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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al- Baqarah (2)- Lesson (10)- Verses [21-22]: The worship, the earth.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Dear brother, we continue with the tenth lesson of the interpretation of "Surat Al-Baqarah".

Allah alone is The Creator who deserves to be worshipped:

 With the verse number twenty-two, and it's the Words of Allah, The Greatest:

﴾ Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshipped)(22) ﴿

 And the previous verse:

﴾ O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah), Who created you and those who were before you so that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)(21) ﴿

 Who does deserve to be worshipped? It's who created, and it's alone who has created you who deserves to be worshipped, and the Creator who has supplied you with all what you need is alone who deserves to be worshipped, and it's who owns your fate who deserves to be worshipped.
 Allah, Almighty, has created you, He has given you, He has made your concern in His Hand, He owns your fate, and you have to worship Him alone.
 Some people worship who can't benefit them, who can't hurt them, who can't bestow them, who does not own their life, and who does not own their resurrection; and that is the significant mistake.
 The extreme foolishness is to go forward the side that doesn't own any benefit or harm for you, even it doesn't own any benefit or harm for itself, as if the way is closed.

 Those who has worshipped someone except Allah are infected with a severe frustration, because everybody, except Allah, Almighty, does not own anything for you, does not own any benefit, any harm, any giving, any life, any safety, any prosperity, any victory, any unconcern, or any fastening; it does not own anything for you. Though, human worships this body, and gives it his love and loyalty, but in this case, he walks in a blocked road.
 Therefore, Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin. (48) ﴿


Allah forgives everything to worship anything with Him:

 I have given an example about the idea:
 That you may go to a city, where you have a very big amount of money, and you may commit thousands of mistakes through your way to that city, but you are going towards it, and you'll have the money; on the other hand, the inexpiable mistake is to go in a contrary road that you'll never find anything.

﴾ Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin. (48) ﴿


((The jinn and mankind are in mighty tidings. I Create and sh3er are worshiped; I bless and sh3er are thanked; My charity descends to worshipers, and their evil ascends to Me; I approach them with blessings while I do not need them, and they make Me resent them by committing sins while they cannot get along without Me, the one who has come to Me I welcome him from a very far distance, and who has turned away from Me, I call him from a neighboring place. The people who mention Me are who I love, the people who thank Me are who I give numerously, and the people who disobey Me, Allah is Merciful, Allah is Merciful, I never prevent them of My Mercy. If they repent, then I'm their beloved, and if they didn't, then I'm their doctor. I inflict them with casualties in order to purify them from misdeeds and faults. Each advantage they do I reward them with ten sames and more, and each guilt I punish with one same, and I forgive; I'm more merciful with My worshipers than the mother with her son. ))

[Narrated by Al-Baihaqi, Al-Hakem from Mou'az
And Al-Daylami, Ibn A'saker from Abu Al-Dardaa]

He who worships anything except Allah befools himself:

 Allah who has created you, who has supplied you, who drives you forward, who owns your concern, and who owns your fate; all the matters of creatures return to Him; you must worship Him alone, and you have not to be worshiper for anything except Him, you must not turn to anything except Him, and you must not be obsequious to anything except Him, but you must be obsequious to Allah alone, because it's misbecome that you be for something except Allah, or you will despise yourself.

﴾And who turns away from the religion of Ibrahim (Abraham) (i.e. Islamic Monotheism) except him who befools himself? Truly, We chose him in this world and verily, in the Hereafter he will be among the righteous.(130)﴿


 When you are turning to someone except Allah, you despise yourself.
 A weak worshiper like you, only a drop of blood in his brain makes him paralyzed, and a random growth in some of his tissues makes him infected with a malicious disease; then you turn to someone except Allah!  Human is very weak, so how do you turn to him? How do you set your hopes on him? While he does not own even his life!!

 Dear brother, the worshipers didn't learn a thing better than the monotheism, and the religion is a monotheism as a whole.

﴾ O you people worship Your Lord (Allah), Who Created you (21) ﴿

 The nearest name from the Names of Allah, The Greatest, to the worshiper is "The Lord", and the nearest person to the child is his mother, because she brings him up, she supplies him with milk, she supplies him with care, she sympathizes him, she protects his concerns, she gives a hand to him, and she rises him. The nearest object in the child's life is his mother, and the nearest Name of the Beautiful Names of Allah to the human is the Lord of the Worlds, so he brings him up. If Allah has placed mercy in Father's heart, then it's of Allah, Almighty, if you see a father have mercy on his son, then it's the mercy of Allah, if you see a mother care for her son, then it's the mercy of Allah.

