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Friday Sermon (0990): The Significance and Virtue of the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah, s2. Strengthening the Fear of Allah
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Virtue of the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah:

 Dear brother, among the great blessings from Allah to his pious slaves are the occasions for worship and increasing good deeds. One of these occasions are the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.  The virtue of these ten days is referred to in Qur’an and Sunnah. Allah says,


((By the dawn; By the ten nights (i.e. the first ten days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah),))


[Al-Fajr, 1-2]

 Ibn Kuthair said, "Those ten nights in the ayah are the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.")). Ibn Abbas said the same.
 Dear brother,
 ((Ibn Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said,

"There are no days during which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days; meaning the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. They inquired, "Not even Jihad in the cause of Allah?" He said, "Not even Jihad in the cause of Allah, unless one goes out for Jihad sacrificing both his life and property and returns with neither."))


 Listen again to what Allah says,

((By the dawn; By the ten nights (i.e. the first ten days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah))

 Allah refers to these ten days in another ayah, He says,

(( and mention the Name of Allah on appointed days (i.e. 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th day of Dhul-Hijjah) )

[Al-Hajj, 28]

 Ibn Abbas said, "The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah."

((Abdullah Ibne 'Umar radiyallahu anhu related that the prophet (PBUH) said, "There are no days that are greater before Allah or in which good deeds are more beloved to Him, than these ten days, so reauthor a great deal of tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed during them."))

[Ahmad, 7/224]

 Saeed Ibn Jubair used to strive hard in worship during these ten days till he could not take it anymore.Ibn Hijr said in Al Fateh: ((what proves the virtue of the ten days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, is that the Msh3er of believers (the Prophet’s wives PBUH) used to gather in order to perform Salah (prayer), Sawm (fasting), Sadaqah (charity), and Hajj. These acts of worship can never be performed all together but during these ten days))

 Now let us go into details.

Recommended acts of worship to be performed in the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah:

 What are the desirable acts of worship during these days?

1- Salat (prayer):

 Salah is the first act of worship that will make you close to Allah. It is recommended during these ten days that obligatory Salah are performed on time, and that Nawafel (supererogatory acts of worship) are performed more often.


Ma’dan Ibn Abi Talhah Al Ya’mori said, "I have met Thaoban, the servant of the prophet PBUH, and I said, "Tell me of the dearest deeds to Allah."He kept silent. Then I asked him again, and he kept silent. Then I asked him for the third time, and he answered, "I asked the Prophet PBUH about that and he said: "Perform Salah more often. For every prostration that you perform before Allah, will raise your position one degree and will remit one of your sins."



2- Sawm (fasting):

 The second act of worship is Sawm. It is recommended to be performed, for it is listed among the other righteous deeds.

((Hunaidah Ibn Khaled reported that his wife said, "Some of the wives of the Prophet PBUH told me that the Prophet PBUH, used to The Prophet used to fast on the first nine days of Dhul-Hijjah and the day of Ashura, and three days each month, the first Monday of the month and two Thursdays."))

[Abu Dawood, 2/462]

 Imam An- Nawawi said, "It is desirable to offer Sawm during the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, but not further than that."

3- Takbeer, Tahleel and Tahmeed:

 Takbeer (Allah is Most Great), Tahleel (There is no god but Allah) and Tahmeed (All praises be to Allah) are reported in the above mentioned Hadith,

((…so reauthor a great deal of tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed during them."))

 Imam Al Bukhari- May Allah have mercy on his soul- said, "Ibn Umar and Abu Hurairah used to say Allah is most Great when they went out to the market place during the ten days (of Dhul-Hijjah). Thus, people there would immediately say the same when they heard the two men."
He also said,

"Takbeer is said during the days when people are in Mina, and on the Day of Arafah. Umar, May Allah be pleased with him, used to say takbeer in his dome in Mina so that people in the Masjid could hear him, and they would start saying takbeer. Then, those who were in the markets said takbeer until Mina vibrated with it."


