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Friday Sermon (1103): The Islamic ruling on celebrating the birth anniversary of the noble Prophet-1 – Second sermon: What do you love in the worldly life?
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Reminding Muslims of the Message of the noble prophet is half of Islam:

 Dear brother, Al-Mawlid An-Nabawi (the birth anniversary of the Prophet, peace be upon him) is coming soon, and before mentioning, by Allah's Favor, the meanings of this anniversary, I find myself obliged to put an end to a very controversial issue with regard to celebrating this occasion. Muslims took two sides in that regard: The first group of Muslims consider celebrating Al-Mawlid Haram (impermissible), whereas the second group of Muslims accepted all the irrelevant practices (which are against Islam and Aqeedah) during the celebrations, but the truth lies between both, as it is always in the middle between two extremes. The Almighty Allah says:

﴾Or is it that they did not recognize their Messenger (Muhammad, peace be upon him)﴿

[Al-Mu'minun, 69]

 Allah is urging us to recognize the Messenger, peace be upon him, and in another Ayah Allah says:

﴾Say (to them O Muhammad, peace be upon him): "I exhort you on one (thing) only: that you stand up for Allah's sake in pairs and singly, and reflect (within yourselves the life history of the Prophet, peace be upon him): there is no madness in your companion (Muhammad, peace be upon him)﴿

[Saba', 46]

 Also, we are urged indirectly to know him well in a third Ayah when Allah says:

﴾And all that We relate to you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) of the news of the Messengers is in order that We may make strong and firm your heart thereby.﴿

[Hud, 120]

 Since the heart of the Master of mankind, peace be upon him, gets strong and firm whenever he is told about the story of another Prophet, peace be upon him, then it is more likely that faith increases in our heart upon listening to the story of the Master of Prophets, peace be upon them. In fact, Al-Mawlid reminds us of his noble qualities, his virtues, his mercy, his perfection, his method and his achievements. Please pay attention to the following: Celebrating Al-Mawlid is part of the Da'wah (Call to Allah), because Islam can be summarized in two words: "La ilaha illallah" (There is no deity worthy to be worshipped but Allah, "Muhammadur rasulullah" (Muhammad, peace be upon him is Allah's Messenger). Thus, reminding Muslims of Tawheed is the first half of Islam, and reminding them of the Message of the Master of Messengers, peace be upon them, is the second half of it:

﴾Or is it that they did not recognize their Messenger (Muhammad)﴿

[Al-Mu'minun, 69]

Celebrating Al-Mawlid is not an act of worship, but rather it's an act of Da'wah:

 Dear brother, when extremists go too far with their beliefs by considering celebrating Al-Mawlid an act of worship, they innovate in Islam that which doesn't belong to it. Al-Mawlid is not an act of worship, but rather it is part of Da'wah). Acts of worships and Aqeedah issues are Tawqeefiyah (they are prescribed by Allah and the Prophet, peace be upon him, and it can neither be increased nor diminished, nor can it be graded as something else.). Thus, we can't add to them or omit from them anything. Let me repeat, celebrating Al-Mawlid is not an act of worship, but rather it is part of Da'wah to Allah, and you can celebrate it whenever; in Rabi' Al-Awwal or in any other lunar month of the year. Beside, you can celebrate it either in Masajid or at home.

 I know a man whose relatives were far from the Path of the Almighty Allah, so he used to invite them every year to his house to a very luxurious banquette, and he used to bring a sincere Da'iyah (proselytizer) to tell them some stories about the Prophet, peace be upon him. He went on with this habit for tens of years. As a result, many of his relatives have been guided to Islam and have become devoted to it. How about you? Are you not able to invite people to your home or to the Masjid, and tell them the Sirah (the life and history) of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and about his mercy, justice, method, perfection and Da'wah? Doing this is part of Da'wah, so you should never claim that celebrating Al-Mawlid is an act of worship, because it is not; it is Da'wah to Allah that could be done whenever and wherever.

The greatness of Islam lies in remaining the same till the Day of Resurrection:

 Dear brother, let us put an end to our conflicts. Once a brother asked me while I was interviewed on a radio show, "How many Rak'aat are there in Taraweeh prayer? I answered him as follows, "You can pray eight Rak'aat or twenty Rak'aat either at home or at the Masjid." There is no problem about that, so let us stop such conflicts and start to be unified. It is high time we put aside all our disagreements which have torn us apart, and it is high time we wake up and see that our enemies are planning against us to annihilate us. One of these disagreements is caused by the contradictory opinions about celebrating Al-Mawlid. Thus, you should neither say that it is Haram (impermissible) to celebrate it, nor say that it is an act of worship, for the acts of worship are Tawqeefiyah, so nothing should be add to them or deleted from them. Had it been permissible for Muslims to add something to the acts of worship, we (as Muslims) would have performed million acts of worship.