Compassion of creatures is part of the Mercy of Allah:

 A symbolic story is told, which has a deep meaning, that one of the prophets saw a woman baking, and her son at her side, each time she put a loaf of bread into the oven, she hugged her son and kissed him. The Prophet was astonished of the mercy of this mother with her son; then Allah said to him: "O my worshiper, this is My Mercy, and I'll take it." When Allah had taken the mercy from her heart, her son cried, then she threw him down into the oven.
 If you have seen a mother sympathizes her son, this is the mercy of Allah; if you see an animal cares for its youngsters, this is the mercy of Allah. All creatures be compassionate of each other in a part of Allah's mercy, but the mercy that in your heart accords exactly with your connection with Allah, Almighty. The creature who is the most contiguity with Allah is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him; so, He (PBUH) is the most merciful creature with creatures at all.
 He went to "Al-Taif", they denied him, they mocked him, and they lured their boys to hurt Him, then when "Jib reel" came, he said to the Prophet: "O Muhammad, my Lord has ordered me to be tame your will". He did not revenge, though they exaggerated in abusing to him, he said:

((No, my brother. O Allah, guide my people because they do not know, I hope that Allah will bring sons from them who worship Allah alone, and not associating anything with Him))

[Accepted upon narration from Aisha]

 Dear brother, here is a principle, which is derived from this verse:

﴾And by the Mercy of Allah, you dealt with them gently. (159) ﴿


 You, Muhammad, were flexible with them because of a mercy which settled in your heart through your connection with us; so they gathered around you, they loved you, they bestowed you their lives to you, their children, and their wives; and they were with you in everything to the end of the road.
 "Abu Sufyan" said: "I didn't see anyone loves someone like the love of the Companions of Muhammad to Muhammad", and that is what the Muslims lose today.

 The aspects of Islam are blatant, but the love is nonexistent among the Muslims. I never saw anyone loves someone, like the love of the companions of Muhammad to Muhammad.

Worship is the utmost of humility:

 Dear Brother, do you believe that a woman of the inhabitants of Al-Medina was inspecting their relatives after "Ohud" battle. She went to the battlefield, and found her husband, her father, her brother, and her son were martyrs. Is this reasonable?! Her husband, and father, her brother, and her son were martyrs; and yet she said: "What did the Messenger of Allah do?". When she saw Him in her own eyes, and made sure of the His safety; she said: "O Messenger of Allah, every disaster except your safety is not serious".
 Thus the Companions of the Prophet, (PBUH) were, thus was their love for the Messenger of Allah, thus their sacrifices were, by this they arrived to the two Easts, by this Allah enabled them in the land, by this Allah made them successors, by this Allah changed their fear into secure, and by this all the land yielded to them.
 A letter came to "Harun al-Rashid" from the Emperor of the Romans, the message says: "The Empress who has governed before me has paid the tribute for you, while it's the better that you pay her, therefore, you must give back everything you have taken, or I'll fight you."
 Al-Rashid had replied: "From the worshiper of Allah Harun Al-Rashid the Commander of the Faithful, to the dog of Romans, The answer is what you will see, not what you will hear". Then Al-Rashid overran the Emperor of Romans, he vanquished him, and he made him to pay doubled tribute.
 Thus were the Muslims when they were with Allah, their word was influential, and superior; but when they left the rules "Sunnah" of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) the situation became different:

﴾ Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salat (the prayers)[i.e. made their Salat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.]and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell. (59) ﴿


 Dear Brother, the most serious topic in the life of the believer is the issue of the worship of Allah, Almighty. Who do you worship?
 The worship is the utmost of the humility, for whom do you obey ? Do you obey for someone except Allah?
 I'll say a word that I have said many times: When the human obeys a creature, whoever he is, and disobeys his Lord; in this case, he did not say: "Allah is the Greatest" ever, even if he had echoed it by his tongue a thousand times, why?
 Because he thought that the obedience to this creature, which is strong in his consideration, is more valuable for him than the obedience of Allah; so, he did not say: Allah is the greatest in the strict sense of the word; also the human who cheats the Muslims did not say: Allah is the greatest, ever, even if he has echoed it by his tongue a thousand of times, because he believed that this money which he gets from the cheating is the most valuable than the obedience of Allah.