 Dear brother, the takbeer that people say is as follows, "Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great, there is no god but Allah; Allah is Most Great and to Allah be praise. "

4- Fasting on the day of Arafah:

 Dear brother, what proves offering Sawm on the day of Arafah, is what was authenticated about the Prophet PBUH:

((Aboo Qatãdah Al-Ansãri radiyallahu anhu narrated that Rasoolullah sallalahu alayhi wasallam was asked about the fast on the day of Arafah. He said, "It compensates for the (minor) sins of the past and the coming year."))


 However, if one was offering Hajj, it is not desirable for himto offer Sawm on the day of Arafah. The Prophet PBUH himself didn’t offer Sawm on that day., Hence, it is only desirable for those who do not perform Hajj. The pilgrim breaks his fast on that day in order to be able to make Du’a and perform the act of worship in this greatest meet between a man and his Lord.

The virtue of the day of Nahr (Scarifying animals):

 Dear brother, some scholars said that the day of Nahr is the best one ever to Allah. It is the day of the greatest Hajj and the first day of Eid Al-Adhha.

((It is narrated in Sunan Abu Dawood that Abdullah Ibn Qirt said that the Prophet PBUH said, "One of the greatest days in the sight of Allah the Almighty is the Day of Nahr (the Day of Sacrifice) and then the day of Qarr (the 11th day of Dhul-Hijjah.)"))

[Abu Dawood]

 The day of Qarr is the day when people settle down in Mina.

 We are in the seasons of worship. You know dear brother that we, Muslims, celebrate our Eids after performing major acts of worship. Eid Al Fitr comes after Sawm (of Ramadan), and Eid Al Adha comes after Hajj. Thus, whosoever strives hard in worship during these ten days, will be elevated high to a close rank of those who are offering Hajj in Makkah.

The virtue of Udhiah of Eid (the meat of the scarified animal):

 Dear brother, as for the Udhiah, I will tackle this subject in another lecture. Sacrificing an animal to feed starving people is a great deed, so the scholars said, "Giving out meat is better than giving out its price."

 Some poor people may be in debt, so if you offer them money, they will pay their debts instead of eating meat. Their children in this case will starve.

((Abu Hurairah said, "The Prophet PBUH said, "Whosoever has the financial ability to slaughter a sacrifice but he did not, shall never come near to our Musallah (prayer place). "))


 You can choose the day on which you will slaughter your animal. You can sacrifice your animal either on the first day of (the Day of Nahr) or on Tashreek days (the next three days of Eid). Concerning the mean of the animal, you may eat it, and you may send it as a gift to your friends and the poor since you can afford to slaughter it.. It was narrated in some As7adeth that the best Muslim is the one who feeds other people as it was

 Dear brother, let us move to another topic which revolves around the fact that man is a mobile creature not a still one. What are the factors that make him mobile? The desires which are installed in him by Allah. Allah says,

((Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present world's life; but Allah has the excellent return (Paradise with flowing rivers, etc.) with Him.))

[Aal-Imran, 14]

Desires are means to sublime to Allah:

 Some people think mistakenly that had not man had these desires, he would not have been miserable and he would not have been in Hell. Actually had not we had these desires, we would have never been elevated high in the sight of the Lord of heavens and earth.

 How can we draw close to Allah? Allah has installed desires in mankind, and the latter has the freedom of choice to satisfy those desires freely and unconditionally. This is exactly what happens nowadays; desires are satisfied unconditionally. Consequently, incestuous affairs are widely spread in most countries. However, great Islam gives you healthy and safe ways through which you can satisfy these desires according to the Divine Method that would elevate you high.

 Every installed desire in mankind has a legitimate path to be satisfied through. Thus, there is no deprivation in Islam, and all the enjoining orders are set up for your own safety and happiness. These enjoining orders are similar to the breaks in a car. Their function is to hold back (stop) the car although the car itself has to move. Someone may think that the function of the breaks contradicts the purpose the car was made for, but he will realize later that they are there for its safety. Be careful, if you do not abide by the enjoining orders, you will be a dumb and a blind person who is detached from Allah by a screen.

