Dark Mode
Friday sermon (1047): s1. The Call to Muslim Awakening, s2. Reconciliation with Allah
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Dear brother, before I tackle the subject which I have chosen for our lesson today, I would like to start with an awakening introduction to it.

Some wonders of Al-Mansur Hospital:

 The great Al-Mansur Hospital was established by King Al-Mansur Sayf-al-Din Qalawun in Cairo in 683 AH/1284 AD. It was one of wonders in terms of accuracy, and organization.

 The hospital was dedicated to the treatment of the rich, the poor, men and women alike. The patient discharged cured from this hospital was given clothes to wear and those dead were buried at the cost of the hospital. There were separate doctors in charge of each branch of the medical sciences. There were attendants and nurses to wash the clothes of the patient, to help them in taking bath (or sponging their bodies), cleaning and tidying the rooms and the bedding and for such other facilities provided to the patients, I am reporting you what is written in a historical text about this hospital. There were two attendants for every patient who did everything for his convenience and comfort. Every patient had his separate bed and bedding, and there were separate wards for patients of one type (there were many departments; the digestive diseases department, the reparatory diseases department…etc.) There were fixed halls for discussions on medical themes and for lectures, where the principal used to teach the students. This hospital had this peculiarity also that it did not only treat in-patients at the hospital but also those that came as outdoor patients. But they were supplied medicines and nutritious food even under these conditions. In this way it continued functioning. One of the opthalmologists at the hospital is reported to have said that more than four thousand cases, both indoor and outdoor were treated at this hospital daily. Whoever was cured and discharged before leaving the portals of the hospital was offered clothes and cash to help him start some petty business or industry for his subsistence so that he may not starve on coming out of the hospital.

 The documents relating to the endowments of these hospitals tell us that a patient in the hospital was given his food in a vessel reserved for his exclusive use and no other patient could use it, and the food was always served covered. Another peculiarity of this hospital was that patients suffering from insomnia had a place set apart for them where they were entertained with fascinating music and interesting stories. An expert story teller held charge of this work. Very weak patients were treated to acting of pleasantries and jokes, and rural dances were also presented which the rustics appreciated so much. The mu'azzins (the muazzin is the person appointed at a Masjid to lead, and reauthor, the call to prayer (adhan) for every event of prayer and worship in the Masjid) of the neighborhood were ordered to make calls for the early morning prayer two hours ahead of the scheduled time, and reauthor verses with proper intonation so that the patients may be cheered and their distress may be reduced, since lack of sleep and long nights were painful for them.

 This hospital, which was established by An-Naser Qalawun in 1284, was a manifestation of how Islam used to be, but that image of Islam has vanished and faded away. The horrible ignorance has made this magnificent edifice miserable. In the middle of the nineteenth century, one of the researchers visited the hospital and said, "It has become ruined. The tomb of the founder and some of his personal things are all what remain in it. Patients visit the grave of the sultan thinking that they will recover by doing so; they touch his turban to recover from headache or they touch his caftan to recover from intermittent fevers. Young girls and women gather in front of his tomb asking Allah to grant them baby boy. They take off their clothes and keep jumping till they get tired. Many women come with their young children and ask Allah to make their children talk. They get citric acid, pour it on some iron pillars and make the child lick it. When the child licks it, he screams out of pain, so msh3er mistakenly think that he recovers and can talk. That is how the hospital ends up with."

 Dear brother, you notice how dangerous this transformation is; a civilized humanitarian hospital which was based on knowledge and science, has been transformed into a hospital which is based on rubbish, conjuration, jugglery and witchcraft.

Islam is morals and good dealings

 Dear brother, Islam is the religion of Allah, the revelation of heaven, good conduct, commitment, trust, truthfulness, construction and positivity. There is no passivity, passive admiration nor isolation in Islam. The true Islam does not withdraw from the realm of life. I referred to the similarity between the present situation of Al-Mansuri hospital and the one of Islam; rubbish, conjuration, jugglery and witchcraft are widely spread in Islamic societies. Of course there are exceptions, so we should not generalize as generalization is a sign of blindness. I just want to say that the majority of Muslims believe in false ideas and superstitions.