The Muslims are not the top,Why?

 Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salat (the prayers)[i.e. made their Salat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.]and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell. (59) ﴿


 The person who does not implement the Islamic rules in his house in order to appease his wife, he did not say: Allah is the Greatest ever, even if he has echoed it by his tongue a thousand of times, because he thought that the satisfaction of his wife and children is the most valuable than the satisfaction of Allah, Almighty.
 The decisive issue is the answer of a big question; why are we so? Muslims constitute one fifth of the world's population, about a milliard and two hundred million, but they are not the top, why?
 They tremble if something happens in the world and being imputed to them, because the anger will be placed on them, Is this a life?!
 This happens because they prided of someone except Allah, and because they refused the superiority which comes by the religion, but they wanted the superiority that comes by something else.
 Dear Brother:

﴾ O you people worship Your Lord (Allah), Who Created you (21) ﴿

 Allah is the One who has created you, who educates you, and supplies you with what you need. Allah is the One who keeps our souls, He transmits it from one condition to another, from phase to phase, He is watching our deeds, He knows our secrets, He holds responsible on our notions, He owns everything, and the fate of everything is coming back to Him.

The divine person has no interest except in Allah:

 Brother, you should worship Allah, you should belong to Him, your loyalty should be for him, your love, your sincerity, your youth, your whole life should be for Him, your money, your intelligence, your fluent tongue, your experience, and your knowledge should be for Him.

﴾ Say (O Muhammad): "Verily, my Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).(162)﴿

[Al-An 'aam]

 That is the divine person:

﴾ On the contrary (he would say): "Be you Rabbaniyun (learned men of religion who practise what they know and also preach sh3er), because you are teaching the Book, and you are studying it."(79)﴿


 The divine person does not interest in anything but Allah, he works only for Allah, he seeks to please Allah, he never fear anybody but Allah, he wants only to obey Allah, and he doesn't fear anyone except Allah.  That is the monotheism, bring me twelve thousands Unitarians and they will not be beaten on the earth. It's mentioned in the Right Speech "Hadith":

((If there is a few of twelve thousands Unitarian people in my nation, they Will never be beaten))

[The small collector]

 The phrase: (they will never be beaten) gives the sense of negation eternizing:

((If there is a few of twelve thousands Unitarian people in my nation, they Will never be beaten))

[The small collector]

 If the whole society did not be reformed, you should reform yourself, if people did not reconcile with their Lord, you do; and if people did not apply the rules of Islam in their homes; then apply the rules of Islam in your home and work. Be with Allah and don't care about anything else.

The Names of Majesty, and the Names of Beauty:

 Dear Brother, this verse is essential:

﴾ O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah), Who created you and those who were before you so that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious).(21)﴿

 It's a stationary issue. Who can claim that he created people? Who can claim that he created the earth? Who can claim that he made rain fall down from the sky?
 It's something obvious, even the disbelief means the faith! How?
 The lingual meaning of "To disbelieve" is "To cover something", what's the thing that you cover? It's the faith.
 The infidel Says: "Islamic bank", it means that the other banks are not Islamic.

 Dear Brother:

﴾ O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah), Who created you and those who were before you so that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)(21)﴿

 You may fear His Majesty Names by His Beauty Names, His Majesty Names as: "The Irresistible Subduer"..

﴾ The blow of Allah your Creator, is hard and strong (12) ﴿


 Allah is Avenger, these are the Names of Majesty, how can you have the protection of them? By obeying Allah; that if you obey Him, you will obtain the Names of Beauty; Allah is The Merciful, The All-Kind, The All-Giver, The One Who Honors, The Exalter, and Allah is The Justice. You fear His Majesty Names by His Beauty Names.