 The greatness of this religion comes from continuing to be as fresh and intact as it was revealed (to Muhammad, peace be upon him) till the Day of Resurrection. This religion can't be like this unless we keep the Aqeedah and the acts of worship which are Tawqeefiyah intact as they are. Unlike the religious texts about Aqeedah and acts of worship, the religious texts about transactions, are Zanniyat Ad-Dalalah (the rulings on these matters are open to analysis, commentary and interpretation), so every interpretation should be taken into consideration. Hence, whatever addition to or omitting from Aqeedah and acts of worship are rejected.

 A man wanted to begin his Ihram (in preparation for Hajj or Umrah) from a place which was farther than the place where the Prophet, peace be upon him, did his. One of the Companions said to him, "Woe to you! If you insist on doing that, you will cause Fitnah (conflict)!" The man asked, "How could I cause Fitnah while I am performing an act of worship?" The man answered, "Is there any greater Fitnah than thinking that you have surpassed the Prophet, peace be upon him, in good deeds?" This is the greatest Fitnah.

 Dear brother, let us put an end to our disagreements. When we remind Muslims of the Sirah of the Prophet, peace be upon him, of his noble qualities and of his method, we are getting people acquainted with him as a response to Allah's urging Words:

﴾Or is it that they did not recognize their Messenger (Muhammad, peace be upon him)﴿

[Al-Mu'minun, 69]

 Also as a response to the following Ayah:

﴾Say (to them O Muhammad, peace be upon him): "I exhort you on one (thing) only: that you stand up for Allah's sake in pairs and singly, and reflect (within yourselves the life history of the Prophet, peace be upon him): there is no madness in your companion (Muhammad, peace be upon him)﴿

[Saba', 46]

 What we are supposed to do in Al-Mawlid is based on the following Ayah:

﴾And all that We relate to you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) of the news of the Messengers is in order that We may make strong and firm your heart thereby.﴿

[Hud, 120]

 Since the heart, of the Master of mankind, peace be upon him, and the beloved to Allah, becomes strong and firm whenever he is told about the stories of other Prophets, peace be upon them, then it is more likely that our heart (with all our shortcomings) become strong and firm upon listening to the story of the Master of the Prophets, peace be upon them. I am proving that to you through Quran and Sunnah.

There should be no personal opinions in Islam:

 By the way, no man on earth is permitted to give his own opinion about the Divinely determined issues in Islam:

((This knowledge contains the rules of the Religion, so look thoroughly into the person from whom you acquire the knowledge of your Religion.))

 In another Hadith, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

((O Ibn Umar, your religion, your religion is your flesh and blood. Take it from the pious ones, and don't take it from those who deviated.))

[Al-lal, by Ibn Abi Hatim]

 Dear brother, dissensions are sowed amongst Muslims because of these disagreements; Muslims badmouth one another, point fingers at one another and kill one another because of historical disagreements. Thousands of Muslims are killed due to false historical reasons.  Unfortunately this is the situation of Muslims nowadays.

The Prophet PBUH does not need our celebrations and honoring:

 Let me tell you the second fact concerning celebrating the birth anniversary of the Prophet, peace be upon him. I would like to assure you very confidently that the Prophet, peace be upon him, is in no need of our celebrations of his birth anniversary, of honoring him or glorifying him in these celebrations. Whom do we think we are to make him in need of such things performed by us? Allah praises the reasoning of the Prophet, peace be upon him, by saying:

﴾Your companion (Muhammad, peace be upon him) has neither gone astray nor has erred.﴿

[An-Najm, 2]

 Allah praises his tongue:

﴾Nor does he speak of (his own) desire.﴿

[An-Najm, 3]

  Allah praises his method:

﴾It is only an Inspiration that is inspired.﴿

[An-Najm, 4]

 Allah praises the conveyer of the Divine Message (Jibrael):

﴾He has been taught (this Qur'an) by one mighty in power [Jibrael (Gabriel)].﴿

[An-Najm, 5]

 Allah praised his heart:

﴾The (Prophet's) heart lied not (in seeing) what he (Muhammad, peace be upon him) saw.﴿

[An-Najm, 11]

 Allah praised his sight:

﴾The sight (of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) turned not aside (right or left), nor it transgressed beyond (the) limit (ordained for it).﴿

[An-Najm, 17]

 Allah praises him as a character:

﴾And verily, you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) are on an exalted standard of character.﴿

[Al-Qalam, 4]

 Hence, the Creator of the universes praises the Prophet, peace be upon him, on many levels, so do you think the Prophet, peace be upon him, the Master of mankind needs to be praised at the end of days by sinful people? He dispenses with their praises and celebrating his Mawlid. On the contrary, we are the ones who need him desperately, because we are having hard times nowadays. Although we are 1 billion and 500 million Muslims, we are worthless in the Sight of Allah. Not to mention, we are controlled by our enemies, and our enemies are plotting against us to defeat us in thousands of ways. Hence, we are in desperate need of following the Prophet's method.

