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Friday Sermon (776): s1. The Characteristics of Influential Muslims
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Man's rank in Allah's Sight is estimated according to his good deeds:

 Dear brother, in this Khutbah, I would like to address the students who seek Islamic knowledge and the sincere believers. It is axiomatic that your position in Allah's Sight is estimated according to the good deeds you do. This fact is proved in the following Ayah:

﴾ For all there will be degrees (or ranks) according to what they did. ﴿

[Al-An'am, 132]

 After having the faith which keeps you obedient to Allah, and putting the Divine Method into practice, nothing levels up or overtops the good deed which will light your way on the Day of Resurrection.

 One of the most exalted good deeds is to take part in reinforcing Al-Haqq (the truth), so that it will expand making no place for Al-Batil (falsehood). One of the best deeds is to support Allah's religion by abiding by it and establishing it in our lives, our houses, at work, in raising our children, in spending our spare times and in entertaining ourselves.

 Dear brother, in order to make changes to those around you, in order to be a guide (to Al-Haqq), in order to take part in reinforcing Al-Haqq and in order to help expand Al-Haqq, you should be influential. You may be influential or non-influential, and if you are the latter no one will care about your words, no one will pay attention to you, no one will listen to you and no one will follow you. Hence, if you want to be listened to when you speak, if you want to be followed when you act and if you want to be a beacon to sh3er, you should be effective.

 Be aware, you will not be effective unless you sincerely obey Allah, and only then, you will make use of the topic of this Khutbah. Hence, the least you are required to do is to be obedient to Allah and to worship him sincerely. If you want to know how you can affect people, how you can take part in reinforcing Al-Haqq, how you can contribute to the expansion of Al-Haqq, and how you can help raise high Allah's Words, listen to the answers which I will mention in this Khutbah.

The challenges Muslims face:

 Dear brother, there are many challenges which Muslims face, such as living in an impoverished Islamic society, having many hardships and earning low income, so what should the believer do in these burdensome conditions? He should master his craft, wisely manage his money and endeavor in serving sh3er. Hence, being productive seems to be the first act of worship at times when people are poor and deprived of so many things. Moreover, having the upper hand in donating and using money to wipe the tears off the faces of the miserable, is the greatest deed one can offer. Ali, may Allah honor his face, said, "Poverty has almost become disbelief".

 The other challenge is the prevailing lusts which cause the rising of Fitan (afflictions and conflicts). In such an environment, women wander in the streets half-naked, and everything in it encourages people to sin. Thus, among these challenges Muslims face, there should be an inspiring spiritual stream against the lustful one. When you overcome your own desires and when you help people around you overcome theirs, you will be facing the challenge plotted against us by Islam's enemies. When our enemies impoverish an Islamic society, they weaken the faith of its people in order to resort to Haram resources to earn a living, or to cringe in front of rulers in order to make ends meet. However, the one whose faith is strong will never change even under the flesh-tearing whips of whippers or the tempting glamour of gold, for his religious ground is very solid.

 As I said earlier, the first challenge is poverty which Muslims can overcome by mastering their crafts and by winning over their mundane needs in order to solve the problems they have. It was reported that one of the Prophet's Companions said, "How lovely it is to have wealth through which I can dignify myself and get closer to my Lord."

 Du'aat (callers to Allah) have a lofty position in the sight of all Muslims, and those who earn money by permissible means and spend it in solving Muslims' problems are not having a lower rank than Du'aat in the Sight of Allah. This fact is confirmed by the Prophet, peace be upon him, when he said:

((There shall be no envy but (emulate) two: the person whom Allâh has given wealth and the power to spend it in the service of Truth, and the person whom Allâh has granted knowledge of things and he judges by it and teaches it (to sh3er).))

[Al-Bukhari, by Abi Hurairah]

 As you know, the coordinating conjunction in Arabic connects whatever precedes it with the one that follows it.

 Dear brother, there is another challenge which Muslims face. It is the environment where misleading, doubts, vilifications, rooting out the fundamentals of Islam, denying the Sunnah and questioning the authenticity of the Quran, prevail. In such an environment, the believer who accepts the challenge is the one who brings forth evidences and proofs one after the other. Furthermore, he is the one who clears all the planted doubts by providing people with the detailed evidence in order to restore people's cohesiveness and their certainty of their religion.