Elements of the earth are various:

 Dear Brother, I have explained this verse in the last lesson, and the next verse is:

﴾ Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshipped).(22) ﴿

 Indeed, the bed is comfortable, it's designed only to rest upon it, it's soft, comfortable, clean, commensurate with your body, interacts with the lines of your body, and you relax upon it.
 Allah has presented a sample of something close to you. That the closest thing to the human when he sleeps is his bed, and the reason of giving this name is only because it is comfortable.
 Allah, Almighty, made the earth as a bed for you, it means that Allah made the earth tabular, if He made the earth wavy?! You may buy a land at the foot of a mountain on which you spend hundreds of thousands to make it terraces, something tiring, but Allah has made the earth like a bed for you, He made it tabular. What can you do if Allah has made the earth rocky ? Allah has made the earth as a soil which grows plantation for you, and He has made you settled on it by gravity. Allah made the earth like a bed for you, He deposited the water into it, He deposited the minerals, and He deposited the quasi-metals too.
 Elements of the earth are various for a great wisdom that Allah willed, He made a particular melting point for each element, while if Allah has made all the elements have the same melting point, you would find the whole earth is solid or liquid, or gas. You find a solid object, iron is hard, rock is hard, marble is hard, and metals are hard, tough and sturdy.
 Per contra, you find some soft objects, rubber, cork, some plants, wool, and cotton.
 Also there are liquid things, and gaseous things; this diversity between the solid, the sticky, the flexible, the liquid, and the gas, makes the earth like a bed, you need air to inhale, a gas, you need water to drink, a liquid, you need a bed to sleep, flexible, you need a hard metal like iron to make the vehicle and the plow. Allah made the earth like a bed, He made it grow.

Allah made the earth like a bed for settlement:

 Allah, The Greatest, made the earth like a bed in the sense that He made the reasons of settling and the continuation of your life in it. if you live in a house without water, you will leave it, if you live in a house which has no heating in the winter, you will leave it, if you live in a house where there is no air-conditioning in the summer, you will come out of it, and if you live in a house where there is no bed, how can you sleep on the ground?

 Why do you settle in this house? There is water, there is air, there is food, there is a refrigerator, guest room, living room, bathroom, kitchen, and room for children, these rooms, this furniture, and these tools are the means of stability and continuity in this house. As well as, Allah made in the Earth the reasons for your settling and continuation, so it is like the bed.
 You need a very light and strong metal to make a plane; it's the aluminum, this metal is distinct from sh3er, if the plane has been made of iron, the cost of flying would be ten times bigger, but the metal of which the plane is made must be solid and light at the same time, you need a metal that melts at one hundred degree, how can you make iron deals with stone? Your shop has a door, and you want to put the lock on the stone, as lead metal melts at one hundred degree, this metal has a unique specialty that when it cools its volume increases, so it is sufficient to carve a stone as a pear-form, then to put the iron in the carved stone, and to pour the lead, then when it cools, it will extend, and then there is a power which snatches the iron from stone. Who did create this metal specifically for this use? Allah, Almighty.
You need a metal to be valuable for specific things, Allah created gold and silver; the mission of these two metals is to be valuable for specific things like to make money. You need a metal that transports heat; it's copper, the power cables are made of copper, and kitchen utensils are made of copper.
 You need a flexible metal, it's tin; you need a hard metal, a solid metal, a resistant metal, and a stainless metal.
 I saw a picture of gold bullions which were extracted from the sea where they had sunk a century ago. The ship, which carried five tons of gold in the form of bullions, sank between America and Europe. It has been searched for and was found; by Allah, when the gold bullions were extracted as if they have been casted nowadays; a hundred years in the deep sea and the gold did not affected at all. This metal was created specially to be in cash.

There are animals which subservient specially for human:

 Aluminum has an advantage, lead has an advantage, copper has an advantage, and the talk about metals is too long. Each metal has characteristics, and if you have incorporated two metals, new features would result which are not in one of the two metals. Metallurgy is a wide deep science, and has a very large secrets.
 Who did create these metals? Who did create iron, the essential metal which is the support of our lives?

﴾ Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) that mankind may keep up justice. And We brought forth iron wherein is mighty power (in matters of war), as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help Him (His religion), and His Messengers in the unseen. Verily, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty. (25) ﴿


 Iron is one of the existence reasons of anything that your eyes see; all the tools are made of iron, and this is the meaning of the words of Allah, Almighty:

﴾ Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshipped).(22) ﴿

 There are fish that you eat, fowls, and animals; there are animals which were created subservient for you.

