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Scientific Topics from Sermons- Lesson (166): The Pancreas and Diabetes
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

What are the functions of the Pancreas in human body?

1. The role of the fluid secreted by the Pancreas:

In fact, this common and widespread disease, diabetes, results from the fact that the Creator, Allah, All Mighty, has endued man with a special magnificent gland called “the pancreas”. As soon as food gets into the stomach and reacts with the digestive gastric juice, it turns into an acidic substance. This acidic substance stimulates special nerves, located in the  intestinal wall , which stimulate the brain to give orders to the pancreas to produce chemicals and juices that regulate the degree of food acidity. In other words, the first and foremost job of the pancreas is that it produces, under orders by the brain, chemicals and juices that make food alkaline. This is the first primary function of the pancreas.

Furthermore, pancreas makes pancreatic juices called enzymes that digest protein. Thus, digestion begins in the stomach, then continues in the intestines with the help of the pancreatic enzymes.

Also, it affects Carbohydrate digestion which begins in the mouth. For example, when eating bread, if you chew a piece of bread for a long time it tastes sweet, because saliva enzymes break down carbohydrates into glucose. So, this is the first primary function of these enzymes. 

2. Changing the sugar stored in the liver and muscles to make it burnable:

  The second job of the pancreas is to change the sugar stored in the liver and muscles and make it burnable. This is because sugar existing in the human body is of two kinds: one for storing and another for consuming; and a special hormone from the pancreas must interfere in order to make stored sugar burnable.

3. Producing insulin:

  Another very important role of the pancreas is that it produces insulin that makes sugar consumable and burnable. If the pancreas fails to produce insulin, sugar begins to show in urine, which causes slow metabolism.

 Yes, indeed! It is but a tiny gland, the pancreas, about which most people are careless, yet it does most important jobs. Such is the Creation of the All Wise and Omniscient Creator, Allah, Glory to Him, Who says,

﴾ And also in your own selves, will you not then see?! ﴿

[ Adh-Dhariyat; 21 ]

Human body is a sign:

In brief, in our human body lurk innumerable magnificent Signs that bespeak Allah’s Infinite Greatness. If we spent all of our lifetime enumerating and contemplating such Divine Signs, we would never be able to do so. Glory to Allah, Lord of all worlds, Who created man in the very best stature, Who shaped man in the very best shape, and Who made man in the very best form!

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