The characteristics of the believer who wants to be influential:

1- Facing the challenges of poverty, blazing lusts and doubts:

 Dear brother, in order to be an effective Muslim you should face these three challenges: poverty, blazing lusts and denounced doubts. I would like to make this point clear by giving you an example from your daily life. The sunrays never burn everything, except in one situation, and that is when you put a magnifier in the focus point between the sunrays and an object. Only in this case it will burn the object effectively. Likewise, when the believer gathers all his intellectual, psychological, social and scientific abilities to achieve one goal, he will make a paradigm shift, but where does this idea come from? It is mentioned in the Quran. The Almighty Allah says:

﴾ Say (O Muhammad, peace be upon him): "Verily, my Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). ﴿

[Al-An'am, 162]

 This is focusing. What makes the Fasiq (an Arabic word which refers to whoever violates Islamic law) weak? He is weak because he is distracted and unfocused. What makes the believer strong? He is strong because he is solid. He ignores the forbidden desires, and he is never veiled from Allah the Almighty, simply because his path to Allah is open due to his obedience and good deeds. Hence, all the believer has is having his capacities focused on to achieve one purpose.

 Dear brother, one of the most important characteristics of the believer is that all his activities are gathered for one purpose. How does he spend his spare time? He spends it doing whatever draws him closer to Allah. How does he entertain himself? He entertains himself by performing whatever reinforces his beliefs. When your job, home, permissible entertainment, meetings, banquettes, invitations, evenings and all other activities are directed towards one purpose, you will be influential. There is another outcome that results from such cohesiveness, but you don't know its value. It is having everything in harmony and in order. The believer heads towards one target using countless means, and this is one of the benedictions of having everything he has gathered, which makes him influential. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

((How wondrous is the matter of a believer, there is good in all his affairs, and this is only for the believer. If something good happens to him and he is grateful, then this is good for him, and if a calamity befalls him and he is patient, then this is also good for him.))

[Ad-Dur Al-Manthoor, by Suhaib]

 How can the believer be so keen on being saved in the Hereafter and be able to confirm his self-esteem in the worldly life? He can be like that, because all his activities are gathered for one purpose. This cohesiveness is appreciated only by whoever misses it. Even the picnic the believer he goes for with his family, is in the Cause of Allah, for he aims at strengthening the ties with his family and bringing joy to his children. Similarly, putting on the new clothes he buys is an act of drawing closer to Allah.

 Dear brother, one of the characteristics of the influential believer is to be entitled to the following Prophetic supplication:

((O Allah, we beseech You to show us the way of righteousness together with those to whom You showed it))

[At-Tirmizi, by Abi Al-Hawra']

 The influential believer manifests the following supplication, "O Allah, make me be a source of goodness to other people and grant me a righteous kind of work.". In addition, the believer will be able to predict his value in the Sight of Allah according to the following famous saying (Ibn Al-Qayyim said), "Who wants to know his rank in Allah's Sight, he should notice the kind of work that He gives and occupies him with."

2- Refusing to bargain over the principles:

 Dear brother, one of the most remarkable characteristics of the influential believer is to take part, in one way or another, in reinforcing the ground of Al-Haqq and wrecking the ground of Al-Batil. Moreover, the believer never bargains over his principle, and he is resistant to all temptations and pressures:

((O my uncle, by Allah, if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left in return for my giving up this cause, I would not give it up until Allah makes Truth victorious, or I die in His service))

[The Prophetic biography (sirah)]

 You can call this sticking strongly to the principles, or refusing to negotiate them. One of Ghasasena's kings (Jabalah) embraced to Islam, and Umar was happy about that. Yet, when he transgressed his limits against one of the common people who was a Bedouin from Fazarah, Umar said, "The guy's right has to be redeemed! Your nail is still stained with his blood! Or else he will break your nose as you did to him." Jabalah said, "How come, O Commander of Believers?! He is an ordinary man, and I am a king! How can you be pleased to see a star falling down?!" Umar said, "Desires of ignorance and insolent arrogance of Jahiliyyah have no place to dwell with us after we have established a new civilization of human equality and justice. Salves are now equal to free men; the poor are equal to the rich." Jabalah said, "It was a mere illusion when I thought that I would be with you stronger and more honorable! I will apostatize if you force me!" Umar said, "The neck of an apostate is to be chopped off by sword. It is a new world that we are now building – a world wherein wrong things are set right and differences between slaves and free men are eliminated!"

 Umar didn't bargain over his principles even though he might lose a king (who newly embraced Islam). He preferred to lose a king over losing his principles. This is one of the characteristics of the believer.

