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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al- Baqarah (2)- Lesson [14]- Verse [26]: The Sign of Allah in His Creatures.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

  We continue with lesson fourteen of the interpretation of "Surat Al-Baqarah".

Small things need more skill:

 We continue with the verse number twenty-six, Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ Allah is by no means reluctant from fear of shame to give an allegory applying creatures as small as a gnat or a larger creature to describe subjects under the guise of some other subject of aptly suggestive resemblance intended to convey a useful lesson by which moral and spiritual relations are typically set forth. As to those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, they know well that the simile narrated by Allah, their Creator, is the truth personified as it illustrates and ennobles the subject. But those who deny Allah wonder to hear Allah talk after this manner and they say: «What does Allah mean by such a parable?» In effect, such parables as Allah discourses are intended to stray the many who counsel deaf to the truth and to guide the many who have clean hearts to the path of righteousness and He misguides only the wicked who confirm themselves in the evil purpose and the ill intention(26)﴿

 Dear Brother, people regard that the mosquito is worthless, vile insect, and the human beats and kills without any responsibility; as the Prophet, peace be upon Him, says in the Hadith:

((If the worldly life has adjusted a wing of mosquito for Allah, He would never benefit the miscreant, even if a little of water))

[Al-Tirmithi from Sahl Ibn Sa'd]

 This insect appears worthless for people, but the striking thing is that whenever the thing was smaller, it needs for a skilled craft; for example, if you have seen a big radio, it would never astonish you, but if you have seen a small one, it would attract your attention, also if you have seen a watch that contains radio, your interest and attention would increase, and you recognize that the accuracy of workmanship.
 A generous brother has told me about a computer which its size is no more than the size of the palm of hand, and it contains all the programs that are placed in the desktop computer, it contains an international call, and internet; it is something incredibly.
 Sometimes, there are cameras that are fixed in a lighter and used for special purposes; sometimes for only capturing still Photos, and sometimes as a video camera; and may the size of device is like the size of a grain of lentil that can capture the sounds and be recorded. So, the more the object was smaller, it would need a witty craft and it would draw attention.

The miracles in creating the gnat:

 One of the scientists has reached several months ago to a device that measures ten exponent fifteen of the parts of second, i.e. the number one and fifteen zeros in front of it, i.e. one thousand-million-million part of the second; is there a human can divide a second into one thousand-million-million part?
 This scientist was given the first prize in one of the universities of America. Now, by this device you can measure the time of the dissociation of the atom; this is one of many applications; so, as much as an object was tricky, the greatness of the manufacturer would appear. Of course the elephant is big, and the blue whales are big, that weights a hundred and fifty tons, and it contains fifty tons of meat, and fifty tons of fat; also, almost ninety barrels of cod-liver oil are extracted from the whale, its nutritious meal is four tons, and the whale feeds its fry three hundreds Kg in each feed; it is something huge.
 But the ant; has a brain with a memory, a digestive system, an excretion system, a recognition system, and a smelling device; in brief, the ant has scary activities. When you see a small bee, or a mosquito; then you just resort to the Words of Allah, The Greatest:

﴾ Allah is by no means reluctant from fear of shame to give an allegory applying creatures as small as a gnat(26)﴿

 The gnat, brother, has three hearts: Central heart and a heart for each wing; the heart supplies the wing with energy that makes it flutters about four thousand times in the second. The gnat has a radar system, for example, two children are sleeping on their own beds in a dark night, the gnat moves to the child directly without turning to a pillow or to a corner in the room, because it has a radar reveals the organism for it; if it has reached to the child, it would analyze his blood, as there's a blood which is not suitable for it; therefore, you may find one of the two brother has hit with hundreds of mosquito bites, and the second child is well; also, the gnat must liquefy the blood which it takes because the macrocyte is wider than the haustellum of it, so it must be liquefied in order to run in its haustellum, then the gnat opiates the place where the bite is, that the child will not feel with the bite until he wakes up, otherwise, he will kill it; when does the human feel with the bite of mosquito? After it has flown. He hits it, but without any benefit.
 So, the gnat has radar, an analysis device, a liquefaction device, an anesthetization device, and it has two wings which almost flitter four thousand times in the second, also it has three hearts: Central heart, and heart for each wing.
 The gnat can stand on a smooth surface by cupping organs like the hanger which is fixed on the glass by air deflation; so the gnat presses the cupping organ, and it fixes by the deflation of air; and the gnat has claws too.