 Dear brother, I have mentioned repeatedly that man is a moving creature. I would like to comment on this fact; since he is a moving creature, he has his own pleasures according to his perspective, honor and value. Thus, they are different from those of other people. The most honorable person is the one who draws close to Allah the Almighty, performs good deeds and serves other creatures.
 The pleasure of the believer is drawing close to Allah and working hard to please Him. There are innumerous ranks below the one of the believer which no one knows but Allah. These ranks may end up at the bottom where pleasures are enjoyed by committing grave sins of talks and deeds. The believer will get out of his own skin if he is asked to enjoy the pleasures the way a deviated man does, and vise versa.. Hence, tell me what pleasures you enjoy, and I will tell you who you are.

 The higher a believer’s rank is, the better his determination and happiness will be in approaching Allah, in knowing Him, in relieving sh3er' pains, in doing good deeds with which he will meet Allah, in comprehending Allah’s and the Prophet’s words and in the great achievement which he will benefit from after death. In addition to all these, a believer will be on cloud nine if Allah helps him to have an endless deed that will never stop even after his death.

((Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: A continuous charity, knowledge by which people derive benefit, pious son who prays for him.''))


The believer is in dire need of a good deed:

 Triumph lies in having a good deed that will last till the Day of Resurrection. You can notice how the great achievements of the noble companions, their followers and remarkable scholars are still alive till this day.

 Dear brother, when you believe that you are created for paradise, you will insist on paying the price of it in the worldly life although life is full of difficulties. The existence of paradise is absolutely conditioned by the existence of the worldly life. Listen to what people will say the minute they enter paradise,

((All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has fulfilled His Promise to us and has made us inherit (this) land. We can dwell in Paradise where we will))

[Az-Zumar, 74]

 We will never be in paradise if we do not pass the test successfully, if we do not satisfy the desires installed in us according to the Divine Method and if we do not avoid what is prohibited and do what is permissible.

 If someone studies at a university, acquires high scientific degree and has high income that makes him rich, he will definitely be proud of the university he studies at when he stands in front of it. In his own view this university is what makes him the person he is. Allah says,

((And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has fulfilled His Promise to us and has made us inherit (this) land. We can dwell in Paradise where we will;))

[At-Taubah, 103]

The paradise of worldly life and the one of the hereafter:

 Dear brother, some scholars said, "Whosoever doesn’t enter the worldly paradise, will never enter the paradise in the hereafter. The worldly paradise is the one you live in as long as you are close to Allah. "
 As if Allah the Almighty encourages the believer to live in this paradise. Allah shows us the similarity between the happiness of people who live in the paradise of the worldly life and the one that they will feel in the paradise of the hereafter. This is how some scholars interpret the following ayah,

((But for him who [the true believer of Islamic Monotheism who performs all the duties ordained by Allah and His Messenger Muhammad, and keeps away (abstain) from all kinds of sin and evil deeds prohibited in Islam and] fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two Gardens (i.e. in Paradise).))

[Ar-Rahman, 46]

 "Whosoever doesn’t enter the worldly paradise, will never enter the paradise in the hereafter. The worldly paradise is the one you live in as long as you are close to Allah. "

 Here is the Quranic proof,

((And admit them to Paradise which He has made known to them (i.e. they will know their places in Paradise more than they used to know their houses in the world).))

[Muhammad, 6]

 "He has made known to them, " means He gave them the chance to taste it in the worldly life. It is the paradise of being close to Him. Hence, you will be in indescribable bliss once you are with Allah the Almighty. Even if you lose everything in your life, you will be very happy when you feel Allah’s tranquility deep in your heart. Yet, if you are deprived from tranquility you will be miserable although you own everything.

 The image that I give you of being close to Allah is not exaggeration, nor is it extremism. You will the happiest man on earth, even if you are in an isolated room in the worst place on earth, because Allah is by your side. However, you will be the most miserable person on earth, even if you are in a very big house that is surrounded by beautiful scenery in the most beautiful spot on earth, because you are deprived from Allah’s tranquility.

If your eyes had seen the beauty that other people saw,
you would have never turned your back on us for other’s sake
* * *
But I hope to find sweetness in You (O Allah) when life becomes bitter
And I hope to find You pleased when the people become angry
* * *

 I do not want religion to be no more than notions, evidences and texts. I want to focus on religion being means in drawing close to Allah, in loving Him, in connecting to Him and in achieving happiness.