 Dear brother, it is naivety and foolishness to think that one can achieve his worldly interests in the best manner, and be saved in the Hereafter at the same time. It is impossible, because sometimes there is a contradictory between the two. The Prophet, peace be upon him, confirmed that in many narrations:

((Whoever loves his worldly life will suffer in his Hereafter, and whoever loves his Hereafter will suffer in his worldly life; so prefer that which endures over that which is fleeting.))

[Ad-Dur Al-Manthoor, by Abi Musa Al-Ash'ari]

 It is a naïve deception to think that you can gain the best of the worldly life and the Hereafter. This may happen when man achieves all his interests in the worldly life depending on few weak fatwa (religious decision made by mufti [Islamic scholar who is an interpreter or expounder of Islamic law]) and weird opinions and instructions of people whose piousness is questionable, thinking that he will be rewarded in the Hereafter. There must be a time when you have to choose the Hereafter over the worldly life, so that you might win them both.

 Dear brother, adhering firmly to the principle at the expense of your personal interests makes you on cloud nine out of being satisfied, victorious, prudent and incredibly self-confident. When you overcome your interests, lusts and desires, and you work according to your principles, your victory will be great and everlasting, and it will bring joy to your life. On the other hand, when you give up your principles or values in exchange for an evanescent interest, you might lose both your interest and religion. This is included in a sentence I repeatedly say, "He, who chooses his worldly life over his Hereafter, will lose them both, and he, who chooses his Hereafter over his worldly life, will gain them both."

 Dear brother, he, who goes with his principles over his false evanescent interests, is deemed a winner at all levels. Your devotion to your principle, in your ups and downs, is the very thing which gives your life a meaning and makes it different from the life of other wandering miserable people who just strive to survive in life (regardless of the means). Millions of people endeavor only to stay alive, but the believer, who chooses his principle over his interests, lives a life known but by those who taste its sweetness. Someone who is Arif Billah (one who is acquainted with Allah) said, "If kings had known the bliss we have, they would have fought us over it with swords".

3- Maintaining the coherent figure of the believer:

 Dear brother, the third characteristic of the believer is to maintain the perfect image the believer is supposed to have. It is amazing that man is incredibly able to have a tendency towards certain domains at the expense of other ones. Let me give you an example from our daily life. You might be one of the best athletes, but you never read a book in your life, so you excel one field and neglect many other ones. Also, you might be a bookworm, but you never pay attention to your health, which is not good. You might be attracted to intellectual issues to such an extent that you become a beacon in this Ummah, but you neglect your acts of worship, the health condition of your heart, and your direction towards Allah thereupon. You might look after your heart beyond imagination by remembering Allah, calling to Him and offering night prayers but when all of these are done at the expense of seeking knowledge, people will laugh at you when you discuss things with them.

 It is easy to be one track minded by taking care of one thing and neglecting other things. For instance, it is easy to be successful in your house but unsuccessful at your work, to be successful at your work but unsuccessful at your home, and you may be so much concerned about your health, but you fail in seeking knowledge. Partiality, extremism and inclination are easy to be adopted by man, but the real success is achieved when you are balanced, but where did this concept come from?

((You owe a duty to your Lord (Allah), you owe a duty to your body; you owe a duty to your family; so you should give to everyone his due.))

[Al-Bukhari, by Awn Ibn Abi Jahaifah]

 Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

((Allah has deeds to be done for Him in the day which He will not accept if done at night, and He has deeds to be done for Him at night which He will not accept if done during the day.))

[Kanz Al-Ummal, by Abu Bakr by Mujahid]

 A messenger from Azerbaijan wanted to see Umar, but he arrived at night, so he didn't want to knock at Umar's door at that late hour. The messenger headed to the Masjid, and he found a man saying, "O Lord, did you accept my repentance, so that I can congratulate myself, or you reject it, so that I should offer condolence to it?" The messenger asked, "Who are you, may Allah have mercy on you?" Umar answered, "I am Umar". Taken by surprise the man said, "Glory be to Allah, you are the Commander of the Believers praying right here and I hate to knock at your door because it is too late! O Commander of the Believers, do you not go to sleep?" To which Umar said, "If I sleep all night, I may neglect my duties towards my Lord, and if I sleep all day, I may neglect my duties towards my citizens." There must be some balance between worshipping Allah and performing your job. In other words, you must establish a strong connection with Allah, seek profound knowledge and keep your body in a good condition.