The flight of a bird and its direction is attributed to Allah:

 Some aviation scientists made a comparison among the greatest aircraft that made by a man and the mosquito in the maneuver, and the result was that the capacity of the mosquito and the fly is greater than any plane has been made. Sometimes, while the fly is flying at a high speed, suddenly it turns its direction in a right angle, suddenly it may come back, and suddenly it may ascend; also the fly can land on the ceiling, by putting its legs on the ceiling, it will be stationary.

 Once, I read in a scientific encyclopedia about aviation, this encyclopedia is translated from a very respectable House Science in America; what was written on the first page: "The greatest aircraft that was made by human does not develop to the level of the bird creation.."; sometimes, the bird flies for eighty-six hours non-stop, the bird flies almost seventeen thousands Km from northern Earth to southern Earth, the bird immigrates twice in winter and summer, and till now, nobody knows how it can arrive to its goal.
 Tens of theories have been theorized to explain the direction of the bird towards its goal; the exegesis of gravity, the exegesis of sun, and the exegesis of the terrains; but all of these suppositions did not reach to the right one; therefore, Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾No one can maintain them at that level in the atmosphere but AL-Rahman(19)﴿


 The flying of the bird and its tending to the goal directly have been attributed to Allah, Almighty, and all the theories have been abolished; as you may send a chick from Britain to China, note that the direction of birds in all their flights is North-South, South-North, you'll find that the chick flies from China to Britain.
 Another example: The bird which left its nest in Damascus and immigrated to South Africa, if the angle in its way back has changed only one degree to the right, the bird would arrive to Baghdad; or if the angle has changed one degree to the left, the bird would arrive to Cairo; but the bird arrives to Damascus, and to its nest in one of the houses in Al-Salihiya street exactly. What is this great ability of Allah?

﴾No one can maintain them at that level in the atmosphere but AL-Rahman(19)﴿


The accuracy in creating the gnat is amazing:

 Dear brother, whenever the body was smaller, the accuracy of workmanship would be greater; for example, in our days, the HIV defies the whole world, and human with all his arrogance, might, his scientific progress, and with his stunning spending on the scientific researches could not reach to an antidote for AIDS; although this virus is the weakest at all, as it will die if it comes out of the human body at a distance of ten centimeters; but if it enters the body, it will enter as disguised as a leukocyte, so, it will never face any resistance; then, if the AIDS has been able to enter, it would devour all the leukocytes. On the other hand, a thousand million dollars may be spent to develop researches in order to access to a vaccine against this virus, but in any moment it may change its shape, and all this money will be wasted, also the AIDS has progenies; and the wisdom of Allah has wished that this disease to be as a punishment, not as a tribulation; hence, although it is dangerous and deadly disease, it's easy to prevent, just be upright.

 O brother, this verse is talking about the mosquito, about its littleness, the exiguity of its affair, and its ignominy according to people; as if a human has run over a cat with his car erroneously, he would be disturbed, and he would say: Perhaps I have made a mistake, perhaps I have tolerated, and perhaps I did not pay attention; will Allah ask me? Should I pay a sum of money as charity?
 While if he has killed a mosquito, he would never feel anything at all, as if he did not do anything at all, because the mosquito is a negligible creature according to people; however they consider it as nothing, but the accuracy of its creation, and the devices that it has are something that we cannot describe.
 The mosquito reminds us with the words of Allah, The Greatest:

﴾ no disproportion nor deformity can you see in the creation carried into effect by AL-Rahman(3)﴿


 The inequality here is not in the workmanship, for example, there is a company that makes equipment for household and the same company manufactures industrial equipment, the use of home appliances is very little, so its metal is cheap and its appliances are simple; but the industrial equipment is very expensive because they are designed to work night and day.

