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Scientific Topics- Scientific Topics from Sermons- Lesson(335): The Human Skeleton
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

The secret: Human skeleton:

In fact, the human skeleton, which is the pillar on which our human body stands, is one of the marvelous Signs that bespeak Allah’s Infinite Divine Greatness. It is made up of tough strong tissues that resist forces of push and pull.
Human Skeleton

Human skeleton

One of the most important jobs that this tough and strong tissue, the skeleton, does is that it protects the noble organs of the human body, such as the brain, which is located in the skull,
Human Skeleton

The skull in which the brain is located

the spinal cord, which is located in the spinal column,
Human Skeleton

Spinal column in which spinal cord in located

the heart, which is located in chest, the womb, which is located in the pelvis, and factories of red blood corpuscles, which are located in the bones. In short, without the skeleton, man would be a shapeless mass of flesh and skin.

Pieces and structure of human skeleton:

The skeleton is made up of 200 pieces that are both hard and tough and have a very strong and solid external structure and a spongy internal structure that is full of pores. If the internal structure of bones were external, we would weigh four times as much as we normally do, i.e. if your normal weight is 70 kg’s, you would weigh 240 kg’.

In this context, I would like to repeat the biologists’ great saying: In the structure of bones, maximum results are achieved by minimum equipment. In other words, in the bone-tissues there is a marvelous balance between a resisting structure and lightness of weight.

A man-made airplane weighs 150 tons. Its fuel, which also weighs 150 tons, enables it to fly only for 14 hours. If it were made of 300 tons of iron, it would also need 300 tons of fuel.

If our weight were four times as it actually is, we would suffer a lot of problems such as those related to beauty and unnecessary waste of power.

Constant processes of construction and destruction in the human skeleton:

The remarkable thing about the skeleton is that it undergoes a constant process of construction and destruction. In other words, a person’s skeleton is renewed five times during his/her life. This means that every six or seven years, you have a completely new skeleton, thanks to this constant construction-destruction process, which takes place in your skeleton.

This constant process of construction and destruction helps fracture recovery, which is one of Allah’s Magnificent Blessings on mankind. It also makes bones as stores of Calcium, from which the body takes Calcium in case of need. For, example, if a pregnant mother needs more Calcium for the construction of the bones of her embryo, she can take the needed Calcium from that which is stored in her own bones.

Also, there are special hormones that regulate the growth of bones and make it stop at a certain extent. Without such hormones, man would be either a dwarf or a giant. By the way, the shortest human being is 55 cm’s tall, and the tallest one is 240 cm’s tall. And giant-ness and dwarf-ness have to do with hormones of growth.

Another thing: ossification begins at the embryonic stage and continues, after birth, until the age at which tallness growth is complete, i.e. the age of 17-21. A layer of cartilage remains at the ends of bones to absorb shocks, like pieces of rubber placed between pieces of iron. In other words, between vertebrae there are cartilaginous discs that absorb shocks and make man’s life comfortable.

Human Skeleton

Lumber vertebrae and Intervertebral disc

Another amazing thing: at the joints between bones, there is a special sticky liquid that makes movement easy. Such liquid renews itself every now and then.

Human Skeleton

Image of the synovial joint

To wrap up, the foregoing facts about the skeleton and bones show clearly that the skeleton is one of Allah’s Marvelous Signs that bespeak His Infinite Divine Greatness!

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