 I read in some books that man has three sides which are amazingly coherent. They are the performance of his job, the spiritual side and the physical side, and if one of these sides has something wrong with it, the other two sides will be negatively affected. For example, if you have a health problem, it will affect your connection with Allah and your performance at work. Also, if you are not doing well at work, this will reflect on the other two sides. Your performance at work, your connection with Allah and your physical health are incredibly coherent.

 Dear brother, you can't impress people unless you have the things people lack. If you want to be effective and to contribute, in one way or another, to the reinforcement ofAl-Haqq, making Al-Haqq spread and Al-Batil diminish, you should have a unique personality which other people don't have; you should be knowledgeable, worshipper to Allah and physically healthy, as these three sides are coherent.

4- Looking at the inner self objectively:

 Dear brother, I would like to refer to a delicate point: You might evaluate yourself subjectively and be self-conceited.

((If you didn't commit sins, I would be worried about you as to something worse… selfishness… selfishness.))

[Al-Jame' As-Sagheer, by Anas]

 When you evaluate yourself objectively, you will see your flaws, and be humble. Only then, you can be really unique.

5- Denouncing innovated traditions:

 Dear brother, you should keep refusing the wrong traditions, habits and other innovated matters which have nothing to do with religion. These traditions might become chains that restrain the progress of the society and its individuals, but why does that happen?

((If you feel no shame, then do as you wish))

[Al-Bukhari, by Ibn Mas'ood]

 This means, whatever pleases Allah should be done regardless of other people's opinions. The one who knows himself well won't be affected by what people say about him. Not to mention, pleasing all people is impossible.. Keep in mind that whoever is capable of pleasing all people is a hypocrite. Man should only seek Allah's Pleasure:

((Whoever seeks the pleasure of the Almighty Allah at the risk of displeasing the people, the Almighty Allah will take care of him and protect him from them. But whoever seeks the pleasure of the people at the risk of displeasing the Almighty Allah, the Almighty Allah will abandon him to the care of the people))

[At-Tirmizi, by Aishah the Mother of Believers]

((Offer your deeds seeking the Countenance of Allah, so that Allah will suffice and spare you the faces of sh3er.))

[Ibn Adi and Ad-Dulaimi, by Anas]

((Whoever focuses all his concerns on one issue, namely the Hereafter, Allah will suffice him and spare him the worries of this world.))

[Ibn Majah, by Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood]

 Dear brother, if you are not ashamed of what you do, and if whatever you do is in accordance with Allah's Method, and it pleases Allah, then don't pay attention to gossips and foolish chatter, for people are only concerned about criticizing other people, and they don't make any real difference.

﴾Say: "Allah (sent it down)." Then leave them to play in their vain discussions﴿

[Al-An'am, 91]

6- Outmatching one's ownself:

 You should outmatch your ownself if you want to be effective, if you want to contribute to the reinforcement of Al-Haqq, to expand the circle of Al-Haqq and diminish the circle of Al-Batil.

 Dear brother, the most helpless person can outmatch, oppress and look down on whoever is weaker than him. Also, man might discover his privileges, evolve them then show them off. Hence, being in a better position is easy, and it is even easy to the thief who is shrewd enough to set the plan for the robbery, to guide other thieves and become their leader because he outmatches them in being a better thief. In fact, superiority without moral values is worthless. Therefore, your real superiority is to outmatch your ownself in order to become a better person. The believer keeps striving to exalt. When his day is better than yesterday, when his tomorrow is better than today and when he exalts from one level to a higher one, from one rank to a better one, when the performance of his prayer becomes better, when he becomes more submissive while making Du'a, he will outmatch his ownself from within. This is the real success.

 Dear brother, the real superiority is mentioned in the following Ayah:

﴾But over all those endowed with knowledge is the All-Knowing (Allah). ﴿

[Yusuf, 76]

 Superiority is a must; it inauthors people's enthusiasm to learn about religion. I told you in a previous lecture about the American teacher of mathematics, who was atheist. He met a female student from the Middle East who wore Hijab and was preparing for her PHD in mathematics. He said to himself, "This woman is different from the stereotypical image I have about Middle Eastern women. I was unable to look at her, because of her loftiness, and I start thinking about her own convictions, for all American female students wander around half-naked in summer, whereas this student puts on Hijab and wears loose dress. How can she wear such things?" Since that day he started to study Islam, and he wrote a book which is translated into Arabic. He also became one of the most effective Du'aat in America after he embraced Islam. Hence, be superior in order to affect other people. Superiority is a must (for every Muslim).