The workmanship of Allah is perfect:

 The plant makes well-made materials, and makes lower quality materials; but the workmanship of Allah, Almighty, is perfect, where no disproportion in it:

﴾ no disproportion nor deformity can you see in the creation carried into effect by AL-Rahman(3)﴿


 The disproportion in size is existing, that we find, as an example, a mosquito, and we find an elephant; but there is no disproportion in the proficiency of what Allah, Almighty, creates.

 Dear Brother, we are discussing a very precise subject, that everything indicates the believer to Allah, Almighty; so, if you have wished to recognize Allah, everything would guide you to Him; but if you did not want to know Allah, you would never be convinced, and you would never believe, even if you have met with the master of Prophets "Muhammad", peace be upon him, face to face, and if you have talked to him.
 If you have seen all the scientific achievements, and if you have gone to the biggest observatory in the world, your mind would be bewildered.

 Today, a brother who is specialized in astronomy in America has visited us, and told us something incredible; the length of the flames for some suns one hundred and fifty thousand light-years; there are suns which the size of each of them increases (2.2 billion) times than the size of our sun. He mentioned incredible figures; so, I have said: "Glory be to Allah, can you disobey this great god?

﴾such of Allah's servants as stand in awe of Him are the savants(28)﴿


 The "Antares" star accommodates to the earth and the sun in addition to the distance between them; also there are more than a million-million galaxies, as the galaxy contains almost one million planets, and our galaxy, the Milky Way, is very small in comparison to other galaxies, however, when we read about it, the information will astonish you.

The workmanship of Allah is perfect in big and small things:

 Dear brother, the workmanship of Allah is perfect in the biggest and smaller thing that He has made; rather, the words of Allah, The Greatest:

﴾ each describing its own orbit (33) ﴿


 This verse includes the atom and the galaxy; there are electrons rotating around the Nucleus, and also there are a very big blocks rotating around their center in a speed that is close to the speed of light.

﴾ Allah is by no means reluctant from fear of shame to give an allegory applying creatures as small as a gnat or a larger creature to describe subjects under the guise of some other subject of aptly suggestive resemblance intended to convey a useful lesson by which moral and spiritual relations are typically set forth(26)﴿

 The scholars have interpreted ( or a larger creature ) as: What is smaller than it, or what is larger but in littleness; for example, you can see the mosquito by your eyes, but there are objects that you cannot see like the germs which are the origin of all diseases, but you can see their actions, the Virus is smaller than the germ. Now, after the invention of microscopes, that sometimes enlarge two hundred times, and sometimes enlarge forty thousand times; if you have enlarged the skin, you would find that it's like a jungle where the hills and valleys, where the plains and elevations, and trees which are the hair; if we have enlarged a point from the skin, a point from the paries of stomach, or if we have enlarged a point from the brain, you would never believe what you have seen; now, you can see the Cell by the Electronic Microscope.

 The Cell is an independent object, it's a self-contained world, and you cannot see it by the eye. So, whenever the thing was smaller, it needs to a very well-done workmanship; therefore, Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ I swear by all that you can see (38) And by all that you cannot see(39)﴿


 Objects that you do not see are many times of those which you see; for example, what do you see if you have looked in a glass of water? You see a pure, fresh, sweet, and transparent water, but if you have put a specimen of this water under a microscope, you would see organisms which are countless.