 Dear brother, the crucial point is that our religion is the religion of heaven's revelation. It has the Noble Quran, the interpretation of the Noble Quran, the sound and Noble Prophetic As7adeth, the interpretation of them, the Fiqhi rulings, the rulings on dealings, the Prophetic biography, the Islamic creed...etc. The world which has waged the third world war against us cannot read our books. It even does not care about them. All what the world can see is a backward Islamic society where unemployment is about 60 percent and spinsterhood is nearly 50 percent. It notices how ignorant and illiterate our society is.

 It is in vain to say that you have the Divine Method, as long as you do not apply it. Do not say that you belong to the Ummah of Muhammad, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, and be like the Jews and the Christians:

(And (both) the Jews and the Christians say: "We are the children of Allah and His loved ones.")

(Al-Ma'idah: 18)

 Allah replies:

(Say: "Why then does He punish you for your sins?" Nay, you are but human beings, of those He has created, He forgives whom He wills and He punishes whom He wills. And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, and to Him is the return (of all).)

(Al-Ma'idah: 18)

 Islam is full of civilized actions, honorable deeds and heroic acts. The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, sent Abdullah ibn Rawaha to assess the dates of the Jews. The Jews collected for him pieces of their women's jewellery and asked him to go light on them and not to be exact in the division. Listen what he replied in the following Hadith:
It was related from Jaber bin Abdullah that he said:


(Almighty Allah granted the victory to the Prophet in the conquest of Khaybar. The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings, confirmed them in it provided that the fruits are divided between the Prophet and them. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, used to send Abdullah ibn Rawaha, to assess the division of the fruit crop between him and them, and he said, "O tribe of Jews! By Allah! You are among the most hateful to me of Allah's creation. You killed the Prophets of Almighty Allah and lied to Him, but it does not prompt me to deal unjustly with you. What you have offered as a bribe is forbidden. We will not touch it. I assessed twenty thousand loadings of the dates, so if you wish, you can buy it back, and if you wish, it is mine.' They said, "This is what supports the heavens and the earth.")



 We will never defeat our enemies except by holding fast to our religion. Thus, boasting about our religion and our ancestors will not benefit us.

 I told you previously that I was impressed by an email which I received. The email mentioned what happened to an Imam of a Masjid in London. He moved to live in Manchester, so he had to take a bus to the Majid. Once he paid the bus-driver the money, and when he received the money exchange he found that the bus-driver gave him more than what he deserved. The Imam decided to return the extra 20 pence to the driver, but as he had a seat, he started to think that the bus belongs to a well known transportation company whose returns are very huge. He said to himself that those 20 pence would not affect the company, so that he could take them. He needed the money more than the transportation company, so he intended to keep the extra money in his pocket. However, as he wanted to get off the bus he took the money from his pocket and gave it to the bus-driver. The driver smiled and said, "You are the Imam of the Masjid, aren't you?" The Imam replied, "Yes, I am." Then, the driver said, "Two days ago, I wanted to come to meet you in the Masjid to worship Allah, but I wanted to test you before." The Imam was shocked, because he realized how deadly the crime which he was about to commit. When he recovered from his shock, he said to himself, "O Allah, I was about to sell Islam for twenty pence!"

 Don’t blame enemies; listen what Allah says about them:

( Lo! You are the ones who love them but they love you not)

(Aal-'Imran: 119)

Don't blame enemies

 Don't blame the enemies for their plans or for occupying other countries, plundering their wealth or for killing their people, because they are enemies. We should blame Muslims, who are about one billion and fifty millions, who live in the highly strategic lands in earth and control the most important resources of wealth, nonetheless, they are poor, have no control over their affairs and their say is not the upper one. All this has happened to them, because they forsook the Method of Allah. Almighty Allah says:

(Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salat (the prayers) [i.e. made their Salat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.] and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell.)

(Maryam: 59)

Being a practical Muslim is essential

 Dear brother, it is not enough to attend religious lessons, listen to them, boast about this great religion or talk about the revelation of heaven. We should be responsible for finding solutions to the problems of this Ummah. It is shameful that spinsterhood in this country is 50 percent. Do not you think that it is a horrible percentage? Do not you consider this a mark of disgrace in this Ummah? Apart from spinsterhood, notice how unemployment is spread and how youths need special care, job opportunities and houses. Also, they need to get married.

