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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al- Baqarah (2)- Lesson (3 )- Verses [2]: Speeches about the importance of reciting “Surat Al-Baqarah”.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Dear brother, we continue with the third lesson of “Surat Al-Baqarah”.

Desires make humans to be move

We still in the verse:

﴾ This Book -the Quran- whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun ( the pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much and loves Allah much(2)﴿

The word “This” is demonstrative, and it designates to the Holy Quran, and the letter “L” is called “ L of the farness” or “ L of the glorification”; also “Thalika” is different from “Thaka”, but in English they give the same meaning “That”.

﴾ This Book (2) ﴿

The letter “K” is for compellation; that Allah, Glory be to Him, refers to this Book “The Quran”, He shows its grandeur for us, and He addresses all the people by it.
The thing which we should give it a leisurely stance is the word:

﴾ a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun ( the pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much and loves Allah much(2))﴿

Dear Brother, the human is a movement, why?
Because he is filled with desires, that the desires are inducing him; his need for eating induces him to work; his need for a woman induces him to marriage or to other way; and his need for confirming the selfsame induces him to excel; so, these needs which were deposited by Allah in the human make him move.
So, the general character of the human is that he is kinetic; while if we put a cup in this place hundreds of years, it does not move; because it does not need for anything to make it stay present, it does not need not be boasting to his peers, and it does not require a party to complete it. The inanimate is calm, while the human is animated.

Only The Creator of the human sets target for him

The nature of the human is animated, and the reason of this animation is as Allah, Almighty, said:

﴾ Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land …(14)﴿

[Al Imran]

These desires which have been deposited in the human make him move, but about what does he move? Here is the question.
As long as there is an animation there is a target, who is the body which sets to him the right target? It is the Creator Body.
Sometimes, the human sets a wrong and unhelpful target for himself, and may it be a devastating target, that the human being is not qualified to set a target for himself.
The target was set, what is the appropriate way for this target ?
May I take the rough way, or a way which never brings me to the target, may I take the long way; once again, who is the body which is eligible to draw me the shortest and the safest way?
Indeed, the Creator of the human is alone who sets a target for this human, and Who draws a way for him; while, if the man sets a target, then targets are moving, interchangeable, unfixed, and sometimes they are moody.
You see those people for thousands of years; they wantoned in the desires to the tops of their heads, and they glorified the mentality, hence it was the reason of their destruction; people glorified customs and traditions, therefore they have failed.
There were people who sanctified the materiality, there were people who sanctified the soul, and people who conquered the self; there were peoples and nations who drew objectives for their selfsames, but those objectives were incorrect; and peoples claimed that they are the chosen people on the earth, so they wanted to oppress other people, but they were destroyed and ended.
Now, the target of the Western peoples is the fun in any way, and by any means; hence, the pleasures have abolished them, and if these countries are existing, they are existing by the brains of sh3er, not by the brains of their natives.

Ask Allah guidance for the target and the way

The first point in this lesson: Who is the eligible body, that can draw an objective for the human ?
The answer is: Allah, Glory be to Him; inspect the word

﴾ guidance﴿

A person has arrived at a city to meet the owners of a company, but he does not know where is the place of that company, he needs a pilot, he needs a guider, he seeks for the guidance, and needs a guide, and the target is the company and the road.
The word “guidance” means: The target, the way, the guide, and the one who was guided; the guided person is you, the guide, the target, and the way are from Allah, Almighty.
Every human has asked Allah the guidance by identifying the target, and by identifying the way, he would succeed, he would prosper, he would win, and he would survive; unlike the person who sets a target of his own.
There is a person whose target is fun, other person whose target is money, another one whose target is to have a high position, and a person whose target is a particular topic; so, everyone goes to the target which he has set; but, when does this target discomfit him?
In the end, when he discovers that money is not a valuable thing, that he made it a target in his prime of youth, as he sanctified it, and for which he sold his religion and his honor; then when he had money, he discovered that this target is ridiculous; but when did he discover that?
He discovered it too late on his deathbed.
The more precise idea in this lesson is that we must ask Allah the guidance for the target that we should pursue, and you must ask Allah the guidance for the road which leads to this target.