The Prophet dispenses with our glorification if we don't apply his Sunnah:

 Dear brother, an author wrote, "I bear witness that those who were dazzled by your greatness are excused, and those who sacrificed their souls for your sake, are real winners. Praising is to their faithfulness, zeal, steadfastness, honesty, purity, humbleness, fondness and loyalty to the Prophet, peace be upon him." Who are we compared to the Companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, who sacrificed their souls for his sake? By Allah, I will never forget the following stance:

((Khubaib bin Adi, may Allah be pleased with him, was captured by Quraish after the Battle of Badr, and he was held in captivity. The Kuffar wanted to crucify him in order to take revenge for their dead who were killed in the battle. He offered two Raka'at, and when they nailed him on the cross in order to shoot him with arrows till he died, Abu Sufyan asked him, "I adjure you by Allah, do you not wish that Muhammad were here in your place so that we might cut off his head, and that you were with your family?"))

 I swear by Allah, if I keep reading these words thousand times, I will always be touched and impressed:

((Khubaib answered, "By Allah, I do not wish that Muhammad, peace be upon him, now were in the place I occupy or that a thorn could hurt him, and that I were sitting with my family."))

 According to the standards of our era, this means to live in a 400 square meter luxurious house, to have the most beautiful wife, to be surrounded with children, to own a house that is fully loaded with all electronics, to own many cars, successful business, hefty income, flowers, foods and drinks and to go for picnics.

((Khubaib answered, "By Allah, I do not wish that Muhammad, peace be upon him, now were in the place I occupy or that a thorn could hurt him, and that I were sitting with my family." Abu Sufyan remarked, "I have not seen any people who love anyone the way the Companions of Muhammad love Muhammad."))

 The Prophet, peace be upon him, is in no need of sinful followers who have abandoned his Sunnah, whose most concern is the worldly life and who are worthless in the Sight of Allah and in the sight of people. Who are we? Do you think the Prophet, peace be upon him, will become more exalted if we glorify him? We are the ones who need him badly. The Prophet, peace be upon him, dispenses with our glorification and veneration to him and with celebrating the anniversary of his Mawlid.

Allah would never keep His Divine Promises to the believers unfulfilled:

 Dear brother, I would like to tell you about a fact which I deeply believe in: Don't ever think that the mission of this great man, peace be upon him, the Master of mankind and the beloved to Al-Haqq (Allah) was accomplished in his era and so it was over. Unless he lives among us (figuratively speaking by having his Sunnah and method applied) we will be worthless in the Sight of Allah, and we will never deserve to have any of the Divine Promises fulfilled. The following Ayah proves this fact:

﴾And Allah would not punish them while you (Muhammad, peace be upon him) are amongst them﴿

[Al-Anfal, 33]

 The Ayah is very clear to those who lived in the era of the Prophet, peace be upon him, but what does it mean after his death? Scholars of interpretation said that t means "as long as Muslims apply his Sunnah, Allah would not punish them." In other words, as long as we follow his steps in his piousness, uprightness, compassion and justice, no powerful country on earth will defeat us. Unfortunately, five Islamic states are occupied, which means that we do not apply the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him, given the Divine Promises will definitely be fulfilled by Allah. Bear in mind that vanishing the entire universe is easier to Allah than keeping His Promises to the believers unfulfilled.

The one who follows the Prophetic Sunnah will never be punished by Allah:

﴾And Allah would not﴿

 The linguists of the Arabic language said that "ma kana (would not)", is the strongest negative form in Arabic language." It negates ascribing a certain characteristic to someone. To elaborate, if someone asks a person, "Are you hungry?" He will say, "No, I am not", but if someone does not know how honest, trustworthy, religious and upright you are, and he asks you "Are you a thief?" Will you answer him using the above mentioned negative form?. Absolutely not! You will say to him, "I will never ever steal anything." It means you will never think about stealing, letting anyone steal or respecting whoever steals. Actually the linguists listed twelve negative forms that are similar to the meaning of "ma kana":

﴾And Allah would not﴿

 Therefore, when Allah says:

﴾And Allah would not punish them while you (Muhammad) are amongst them﴿

[Al-Anfal, 33]

 It means we will never ever be Divinely punished if we apply the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

 Dear brother, pay attention to following Hadith:

((Twelve thousands would never be defeated because of fewness.))