 Dear brother, before I left Australia, I delivered a lecture in the radio. I said, " In this lecture, I would like to address the seven hundred thousand Muslims and tell them that the Australian cannot read the Noble Quran, read the interpretation of any ayah nor can he read Fath al-Bari fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari. Islam is introduced to the Australian through your actions as a Muslim. Thus, if you cheat, lie to people, neglect your job, behave in a way that does not suit Islam, he will have misconceptions about Islam because of you!"

 I swear to Allah, if the Islamic Communities all over the world had applied Islam properly, the western attitude toward Islam would have changed. Even the painter who painted the odious cartoons of our Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, wouldn't have been blamed. He said, "I didn't think him to be like that; I thought he was just like his followers." This is our fault; we do not cooperate with each other, while our enemies do. Believe it or not, the toy of their two and tree-year old children are based on cooperation.

 We compete each other instead of helping one another; we don't believe in the teamwork, we believe in destroying sh3er instead. Working on destroying sh3er makes one of us does the job of ten people. We believe that the individual interests are prior to the collective ones; everyone looks for solutions for his own problems and forgets about the problems of the Ummah. The most satiric verse in the Arabic language has become now the slogan of everyone:

Let the virtues and don’t seek them
Relax as long as you are fed and well-clothed

 Dear brother, please stop praising Muslims, and start looking for their mistakes instead; see their negativity, their individual belonging and their disputes. Our enemies cooperate with each other although the common things between them is 5 percent, whereas we fight against each other although the common things between us is 95 percent, is not this a mark of disgrace? 

 Dear brother, it is time to wake up from our oblivion and it is time to stop praising our Ummah. Beware and remember that:
 What stopped the tribe of Bani Taghlib from seeking
virtues was a poem of Umar bin Kulthoom.
 Therefore, boasting about the achievements of our ancestors is good if the present is a continuation of the past, but if there is a huge gap between the past and the present, praising those achievements is useless.

Some important concepts

 Dear brother, there are concepts such as; the concept of cooperation, of brotherhood, of love, of "None of you believes (completely) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself," of time management, of mastering one's job, of working within what is available and of energy and consumption conservation. These are civilized concepts, and they are in the heart of our religion. The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, performed once the ritual ablution from a vessel and when some water remained it after he finished, he said, "Bring it back to the rivulet, Allah may benefit other people by it."

 Power conservation, awareness, belonging to the community, managing time, mastering one's job and caring about Muslims' worries are every Muslim's duty. I am not exaggerate if I tell you that our enemies have so many plans against us that no one can imagine. One of their latest decisions is exterminating us, but before doing that they have planned to first impoverish us, second deviating us from the right path, third corrupting us and finally humiliating us. These are facts, so we should stop being ostriches. Almighty Allah says:

(Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. one of the Muttaqun (pious - see V.2:2)]. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware)

(Al-Hujuraat: 13)

(Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salat (the prayers) [i.e. made their Salat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.] and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell.)

(Maryam: 59)

 Don't despair, Allah is with us. However, we should keep with Allah if we want Him to be with us. Never ever despair, because Allah will never forsake us provided that we reconcile with Him. The ball is in our court, and our salvation is in our hands. I swear to Allah Who has no partner that whoever thinks that our enemies are powerful is ignorant, because Allah the Almighty can annihilate them; Almighty Allah says:

(If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust.)

(Aal-'Imran: 160)

(Allah has promised those among you who believe, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them the authority to practise their religion, that which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieved after this, they are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah)

(An-Nur: 55)

 The truth is that we are not granted succession in earth, authority to practise our religion nor are we given security, because 

(Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salat (the prayers) [i.e. made their Salat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.] and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell.)

(Maryam: 59)

 Dear brother, someone may ask, "How can we get out of this situation?" The answer is in the following ayah in which Allah says: 

(And Allah would not punish them while you (Muhammad) are amongst them,) 

(Al-Anfal: 33)

 "Allah would not punish them," is the strongest form of negation. It has to do with negating the situation not the event. If someone asks you, "Are you hungry?" and your answer is, "No, I am not," you do not use a strong form of negation. However if he asks you, "Are you a thief?" your answer as a believer will be, "I would never steal." Listen again to the negation, please: 

(And Allah would not punish them while you (Muhammad) are amongst them,)

 and It means that Allah would never ever punishes Muslims as long as they apply the method of the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him. Allah does not believe those who claim that they love the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him unless they prove that. Almighty Allah says: 

( Say (O Muhammad to mankind): "If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.")