((O my worshipers, all of you are errant, except those whom I guide; so ask Me for guidance, and I will guide you ))

[Narrated by Muslim and Al-Termithi from Abu Thar Al-Ghifary]

Note these peoples around us, the world became a village, it became a home, the world now is a room; hundreds of millions of people worship the cow, and people worship their peers, also peoples sanctify the mind to the point of folly, and peoples sanctify the desires, other peoples sanctify the history, the traditions and the customs; then, these peoples set targets, but they lost the straight path.
Who is the successful person? Who is the defeated person? Who is the prospered person? He is the person who asked Allah for the right target; the target is the heaven, because the human was created for the heaven, and the way is to obey Allah, the Almighty.
The word

﴾ guidance﴿

means that there is a target, a movement towards the target, a guide, and the one who is guided; those are the four pillars of the word “guidance”; as you are the guided person, and the guider is Allah Who guides you to the right target, and guides you to the right path.
Allah, Glory be to Him, guided His Prophets and Messengers to the right targets; then they got to the safe side, and they were happy and also their followers, in the worldly life and the Hereafter; while those who have displaced from the way of the religion, have drawn another targets.

Quranic verses related to “Guidance”:

Dear brother, if you look to a crowded street, you find that in the minds of every human there is a target he is seeking; the happy, the winner and the survivor is the one whose target matches the target set by Allah for this man.
Therefore, brother, there are very important verses which are related to the guidance, and they should be under our sight and hearing:

﴾ We said: “Get down all of you from this place (the Paradise), then whenever there comes to you Guidance from Me, and whoever follows My Guidance, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve (38) ﴿


Is there a harvest that is better than this ?

﴾ there shall be no fear on them ﴿

From the future at all:

﴾ nor shall they grief (38) ﴿

And for all this:

﴾ then whenever there comes to you Guidance from Me, and whoever follows My Guidance, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve (38) ﴿

And Allah, the Almighty, said:

﴾ …then whoever follows my guidance he shall neither go astray, nor shall be distressed(123)﴿


He shall never go astray, nor shall be distressed , if you combine the two verses, then the meaning will become: The person who follows the guidance of Allah, Almighty, He shall never go astray, nor shall be distressed, he does not regret what has happened, and he does not fear of what is to come.

Guidance is given away to everyone:

The real guidance, the real winning, and the real knowledge.

﴾ «Verily, right guidance is the Guidance of Allah.»(73)﴿

[Al Imran]

The human can not be described as a guided person if he does not know Allah, he may excels in the worldly life, but he is not a guided person; that the real guidance, the guidance which is surviving, and the guidance which is realizing the happiness

﴾ « Verily, right guidance is the Guidance of Allah.(73)﴿

then, it is only one choice, either you follow the guidance of Allah, or you follow the whim.

﴾ « Verily, right guidance is the Guidance of Allah.»(73)﴿

There is another verse:

﴾ «Say: “Verily, the Guidance of Allah that is the (only) Guidance.»(120)﴿


Therefore, you may find a clever person, but he will never be a discreet if he does not follow the guidance of Allah:

((All of you are errant, except those I guide; then ask Me for guidance, and I will guide you ))

[Narrated by Muslim and Al-Termithi from Abu Thar Al-Ghifary]

This guidance is given away to everyone…

﴾ This is the Guidance of Allah with which He guides whomsoever He wills of His slaves…(88)﴿

[Al-An’ aam]

Allah has adhered Himself to guide human beings:

Allah, Glory be to Him, said:

﴾ Truly, on Us is (to give) guidance(12) ﴿


Allah, Almighty, has adhered Himself with the guidance of the human beings, He guided them by the universe, the whole universe indicates to Allah, He guided them by the Quran, He guided them by the reason, He guided them by the instinct, and He, Almighty, guided them by his actions; as Allah’s actions indicates to Him, the instinct is programmed into the believing in Allah, the mind is constituted on the principles which are leading to Allah, Almighty , and everything in the universe is demonstrating to Allah, as a Creator, as an Educator, as an Impeller, as a present, as the only One, and as the Perfect.

Hence, O brother, you are moving whether you want or not, there is no compromise, there is an angel and there is a Satan; the angel is inspires and the Satan is whispers; and you must be responsive to one of them because you are an animating being.
So, there is a target, and either this target is of your doing, or it is of Allah, Almighty. If the target is of your doing, then it is mostly a wrong target; the human disappoints when he discovers that he lived a long life, and he have lost the right way:

﴾ Say (O Muhammad): «shall We tell you the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds (103) «those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds»(104)﴿


The human is created to be in Heaven

Dear brother, in some old speeches it is mentioned that when the Angel of death comes to the infidel, he shouts extremely that if the people of the earth have heard it, then they would be dumfound of the severity of remorse.