 The abstract ideas in Islam are merely a map of a palace, whereas being close to Allah means to dwell in this palace. The subtle meanings in Islam are just a photo of the external parts a vehicle, whereas being close to Allah means to drive this vehicle, to use it, to make the best out of it and to enjoy all its advantages.

 Dear brother, the most successful individual is the one whose worldly graces are connected to the ones of the hereafter. Verify, when man keeps straight and follows the right Path of Allah, he will be safe, and when he draws close to Him, he will be in a bliss. When death comes to such a person, his status will be similar to the one mentioned in the following ayah,

((It was said (to him when the disbelievers killed him): "Enter Paradise." He said: "Would that my people knew!))

[Ya-Sin, 26]

Scientific fact: the functions of the amniotic fluid:

 Dear brother, the amniotic fluid surrounds the embryo. This fluid has many functions:
1- It provides the embryo with nutrition.
2- It eases its movement in its mother’s womb.
3- It protects the embryo by stretching itself to surround the its whole body, like the spaceship and the brain, if the mother’s womb is hit by something.
4- Its temperature is stable; no matter how cold the weather is, the embryo will not be affected by it. As if this fluid is an air conditioner in cold and hot weather.

5- This fluid prevents the body of the embryo from sticking to the womb.
6- It facilitates delivery;as the baby is easily delivered from the most narrow places.
7- It sterilizes the path from all kinds of infections or bacteria.

 Hence, this fluid is one of the sings of Allah’s mercy upon us.
 Suppose that this embryo were asked to get out of the womb. It would absolutely refuse and would hold on tight to it. It would think that leaving this place is a real disaster.

 The Prophet PBUH said,

((The believer comes out of the limited space of life (when he dies) to the vast space of the hereafter, like when the baby comes out of the limited space of womb to the wide space of life))

[Mentioned in the relic]

 I once had my Iftar (fast breaking) in Ramadan next to an astronaut. I said to him, "You were in your mother’s womb in a space that is about seventy five centimeter square cube, then you traveled to the space and was able to see the earth like a ball, just as we all see it in pictures. "How many years passed between being in mother’s womb and becoming an astronaut who travels to the moon?

 Dear brother,

((The believer comes out of the limited space of life (when he dies) to the vast space of the hereafter, like when the baby comes out of the limited space of womb to the wide space of life))

 Allah says,

((It was said (to him when the disbelievers killed him): "Enter Paradise." He said: "Would that my people knew!))

[Ya-Sin, 26]

The happiest moments ever for the Muslim are the ones when he meets Allah:

 Dear brother, this fact encourages us to shed the light on some of the Prophet’s As7adeth such as,, "Death is the believer’s wedding,"and "Death is the believer’s masterpiece. "


 This is how a poor one will feel if he is promised to get a high degree from a well known and an advanced country, which guarantees you the highest position in your specialty, the most luxurious house, the most beautiful resort, the most beautiful wife and the most extravagant car.

 Let us say that you study for seven years, work in restaurants at night, guard someone’s building in the afternoon, and study during the day in order to get your license and book the ticket to go back to your home land. Is not getting the ticket and be in the plane back to your home the happiest moment in your life? This is how a believer feels when death puts an end to his life.

 Dear brother, when you read the biography of the honorable companions, you will notice that there is something in common between them all; it is how they feel the last moments of their lives. These moments are the happiest in their lives.. A companion’s daughter said while her father was dying, "Alas. " Her father said, "Do not say that. Your father will not be distressed after today, for tomorrow I will meet the beloved (Muhammad PBUH and his companions. "

 The Prophet PBUH wanted to make sure that Sa’d bin Ar-Rabee’ was still alive or not after the battle of Uhud, so he sent one of his companions to look for him. A man from the Ansar looked for him, and he found him among the injured. Sa’d was breathing his last, so the man came nearer to him and said, "The messenger of Allah ordered me to see whether you are alive or dead. "He said to him faintly, "I am dead. Send my regards to the messenger of Allah and tell him that Sa’d bin Ar-Rabee’ says to you, "May Allah reward you with all goodness as ever He has rewarded a prophet on behalf of his nation. Tell your people that Sa’d bin Ar-Rabee’ says to you, "There shall be no excuse to you in front of Allah if your prophet is hurt while there is an eye twinkling among you. "

 There is a big difference between considering death a real catastrophe, and considering it a wedding, a joyful occasion and a masterpiece. This is how the views of the believer differ from that of the disbeliever.