The Greatness of Allah in His creation:

 Dear brother, when Allah, Glory be to Him, mentioned this parable, He wanted to draw our attention to the insects which are valueless according to you, while they are very great creatures; so, there is no wrong that Allah has authord the insects as an example; but the fact which I want to prove is that if the man does not want to recognize the truth, he will not reach it, although he was a very smart person, and he was holding the most high Certificate in the world, if he was working in chemistry, in natural science, or he was working in the astronomy researches, and he was seeing the incredible things by the observatories, then he sometimes turns blind eye for what he has seen!
 The human may see in a dark night something as dust in the sky, this dust is the galaxy, he has seen millions- millions of planets in the form of dust; so, not everything you do not see is not exist, and it means that the lack of conscience does not imply non-existence. What do you see? You see the sun is rotating, while it is stationary according to you, you're who is rotating, but the sun is rotating around a point, Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ each describing its own orbit (33) ﴿


 How much time does the sun need to complete its turn? The sun needs for two hundred million years in order to rotate one cycle around a planet; in fact, we are in a universe that has endless dimensions. Before a while, I have just talked about something that is truly stunning! A galaxy which is three hundred thousand billion light-years away from us; this is the greatness of Allah; and if you have reached to the essential being of the mosquito, the bacterium, or the virus, you would find an amazing facts.

﴾Everything in the universe leads human to the truth:﴿

 Whenever things have got smaller, it would need to a well-done maker, because it depends on a precise workmanship, in addition that the small things are very expensive; there are small recording devices, and small radios, that their prices are very high; even that you may find a big desktop computer, a large screen, and a big computer's case; sometimes you find a laptop that you can put all of it in a wallet; and sometimes its size is like the size of the hand's palm; whenever the device was smaller, its workmanship would be very perfection, and this is the significance of this verse:

﴾ Allah is by no means reluctant from fear of shame to give an allegory applying creatures as small as a gnat or a larger creature to describe subjects under the guise of some other subject of aptly suggestive resemblance intended to convey a useful lesson by which moral and spiritual relations are typically set forth(26)﴿

( or a larger creature ) means: What is smaller than it, by the interpretation of scholars.

 Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ or a larger creature to describe subjects under the guise of some other subject of aptly suggestive resemblance intended to convey a useful lesson by which moral and spiritual relations are typically set forth. As to those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, they know well that the simile narrated by Allah, their Creator, is the truth personified as it illustrates and ennobles the subject(26)﴿

 If a person has wanted to know the truth, everything would lead him, and if he has turned away from it, he would never believe, even if he has stayed in the greatest observatory America all his life, even if he has entered to the most accurate laboratory of natural sciences, even if he has seen the Cell, the living tissues, the interaction of materials, and even if he has been given all the information, he would not believe, and the most accurate example of that: You have a very simple and cheap camera, if you have put a film in it, you would be able to captures the landscapes before it; on the other hand, the human who refuses the truth is like the one who owns a very expensive camera, but he hasn't a film; as he is a high educated human, and has amazing information, but he did not want the truth.
 The lesson: If you have wanted the truth, you would reached it, but if you didn't, you would be responsible for the sin that you have committed!!

Human beings have free will so everything in the universe is neuter:

 If a dissolute person has heard the word "mosquito", he would say:

﴾ «What does Allah mean by such a parable?» (26) ﴿

 He says sarcastically: "Is this Quran!!!? Thus, the infidels have said: "The great god mentioned a mosquito!!? A fly!!? A spider!!? Is it reasonable that a great person mentions these creatures in his speech?

﴾ But those who deny Allah wonder to hear Allah talk after this manner and they say: «What does Allah mean by such a parable?»(26)﴿

 It was said: Everything in the universe is neutral:

﴾ such parables as Allah discourses are intended to stray the many who counsel deaf to the truth and to guide the many who have clean hearts to the path of righteousness(26)﴿

 One verse may be rejected by a human, and guides another; one verse makes a human to be in the top of humility to Allah, and another one ridicules it. Allah has created you as voluntary, and because of that, everything in the universe is designed to be neutral; that you may use it as a ladder to develop by, or downward steps that you fall in them:

﴾ As to those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, they know well that the simile narrated by Allah, their Creator, is the truth personified as it illustrates and ennobles the subject(26)﴿

 What is the Right? The Right is the opposite of the void, and what is the void? The void is bounding to vanish, transient, and frivolous.