﴾ …Say (O Muhammad): “The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, that will be a manifest loss.»(15)﴿


The most dangerous thing is to know to where are you moving ? For collecting money through a legitimate way or illegitimate way, as the illegitimate way is an aberration; or you are moving to be in a high position, whether by a right way or by a false way, in order to tower above people, this is an aberration; also, you are moving to indulge in the cheap pleasures till the death comes, this is an aberration.
What is the purpose: Pleasure, money, prestige, arrogance?
What is the purpose? The real purpose is that you are created to be in the heaven, and the way that leading to heaven is to obey Allah, Almighty. You must listen to your Creator, who drew the target for you, and the proof is:

﴾ And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)(56)﴿


And Allah, Almighty, said:

﴾ But they will not cease to disagree (118) Except him on whom your Lord has bestowed His Mercy (the followers of truth- Islamic Monotheism (119) ﴿


Also Allah, Almighty, said:

﴾ It is Allah Who created seven heavens and of the earth the likeness thereof. His command descends between them (heavens and earth), that you may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah surrounds all things in (His) Knowledge (12) ﴿


Humanity is divided into two groups in guidance:

This Quran is a guidance, and human needs in the movement of life to a target so the Quran has set the target to him, also the human needs in his quest toward the target to a path which the Quran had drown It to him; as the Quran is the Word of Allah, Almighty.
So, you can divide the humanity into two sections; the first is a person has asked Allah for the guidance then Allah guided him, and the second is a person has strayed from Allah; and the straying from Allah is thousands of species, various species; the history is before you, peoples are around you, and the news is in your hands; the people are mostly walking in a dead end, although their worldly life is flourished, and although, as they say, they could to employ the nature, but when the Angel of Death comes, they are surprised that they have created for an eternal life, and their worldly life is a preparation for that eternal life; but they made the worldly life as a residence, they made it the maximum of their wishes, and the termination of their way; then, they lost the right path.

O brother, don’t forget these two verses:

﴾ …then whoever follows my guidance he shall neither go astray, nor shall be distressed(123)﴿


And Allah said:

﴾ then whenever there comes to you Guidance from Me, and whoever follows My Guidance, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve(38)﴿


Also Allah said:

﴾ «Say: “Verily, the Guidance of Allah that is the (only) Guidance.» (120) ﴿


The guidance of Allah is the only guidance; and the right does not be multiple.

There are two ways:

Inspect in this verse:

﴾ But if they answer you not, then know that they only follow their own lusts. And who is more astray than one who follows his own lusts, without guidance from Allah?… (50)﴿


If you have not responded to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, then you surely follows the falseness. There are two ways that you are inevitably walking in one of them; either to respond to the command of Allah, Almighty, or to respond to your desires; either to be on the path of the right, or to be on the path of falseness.
As I have just said, the guidance is given away, and if you want to be guided, then everything indicates you to Allah; on the other hand, if you never want to be guided, yet you have met all the Prophets, you have seen all their miracles, and everything is clear to you, then you would never reach the guidance.
The striking thing is that some scientists in Europe and America have seen amazing facts in the creation of the human and the universes, but they did not believe, why?
Because they did not want the guidance, if they wanted the guidance, they would get it, it is only a decision; either to take a decision to look for the truth, and then everything connects you to it, or to avoid the truth, even if you have seen all the Prophets, you have listened to them, you have seen all their miracles, you have seen a book downs from the sky, you have seen a camel comes out of the mountain, you have seen a sea has become a quite dry route, you have seen the stick has become a snake, and you have seen the fire abstains of burning “Ibrahim”; you will not have any benefit, but to make a decision from the bottom of your self to look for the truth.

The types of guidance:

Dear brother, the scholars have said: There is a leading guidance, a conciliation guidance, and an interest guidance, how?
We, the human beings, were guided by Allah to our interests, the human needs for food, hence he feels hungry, the feeling of hunger is an interest guidance, that if the human needs to eat without feeling hungry, he would die.
The human has a balance system, that if he unbalanced, the balance system recovers his body balance, so the preservation of the balance is an interest; the eyes of the human, his ears, his nose, and his all senses guides him to what is around, you are connected with the external environment by these senses.

Sometimes, a story which has an intent; a person is driving his car from Homs to Damascus, while he is in an interesting interview with his friend he did not pay any attention to the temperature pointer, then the temperature rose, and the engine burnt of a malfunction infected it; he said to me: if I have looked at the dashboard for once, and saw that the temperature was high, then I would stop the car and saved thirty thousands ; I didn’t consider to the dashboard because I was busy in an interesting conversation with my friend, then the engine burnt; and we conclude that the dashboard is incomplete, because the pointer gives the movement, so it needs to be seen.
A problem is occurred if the driver ignored to look at the pointer, what do you say about a speaking pointer? You can see, you can hear, and that is more sensitive, if the hearing of a person is weak he needs light, a pointer with a light, sound, movement is will be stronger.