[Al-Jame' As-Sagheer]

 Muslims now are 1 billion and 500 million, they own most of the natural resources (oil, phosphate, gold, uranium, metals, diamonds and other natural treasures), their countries are located in highly strategic areas and their religion, Ummah and Quran are the same among them:

﴾And Allah would not punish them while you (Muhammad) are amongst them﴿

[Al-Anfal, 33]

 Since we (as Muslims) are Divinely punished, we are dispersed and we are overcome by our enemy, the Prophet, peace be upon him, is absolutely not amongst us according to the precise meaning of the aforementioned Ayah. His Sunnah is not applied in our houses, in our stores, in our markets, in our celebrations, in our grieving ceremonies or in earning money. How can Muslims let Jewish designer decide what Muslim women wear? The clothes he designs are obscene and they inauthor lusts. It is enough fault that the majority of Muslim women, except few upon whom Allah bestowed His Mercy, blindly wear clothes designed by this fashion designer. Hence, the Prophet, peace be upon him, is not amongst us:

﴾And Allah would not punish them while you (Muhammad, peace be upon him) are amongst them﴿

[Al-Anfal, 33]

 The Prophet, peace be upon him, does not need us, our celebrations, our glorification or our veneration, while we are in dire need of him.

Spot lights that manifest reaping the fruits of applying Islam:

 I have chosen some spot lights and incidents which show the consequences of not reaping the fruits of Islam when it is not applied:

((The Prophet, peace be upon him, was once travelling with his Companions. They stopped at a place to have something to eat and then rest. They decided to slaughter a sheep and roast it. One of them said, "I shall do the slaughtering." The other said, "I shall remove the skin." The third one said, "I shall do the roasting."Each one of them volunteered to do one piece of work. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "I shall collect and bring the firewood from the forest."The companions said, "O Prophet! You need not take the trouble. We shall attend to everything." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "I know you can do everything. But I do not like to enjoy a preferential treatment from you. Allah the Almighty does not like to see His servant distinguishing himself from his peers.))

 The minute you refuse to be distinguished among your brother, you will become one of them, and you will be applying the Prophetic Sunnah.

 Dear brother, pay close attention to the following: Whoever claims rights which he refuses to be claimed by sh3er is racist, and whoever refuses to do his duties towards other, while he insists on having all sh3er' duties done towards him is racist as well. The husband is considered racist sometimes. Also, the father who is practising double standards when he mistreats his daughter in law, while he wants his daughter to be treated kindly by her family in laws is considered racist, and he has no weight in the Sight of Allah.

 Dear brother, unfortunately, racism prevails almost in all Muslims' transactions. A man said to me once, "I have a clever young worker who is orphan. He studies in the afternoon at a private institute for the 3rd intermediate students to get the certificate. He always asks me to let him to leave the job one hour before his working day is over, but I refuse fearing that if he becomes well-educated, I might lose him as a good cheap worker." This very man pays for his son 3 million for tutors so that he might become a doctor, whereas he never lets the young worker to get the certificate in order not to quit the job when he becomes educated. This is but racism. It is not a secret to say that Veto right manifests racism. For instance, the permanent members of the UN Security Council raised hell because an Islamic country has been trying to own a nuclear plant, why are these states reacting like that? They are reacting like that, because they are racists. As long as there is racism in the world, violence will never stop, and you can notice how oppress0ion prevails all over the world:

((The earth will be filled with oppression and injustice, till my brother Isa (Jesus) descends and fills it with justice and fairness.))

[Ibn Majah, by Abdullah]

 The believer's heart melts because of being unable to change the current situation and the horrible things which he witnesses. How come a president of an Arab country was apprehended, whereas the president who caused the death of million people, the homelessness of 5 million people and the disablement of 1 million people in Iraq is honored? How can the one who killed thousands in Gaza and destroyed 20.000 houses, flee the punishment? ? Where is justice in such a world? I don't like to talk about political issues, but when the world punishes a Muslim president, it should be fair enough to punish the other two, but there is an unbearable racism in the world.

 The path to Allah is blocked as long as we are following the west. When an American president visited Palestine, visiting the family of the captured Israeli soldier (who was captivated by the resistant Palestinian groups) was enlisted in his visiting timetable, but visiting the families of the 11.800 Palestinian captives in the Jews' prisons never crossed his mind, not even visiting at least one family just to make a kind of balance. They are racist in every sense of the word. Keep in mind that we will never reach Allah unless we stop taking them into our considerations, and unless we are proud of our Islam, our Ummah and our history.

 We are a civilized Ummah because of this religion, but the bitter fact is that we are not advanced enough because we are weak. Unlike us, the west is way too advanced for us, but they are barbaric. Believing deeply in such a fact makes you proud of Allah.