(Aal-'Imran: 31)

 Thus, the proof is following the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him. Allah even considers refusing to answer the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessing upon him, is a refusal to Allah's Method; Almighty Allah says:

(But if they answer you not (i.e. do not believe in your doctrine of Islamic Monotheism, nor follow you), then know that they only follow their own lusts. And who is more astray than one who follows his own lusts, without guidance from Allah? Verily! Allah guides not the people who are Zalimun (wrong-doers, disobedient to Allah, and polytheists).

(Al- Qasas: 50)

(Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects (all kinds of religious sects), you (O Muhammad) have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only with Allah, Who then will tell them what they used to do.)

(Al- An'am: 159)

A Radical change is essential in our life:

 Dear brother, we need to change our lifestyle radically. For instance, we should refuse the passive person; the one who doesn't work, doesn't help sh3er and does not care about other people. He is the one who thinks selfishly, criticizes other people and thinks himself superior to them. This type of people is refused. Everyone of us can participate in relieving Muslims' stress by mastering his job, selling goods at a moderate price and welcoming Muslims with a smile and facilitating their tasks (this is what an employee can do in any department.) No matter what your career is (an employee, a doctor, a lawyer, a seller, a merchant, a farmer..etc,) you can do something to relieve Muslims, and Allah will help you do this. I am not asking you to do something that is beyond your scope; you are not required to confront the western enemy, because even the Muslim world cannot confront it. You are required to be an upright believer, because if you are upright, there will be a good number of strong and solid believers who prevent falsehood from spreading.
 Dear brother, I intended to highlight these issues by referring to how the situating of the hospital deteriorated when it turned from a place of civilization, giving, knowledge, humanity and justice into to a place of rubbish, conjuration, jugglery and witchcraft. 

That is what you can do to serve Muslims

 Dear brother, there are problems you can participate in solving them. For example, you can help a young man marry. It is a remarkable good deed to find a young woman for a young man to marry. It is even enough for you to help your sons get married. Do not let your sons depend on themselves when it comes to marriage expenses just because you used to be self-reliant when you were young. Things have changed a lot, so paying the expenses of marriage has become a burden to the young people. Helping young men to get married and have jobs are considered good deeds. Dear brother, the ways through which you can draw closer to Allah are countless. Every one of us should know that he can do a great job by serving sh3er and cooperating with them in time when the world is against us (Muslims) and fights against Islam.
 Dear brother, I ask Allah to make the story of the hospital a good lesson that we can benefit from. We should make a comparison between the situation of our societies in the past; they were civilized, advanced, charitable, humanitarian, just and merciful, and their situation at present; they have become a place where rubbish, conjuration, jugglery and witchcraft are spread. By Allah, witchcraft and sorcery are widely spread. Many satellite channels present T.V shows about sorcery and witchcraft, and many radio stations have programs about fortune-telling, zodiac and superstitions. Huge amounts of money are being spent in such programs which many people believe in what they present. Dear brother, we need awakening, and we need to guide this awakening.
 I do say what I have said, and I ask Allah Almighty for me and for you, forgiveness, so ask for His forgiveness and He shall forgive you. What a triumph it is if you’re amongst those who ask for forgiveness. I do herby ask Allah for forgiveness.

The second Khutbah:

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and may He bless and grant peace to Muhammad, the Faithful and the Honest.

The cells of the mind and heart don't change

 Dear brother, two days ago, one of the Islamic missioners who is specialized in the scientific inimitability visited us. I had long discussions with him, and I will mention to you some of the facts that he told me about. He said that everything in the human body changes every five years., the shortest age cell is interior intestinal villi; it changes every 48 hours, and the longest age cell is the bone cell; it changes every five years. Hence, every five years, you have a new skeleton, new muscles, new blood vessels, new systems, new senses. You are a different person with everything changes except two parts of your body; they are the heart and the brain. In the case of the brain, Allah's Deep Wisdom is very apparent for keeping the brain with no changes; if your brain changed you would lose your specialty, all the information you have in your brain, your memories, your skills, the languages you know and everything you have stored in your mind. Similarly, the heart does not change. I thought that its main function is providing the body with blood, but Allah the Almighty says: 

(And have they hearts wherewith to understand?) 