1- The guidance of interest:

Our body, which our Lord, Almighty, had supplied us with it; this complex system has guided you to your interests; when a person feels hungry, he looks for the food, if the food was rotten it vomited up, the mechanism of vomiting is very accurate.
The body system makes a very wonderful mechanisms when the human is asleep, the epiglottis moves as you sleep a complex movement, a signal comes from the mouth to the brain that there is saliva, then the brain gives an order to the epiglottis to close the trachea completely, and opens the way to the esophagus, and the saliva goes through the esophagus of the human as he is asleep; so the body of the human is constructed in a very exactness way.

If a bacterium has entered to your body, the immune system, which is very accurate, simply if the bacterium has entered a reconnaissance elements of the immune system go out to connect with this bacterium, and reveal his identity, and take its chemical cipher, then they return to the “Lymph Nodes” which are the weapons labs in the human body; these nodes create a counter-weapon, then a third group of elements which are carrying the weapons come, and released into the bacterium, and they fight and kill the bacterium; after that, the elements of services come to remove the remains from the battlefield; it is all happens, and you do not feel.

The guidance of the interests is very clear in animals:

A human has seen a snake, this picture has imprinted on the retina of his eye, the retina has a sense which is transferred to the brain, the brain contains perceptions according to the concepts and previous experiences.
The brain realizes the risk and relates to the Queen of the hormonal system through a connection officer which is the” Hypothalamus”; the brain is a king, and the pituitary is a queen. hence, any king and Queen must be met through intermediaries.
The queen, the pituitary, ordered the “adrenal” that there is a danger, in order to act, then the “adrenal” will send an order to the heart to raise its heart rate beats, and that makes the blood run faster in the blood vessels, and reach to the muscles faster.
The “adrenal” sends another command to the lungs to increase their breathing to fit with the heartbeats.
Also, the “adrenal” sends the third order to the vessels around the body to become narrow, and that makes the person yellow, the color of the fearful, as he needs the blood not to the pink color.
The fourth order is sent to the liver to put forward an excessive amount of sugar to be extra fuel in his battle with the snake.
The last order is to release the clotting hormone which will stop bleeding if he has wounded, the clotting of the blood; this is a guidance.
So, if there is a danger there is a complex mechanism, if a bacterium entered, there is a complex mechanism; if the food entered, there is a complex digest process.
Anyhow, it is a long way, it is a guidance, which is called “the interests guidance”, and it means that Allah, Almighty, created the human in the best stature.

﴾ (Pharaoh) said: “Who then, O Moses is the Lord of you two?”(49) (Moses) said: “Our Lord is He Who gave to each thing its form and nature, then guided it right” (50)﴿


This is the guidance of interests, and it looks very clear in animals. The animal accomplishes with a very complex mechanisms, without education, without training, and the evidence is that after the birth of a baby, he immediately puts his mouth on the breast of his mother and starts with a very complex mechanism is very complex called “the mechanism of suction”; who learned him how to put his lips on the nipple of the breast of his mother , and he closes his lips, then he draw the air till the milk come?
We did not have this lesson, we didn’t have this town, and no human in the world, except for this mechanism, the sucking mechanism, and it is called: “The sucking reflex”.

﴾ (Pharaoh) said: “Who then, O Moses is the Lord of you two?”(49) (Moses) said: “Our Lord is He Who gave to each thing its form and nature, then guided it right” (50) ﴿


This is the guidance of the interests, and both we and other people are the same in it; on the contrary, other people’s instincts are higher than the voluntary act.

2- The leading guidance:

O brother, the second guidance is the guidance of the leading. Allah, Almighty, has revealed the Quran to the Prophet, peace be upon Him, in order to lead us of Himself, to lead us to our target, to lead us to our path, and to lead us to our approach; do and not to do, this is the second guide, the leading guidance.

3- The conciliation guidance:
The third guidance is:

﴾ They were young men who believed in their Lord (Allah), and We increased them in guidance. (13)﴿


The conciliation guidance:
Each one of us is guided to his interests; if he has felt hungry, he eats, if he has eaten a rotting food, he vomits up, and his nervous system has tired, he sleep; he says: “I want to sleep, I’m uncomfortable.”, then he sleeps, and becomes well; in the summer he craves the cool foods, because they contain the water, he craves the lettuce, and the watermelon; on the other hand, he craves the sweet food in winter because of the cold, the food which he needs must be very high thermal energy; so, the human is guided to his own interests.