﴾ And We have subdued them unto them so that some of them they have for riding and some they eat. (72) ﴿


 The cow is subservient , but if it has been infected with madness, it would devastate everything, and at that time its owner is impelled to fire on it. Originally, the cow was created subservient, but if it has been infected with the disease of insanity, its owner would fire on it, despite that he paid one hundred thousand as a price for it, because it becomes evildoer. Who did make the cow subservient?
There is a sheep, and there is a hyena; who has put this soft disposition in the sheep? You never afraid of it, you never be awed by it, and it drifts to you, even in the slaughter, it drifts to you; while you afraid so much of the hyena.

Signs that indicate to the Greatness of Allah:

 The animal which you eat is subservient, and the water that you drink is subservient. Who did make this water fresh and sweet while it was bitter and brine?
 It's unbelievable thing, in order that the sea water evaporates then becomes cloud and turns into rain, and these rains be in the depths of the earth, these very wide water bodies have been made, as four fifths of the land are seas, and these seas evaporate to form clouds which become rain and settle inside the ground. Who did deposit springs in this land? In some countries you find four thousands islands, and in each island there is a spring which be suitable with the area of that island, and each island takes water from the mountains in Asia, so there are tubes from the depths of the mountains to these islands, this is made by Allah, Almighty.

﴾ Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshipped).(22) ﴿

 The land is surrounded with air, and the air is balanced, if the air has another form, if the rates of oxygen in the air were high, everything would burn, if the rations of coal gas were high, the fire would never flame at all, and if the plants breathe oxygen and give the coal gas like us, oxygen gas would be terminative for thousands of years , what is this wonderful balance?
 Plant breaths the coal gas and gives oxygen, while human breathes the oxygen and gives the gas of coal.

 The properties of water: colorless, odorless, tasteless, evaporates even fourteen degree, and its percolation is rapid; this water does not accept the pressure, if you have put one cubic meter of water, and put eight hundred tons above it, the water will not compressed not even one mm, but when water grows, there is nothing can stand in front of it. If water has frozen in steel, it would grow after freezing and the steel cracks by the reason of water growing.
 Water is designed, just like any item, that if you have iced it, it would shrink, but it grows at the critical temperature (+4), and except for this expansion, we would not be at this mosque, nor you would find any living creature on the surface of earth.
 The extending of water at the degree (+4) is the secret of life on earth; so Allah, Almighty, has made earth like bed by its air, its water, and by the rates of the sea to the land.

Allah has created everything in the earth for humans:

 The land has green areas, and arid deserts; someone may say: "What is the advantage of these deserts?
 If the whole earth has consisted of green areas, we would not live.
 These hot deserts form a temperature heats the air above, if the air has heated it would rarefy, so its pressure decreases; on the other hand, when the cold air shrinks, its pressure increases. The presence of two contrasting pressures causes the walking of wind, as the basis of wind constituting is two regions that have two contrasting pressures.
 The air in Arctic is shrunken, cold, and its pressure is high; while the air in the equator is rarefied and has a low pressure. The wind comes from north to south, and the earth spins, so the wind comes from north to south-east, and this is the trajectory of wind. The subject of wind has a long researches.

﴾ Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshipped).(22) ﴿

 As well as Allah, Almighty, has prepared the basics for us, He has given us the beautified things like flowers; there are some folders, about eighteen volumes, in each page of these folders you find a flower drawing, and all these pages in the eighteen volumes are the types of flowers that Allah has created for the human; so, the flowers have been created for honoring the human being, the aromatic smells has been created for honoring the human being, and the spice have been created for honoring the human being. There are many foods, there are many plants, and there are many odors that the purpose of them is to redress your life with, and the objective of them is to enjoy them; and this refers to Allah's Name "The-Loving":

﴾ Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshipped). (14) Owner of the throne, the Glorious (15) He does what He intends (or wills).(16)﴿


 All of these ideas are from the meaning of:

﴾ Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshipped).(22)﴿

Night and day are signs on the Greatness of The Creator:

 Actually, brother, the talk about "the earth is like a bed" does not end. Everything in the earth is intended for human, starting with the size of the earth, as if the size of the earth was ten times bigger than the actual size, your weight would be ten times bigger than your weight now, if the earth's size was tenth of its actual size, your weight would be tenth of your weight now, and if there was no gravity, life would be intolerable because Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ Is not He (better than your gods) Who has made the earth as a fixed abode, and has placed rivers in its midst, and has placed firm mountains therein, and has set a barrier between the two seas (of salt and sweet water).Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Nay, but most of them know not.(61)﴿


