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Scientific topics from sermons- Lesson (346)- Ablution and its medical benifits
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  


The content of a research about wudu':

 In a scientific study carried out by a number of medical professors of a university of one of the Arab Muslim countries it was confirmed that a person who performs Wudu’ (Ritual Ablution) five times a day cleanses his nose from germs, dust and other connected things. It was also confirmed that those who do not perform Wudu’ (Ritual Ablution) are more liable to a number of different kinds of germs, nearly 11 kinds of germs.

 Undoubtedly, Wudu’ (Ritual Ablution) protects the body from mycosis in the toes, skin infections and suppurations as well as pus accumulations. It also minimizes possibility of skin cancers, as it removes chemical substances from the skin before they accumulate thereon. That is why skin cancers are rare in Islamic countries.

 Also, massage of the different parts of the body, which is done in Wudu’ (Ritual Ablution), stimulates blood circulation and causes more blood to flow through the whole body, particularly to the brain and kidneys. Moreover, Wudu’ prevents mal-function of the central nerve system and activates memory. In this context, it goes without saying that in Islam Salat (Prayer) is not proper or acceptable away from purity of body, garments, and place of prayer. To this effect, Abi Malik Al-Ash’ari, quoted Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), as saying,

“Cultic purity constitutes one half of Faith.”

[Narrated by Muslim (223), At-Tirmithi (3517), Ibn Majah (280), Ahmad (22953), and Ad-Darimi (653)]

Scary facts:

 By virtue of statistics carried out by the International Health Organization, the number of people that suffer from diseases caused by impurity or dirtiness was amazingly 300,000,000 people. Intentionally or unintentionally, however, Muslims, who are commanded to perform Wudu’ (Ritual Ablution), are free from such diseases, simply because Wudu’ (Ritual Ablution) prevents such diseases of impurity that are, therefore, unknown among Muslims.

 It has been rightly said: “Making use of something is not part of the knowledge thereof.” In other words, it is possible that you perform Wudu’ (Ritual Ablution) by way of obedience to the Lord, Allah, All-Mighty, and, hence, you reap the good fruits thereof, even though you may not know all, or any, of the benefits of Wudu’. If you desire to get the benefits of Allah’s Divine Commands, all you have to do is to obey them, believing that they are the Absolute Good coming from Allah, All-Mighty, Most Gracious.

 To sum up, when man commits himself to Allah’s Divine Religion, he is made to live in utmost happiness and prosperity, utmost welfare and protection, utmost security and safety, and utmost success and achievement. This is because welfare, all welfare, prosperity, all prosperity, success, all success, excellence, all excellence, and wisdom, all wisdom, are in obeying the Lord, Allah, All-Mighty, Most Gracious. To this effect, Allah, Glory to Him, says,

“And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed achieved a great achievement.”

[XXXIII; 71]

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