Evidences for the conciliation guidance:

Some pediatricians made a very wonderful experience, and put ten children before an open food, types of variety of foods, and allowed the children to eat as they please. On the other hand, a great nutrition scientists had drown for other ten children a wonderful nutrition approach, which contains Vitamins, sugars, proteins and carbohydrates, all of the regulatory foods; they found that the growth of bodies of children who are left to eat as they like, is much superior growth of those who had a very precise plans in their diet; so, the human is guided to his interests, he is being guided to his interests, and Allah has guided him to His path, Allah has guided him a leading guidance, then if he accepted the guidance, he would be guided to the third guidance, he was guided conciliatorily.
Allah helps you, so you understand the Right; Allah helps you to obey Him, Allah helps you to do righteous deeds, Allah gathers you with the people of the Right, and Allah gladdens your heart with the Islam; all of these are a conciliation guidance.
So, you are among the guiding of interest, the guidance of leading, and the guidance of conciliation, three types of guidance; the guiding of interest, the guidance of leading, and the guidance of conciliation, and the guidance which crowns all the previous types is “the guidance to the heaven”; believers will enter to the heaven by the grace of Allah, Almighty.

Dear brother, the meaning of Allah, The Greatest, Word is:

﴾ They were young men who believed in their Lord (Allah), and We increased them in guidance. (13)﴿


This guidance is the conciliation guidance.

﴾ And as for Thamud, We showed and made clear to them the Path of Truth through our Messenger, but they preferred blindness to guidance..(17) ﴿


That is the choice.

﴾ And Allah increases in guidance those who walk aright. And the righteous deeds that last, are better with your Lord, for reward and better for resort. (76) ﴿


Also a conciliation guidance.

Humans alone accepted to carry the trust:

Another thing, Allah, Glory be to Him, says in the Holy Verse:

﴾ And who is more astray than one who follows his own lusts, without guidance from Allah?…(50)﴿


It means that there is no problem if the human follows his whim according to the guidance of Allah, Almighty; because there is no deprivation in Islam, but there is a disposal; every desire Allah has placed in the human has a lawful tube to go in.
Dear brother, This Book “the Quran” is a guidance for whom?

﴾ those who are Al-Muttaqun[ the pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much and love Allah much﴿

the word “Who fear Allah” is the subject of the verb “and it came from the verbal noun “ preservation”
And the preservation includes a danger; it means that there are imminent dangers surrounding the human, because he alone accepted to carry the trust.
Allah, Almighty, created the angel as a discreet being without a desire, created the animal as a desirous being without a mentality, and created the human as a discreet and desirous being; the angels chose to worship without responsibility, they always follows Allah; and the animals chose the desire without responsibility, that the maximum of its concern is only to eat, but the animal is never asked, and it is not responsible.fear”,
But Allah, Almighty, created the human from the mud of the earth, and insouled him from His soul; then he has a puff of Allah, and he has a grip of the mud, he has the earthly trends, and the tendencies of the top, then he has an error; If his earthly trends dominated, he would breach the trust, and if his earthly trends dominated, he would spoil because he has the motives and the desires.
The corruption is exactly like a vehicle with an engine, the desire is the engine , and the power of the rush, while the approach is the steering wheel, can you imagine a vehicle without a driving wheel? and the road is full of turnings, holes, and valleys on the right and the left; so a vehicle without a steering wheel starts off at a high speed through the turnings, in the night it must come down in the valley.
The word “the one who fears Allah” is came from the word “protection”, and this means that there is a risk, because you are hovering around the risks.
What is the risk? The risk is to move according to your desires without the method of Allah, Almighty, this is the whole story.

﴾ But if they answer you not, then know that they only follow their own lusts. And who is more astray than one who follows his own lusts, without guidance from Allah?… (50) ﴿


The one who fears Allah, fears the punishment of Him

If a man loved a woman, and he consorted her outside of wedlock, then he has attacked a created human, he has taken what he needs without the marital relationship which ensures her interests and her future.
So, what did he do? He assaulted on the sh3er motivated by his desire.
The human loves money, he may seizes the people's wealth unlawfully motivated by his love of money; so, if the desire does not adjust to the method of Allah, then it must leads to a corruption. Allah, Almighty, said:

﴾ Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of people have earned …(41) ﴿


