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Ramadan Lectures- Ramadan Notions 1445H- Lesson 29: Signs of The Acceptance of Fasting and Night Prayers.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  
Dear noble brothers, let me put this fact to you: Among the signs of the acceptance of fasting and night prayers is to wonder about the sign of this acceptance instead of wondering, "Are my fasting, night prayers and deeds have been accepted in Ramadan?"
Among, the signs of accepting fasting and night prayers (by Allah) is that the situation of the worshiper after Ramadan becomes better than it used to be before it.
If you show signs of improvement in your acts of worship, in your deeds or in your steadfastness after Ramadan, then know for certain that your fasting has been accepted by Allah. On the other hand, if you turn back to the way you used to be before Ramadan, then know for certain that Allah has not accepted your Siyaam.
The sincere repentance should be maintained after Ramadan, and we should keep forsaking all sorts of sins. We should have the determination to be better after Ramadan than the way we used to be before it.
He will be unfortunate and a loser the one who knows his Lord in Ramadan, but then he turns away from Him the rest of the year.
Another sign of acceptance is that the person becomes fearful that Allah will not accept his deeds. Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The companions of the Prophet PBUH were keen on having their deeds accepted by Allah more than the deeds themselves." Hence, your main concern should be about having your deed accepted by Allah. 
If you have a sacred concern about having your deed accepted by Allah, you are among the successful in Ramadan. The bottom line is to have your deeds accepted.
Allah the Almighty says:

﴾ "Verily, Allah accepts only from those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious)." ﴿

[ Al-Ma'idah, 27 ]

Dear noble brothers, one last thing, we should thank Allah for fasting Ramadan, for offering night prayers and for all acts of worship in Ramadan, as most Muslims are deprived of such a great blessing.

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