7- Superiority and distinction:

 Dear brother, your superiority should be bright. One may fall short in doing his duty or he can fulfill his duty perfectly, but in order to become superior, you should do something extra. For example, there is a big difference between whoever initiates the greeting to sh3er and the one who responds to it. Starting As-Salam (Islamic greeting) is Sunnah (voluntary act) whereas responding to it is Wajib (obligatory). Similarly, there is a big difference between whoever offers Fara'id (obligatory acts of worship) and whoever offers the Sunnah. Also, there is a big difference between offering Zakat (obligation that an individual has to donate a certain proportion of wealth each year) and offering Sadaqah (voluntary charity), and between offering the five obligatory acts of worship and offering night prayers. Where is this difference highlighted?

((The most beloved thing with which My servant comes nearer to Me is what I have enjoined upon him; and My servant keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (prayer or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him. When I love him I become his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks (something) from Me, I give him, and if he asks My Protection (refuge), I protect him))

[Al-Bukhari, by Abi Hurairah]

 Dear brother, in these hard times, and amidst the flood of sins, lusts and doubts, there must be beacons and superior people who are free from the chains of wrong habits and traditions and who maintain the prefect image of the real Muslim. In these times, there must be men who overcome their ownselves, who never bargain over principles and who focus all their power towards one purpose.

 Dear brother, if you want to get the honor of serving this religion, to be close to Allah, to know the wisdom and purpose of your existence, to be one of the sincere Du'aat and to be in the highest level in the Sight of Allah, you must be influential on those around you. By Allah, this is what really counts. There is an amazing interpretation of the following Ayah:

﴾ Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish* And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honour will abide forever. ﴿

[Ar-Rahman, 26-27]

 The interpretation I would to mention is just an opinion, and it goes as follows: What will stay forever is the deeds which are offered seeking by them for the Countenance of Allah, whereas everything else perishes:

﴾ And We shall turn to whatever deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) did, and We shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust. ﴿

[Al-Furqan, 23]

(("I know people of my Ummah (nation) would come on the Day of Judgment with white good deeds like the mountains of Tihamma, then Allah Almighty would make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust." Thawban said, "O Messenger of Allah, describe those people and make them clear to us lest we are among them and do not know that." The Prophet, Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon him, said, "They are your brother, living among you and pray at night as you do; however, when they are alone with prohibited acts (where no one can see them except Allah) they commit them."))

[Sunan Ibn Majah, by Thawban]

 Dear brother, call yourselves to account before you are called to do so, weigh your deeds before they are weighed against you and know that the Angel of Death has reached sh3er and will reach us soon, so pay heed. The wise man is the one who calls himself to account (and refrains from doing evil deeds) and does noble deeds to benefit him after death; and the foolish person is the one who subdues himself to his temptations and desires and seeks from Allah the fulfillment of his vain desires. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

The 2nd Khutbah:

 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah; the Protector of the righteous. And I bear witness that our Prophet Muhammad, peace and upon him, is His Servant and Messenger, the one with noble morals. May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, his Folks and Companions.

Scientific topics are mentioned to increase the believer's faith in Allah's Method:

 Dear brother, in a previous Khutbah I tackled a scientific issue, which I read about in a website. It is about the harmful effects of looking at forbidden things.. This scientific topic is derived from the following Hadith:

"Gazing (an unlawful) look are poisoned arrows of Shaytan…"

[Al-Hakim, by Hathifah]

 I am obliged to comment on the subject in order to rectify something. The basic issue is that there are does and don'ts in Islam and the Divine Orders and Prohibitions are mainly ordained by Allah the Exalted whether they are mentioned in the Noble Quran or the Sunnah of the Master of Messengers (Muhammad, peace be upon him). Hence, when the true believer reauthors the following Ayah:

﴾ O you who believe! ﴿

[Al-Ahzab, 41]

 He should know that these are the Words of the Creator of the universes and mankind, and that Allah is the All-Knowing, the Ever-Wise and the Ever-Merciful, but when the wisdom of a Prophetic order is disclosed, this should strengthen your faith. My point is that the believer shouldn't make abiding by the Divine Orders dependant on knowing the Wisdom behind them, because if he does so, he will be worshipping himself instead of worshipping Allah. The true believer abides by the Prophetic order that is mention in the Sound As7adeth without giving much importance to knowing the wisdom behind the order. However, in case he knows the wisdom and explains it to sh3er, he will strengthen their faith and get them back to the Path of the Lord of the Worlds.