 You are stable by gravity, and there's another thing: if the night was one hundred hours, life becomes intolerable; you sleep and wake up, then you sleep and wake up, as your need for sleep is not more than eight hours, and the night is one hundred hours, you will find people working at night, and no one sleeps, that causes noise and work.
 Our Lord, Almighty, has made the night twelve hours, and the day twelve hours, and both the day and night vary from season to season, so even the day and night are designed for the human.
 The weight of human is designed too. For example, this proportionality: The milk which cow produces agrees in an amazing way with human body, and it is a perfect food, because Allah who has created the human is He who has created the cow, and He has created the milk specially for human, as the youngster of the cow needs only two Kg of milk in a day, while the cow gives about forty Kg.
 You benefit from everything that the sheep has; you benefit from its skin, wool, meat, fat, grease, intestines, and all of its organs, so it has been created especially for you.

Fruits are signs on the Greatness of Allah:

 Fruits.. Look at the apple; its shape is beautiful, its size is reasonable, its smell is fragrant, its peel is preventive, its taste is delicious, it contains useful nutritious elements, it contains sugars and metals, and it contains iron. Who did made its components, its elements, and its shape? How can you eat the apple if it is like the rock? You need to a pebble mill, and you can't eat it; But the shape and peel of apple are reasonable, even its picking is easy.
 If you want to pull a bunch of grapes, it would be squeezed in your hand and it does not be pulled, while in a contrary movement you can pick it from the tree.
 Everything is designed. The melon must be matured in ninety days because it's summer fruit, and if it had matured in one day, you would not take the advantage of it at all; and also the vegetables.
 While crops must be matured in one day in order to facilitate its reaping. Fruits are programmed, as in each period of summer a kind of fruit matures, starting with this fruit then this fruit; so fruits are programmed with each other, and programmed in the maturity of itself; also you find the big fruits on the ground, if they had been on the trees, many death incidents would happen; if a watermelon, which its weight is twelve Kg, has fallen on a human, he may die. Watermelon are on the ground, and the light fruits are on trees, and the trees are nearby. It's an amazing design in the universe.

 This earth is the place where the human rests, and that because of its size, the rates of water to dry land, its night and day, and because of its sun; if the sun was closer, everything on the ground would burn.  Before weeks, for example, the temperature has reached fifty-one degree, that people wished to go out of their skins. Who did design the moderate temperature between five and thirty-five around the year? That's the meaning of "Earth is like a bed".
 The volume of the earth, and the globular shape of it, the sun, the night and day, the gravity, the air and water, the crops, the fruits and vegetables, the fish and fowls, the minerals and semi-metals, the vitamins, and the design of fruits and vegetables with your body, all of this has been made because it is something comfortable that make the earth as a bed for you.

Don’t forget that Allah has created the earth as a bed for you:

 Dear brother, these examples never end, and I only mentioned few of them which I have remembered through delivering this lesson; but the examining of these facts includes all the earth; when you say:

﴾ All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). (2) ﴿


 When you kneel and genuflect don't forget that Allah, Glory be to Him, has created the earth as a bed for you. Allah has allowed you to build a house, He has given you raw materials for building; fundamentally, this cement is not man-made. Who did give this material, the cement, its properties that made the building process easy for you? Who did give the iron its properties that made the building process easy for you? Who did create the liquid fuel which has facilitated your transportation?
 Because the holy verse:

﴾ And (He has created) horses, mules and donkeys, for you to ride and as an adornment. And He creates (other) things of which you have no knowledge.(8)﴿


 The creation of the vehicle, the plane, and the ship were attributed to Allah; and the meaning of "were attributed to Allah" is that He who has created their raw materials, and He who has created the liquid fuel, which Allah has put in the land. Who did create this energy?

﴾ Who rendered for you from the green trees fuel for fire-wood, coal, oil, gas – and you cause it to burn (80) ﴿


 The last theory of oil says that: in rain ages the giant plants had been embedded in the underground, and these embedded plants are stored energy so they became petrol. Oil industries are innumerable, even the oil consumption in fuel is unreasonable because oil has another uses, now you can use oil in everything; and that is the meaning of " the earth is like a bed".