What is the corruption? It is about getting the thing out of its characteristics. Allah, Almighty, had designed the water as a colorless, tasteless, and odorless element, if there is an unacceptable odor in the water, extreme turbidity, or unacceptable colors, it became corrupt, the corrupting of water is to getting it out of its nature, that is the corruption.
It is because Allah had placed the desires in the human, if he never be guided by the guidance of Allah, the Almighty, then he will corrupt, and the base of the corruption is a voluntary creature which the desires was in it, then it moved according to its desires without following the method of Allah, The Almighty; hence, there is no corruption in the world of angels, and there is no corruption in the world of animal; the corruption is a characteristic only in the human; who was empowered of desires, but he had never been guided by the method of Allah, Almighty.
Therefore; because I’m a human, there are many risks surrounding me; the risk of desire, and the risk of enduring the punishment as a result of my aggression against the other people.
What is happening now? People are aggressing against each other; and our Lord, Almighty, will hold responsible to them in a very exact way.
So, you are in a danger of the tempts of taking anything that is not yours, then Allah will punish you a painful punishment, this is a risk.
So, the person who fears Allah, Almighty, is the one who fears His punishment.

Allah, Almighty, has a Majesty Names; Allah is The Compeller , Allah is The Avenger, Allah is The Most Great, Allah is The Irresistible Subduer, and Allah is The Dominant, these are the Names of Majesty, and The Merciful, The All Kind, and All Wise, are the Names of Beauty.

The meaning of the word “Godfearingness”:

What do you mean by: You fear Allah? It means that you seek protection of His Majesty Names by His Beauties Names, it means that I ask the mercy of Allah by obeying Him, I seek protection of His anger, His violence, and His revenge.

﴾ Verily, the Seizure (punishment) of your Lord is severe and painful (12) ﴿


And He is:

﴾…the Most Great, the Most High (9) ﴿


He, Almighty, said:

﴾ « And He is the Irresistable (Supreme), above His slaves…(18) ﴿

[Al-An ‘aam]

Those are The Majesty Names, but if you obey Allah:

﴾ …Verily, my Lord is Most Merciful, Most Loving (90) ﴿


And Allah, Almighty, said:

﴾Verily, those who believe[in the Oneness of Allah and His Messenger]and work deeds of righteousness, the Most Gracious (Allah) will bestow love for them (96) ﴿


So, the word “Godfearingness” is to fear of the anger of Allah, to seek the protection of His punishment, to fear of to be under His Majesty Names, and to seek the protection of His eternal punishment which is the hell; therefore:

﴾You who believed and gave credence to the Prophet's mission, revere Allah in the manner appropriate to His Absolute Sovereignty. Entertain the profound reverence dutiful to Him and adhere to Allah’s' system of faith and worship…(102) ﴿

[Al Imran]

To obey Allah, then you never disobey Him; to remember Him, then you never forget; and to praise Him, then you never deny.

Fearing Allah and seeking His Mercy

Dear brother, the guidance is when a person felt unsafe, and he searched for salvation through this Book, the Quran, therefore:

﴾ This Book -the Quran- whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun ( the pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much and loves Allah much(2)﴿

Whenever you peruse, whenever you contemplated your identity, you find that you have an earthly desires, and an upper demands; so if your desires have overpowered you, then the catastrophe is very large; when the desire moves randomly it accompanied by aggression on the honors and the treasury of people; and the destiny of aggression is the punishment.
Then when you straighten on the command of Allah, you fear His punishment; you ask Allah the protection of His Majesty Names, and requests the Names of Beauty and Bounty.

﴾ This Book -the Quran- whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun ( the pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much and loves Allah much(2)﴿

If a man does not seek the truth, then this Book does not mean him.
If a person sat in a nice place, and he has no target, he does not ask for anything, and he doesn’t look for anything; but if a human came to unfamiliar town in order to get a huge amount from one of the institutions, he does not know the address of the Foundation, so you find him asks because he has a target; and the target is to take this amount from the institution which its address is unknown to him, so he has to ask about the address.
So, the most important thing that when the person is being without a target; I went to a far countries, then I was told:” What did you see? I said: I saw a man without a purpose, eating, drinking, and enjoying:

﴾ …while those who deny Him experience life delight and eat in the way cattle eat; and Hell shall be their abode (12) ﴿


The most dangerous thing is to be purposeless, and the greatest thing is to have an exalted target which exhorts you to the sublime manners.
So Brother, the nice thing that the believer is never growing old, the believer is always a young man, his age may reaches the hundred of years; he is never aging.
The believer is still a young man by his vitality , because of his great purpose; his purpose is Allah, Almighty.