Truth is contradicted with void and frivolity:

 Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ Nor did We create the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them in amusement and diversion(38)﴿


 And He, Almighty, says:

﴾«We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them but in accordance with reason and truth and for a determinate period of time. »(3)﴿


 Our Lord, Almighty, denied that the creation of the heavens and the earth is void, as void is the canceled thing, and He, Almighty, denied that the creation of the heavens and the earth frivolity, as the frivolity is something non purposeful, but Allah, Glory be to Him, has created both the heavens and the earth in accordance with right; so, the right contrasts with the void and contracts with the frivolity, and the right has no frivolity or falsehood, the purposeful and stationary thing, as if we have said:

﴾«We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them but in accordance with reason and truth and for a determinate period of time. »(3)﴿


 It means that the right has involved the creating of the heavens and the earth; for example, if we have set up a booth at the exhibition for two weeks, we would make it of the cloth; but when we have established a University, we would build it from stone, because it was built to stay, but the booth of exhibition has been established, and it would be destroyed two weeks later; so the word: "In accordance with the right" means that Allah, Almighty, has created the universe to stay, He says:

﴾«We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them but in accordance with reason and truth and for a determinate period of time. »(3)﴿


 The soul tastes the death, but it does not die, and there is a big difference between the tasting of death, and to die; because the soul either it remains in a paradise which its bliss lasting forever, or in a fire which its torment does not end.

The creation of ants and bees indicate the greatness of Allah:

 The issue became: Do you want the truth?
 So, everything leads you to Allah even the mosquito, even the fly, and even the ant. For example, The ants always work several variety acts, and their politeness is an incredible marvel; the ants plant, the ants raise livestock, the ants establish grain silos, the ants establish bridges, the ants pave roads, the ant has a sector of education, the ants stores, the ants treat patients, and the ants have an office for the burial of dead, that the dead ant is pulled and buried, also the ants have an army to guard the Queen, and face the aggression.
 There are wandering ants which move from one place to another, there are ants which live in a stationary houses, there are ants live for work, and sh3er live for invasion; also there is something incredible in the society of ants, the ant has a pumping device and a suction device; if an ant has met with a hungry ant, it would put its mouth in the mouth of the second and pump some of its feed's extract; while the human has a sucking device only and does not have a pumping device.
 There is something about ants is almost incredible, if the ant has felt danger, it would send chemical signals to the ants around it; if its death has been absolute, it would send a warning signal: "Keep away from the massacre!"; and if its survival has been absolute, it would send a call for help signal: "Come and save me!".
 Allah, Almighty, has proved the speech and the knowledge for the ant:

﴾« one ant said to the rest: O you ants go back to your dwellings so that Sulayman and his hosts do not crush you unawares»(18)﴿


 Ant is social creature, if you have put the ant in a house where food and drink are available, but it was alone, it would die after twenty days because of the loneliness there is a very accurate system for ants. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ form distinct nations like you people. We have not left out anything informative but included it in this Book(38)﴿

[Al-An 'am]

 The bee makes movements such as dance in order to determine the place of flowers, also there are movements for density, direction, and distance.

If you choose the truth, everything lead you to Allah:

 Dear brother, there is a very serious subject in this verse; Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ As to those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, they know well that the simile narrated by Allah, their Creator, is the truth personified as it illustrates and ennobles the subject. But those who deny Allah wonder to hear Allah talk after this manner and they say: «What does Allah mean by such a parable?» In effect(26)﴿

 Let's have a look to an example, a cosmic sign, an insect, an animal, or a plant; some of people believe in Allah through this sign, and sh3er mock it; it's a very big distinct between the belief and the mockery; so, what is the secret of that?
 One person read about the mosquito, then he cried humility to Allah, and other one heard this verse, then he mocks. Why?

﴾ What does Allah mean by such a parable? (26) ﴿

 Sometimes, if you have spoken before an assemblage of people, you would find who supports you, and you would find who refuses. What is the secret of that? The answer is here:

﴾ As to those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, they know well that the simile narrated by Allah, their Creator, is the truth personified as it illustrates and ennobles the subject(26)﴿

 What is the meaning of "They believed"? It means that they made a decision of belief, they wished the truth; so, if you have wanted the truth, everything would guide you to Allah.

