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Scientific topics from sermons- Lesson (080): The Stomach and Castle Factor
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Dear brother, the stomach, with which the Almighty Creator, Allah, Glory to Him, has endued our human bodies, needs lots and lots of pages to write about. But in he following pages, however, we will be interested in only one of the Marvelous Signs that bespeak Allah’s Infinite Divine Greatness, namely the fact that Allah, All Mighty, has equipped our human stomach with four layers, or membranes, some of which are muscular and consist of different kinds of muscles: circular, straight, and bent muscles. Contractions and expansions of these different kinds of muscles are meant to help the process of digestion.

 The important thing about the stomach is that it has more than 35,000,000 digestive glands, i.e. 8,00 glands in each cubic centimeter. These glands produce enzymes and HCL (hydrochloride acid), a substance that melts everything, even meat. But the question to which no one has so far found an answer is: Why does not the stomach digest itself? Although the stomach is made of flesh and the substance that it produces (HCL) digests flesh, so why does the stomach not digest itself? It is indeed a big question that no one has so far been able to answer!

 The remarkable thing, however, is that some scientists said: “The red corpuscles, which are made by special factories located in the marrow of bones, do not grow fully unless they are supervised by a well-known vitamin, (B12). More amazingly, this vitamin cannot reach the blood or get stored in the liver unless a special protein substance that has a high atomic weight accompanies it. This substance, which scientists call “Castle Factor”, is produced by the stomach. In other words, this very important vitamin, (B12), cannot get into the blood or be stored in the liver unless accompanied by this substance produced by the stomach. Therefore, the factories located in the marrow of bones manufacture more than 2.5,000,000 red corpuscles per second.

 Storage of only 5 micrograms of this important vitamin, (B12), which supervises growth of the red corpuscles, in the liver suffices the human body for five years. This is because the human body consumes only 1 milligram of this vitamin every year. Of course, it must be accompanied by the Castle factor produced by the stomach.

 Another thing: the body’s daily need of this vitamin is 3 – 5 micrograms; and a microgram is 1/1,000,000 gram. If a person’s stomach were removed from the body, this Castle factor would not be available to accompany vitamin (B12) into the liver. What would happen then? The human body would be afflicted with such serious diseases and illness as: malignant anemia, inflammation of the tongue, stomach emaciation, marrow infection, difficulty in swallowing, low physical activity, melancholy, foot anesthesia, and lack of balance. All of these serious illnesses are caused by the lack of only a few milligrams of this vital element in the liver.

 What a great Divine Accuracy in the creation of man!

“Does man think that he will be left unheeded? Was he not a sperm drop of semen emitted? Then, he became a clot; then, He (Allah) shaped and fashioned (him) in due proportion, and made of him two sexes, male and female.”

[Adh-Dhariat; 36-39]

  Dear borthers, you are honored by Allah, you were created for a purpose so don’t waste life for nothing. Time is the most valuable thing.

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