The earth still has wealth that only Allah knows:

 There is something remarkable, in the Grand Mosque of Mecca and Al-Medina there is a white marble that if you have trodden it at noon, when the temperature under the sun may reach eighty degree, you would find the marble cool, something incredible, that marble is one of the rare types of marble in the world; as if Allah has designed it for the pilgrims and visitors who must perform the circumambulation barefoot.
 The evidence is: If the old marble under the halls has exposed to the sun then you walked on it, exactly you feel as if you put your hand on a hot iron, you can't walk on it. Who did design this marble?

 Everything on earth is ready, and the earth is still contains wealth that only Allah knows. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth, and all that is between them, and all that is under the soil.(6)﴿


 Minerals and metals which had been discovered and undiscovered.

 There are a million species of fish only in the sea, not a million fish, but a million species of fish, starting from "The blue whale" which weighs a hundred and fifty tons, this huge creature is something incredible, a city, as ninety barrels of oil come out of it, it contains fifty tons of meat, fifty tons of fat, and the blue whale contains numbers for its liver, brain and stomach, something incredible; and its youngster sucks three hundred kg in each suck time, and it needs three times of sucking in the day, so it nearly sucks one ton of milk; and ending with small decorative fish which you see in some fish aquariums, you find them in several colors: yellow, green, phosphorus, transparent, and black. That decorative fish is only for enjoying its looking.
 Plants; The palm, for example, may live six thousand years; there are palm trees which are still existing since the era of the Prophet, peace be upon Him, and we eat their dates in our days. So the palm tree lives six thousand years, and gives the dates which contain forty-six food items. Date is a pharmacy. Also honey, what do I say?
There are innumerable types of plants.

Allah has exploited everything for human to honor him:

 Once, I went to a Western country and entered a place where vegetables are sold and I saw ten types which I do not know their names or forms, a strange thing, the types of plants are countless; also the kinds of flowers, the types of fowls, the types of fish, the types of metals, and the types of minerals; all of what have been mentioned are for human. Allah has exploited everything in order to honor us, but human is unaware of Allah:

﴾ To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth, and all that is between them, and all that is under the soil.(6)﴿


 On the other hand, the one who all these blessings were exploited for him, is the inattentive only, then what is his attitude in the Day of Resurrection when he will find all the creatures, which were exploited for him, glorify Allah, Almighty?
 I swear by Allah, O brother, that if we have known the truth, we could not sleep.
 If you know how your situation will be after the death, then you would not eat any food by a desire, you would not enter your homes to seek shelter in, and you would go to the top of hills to weep for yourselves.

﴾ So, by your Lord (O Muhammad), We shall certainly call all of them to account (92) For all that they used to do.(93)﴿


 So, I swear by Allah that I didn't mention anything from the meaning of this word:

﴾ Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshipped).(22) ﴿

 Earth is completely "A place where you settle". In the hot weather you find ways to mitigate the heat; and in the cold weather, there are fuel and heaters. You need water, water is existing and you can get it out from anywhere, if you have drilled a well in any place you would get the water. Who did deposit the water in the depth of earth? Allah, Almighty. The system of rain, and the system of wind, all these need to be studied.

The believer should praise Allah for guiding him:

 Dear brother, the phrase "A place where you settle" is very precise that we have to thank Allah, Almighty, so much; and when human stands in the presence of Allah, Almighty, to say:

﴾ All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). (2) ﴿


 Did you praise Allah who has created you? Did you praise Allah who has supplied you? Did you praise Allah who has guided you to worship him?
 There are nations, in some countries we find nine hundred million of people who worship the cow, the Japanese nation worship the penis of the man, other nations worship the rats, nations worship the fire, and the civilized nations worship their whims, it means that they worship the woman, they worship their desires.

﴾ Have you (O Muhammad) seen him who has taken as his ilah (god) his own desire? Would you then be a Wakil (a disposer of his affairs or a watcher) over him?(43)﴿


 But only the believer worships Allah, he worships the Creator of the universe, he worships the Lord of the Worlds, he worships the Impeller, he worships the All-Wise, he worships the All-Able, and he worships the All-Rich:

﴾ O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah), Who created you and those who were before you so that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious).(21) Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshipped).(22) ﴿

 In another lesson we will continue explaining this verse, by the willing of Allah.

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