If the person did not want the truth, he would flout it:

 Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ But those who deny Allah wonder to hear Allah talk after this manner(26)﴿

 It means that they have turned away from demanding the truth, as they don't want the truth, but they want the desire:

﴾ and they say: «What does Allah mean by such a parable?» (26)﴿

 If you have sat with a person who demanded the truth and told him about the galaxies, he would cry; while another one would ask you: "How much is the dollar today?" Because all this issue means nothing for him, what does he care about is the price of currencies, the houses, the cars, the commerce and profits, the desires, and the bars; every human being has a direction that he turns his face to; therefore, the person who wanted the truth, everything guides him to Allah, and who did not want, he would flout it:

﴾ As to those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, they know well that the simile narrated by Allah, their Creator, is the truth personified as it illustrates and ennobles the subject. But those who deny Allah wonder to hear Allah talk after this manner and they say: «What does Allah mean by such a parable?»(26)﴿

 And the truth is clear and bright.

Acceptance or rejection of truth depends on being straight or not:

 The same thing may lead to the straying of who has strayed, and the guidance of who has guided, he says:

﴾ In effect, such parables as Allah discourses are intended to stray the many who counsel deaf to the truth and to guide the many who have clean hearts to the path of righteousness(26)﴿

 Is the change which has accrued because of the object or because of the human? It is not because of the object that is never changes; as in our previous example, we found that the knowledge of Allah has increased for one human through the mosquito, and other has mocked it, while the mosquito did not change in both cases; but who has changed is the human who was looking at it:

﴾and He misguides only the wicked who confirm themselves in the evil purpose and the ill intention(26)﴿

 If the human has strayed, then, he does not like the truth, he drives the Right away, he mocks the verses, he would disgust if Allah has been mentioned alone; if the human has strayed, he becomes proud with his sin; hence, we have a very important meaning; your acceptance or rejecting of the Right is related to your straight, because the non-straight person defends his deviation, and his poise is unbalanced, so how can he restore it? He says: "Those religious people are making a serious mistake", he thought that this makes him balanced. Always the deviant person impugns the straight one to feel comfort; so, the infidel impugns the believer in order to be balanced.
 So, the object or the sign does not change; the sun, the moon, the night, the day, the elephant, the whale, the mosquito, the ant, the fly, and the spider; let's talk about the spider, do you believe that the spider weaves a thread that if the steel has been wire-drown at the same diameter, the spider's thread would be stronger than it? And when we read in the verse:

﴾ and so the spider's house is indeed the flimsiest of all houses ﴿

 The weakness which the verse referred to is a social weakness, because there is a very deep disagreement between the spouses, so the house of spider is weak because an internal collapse has occurred, but the thread of the spider is very strong.

The deaf is the one who does not want to listen to the truth:

 Dear brother, one verse can make the believer flies to Allah, and fills his heart with humility for Allah, while you find another person mocks the same verse, and the explanation is: If you have wished the truth, everything would lead you to it, and if you have rejected the truth, nothing would benefit you even if you have seen all the signs face to face; aren't there people who have lived with the Prophet? Is there in the whole of humanity a man who is greater than the Prophet? His morals, his eloquence, his knowledge, his politeness, his ethics, and his luminosity; but however, you find who contracted the enmity of him, you find who hated him, and you find who fought him; and it became an ageless and eternal battle between the Right and the wrong.
 Give the infidel a cosmic sign, and he will say to you: "Now, do not waste your time! It's a clear thing that if you were enthusiastic about a cosmic sign, a religious issue, or a great Islamic work, the reaction of the infidel will be the derision and the mockery, but the reaction of the believer is the veneration and the glorification, and the work does not change; so, the transformation and the contradictory attitudes became because of the human not the object. If you have wished the truth, you would know, and everything would help you, but if you have rejected it, there is no fact could be convincing then.
 One of the wise men has said: "I did not find a person who is more deaf than who does not want to listen!"; the human who does not want to listen is the most deaf person, so the infidel has rejected the truth, and if you have showed him a cosmic sign, a galaxy, a sea, a gulf stream, or the isthmus between two water flats, he would increasingly become more ridicule and mockery:

﴾ As to those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, they know well that the simile narrated by Allah, their Creator, is the truth personified as it illustrates and ennobles the subject. But those who deny Allah wonder to hear Allah talk after this manner and they say: «What does Allah mean by such a parable?» In effect, such parables as Allah discourses are intended to stray the many who counsel deaf to the truth and to guide the many who have clean hearts to the path of righteousness(26)﴿

The straight believer has a preparation to accept the truth:

 But the serious matter, dear brother, is the conclusion of the verse with this phrase:

﴾ and He misguides only the wicked who confirm themselves in the evil purpose and the ill intention(26)﴿

 Look, if the human has strayed, he would refuse the Right; and if he has believed, he would accept the Right. Try to sit with a straight and high-minded man and tell him about the Book of Allah, you find that he accepts the speech, he praises you, and his tears flood; on the other hand, sit and talk to a dissolute person who drinks alcohol, and fornicates, you find that he will speak a harsh words, and he will make fun of this speech; it means that the straight believer has a preparation to accept the Right, and the dissolute person has a preparation to accept the wrong, that if you have offered the Right to him, he would reject it, and that what the next verse has confirmed:

﴾ Do you see the one who denies religion and does not recognize Allah nor His control and government of all events! (1) Such is he who ill-treats the orphan(2)﴿


 Also the following verse stresses it:

﴾ And if such an undertaking they fail to fulfill (and fail they undoubtedly will) then you will realize O Muhammad that they simply follow their own wishes and that they act upon their own desires(50))﴿


 And a third verse confirms our talk:

﴾ What do you think of the one who forbids (9) A votary, against praying and against religious observances?(10)﴿


 Where is the sequel? The verse ended, and it means: Did you see his meanness? Did you see how he invalidates his promise? Did you see his love for his selfsame? Did you see his arrogance? Did you see his haughtiness? His bad behavior is enough; so, the dissolute person refuses the Right, and the believer accepts it; the soul of the dissolute person refuses to accept the truth.

You should have good appearance without refusing the truth:

 One of the Companions had a good appearance, so he was afraid that he would be mistaken, therefore, he said to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him:

((I prefer that my dress and shoes are being well; the Prophet said: "Allah loves the beauty, but the arrogance means the rejecting of Right and oppressing people))

[Al-Tirmithi from Abdullah]

 The arrogance is to refuse the Right, to feel that you are greater than to pray, to feel that you are greater than to fast, to feel that you are greater than to be a worshipper to Allah, to disdain the worshipping of Allah; and to despise people; that is the arrogance; but it's required that you prefer to be in a good appearance, and to wear an elegant dress. The Prophet, peace be upon Him has said:

((Improve your packsaddles, and coats when you are coming to your brother in order that you will be distinct in the eyes of people as if you were a mol))

[Ahmad from Abu Dardaa]

 So, it's required to be in a good appearance, but it is not required to refuse the Right, or to oppress people.

 Dear brother, this verse is one of the verses which indicate the greatness of Allah, and I found one thousand and three hundred cosmic verses in the Quran, and it's misbecome of Allah, Almighty, to say meaningless talk, so why did He mention these verses which almost of the sixth of Quran? As if Allah has wanted us to know Him through His creatures; like the mosquito, which is trivial for you, but it contains all these devices, all these organs, and all these characteristics which we have mentioned before; also the ant, which is almost unseen because of its littleness, has a brain, a heart, and a digestion system; and whenever the object was smaller, its workmanship would be more precise.

 In an upcoming lesson, by the willing of Allah, we'll turn to the verse:

﴾ The wicked who do not fulfill their covenant with Allah after they have solemnly vowed to Him to do what has been enjoined, who disjoin hum amity and policy instead of being joined together and separate the two hands that join one another in fidelity, and who disjoin all that Allah has ordained be joined together, and make mischief on earth and create discord, these are they who were born to be great losers(27)﴿

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