The believer should follow the steps of the Prophet in his deeds and actions:

 Dear brother, Allah hates to see one of His servants consider himself superior to his fellow men, claim rights which he refuses to be claimed by sh3er and expect other to do their duties towards him, while he neglects his towards them. The following Hadith tells us how the Prophet, peace be upon him was among his companions:

((A Bedouin, who didn't know how the Prophet, peace be upon him, looks like, came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said, "Who amongst you is Muhammad, peace be upon him?"))

 By Allah, thousand pages can be written about such an incident. The Prophet, peace be upon him, never made himself distinguished from his Companions by having a special dressing code, a special place or a seat! He would never do that among his Companions! He was one of them by all means.

 "You, O Muhammad, peace be upon him, who came to life to give not to take, you who glorified existence and care for mankind, you who elevated reasoning and belittled animal instincts and whose outstanding noble traits made you at top of all people, but you lived a humble life among other people. You who made mercy his soul, justice his law, love his natural instinct, elevation his craft and solving people's problems an act of worship."

 If you have a mission to accomplish in life, then you are a true follower of the Prophet, peace be upon him, but if you don't have any mission, then you are not. Following the revelation and the hardship he was in, the Prophet, peace be upon him, started to fulfill the mission of Da'wah, but his wife Khadijah, may Allah be pleased with her, was worried about him as a perfect good wife, so she asked him to take some rest, but what did he say to her? He peace be upon him, said:

((O Khadijah, the time for sleep and rest is over))

 As a Muslim you should say the same, "The time of rest and wasting time is over! I have to do something for this Ummah, I should serve it, I should seek Islamic knowledge I should sharpen my abilities and expertise so that my Ummah can do without western experts." Have you ever thought of these things?

((O Khadijah, the time for sleep and rest is over))

 Dear brother, the bitter truth is thousand times better than the comforting delusion. We should take the Prophet, peace be upon him, as an exalted example for us, the proof is in the following Ayah:

﴾Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad, peace be upon him) you have a good example to follow﴿

[Al-Ahzab, 21]

 All the decorations you do in Mawlid, all the Inshaad (Islamic singing) bands you invite and all the sweets you offer are nothing if you don't follow the conducts of the Prophet, peace be upon him, or apply his Sunnah at home or at work:

((The Prophet, peace be upon him, passed by a fallen date on the bed, so he said, "O Ayeshah, were it not for my doubt that this might have been given in charity, I would have eaten it.))

Whoever abandons Allah, Allah will abandon him:

 Nowadays, stealing and gaining Haram money are considered "smartness", the girl who dresses indecently is considered "stylish" and the hypocrite is considered "diplomatic". Hence, our values have been replaced:

(("How will it be for you when you stop enjoining Al-Ma'ruf and forbidding Al-Munkar?" The Companions asked inquisitively, "Will it happen, O Messenger of Allah?" The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, "Yes, and worse than that is going to happen." The Companions asked again, "What can be worse than that, O Messenger of Allah." The Messenger, peace be upon him, replied, "How will it be for you when you enjoin Al-Munkar…))

[Ibn Abi Ad-Duniya and Abu Ya'la Al-Mawsili in His Musnad, by Abi Umamah]

 The society condemns the groom who refuses to stand next to his bride before all the women who are indecently dressed. Let alone, he is accused of having a physical defect, and he is rebuked by his mother, father and relatives:

(("How will it be for you when you stop enjoining Al-Ma'ruf and forbidding Al-Munkar?" The Companions asked inquisitively, "Will it happen, O Messenger of Allah?" The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, "Yes, and worse than that is going to happen." The Companions asked again, "What can be worse than that, O Messenger of Allah." The Messenger, peace be upon him, replied, "How will it be for you when you enjoin Al-Munkar and forbid Al-Ma'ruf." The Companions asked, "Will it happen, O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Yes, but worse than that." The Companions asked, "What is worse than that, O Messenger of Allah?" The Messenger, peace be upon him, said, "How will it be for you when you perceive Al-Ma'ruf as Munkar and Al-Munkar as Ma'ruf?"))

[Ibn Abi Ad-Duniya and Abu Ya'la Al-Mawsili in His Musnad, by Abi Umamah]

 People nowadays look up to the rich even though his money might be collected illegally, whereas the upright poor has no weight in their sight. Let me tell you that such a society is worthless in the Sight of Allah, and since its people forsook Allah, Allah has forsaken them.

Citizenship and peaceful coexistence are the most sublime concepts:

 Dear brother, when the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

((They (the people of Yathreb) form one and the same community))

 Do you know who used to live in Yathrib? Idolaters, Christians, Bedouins, Muslims and Muhajereen used to live in it, so how come the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "The people of Yathreb are one community."? Actually, the peaceful coexistence and citizenship are the most sublime concepts at all. When a city is afflicted with drought, all the people in that city will be affected. Therefore, there are common denominators, interests, and challenges between the people who live in the same place. These sublime concepts (citizenship and peaceful coexistence should be adopted by you as a good believer. However, we are witnessing conflicts, sectarian wars and blood shedding for unacceptable historical reasons.