 I mentioned many other things in the previous Khutbah, but I don't want you to misunderstand some points which I tackled. By Allah, when I said that some people get ill because of setting their eyes on forbidden things, I didn't mean that whoever has arthritis must have set his eyes on women's beauty. Actually, 90 percent of people who reached their 60s suffer from this disease. I just mentioned the example of a person who worked in the circus, because he was at his 30s when he got that disease. Hence, when I gave you such an example, I counted on your comprehension, wisdom and right perception of my purpose. I usually mention some scientific facts, because they strengthen and manifest the Divine Method. Allah says:

﴾ Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding* Those who remember Allah (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire.﴿

[Aal-'Imran, 190-191]

 Orders are orders and prohibitions are prohibitions, and the justification of the Divine Order is that it is ordained by Allah the Exalted, and the justification of the Prophetic order is that it is a Divine Order that has been revealed to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him:

﴾Nor does he speak of (his own) desire* It is only an Inspiration that is inspired. ﴿

[An-Najm, 3-4]

 The Almighty Allah reminds us of His Greatness through the Ayat which include scientific facts. Hence, whenever a proved scientific fact is disclosed, it will be another proof that this Quran is not written by the Prophet, peace be upon him, but it has been sent down to Him from Allah. Even if all modern technologies and civilization centers had existed in the Prophetic era, they would not have been able to help man comprehend the wisdom behind the Prophetic guidance, because it is Guidance from the Creator of universes.

 I would like to clarify this point: If someone suffers from arthritis, it does not necessarily mean that he feasts his eyes on women's beauty, I seek refuge with Allah from saying so, for most people have this disease. There are many diseases which are caused by some bad habits and changes we have nowadays. Our food products have many harmful ingredients, environment is polluted, our lifestyle is not Islamic, and so on. Some people have adopted the western lifestyle. For example, they stay up all night, and so their life is disturbed. Our problem lies in being invaded by the western culture, lifestyle, food, drinks and fashions. I repeat again, when I mention some scientific facts, I intend to clarify things for you, so I hope that I won't be misunderstood.


 O Allah, we beseech You to show us the way of righteousness together with those to whom You showed it; and to give us good health together with those whom You have healed; and to be our Protector, as You are of those whom You protect; and to bless what You have bestowed on us; and to save us from the affliction that You have decreed –for You rule with justice and You are never judged; and he whom You protect shall never be humiliated, and he whom You make Your enemy shall never be elevated, blessed and dignified are You. We thank You for what You have decreed, we ask You for Forgiveness for our sins, and we repent to You.

 O Allah, halp us do a good deed that would draw us closer to us. O Allah, increase us [in Your Blessings] and do not decrease us, honor us and do not humiliate us, give us [from Your Gifts] and do not deprive us, be in favor of us and not against us and make us satisfied and be satisfied with us.

 O Allah, please make us do well in the Deen, which is our dignity, make us do well in our worldly life, in which we dwell and grant us safety on the Day of Judgment for it is our Final Destination. O Allah, please supply our life with all good things and make our death a rest from every evil, O our Master, the Lord of all Worlds.

 O Allah, make us desire what You have made lawful and reject what You have made unlawful, make us by Your benevolence independent of all sh3er and make our obedience to You turn us away from our disobedience.

 O Allah, let us not be oblivious to Your planning; do not deprive us of Your shield and do not make us forget Your remembrance. O Allah, by Your Mercy and Benevolence send us rain and do not make us hopeless and do not afflict us with drought, or punish us for the bad deeds of the wrongdoers, O Lord of the Worlds.
  O Allah we seek refuge with you from being in need of anyone but You, from fearing anyone but You, from lowering ourselves before anyone save You. O Allah, we seek refuge from an intractable disease, from enemies who glee at our misfortune and from withholding after bestowing, O Lord of the Worlds. O Allah, as You have given the people of the worldly life its pleasures, be pleased with us and let Your Contentment be the apple of our eyes, O Lord of the Worlds.

 O Allah, dignify us by Your generosity and don't make us lose our dignity in trials, turning to the worst among your creations, praising those who give us and dispraising those who don't, for You are the One who bestows and in Your hands only the treasures of heaven and earth.
  O Allah, by Your Mercy and Benevolence, raise high the word of Al-Haqq and this Deen, grant triumph to Islam, dignify Muslims and lead the rulers of Muslims to what pleases You, O Lord of the Worlds, as You are the only One Who is capable over His decreed and Who responds to our supplication.

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