 By Allah dear brother, many cardiologists from far countries told me about the reaction of patients when they are told that they are suffering from dangerous diseases and that they will die soon. When they hear that, they faint, have a nervous breakdown, burst in tears, slap their faces, feel sorry for their lives and talk about their children. There is a big difference between those people and the companions, may Allah be pleased with them. People nowadays are almost alike, yet the moment of death is the happiest moment in the life of the believers. However listen to what the Prophet PBUH said in the following Hadith,

((Abdullah Bin Bishr narrated that a Bedouin asked the Prophet PBUH, "O Messenger, whom among people is the best?" The prophet PBUH said, "The best among you are those who live long and are best in deeds."))


 Dear brother, death puts an end to all kinds of impermissible pleasures. Thus, people who enjoy these pleasures will be deprived from the eternal happiness because of their sins. Consequently, they will lose both the life and the hereafter. This is the big loss indeed; Allah says,

((The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection.))

[Az-Zumar, 15]

 This is the big loss.
 People are either poor or rich after being exposed in front of Allah. Verify, the knowledge seeker chooses the hereafter over the worldly life, so he wins them both. The ignorant one, on the other hand, chooses the worldly life over the hereafter, so he loses them both. He loses the worldly life since death puts an end to his life, and he loses the hereafter because of his sins. It has been reported:

((No matter how long you live, you will die at the end. No matter how much you love, you will leave your lover one day. No matter how many deeds you did, you will be asked about them.))

[Al Jameh Al Sagheer, by Jaber]

 Dear brother, when man avoids committing sins, he gains generosity, keeps chaste, preserves his self-esteem and saves his money to be means for maintaining his interests in the worldly life and the hereafter. Moreover, he owns people’s hearts, Halal income,, strength and bliss in the heart, goodness in the soul, cheerfulness in the chest, security against fears, lack of grief, glory if confronted with humiliation and protection against the benightedness of sins that may put out the light of his heart.. Also when someone keeps away from sins, he has an exit from hardship that sinners suffer from, abundance in provision from resources one can’t reckon, relief of whatever distresses the sinners, smoothness in offering the acts of worship, availability of knowledge, good reputation among people, Du’a (supplication) that is made by sh3er, tasteful sweetness gained from loving other people, people’s support in facing oppression and their defense when he is backbitten by sh3er.

 This man is privileged by Allah’s prompt response to hisDu’a, disappearance of alienation between him and Allah, closeness to angels, farness from devils and Jinn, people’s competition in serving him being at his disposal, people’s longing to his love, people’s friendship, fearlessness of death and gladness to meethis Lord. This man looks down on the worldly life and glorifies the hereafter. He is keen on winning in the worldly life, tasting the sweetness of faith and worship. Consequently, he gains the invocation of the Throne’s holders,, delightfulness and the everlasting Du’a of the angels of recording, blessing in his mind, comprehension, faith and knowledge.

 Furthermore, whoever leaves sins acquires Allah’s love, His acceptance, and His pleasure when he repents. After all he will be rewarded, so the bliss he gets can never be compared to the one of people in the worldly life.

 Dear brother,

((Thawban narrated that, the Prophet PBUH said, "Be righteous and you will not be able to encompass everything."))

[Ibn Majah]

 Dear brother, the following ayaht should be enough proofs for us,

((It was said (to him when the disbelievers killed him): "Enter Paradise." He said: "Would that my people knew!))

[Ya-Sin, 26]

((Shall We then treat the (submitting) Muslims like the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists and disbelievers, etc.))

[Al-Qalam, 35]

((Is he whom We have promised an excellent promise (Paradise), which he will find true, like him whom We have made to enjoy the luxuries of the life of (this) world, then on the Day of Resurrection, he will be among those brought up (to be punished in the Hell-fire)?))

[Al-Qasas, 61]

((Or do those who earn evil deeds think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, in their present life and after their death? Worst is the judgement that they make.))