 Dear brother:

((The Prophet, peace be upon him, commanded his armies not to engage in any fighting or shed any blood in Makkah, but he noticed toward the south the shining of swords in battle with the local inhabitants. The Prophet, peace be upon him got angry and asked after being told the facts of the case, "Did anyone remind him of my orders?" They said, "Yes". He, peace be upon him, asked, "Who?" They said, "Hadhayfah". Then, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "All praise is to Allah.))

 The Prophet, peace be upon him, praised Allah because he was able to teach his Companions how to be proud of Islam, how to be free, how to give cold shoulder to blamers, how to hold their heads up high and how to speak the truth no matter what.

 A person, whose name and position are not important to be mentioned, described the demonstrations which took place all around the world condemning the crimes of Zionists in Gaza as demagogism and chaotic done by insane people. How did he dare to say such words? In fact, dear brother, when man abandons His Lord, he starts to speak falsehood.

 Dear brother, I would like to repeat the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him:

(("Did any one remind him of my orders?" They said, "Yes." He asked, "Who?" They said, "Hadhayfah". Then, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "All praise is to Allah."))

The good conducts of the Noble Prophet PBUH:

 The Prophet, peace be upon him, met Al-Ansar after Hunain Battle when the Muslims were in control over the entire Arabian Peninsula from shore to shore. According to power standards, the Prophet, peace be upon him, reached "the summit of power" after opening Makkah, and the Muslims were the victorious in Hunain Battle, but at the beginning this victory suffered few hiccups:

﴾And on the Day of Hunain (battle) when you rejoiced at your great number but it availed you naught﴿

[At-Taubah, 25]

 After the Prophet, peace be upon him, took control of the entire Arabian Peninsula, he was informed that Al-Ansar were angry with him, and he would have been able to give a cold shoulder to their complaint had he treated them the way powerful people do. How did the Prophet, peace be upon him, handle their complaint? He reminded them of their favor upon him:

((but you might have answered and answered truly "You came to us (in Madinah) rejected as an impostor, and we accommodated you; you came as a helpless fugitive and we assisted you; an outcast, and we gave you an asylum; destitute, and we solaced you."))

 He reminded them of their favor upon him. Are you bold enough, as a powerful man, to acknowledge the favor of someone who was the reason behind your success, but now he is a weak man standing before you and advising you? Do you dare to say to him, "You have a favor upon me? By Allah, only one, among one million, is able to say that, for most powerful people annihilate those around them.

((Is it not true that you worshipped idols and Allah gave you guidance through me?))

  The Prophet, peace be upon him, didn't say, "I gave you guidance", but rather he said, "Allah gave you guidance through me" which is an indication of Tawheed (monotheism). I would like to tell you, dear brother, that if the adornments, decorations, Anasheed (Islamic songs) and the serving treats which take place in celebrating the Mawlid of the Prophet, peace be upon him, do not aim at applying the Prophetic Sunnah in details, these celebrations will be meaningless and will be considered folklore that is added to the traditions people are accustomed to.

The Prophet's mercy to the elders and the young children:

((A drink (milk mixed with water) was brought to the Prophet, peace be upon him, who drank some of it while a boy was sitting on his right ((the youngest at the meeting) and old men on his left. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said to the boy, "If you permit me, I'll give (the rest of the drink to) these old men first." The boy said, "I will not give preference to any one over me as regards my share from you, O Allah's Apostle!" The Prophet, peace be upon him, then put that container in the boy's hand.))

 By Allah, I have never heard that someone did the same. Would an adult ask a little boy for permission to do something as the Prophet, peace be upon him, did? Will you ask your son for permission in a similar situation? Will you respect him? Will you make him feel how valuable he is? I was taught at the university that respecting your son's personality is one of the major factors of raising him successfully, for he will feel that he is treated as an adult (not as a child).

 "If you permit me…"

 Dear brother, I hope that you read the Prophetic Sirah from authentic resources on daily basis. Read to your children one or two pages and explain them. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

((Train your children to acquire three characteristics: love of your Prophet, peace be upon him…))

[At-Tabarani, by Ali]

 Your children now admire football players and singers (the alive as well as the dead). Accustom your son to admire the Master of mankind, peace be upon him, the beloved to Al-Haqq, instead. Have you ever thought about doing such a thing?

