proposed to her and married her while she was in Ethiopia, who was in charge of her marriage?
 It was Al-Najashi, her dowry was 4000, and prepared her trousseau on his account, the prophet (PBUH) did not send her anything, then Al-Najashi sent her with Shurahbil Bin Hasnah.
Honorable brother, once a delegation from Najashi came to the prophet (PBUH), he (PBUH) refused but to serve them himself out of his high manners and fidelity; so the delegation is served by the prophet (PBUH) himself, his loyalty is authord as an example.

Indications of Al-Najashi converting to Islam:

 Dear brother, there are many signs that indicates that Al-Najshi had become a Muslim, for it has been motioned that he embraced Islam which made his people rebelled against him, but he clung to sending Muslims back safely on ships in case he got defeated. He wrote a message certifies his conversion to Islam. Besides the two sheikhs (Boukahri and Muslim-they are one of the most entrusted scholars who collected the authentic sayings of the prophet (PBUH), so their books are regarded as the second references after the holy Qura'an] that the prophet (PBUH) announced the death of Al-Najashi him self when he died in the ninth year of Al-Hijra [I.e. nine years after the prophet (PBUH) migrated to Al-Mdinah], and he prayed the absent funeral prayer with Muslims on his soul. [It is performed when the dead person is a way from where s/he supposed to be buried].

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