[Al-Jathiyah, 21]

Signs of happiness and misery:

 Dear brother, I will tell you few concise words that you can make benefit from. There are some signs that show us how happy and successful the servant is. The more knowledgeable he is, the keener he will be on obeying Allah, the richer he is, the more generous he will be and the more powerful he is the closer, helpful and humble he will be.


 On the other hand, there are some signs that show us how miserable the servant is. The more knowledgeable he is, the more arrogant he will be, the richer he is, the stingier he will be and the more powerful he is, the haughtier and the more self-consumed he will be.
 Money, power and knowledge might be means that elevate man high, yet these means might also be the very reasons of his arrogance and fall.

 Dear brother, if you are with Allah, Allah will be with you, and no one can be against you. O Lord, what will he miss who finds you, and what will he find who loses you?

 I say my words, and I ask the Forgiveness of Allah the Most Great for me and for you. Dear brother ask His Forgiveness so that you will be forgiven, as those who are forgiven will be the successful ones.

* * *

The second khutbah (sermon):

 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and I bear witness that there is no God but Allah the ally of pious, and I bear witness that our Master Muhammad PBUH is His slave and messenger the one with noble morals. O Allah grant your blessings and peace to Muhammad, the Faithful and the Honest, and may Allah bless his folks and companions.

 The topic of our second sermon is a methodological one. It has to do with the fact that all means suggested by those who are far from Allah to restore the society will definitely fail. Why?

Mankind is between the deterrent of man-set law and the restraint of religion:

 This religion is great, and it is based on self-restraining, while the worldly systems are based on prevention (by the force of the law). Let me give you the proof; the law is set by an intelligent human being who could be defeated by whoever is more intelligent than him. This person who is more intelligent uses his cunning to cancel this law, change its function and void it from its content.

 I will give the example that comes to my mind. When radars were set up to detect high speed, people could invent more advanced devices that made them able to neglect those radars. Drivers could drive fast all along the street without being detected, but they slowered down their speed when they reached the radar points. Thus, the country was compelled to invent another device to detect the radar’s detectors in cars. This is an endless battle between two minds, two persons and two inventors. The Divine law, on the other hand is something different. People fast in Ramadan, even in the hottest summers. When someone is so thirsty in the midday of Ramadan, he may go to his house where no one can see him and open the tape to feel the cold water, but he will never think of drinking even a drop of water.

 I mentioned once what happened in America many years ago. Let me repeat the events that took place at that time. Drinking alcohol became a widely spread habit in America. Therefore, the American government was afraid of the harmful effects of wine on families, individuals, and society. Accordingly, it issued a law by which wine became forbidden. It is interesting that such a law was not a royal one. It was a legislation issued by the representatives of the people in a democratic country. They voted for that law to be passed in America.

 The congress is the legislative authority, so it knows what is good for the country and what is not.. Having been convinced of the harmful effects of drinking wine on the mind and the civilization, the public opinion was convinced of issuing the law that would make it forbidden in 1918. How was that law enforced? The government called up the entire navy in order to keep an eye on all the shores to prevent smuggling wine, not to mention giving orders to all air forces to watch airports by using personal planes. Moreover, the government used all states’ agencies and different means of media to fight wine. That procedure cost the government about sixty million dollars spent on brochures, which were used to raise the awareness of the harmful effects of wine. Let alone the billion of pages that had been printed for fourteen years..

 The government spent two hundred and fifty million dollars to enforce this law. Three hundred people were executed at that time for merchandizing wine, and one thousand people were arrested. The fines which were paid by those who violated the law were about sixteen million dollars. The cost of the impounded properties, where wine was produced, was about hundred million dollars. Despite all those procedures people became more fund of wine and more insistent on drinking it. In 1933 the government at last was obliged to cancel that law, so wine was permissible once again.
 Listen to the following ayah,

((O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, Al-Ansab, and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaitan's (Satan) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination))

[Al-Ma’idah’, 90]

 In the Muslim world, the one billion and three million Muslims don’t drink wine, don’t sit by a table with wine on it, nor do they befriend wine drinkers except those who are corrupted. Have you noticed how powerful the Divine law is? Have you noticed how feeble the man-made law is? Hence, this nation can never be on the right path unless it follows the steps of its ancestors.