((The wife of the Prophet, Ayeshah, may Allah be pleased with her, would ask him, "How is your love for me?" And he would reply, "Like the rope's knot,"))

 The Prophet, peace be upon him, used the word "Like the rope's knot" to assure his wife that he loved her. Unlike, him, young men nowadays get married to a very beautiful wife, yet they keep criticizing her and accusing her of having about 100 flaws in her character, they humiliate her, they mock her mother and they commit follies that might jeopardize their marital bliss:

(("How is your love for me?" And he would reply, "Like the rope's knot,"))

 This means that his love to her is increasing. These words prove that he is a successful husband and teacher in dealing with his wife:

((Instruct and don't rebuke, because the teacher is better than the rebuker))

[Al-Baihaqi, by Abi Hurairah]

 Be gentle in teaching other people, and don't rebuke or hit your son. The one who obeys your stick is disobedient to you. Thus, try to keep your son close to you and gain his love, because when he loves you, he will be so keen on making you happy all the time.

 Justice is replaced by racism, as the powerful countries sentenced the president of an Arab country to death, and they turned a blind eye to the one who caused the death of million people, the homelessness of 5 million people and the disablement of 1 million people. Also, those countries closed eyes to the criminal, who committed atrocities against children and women in Gaza. Why is the law not applied to those criminals? You should smash these so-called "civilized" countries because they are racist. Say this word out loudly. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

((By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! If Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad stole, I would cut off her hand.))

[Agreed upon by Ayeshah the Mother of the Believers]

 Unless the law is applied to all members of the Ummah, the latter will never prosper:

((The people before you were destroyed because they used to inflict the legal punishments on the poor and forgive the rich. By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! If Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad stole, I would cut off her hand.))

[Agreed upon, by Ayeshah the Mother of Believers]

The Prophet's mercy to animals:

 Dear brother, the Prophet, peace be upon him, was very merciful to animals:

(("Once while we were walking with the Prophet, peace be upon him, a camel carrying water passed by us. When the camel saw the Prophet, peace be upon him, it made a sound from its throat and lowered its neck. The Prophet, peace be upon him, stopped by the camel and said "Where is the owner of this camel?" The owner arrived. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said "Sell it to me." The owner said, "We would rather give it to you as a gift, O Prophet of Allah, although we are a family whose only way of earning a living is by working with this camel." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said "Then I would not take it. But the camel complained to me that you made it work a lot and you do not give it enough food. So treat this camel in the proper way."))

 By Allah, once I saw a hen seller who put a pot full of boiling water before him. He put the hen inside that pot immediately after he slaughtered it to make plucking its feathers easier. This man is a monster.

((Allah's Messenger, peace be upon him, severely reproached a person who slaughtered a sheep in front of its sister, saying, "Why do you not keep one of them away from the other. Do you want to kill the sheep twice?"))

Muslims should apply Islam as it has been revealed to the Prophet:

 Dear brother, this anniversary will be insignificant unless we read the Prophetic Sunnah attentively. Thus, you should buy an authentic book of Sirah and start reading it daily in order to apply the Sunnah. By doing this, you will celebrate Al-Mawlid properly, but celebrating it through decorations, loud Anasheed and serving treats, is meaningless.

 As I said earlier, one extreme party considers the celebration forbidden, whereas the other party celebrates Al-Mawlid ignoring the gist of such celebration, so those who belong to it perform forbidden rituals like having women and men dancing and other rituals that only Allah is aware of. The party who considers the celebration forbidden is excused sometimes when they see the sins that are committed by the other extreme party in the celebration. As an Ummah, we should apply Islam as it has been revealed to the Prophet, peace be upon him, without any right or left extremist.

 I say my words, and I ask the Forgiveness of Allah, the Most Great, for me and for you. Dear brother, ask His Forgiveness, so that you will be forgiven, as those who are forgiven will be the successful ones.
  The second Khutbah:

 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah; the Protector of the righteous. And I bear witness that our Prophet Muhammad, peace and upon him, is His Servant and Messenger, the one with noble morals. May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, his Folks and Companions.

The Prophet asked his Companions about the things they love in the worldly life:

 Listen to the following Hadith which is relevant to celebrating Al-Mawlid An-Nabawi:

((The Prophet, peace be upon him, sat down with his companions may Allah be pleased with them. He asked them starting with Abi Bakr, "Abi Bakr, what do you love of this world?" Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "I love three things of this world: Sitting between your hands, looking at you and spending my money on you." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "And you Umar?" Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "I love three things: Command what is good even if in secret, forbidding what is bad even if not in secret and saying the truth even if it is going to be bitter."))

 Man sometimes regrets saying the truth to the powerful person who speaks against the truth. Do you have the courage to say the truth even if it is bitter? Do you forbid Al-Munkar (what is bad) in public, and enjoin Al-Ma'ruf (what is good) secretly?

((The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "And you Uthman?" Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "I love three things: Feeding sh3er food, spreading peace and praying at night while the people are asleep." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "And you Ali?" Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "I love three things: Honoring the guest, fasting in summer and striking the enemy with a sword." The Prophet, peace be upon him, then asked Aba Zar Al Ghaffary, "And you Aba Zar what do you love of this world?" Abu Zar said, "I love in this world three: Huger, to be sick and death."))

