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Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (56)- The great difference between breastfeeding and fomula feeding
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  


Differences between breastfeeding and bottlefeeding:

1- Mother’s milk prevents a lot of diseases:

As I usually do in every sermon, talking about one of Allah’s universal signs, indicating the Greatness of Allah Al-Mighty, and since we are talking about mother, let us talk about mother’s breast milk. Scientists say that there is agreat difference between breastfeeding and formula feeding.

Mother’s milk contains specific ingredients which are difficult to copy artificially. Most scientists referred to breast milk as the safest means to protect the infant from diseases, infections, and inflammations, as it contains antibodies against intestine and respiratory infections.
Mother’s milk contains anti-adherence materials that prevent germs from adhering to the intestine mucous tissue, plus high concentrated amounts of germs’ dissolving materials and white cells armed with anti-bodies to protect the infant from diseases such as Cholera, Dysentery, Paralysis, and Tetanus. So as you see, the mother’s immunity exists in her milk and if the infant takes it, it will be a guarantee for its health and immunity against contagious diseases.

Dear brothers, breast milk contains acidic materials that kill bacteria in the intestine. Scientists collected statistics about child death, which showed that death amongst the children who were formula fed was 4 times more than death amongst those who were breastfed.

Those accurate statistics were proved by recent researches and for that reason all formula manufacturing companies were instructed to write on their products:” We recommend breastfeeding”
It was proved recently that heart diseases, hardening of arteries, diabetes and obesity occur mostly to people who were formula fed. Doctors expect that if those people were breastfed, they would have been protected from these fatal diseases that occur to some people and not to others for  unknown reasons.

Dear brothers, breastfeeding protects women from breast cancer, furthermore it was proved that lack of breastfeeding is one of the reasons of getting breast cancer.

Properties of each kind of milk:

Scientists found that breast milk is digested withing 1.5 hour, while formula needs more than 3 hours to be digested. Moreover, mother’s milk doesn’t need to be pasteurized, heated, bought, or looked for. It is always ready with the right temperature that doesn't change feeding, and it is warm in winter and cold in summer unlike formula milk.

Another crucial point is that while it is hard to change the composition of formula milk, it is scientifically proved that mother's milk changes according to the infant’s growth, needs, and concentration of nutrients in his/ her blood.
Mother’s milk is sterile, it prevents malnutrition, intestine and respiratory infections, allergy, and contagious diseases. It is easily digested and prepared especially at night and in traveling. In addition, it protects the mother from breast cancer. Moreover, some scientists said that early weaning may cause psychological trauma and misbehavior because breastfeeding as instructed by Allah should go on for two full years for those who want to complete feeding infants.

Dear brother, this is Allah’s plan, that infants should have breastfeeding, and if we changed that and messed up with it, we would be in innumerous and problems.

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