Fearing Allah:

 Who is watching people all the time? Watchfulness does not work all the time. For instance, who would be able to watch the baker if he gets out from the bathroom without washing his hands to resume kneading the dough? He may suffer from hepatitis, so this disease can be transmitted to hundreds of people. Who can keep an eye on him whenever he goes to the bathroom? Is it possible to have a watchful person for everyone to keep things under control?

 Ibn Umar wanted to test how faithful a shepherd was. He said, "Can I buy the ewe you have?" The shepherd answered "No, you cannot. It isn’t mine." Then, Ibn Umar said, "Tell its owner that it died or the wolf ate it." The shepherd said, "I swear to Allah that I need the money you will pay badly, and if I tell its owner that it died or the wolf ate it, he will believe me, because I used to be honest with him but where is Allah? (He t always me."

 Dear brother, I once received an e-mail about an incident that took place in Turkey. It was about an event that was the most readable one at that time. Such piece of news told the story of two Dutch tourists who lost their wallets in a restaurant with two hundred thousand Euros in them. They did not know that the money was in the restaurant, but two days later the owner of the restaurant handed over the wallets to the police office with all the money in them. The tourists were surprised, when they found their money untouched. They wanted to reward the honest owner of the restaurant by giving him about five hundred Euros, but he refused to take the money saying, "By Allah, I am ready to work 24 hours in order to feed my children Halal food. I cannot accept your reward." The issue is not about whether accepting the reward is right or wrong. What I want to focus on is that this man refused to take fifteen thousand Liras because he fears Allah.

 Dear brother, this nation can never be restored unless its people fear Allah and foster the Islamic values. I attended a conference about the environment during which I heard about shocking facts. I heard stories about people who ruined the environment in order to get their interests achieved.. Selfishness is the most dangerous disease we, Muslims, suffer from. Let me visualize this disease and make it looks like a person lying under an apple tree shade. Let us imagine that all the apples were collected except one. This person will cut the tree in order to get that left apple and eat it. Hence, to get his own interests achieved, he is willing to destroy the environment, pollute water and air, bring cancerous insecticides and use harmful hormones that enlarge the size of the crops.

 There is an amazing electronic surveillance in the western world. Hundreds of billions of commodities come in and out through exits without being stolen for they have small sensitive stickers that make all the doors of a mall closed whenever someone tries to steal something. What an incredible electronic surveillance it is! However, when power is cut, robbery takes place increasingly. This is exactly what happened in New York; two hundred thousand robberies took place in one single night.
 Man can’t be kept under control without being self-controlled. If we try to invent an external control system to keep him under control, we will fail. No matter how might the force is, it cannot control the whole society unless it is based on implementing the religious values and fostering the fear of Allah. As I mentioned earlier, man-made laws can be cheated on by any intelligent person. If that happens, then these laws lose their content and function. Consequently, people will make fun of them.


  Dear brother, I will supplicate so please say Amin,


 O Allah let us overcome our desires so that we can gain victory for your sake, and due to which we can deserve your victory over our enemies. We beseech you Allah to show us the way of rightness, together with those to whom You have showed it; and give us good health, together with those whom You have healed; and be our Protector, together with those for whom You have become their Protector; and bless us in what You have bestowed on us and save us from the afflictions that You have decreed, for You rule with justice and You are never judged. He whom You protect shall never be humiliated and he whom You make enemy shall never be exalted. Blessed and dignified are You, and we thank You for what You have decreed.

 We seek Your forgiveness and we repent our bad deeds, O, Allah guide us to perform a good deed, as You are the one Who guides to the best of deeds. O Allah, make right our religion, being the safe guide of our lives, make right our present life, in which we live, make right our other life to which we'll return, grant us this life as supply for good deeds, and make death an ease of any evil thing. O Allah, our protector and guardian, the Lord of the worlds, grant us satisfaction of your permissions (Halal) from your wrong-doings (Haram), your obedience from disobedient, Your Grace from any sh3er' grace. O Allah send Your Blessings on our master Muhammad, the Illiterate Prophet and his family and companions.


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