 I will explain what Abu Zar meant.

Life, freedom and having good health are three priceless blessings:

 A very notable scholar in Damascus, who passed away, may Allah have mercy on his soul, used to take his brother in Islam on the first day of Eid to the cemetery, so that they would appreciate the grace of being alive. Bear in mind that as long as you are alive, you are able to give Sadaqah (alms-giving), you are able to seek Islamic knowledge and you are able to raise your children properly. Thus, upon visiting the cemetery, you will acknowledge the grace of life and will see it as a gate that is wide open for you to become upright, to repent and to gain happiness. He used to take his fellow brother on the first day to the cemetery in order to appreciate the grace of life, and on the second day, he used to take them to the hospitals where they could see sick people of kidney failure, of lung cancer or of brain stroke, so that they would appreciate the grace of having good health.

 At times when 500 Liras sufficed people to fulfill their basic needs monthly, a business man whom I know properly, used to gain millions every month, but once he said to me complaining, "Living in This country is unbearable, for the market is not good". After a period of time, he got sick and I paid him a visit because he is my relative. He said to me, "If man has good heath, 1000 Liras are enough for him per month to lead a proper life".

 Let us get back to the scholar who used to make three visits on each day of Eid. On the third day, he used to take his brother to prisons in order to appreciate the grace of freedom. When you are not wanted by the police, and you are free to travel to other cities and counties, such as Beirut, Egypt or anywhere else, you should know that this is a valuable grace. Accordingly, there are three graces which you have to appreciate: Life, good health and freedom.

Each person must love something in the worldly life:

((The Prophet, peace be upon him, asked Aba Zar: "Why?" Abu Zar said: "I love hunger so that my heart would humble,"))

 He, who has never experienced hunger, will never know how painful hunger is. Marie Antoinette (The queen of France) overheard that the people were complaining against her. Upon asking about the reason, she was told that there was no bread for them, so she said, "Let them eat cake, instead". Such people have never been hungry.

 Believe me, whoever starts his life poorly or has been struggling with troubles, should know that this is a grace from Allah upon him, because he will appreciate every grace he will get afterwards.

(("… I love to be sick so that my sins are lightened"))

 Sickness draws you closer to Allah

(("…and I love death in order to meet my Lord." The Prophet, peace be upon him, then said: "I was made to love three: The perfume, women and praying is the apple of my eye."))

 Women here represent the blessed wife who gives you a well-raised son who will be good to people after your death. Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, used to say, "I sleep with my wife having no lust for that, but aiming at having a pious son who will be good to people after I pass away."

(("The perfume, women and praying is the apple of my eye."))

((O Bilal, give us comfort by it (Salah).))

[Abu Dawood, by Salim Ibn Abi Al-Ja'd]

 Be honest with yourself and ask yourself whenever you finishe performing Salah, "Do I perform Salah to be comfortable with it, or to finish with an obligation?"

((At this time, Jebril came down and greeted all of them and said, "And I love three of your world: Delivering the Divine Message, fulfilling the trust and loving the needy." Jebril then ascended to the sky and came down again and said, "Allah (praise be to Him) greets you and says: 'He loves three of your world: A tongue that always remember, a heart that is humble and a body that is patient in hardship'."))

 This Hadith teaches us that you should love something significant in this worldly life, and according to some quotes, "Tell me what you like and I will tell you who you are".


 O Allah, we beseech You to show us the way of righteousness together with those to whom You showed it; and to give us good health together with those whom You have healed; and to be our Protector, as You are of those whom You protect; and to bless what You have bestowed on us; and to save us from the affliction that You have decreed –for You rule with justice and You are never judged; and he whom You protect shall never be humiliated, and he whom You make Your enemy shall never be elevated, blessed and dignified are You. We thank You for what You have decreed, we ask You for Forgiveness for our sins, and we repent to You.

 O Allah, please lead us to the good deeds, for no one leads to them but You; please lead us to the good conduct, for no one leads to it but You; please make us do well in the Deen, which is our dignity, make us do well in our worldly life, in which we dwell and grant us safety on the Day of Judgment for it is our Final Destination. O Allah, please supply our life with all good things and make our death a rest from every evil.

 O our Master, the Lord of all Worlds, please make us desire what You have made lawful and reject what You have made unlawful, make us by Your benevolence independent of all sh3er and make our obedience to You turn us away from our disobedience.

 O Allah, by Your Mercy and Benevolence, raise high the word of truth and this Deen, grant triumph to Islam, dignify Muslims and grant triumph to Muslims all over the world, O Lord of the Worlds. O Allah, show us Your Omnipotence against your enemies, You are the Most Generous.

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