(Al-Hajj: 46)

The heart feels and understands

 The heart is the center of the self; it has been discovered lately that there are neurons surround the heart, send orders to the brain and even control it. These cells are more powerful and more effective than the cells of the brain by two hundred folds. The brain is the center of information, whereas the heart is the center of feelings and emotions. A young man had an accident, so before he died doctors took his heart to be transplanted later on in the chest of an eighty-year old man. All the feelings of that young man transferred the old one. While the Islamic missioner was discussing this fact, he mentioned eight cases to prove that the heart is definitely the place of feelings and emotions. Again, the brain does not change to keep your ideas specialty, language, skills, abilities and experiences as they are. Likewise, the heart never changes to save your tendencies, feelings, values, things you love and things you hate. Herein lies Allah's Deep Wisdom. Thus, the heart is more than just a pineal pump, it is exactly what Allah says: 

(And have they hearts wherewith to understand?) 

(Al-Hajj: 46)

(Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind.)

(Al-Hajj: 46)

 The more science advances, the more Allah's Greatness in His creations reveals. 

A story and a moral lesson

 Let me move now to another point. a professor in an Islamic country which was invaded by foreign forces told me that he was an eyewitness of what happened during that invasion. He said that the foreign forces tried to provoke Muslims in unbelievable ways. For instance, a girl with indecent clothes used to enter the Masjid and the houses, and cars with no number plates used to run over children. No one dared to stop them or even say a word. His students decided to stop that, but the professor asked them to calm down and said: "Let us introduce Islam to them." He called the military leader of that force and said: "You are our guests, may we inform you about this religion?" The professor delivered lectures for six months. As a result, the number of those who embraced Islam was twenty thousands. Two years later, their military mission in that Islamic country was over, so he himself accompanied them to their homelands and send them to Islamic centers there.
 Dear brother, an American man was performing Al-Hajj, and in Mina, he delivered a lecture. Listen to the amazing sentences which I memorize: he said: "We- Americans- are the most powerful forces in the world, but if you convince us of your religion, our power will be yours." We do not accomplish our mission towards Islam properly, so let us teach people this religion and show them how great it is. 

The call to Allah is an individual duty

 Dear brother, we are negligent towards our religion. I assure you that the call to Allah is Fard 'Ayn (individual duty) [it is an act that is obligatory for Muslims individually - each will be rewarded for performing it, or punished for failing to perform it. An example is the five daily prayers, for which Muslims are individually responsible,] so you cannot claim that it is Fard Kifayah (collective duty) [it is an act that is obligatory for the Muslim community collectively - if it is sufficiently carried out by some members of the Muslim community, then other Muslims do not have to perform it.] A profound study of the Islamic knowledge is a Fard Kifayah. When you listen to an interpretation of a particular ayah, or an interpretation of a Hadith, you should transmit that to your friends, neighbor, relatives, children and those who seeks your help. 

((Convey (my teachings) from me (to people) even if it were one ayah.))

[Al-Bukhari from Abdullah bin Amr]

Whoever doesn't work doesn't make mistakes

 Dear brother, don't be a passive Muslim, don't be an isolated Muslim and don't judge people and criticize them without doing anything.
 I always say that all of you go deep in love with the one who did not make mistakes, who is he? He is Prophet Muhammad, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him. On the other hand, all of us should despise whoever does not work for the benefit of other people, does not help anyone, does not guide sh3er, does not help other people financially or does not visit the sick. Whoever does not work nor does he make mistakes, should be detested, while whoever works and makes mistakes should be kindly guided to the right thing. You may tell him, "May Allah reward you for your deeds." There is a type of people who awaits sh3er to make mistakes in order to rebuke them. Someone may do many good deeds, but once he makes a minor mistake, he will be criticized severely by those who used to see the negative side of other people. This type of people should be despised.
 Dear brother, we are alive, our heart beats and we listen to the truth, so we are not exempted from our responsibility before Allah. Allah will punish us all if we do not serve our religion or Muslims. You can offer everything to Muslims; mastering your job can be presented as a gift to Muslims. Also, selling Muslims goods at a moderate price is something you can offer to them. Do not exploit their need for some commodity and sell it to them at a high price. Muslims should never do that. 