When you seek Allah’s Content, you stay young:

The precise point: When does the human tire of life? When his targets are earthy; his target is the marriage, then he gets married; his target is to gather money; then he did; his target is to occupy a high position, and he did, so the person always finds the level of banality of his targets; because it is impossible that anything in the worldly life can give you the permanent happiness, the more you have looked for a materialistic target and got it, you found its triviality; But if Allah, Almighty, is your target, then you are in permanent youth.

Another idea which I have mentioned many times: The person is looking for the happiness in the depths of his self, and by the materialistic concept the happiness needs of health, time, and money, and always one of these elements is missing, because in the beginning of life time and health are existing, but there is no money; also, in the mid-life health and money are found, but there is no time, in the last part of life time and money are present, but there is no health.
It means that the human is miserable through his life, he always feels like he misses something; unlike the believer, this principle does not apply to him, why?
Because his purpose in life is Allah, Almighty; he is a young man feels happy of worshiping Allah, He is married and happy of worshiping Allah, and he is a poor man, but he is pleased with obeying Allah.
The whole story that your target should not be limited, if the target is limited and you reach it, then you have ended, life becomes boring, life becomes tired, and life becomes a burden; so when you socialize with the high-class men, the owners of the funds, and people who holds the high positions in the society, you will bother; and one of them may say to you: “Money is trivial, and nothing in it”, though he has a lot of money, and he has no problem.

One of the brother has mentioned a very strange paradox to me: A person visited him, and he swore that his financial setting is about a few thousand of millions, not a few hundred, but a few thousand, then he have complained to him about his life, and his ennui; he does not like anything, and nothing would please him.
The person who tells the story has said to me: “It is marvelous thing, I went out of his house, and my legs can not hold me , what is this man?!!
He does not have any problem, all the money in his hands”.
This brother continued by saying: “A poor family has asked me for help, I entered to a house in one of the villages in Damascus, and I found a very modest house under a stairway; the husband is present, and the wife is present, and the children are in happiness, although the income is limited, they asked only for the rent of the house; one thousand Syrian pounds”.
He told me: “I felt that there is an overwhelming happy in this house, although they complained of lack of income.
So, when the human lose the target, he becomes a burden; so what I say to you: you must choose a target which is more than all your abilities; He is Allah, Almighty.
Every human makes Allah, Almighty, is his purpose, then he feels happy, in a permanent youth, without any ennui or boring, because he looks for something which is however he has spent for it, he can not have a complete information of Allah, Glory be top Him, unlike the worldly life which is limited, and it will come to the end.

The unhappy person is the one defeated by his desires:

A human has got money, he has eaten all the kinds of food that he has never had the desire to eat; he has married and then he took to this relationship; he occupied a high position in the society, and he took to this veneration, and this prestige; but he is looking for something.
So, there is a precise point, once I deliver a lesson that entitled: " Then what? "
You have gathered money, then what? You have reached a high status, then what? There's a tomb after the worldly life; you have indulged in all the cheap pleasures, then what?
The character which encompasses all the deviants is the boredom and the tedium; why do you find the believer is the happiest person among people? Because he has a great target, that he is promised with the paradise.

﴾ … Is he whom We have promised an excellent promise (Paradise)-which he will find true- like him whom We have made to enjoy the luxuries of the life of (this) world, then on the day of Resurrection, he will be among those brough up ( to be punished in Hell-fire)? (61) ﴿

[Al Qasas]

Dear brother, this holy verse:

﴾ This Book -the Quran- whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun ( the pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much and loves Allah much(2) ﴿

It means, if you have felt that there is a risk, then the risk is to make your desire gets over you:

﴾ The Fire will burn their faces, and thereinthey will grin, with displaced lips (disfigured) (104) “Were not My Verses reauthord to you, and then you used to deny them?”(105) they shall say: “Our Lord! Our wretchedness overcame us, and we were (an) erring people.” (106) ﴿


It means that our desires have defeated us, that the misery is to let you desire defeats you and that is the difficult examination, the price of Paradise is the adjusting of the desire:

﴾But he who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires and lusts (40) Verily, Paradise, for him, is certainly the abode (41) ﴿


The difference between the believer and the unbeliever:

Whenever you feel that there is a risk, the risk is that your desires defeat on the method of your Lord, Almighty; now you are a person who fears Allah, fear of danger, fear to fall under the weight of Allah’s punishment, and fear to be under the Names of Majesty.
The oppression of Allah is severe, there are earthquakes, there are incurable diseases, there is an oppression, poverty, a dump, a concern, and sorrow; you fear to be under the Names of Majesty, you fear the great punishment which is the fire; as long as you fear Allah, then you are looking for the guidance, and the guidance is found in the Holy Quran; the Quran has drown the target and the path for you:

﴾ …And no one can inform you of the truth like Him Who is the All-Knower (14) ﴿


It means that no body in this world is eligible to draw the right target for you, except Allah, Almighty, and no body in the universe is eligible to set the right path for your target; the target of the believer is the Paradise, his target is to know Allah, his target is to know the method of Allah, and to take the right path.
The believer has a stability, he has a satisfaction, and he has a conviction; he does not have the sense of anxiety of the future, because the line graph of the believer is always rising up; but when he forgets Allah, Almighty; the rise is being sharply, and the fall is being terrible.
That is the difference between the believer who follows the method of Allah, Almighty, and the his line graph is upward incessantly; while the unbeliever climbs sharply, and falls quickly.

Some “Hadiths” concerning “Surat Al-Baqarah”:

Dear brother, by the willing of Allah, next lesson we will continue with the verses:

﴾ Who believe in the Ghaib and perform As-salat, and spend out of what we have provided for them (3) And who believe in all that has been revealed to you, O Muhammad, -the Quran-, and in that which were sent down before you (the Torah and the Gospel) and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter(4) They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful(5) ﴿

By the way, allow me to mention some “Hadiths” which are relating to “Surat Al-Baqarah”, one of you may ask: “What are these details?”
The Prophet, peace be upon Him, says:

((Learn Surat Al-Baqarah, because the learning of it is a Blessing, and neglecting it is a sorrow; and its blessing does not end))

[Narrated by Ahmad from Buraidah from his father]

And in another Hadith:

((Learn “Surat Al-Baqarah”, and “Surat Al Imran”, because both are “Al Zahra wan” ))

[Narrated by Ahmad from Buraidah from his father]

And in a third Hadith:

((From “Masrouq” from “Abdullah” who has said: A man read “Surat Al-Baqarah”, and “Al Imran” in the presence of “Abdullah” then he said to the man: You have read two Chapters “Surah” which contain the Great Name of Allah which is if a person calls Allah by, Allah will response to him, and if a man asks Allah something by His Great Name, then Allah will give him what he has asked))

[Narrated by Al-Daremi from Masrouq from Abdullah]

((If the man has read Surat Al-Baqarah, then his standing would become greater among us))

[Narrated by Ahmad in his book from Anas Bin Malek]

((If the man read “Surat Al-Baqarah” and “Al Imran”, then both of the two Chapters will come in the Doomsday and prevent any evil to infect that man))

[Narrated by Al-Daremi from Ka’b]

((Allah will not discomfit a man who woke up after midnight to pray, and began with “Surat Al-Baqarah”, and “Surat Al Imran”))

[Al Tabarani from Bin Mass’ud]

Description of the believers, the hypocrites, and the infidels:

The beginning of this Chapter “Sura” is very blessed, because our Lord, Almighty, describes the believers with a major characteristics, and also the hypocrites and the infidels, these are the three species; so, the human must wish to have the characteristics of the believers, of course.

In the next lesson:

﴾ Who believe in the Ghaib and perform As-salat, and spend out of what we have provided for them (3) And who believe in all that has been revealed to you, O Muhammad, -the Quran-, and in that which were sent down before you (the Torah and the Gospel) and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter(4) They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful(5) ﴿

The guidance will raise them at Allah:

﴾ … and it is they are the successful (5) ﴿

If we understand these verses exactly, and we implement them, then we will be happy and safe in the worldly life and in the hereafter; “Al-Imam Ahmad” and “Al-Termithi” have narrated from “Abu Horayra”, may Allah be pleased with Him, that The Prophet, peace be upon Him, said:

((Do not make your homes like tombs, and the house which Surat Al-Baqarah is read in, the Satan never enters it))

[Musnlim, Ahmad, Al-Termithi, and Al-Nisaei from Abu Horayra]

((One of the best Chapters in the Quran is “Sura Al-Baqarah”, and the most greatest verse in it is “ The Mercy Seat Verse”; that the Satan flees from the house which Surat Al-Baqarah is read in it))

[Al-Hareth from Al-Hassan as sent]

There are many speeches “Hadiths” about the grace of this Chapter “Surah”, and I ask Allah, Glory be to Him, to help us in continuing of understanding this Chapter and implement its orders.

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