Injustice postpones victory:

 Dear brother, the faults are committed by ourselves, so stop blaming sh3er. By Allah many kinds of injustice which no one knows but Almighty Allah are manifested in Muslims' houses. We will never be granted triumph as long as we oppress one another, and as long as injustice prevails in our houses. Injustice in houses can be manifested by divorcing a wife if the mother- in-law does not like her. Although this wife is a chaste believer, her husband divorces her because his mother asks him to do so threatening him of her wrath. Oppression can be noticed in business and dealing with people; some people raise the prices making use of the bad living condition of other people. I repeat: by Allah, we will never be granted victory as long as oppression is spread. Allah grants triumph for the infidel just country over the unjust Islamic country. You may be told many stories about an Islamic society where people are oppressed at work. Also, you may be told about a man who humiliates his wife by beating her before her children. You will be shocked when you are informed that such a husband prays regularly in the first raw in the Masjid. Is this how a Muslim should be? Does anyone apply the following Hadith of the prophet? 

((The best of you is the best of you with their family and I am the best of you with my family.)) 

[At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah]

 Leave the upper class people alone, and let us talk about the majority of Muslims. If they are not just to one another, they will not be granted victory. The husband who practises double standards while treating his wife, humiliates her family and divorces her if she complains about his mother's bad deeds is racist. We cannot consider him a real Muslim. Similarly, the father who never accepts that his daughter is mistreated by her husband, while he has no problem with mistreating his daughter-in-law is racist. 

 Someone told me that one of his employees is a cleaver young man. Once this young man asked him to leave the job earlier in order to study, but the boss refused although he knew that the young man is an orphan and that he had to study to succeed in the final exams (he was in the 9th grade.) While mentioning that to me he referred to the fact that he had to pay 2.000.000 liras to see his son a doctor. Notice how he paid all that amount to make his son a doctor, whereas he refused to let that young man leave the job an hour earlier than his daily job hours. By Allah, we will never be granted triumph as long as we mistreat people. Whoever does not treat sh3er the way he treats his son, and whoever does not treat his daughter-in-law the way his daughter is treated are not considered Muslims.
 Injustice prevails among us, so do not blame Allah if He does not make us victorious. It is our fault, because we left the Method of Allah behind us. Unfortunately, Islam has become visiting Masajid, religious songs, religious lessons, religious books, religious conferences…etc. Notice how Islam is not applied in a great number of Muslims' houses. Of course there are exceptions; you can see that in some houses Islam is real. I am talking about the majority of Muslims who do not apply Islam the way it should be applied. We hear bad news about causing harm to Islam and ask till when this continues. Reconciliation with Allah is inevitable if we want to defeat the enemies and be victorious.


 O Allah, Guide us together with those You have guided, and protect us together with those You have protected, and be our Guardian as You are of those for whom You have become their Guardian, and bless us with what You have bestowed on us. You always judge with truth while You cannot be judged; and he whom You protect shall never be humiliated, and he whom You turn into an enemy shall never be honored. Blessed and dignified are You! And all the praise belongs to You for what You have decreed! We ask Your forgiveness and we repent to You.
 O Allah, Guide us to the good deeds for no one guides to them but You.
 And guide us to the good conduct for no one guides to it but You. O Allah! Make us do well in our Deen, which protects our affairs, make us do well in our worldly life, in which we dwell and grant us safety on the Day of Judgment for it is our final destination. O Allah, make our lives in this world righteous and make our death the rest from everything that is evil. O Allah, Lord of all Worlds, make me prefer everything You have made lawful to everything You have made unlawful, let Your Mercy make me independent of all sh3er and make me obedient to You and turn me away from disobedience.
 O Allah, by your mercy raise high the word of truth and this Deen, grant triumph to Islam, dignify Muslims, humiliate polytheism and polytheists, and lead the rulers of Muslims to what pleases you O Lord of the worlds, as You are the only One Who is capable over His decreed. 

 O Allah, send us rain and do not make us hopeless, do not afflict us with drought, nor do You punish us because of the bad deeds of wrongdoers, O Lord of the Worlds. O Allah, send us rain and do not make us hopeless… send us rain and do not make us hopeless… send us rain and do not make us hopeless.

 O Allah, raise high the word of truth and this Deen, grant triumph to Islam, dignify Muslims, humiliate polytheism and polytheists, destroy your enemies; the enemies of Islam and afflict them, O Lord of the Worlds.

 O Allah, grant triumph to your believing servants all around the world, as You are the only One Who is capable over His decreed, and Who responds to our supplication. 

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